IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #29

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I agree. If they have video of him on the bridge why not release 2-4 secs to show how his body moves. Someone could recognize that.

My guess is that BG quickly honed in on the girls and perhaps revealed a weapon. He isn't quite close enough to grab one of them but I think things escalated rapidly at the point at which Liberty obtained that portion of the video.
I'm not surprised. I'm also glad they are triple checking alibis if needed. We have all seen too many cases that have gone cold because an alibi wasn't verified at the time the case was fresh.

Im not surprised at all. In fact I am disappointed that it was made to sound like news.

It should be expected that some are not going to be truthful.

Lots of people have lots to hide. Whether they are involved with this or not. Especially with the arrests that LE has advertised they are making on people unrelated to the case.

I would expect lots of lying after people learned that.
"Some of the alibis given to police investigating Liberty German and Abigail Williams' killings turned out to be less than truthful.

“We’re going deeper with alibis that are provided,” Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said. “Part of the reason … we have learned of people who have lied to us on the alibi.”

That doesn't make them suspects, per se, Indiana State Police Sgt. Kim Riley said, but it does mean that police want to find out the truth — whatever that might be."

"During the course of the investigation, police have made unrelated arrests, Leazenby pointed out. If, for example, police find someone they are interviewing is wanted on a warrant, officers can't ignore that. So the person goes to jail on unrelated charges. A probation hold can keep a person locked up for 15 days without charges, Leazenby said.

When police make an arrest in this case, Indiana State Police or Carroll County Sheriff's Office will immediately publicize it, Riley said. So if the rumors don't come from one of those two sources, it's not grounded in facts, Riley said.
So maybe it is possible bg is one of those already arrested on unrelated charges??
That is a happy thought for me. I have no idea how likely that is or how many have been arrested in the past month but I can hope.
Criminals lie.
I'm not surprised.they found some stories that did t add up.

Everybody lies, not just criminals. Dr. House had that one right, IMO. But how many of these lies are things like covering up affairs or hiding some other shady activities, but not murder? The police need to figure out who lying about the murders or who is protecting the murderer.
Can someone please post portions of the article at My PC won't break up paragraphs.

“We’re going deeper with alibis that are provided,” Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said. “Part of the reason … we have learned of people who have lied to us on the alibi.”
That doesn't make them suspects, per se, Indiana State Police Sgt. Kim Riley said, but it does mean that police want to find out the truth — whatever that might be.

Investigators are attempting to independently corroborate alibis that didn't add up, and if need be, find out why there are discrepancies, Leazenby said.

Leazenby echoed reports that police might have unknowingly interviewed the girls' killer, which is another reason police are doubling back on the alibis that fall short of the mark.

Searchers looked for the girls into the night and resumed the next day. Volunteers found their bodies about 12:15 p.m. Feb. 14 east of the Monon High Bridge on the north shore of the Deer Creek, police said.
[North shore? is that right? Spellz]

Those investigators file reports after interviewing people, Riley said. Those reports, in turn, are read by other investigators, who often suggest there might be holes, omissions, lies or unasked questions. This sends the investigators back into the field for followup and more reports.

Meanwhile, rumors and baseless theories about what happened Feb. 13 and who might have done what to whom continue to flood Delphi, pollute social media and sometimes find the way into news reports, which have to be retracted.

When police make an arrest in this case, Indiana State Police or Carroll County Sheriff's Office will immediately publicize it, Riley said. So if the rumors don't come from one of those two sources, it's not grounded in facts, Riley said.
It was posted earlier that the PO called the police in 2014 for a trespasser. Based on public records, another home owner, 8 minutes away from PO also called the police reporting a trespasser. One of the reports was in April, the other in September of 2014. PO RL was one of the property owners, but there was another property owner 8 minutes away. But, I can't find the original 2nd PO as living at the home anymore, but perhaps she is. What's kind of interesting, is that the current owner previously lived in Athens, AL where there is also an unsolved murder. I'm just wondering if anyone else has read of this second trespassing charge for the same person and if the location itself lends itself to trespassers or attracted a home buyer is all.
Oh MY!! They are closing in!! I am going to Delphi to hug someone when this really really happens!

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I don't think that there are powerlines that go across the Wabash river in the area. The Wabash is about 300' across. Not sure it is Deer Creek or not, might be Wildcat Creek, IDK...

I have found the power lines going across the Wabash in Delphi but there is only a car bridge there. I went to the Bridge Hunter site and they have plenty of pictures and it looks just like the High Bridge but it says it was torn down in 1990? Unless I am reading that wrong?
No one, or at least no one who has come forward, saw a car; no one saw him walking, yet we know he did one or the other.

My opinion is he walked to and from the area. The homes within walking distance are key. A visitor, a friend, a house sitter, or a resident.

This monster didn't parachute in or materialize out of thin air. Someone saw him that day although right now they would say no, they only saw their neighbor, or a friend or their son. They would say that because that is what they believe to be true.


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I have always thought the same. I believe somehow he's connected to one of those homes. I never for a minute thought he catfished them or knew them in any way prior to this crime. I believe it was a crime of opportunity and this is not his first time. He was too prepared. But I do believe he was hunting. Like you, I believe he walked in and out of the area but something or someone was close enough by for him to escape to. As for the phone, I'd be surprised if he even knew he was being audio/videotaped. I had people videotape me and had no idea and I was right next to them. The picture of him was blown up so I believe he was far enough away that he had no clue. So I believe the phone was in her jacket, possibly found in the creek. We know DNA was found. What type, we don't know. From my past legal experience, no matter how much you fast track DNA, it takes time. Especially forensic DNA. There is usually some preliminary DNA tests that come back sooner. You can bet your behind they left no stone unturned in collecting DNA from the girls and crime scene. Sorry for the long post. This is my opinion.

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Well if someone's alibi didn't check out, I sure as hell hope LE got a DNA sample, voluntarily or not. JMO
It is surprising to me that more than one or two people would need to lie about there whereabouts the afternoon of 2/13/2017. I get that they were interviewing lots of people who may have pervious arrests and on probation. But were there many people who were in a place or doing something they should not during that time frame? ...I guess so. And if effective is the system of probation?
I don't think I have ever been in a place I would need to lie about...
THIS ⬆️!!! That is something that is so important and I don't understand the secrecy of this fact. Why would LE not state where the drop off location was? Ok, they don't want to state WHO dropped them off...perfectly fine but WHERE is majorly important. 🐮

IMO, they aren't offering any info that isn't being asked of them. I have been hoping that a seasoned and logically minded investigative reporter would step up and start asking more questions.
It is surprising to me that more than one or two people would need to lie about there whereabouts the afternoon of 2/13/2016. I get that they were interviewing lots of people who may have pervious arrests and on probation. But were there many people who were in a place or doing something they should not during that time frame? ...I guess so. And if effective is the system of probation?
I don't think I have ever been in a place I would need to lie about...

People lie about extramarital affairs or they call in sick to work and go do something else, but they don't want their employer to find out. I don't think people just lie about crimes. They lie about secret things that they don't want getting out for whatever reason.
I don't know...people lie to the police all the time, even if innocent of the crime involved. Just watch a whole lot of true crime shows. People having affairs, in money messes, skipping off work, family disputes, previous arrests, don't like police, you name it.

One of my in-laws was a detective and he spent a lot of time chasing down alibis after people lied the first time around.
Oh MY!! They are closing in!! I am going to Delphi to hug someone when this really really happens!

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I have actually felt pretty confident they were closing in for several days now, and while I cannot say it with certainty (and to stay within the TOS), I think I have a pretty good idea where this is headed, and it was all due to some great sleuthing here!
Well if someone's alibi didn't check out, I sure as hell hope LE got a DNA sample, voluntarily or not. JMO

I think they have him in custody already. :(

If this is true, I am happy. If it is who my gut says the veiled LE comments are regarding......I feel terribly sad and shocked. :(

But it's not about me. ❤
Is lying about an alibi enough for LE to get a DNA sample for a suspect? I sure hope so
I believe it was late last week I came across a picture online that highlighted what they believed to be a person standing behind a tree at the bottom of the bridge. I cannot speak to the authenticity of the picture but it was erie to see. I don't have a copy of the picture but confident it can be found online. It's hard to put a puzzle together without all the pieces which is the reason I'm sharing. "What if" BG did have an accomplice and when he said "go down the hill" he wasn't speaking to the girls at all, what if he was talking to his accomplice? Is there any reason to believe the BG didn't push them off the bridge and then hollar down to his accomplice "go, go-on, down the hill? Not trying to steer us in the wrong direction, just thought it might help to include another perspective.

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I'm still back on page 7 but I know what picture you are referring to. I have been wanting to post a link because this pic was posted within a news article back in thread 3 or 4. I am not sure if it's been debunked, not allowed, a case of pareidolia, photoshopped, etc.
By the time I get caught up if the picture hasn't been posted or debunked, I'll find it and post it.
It's the only photo that I have actually thought I saw something in, IMO.
I am NOT reading any Debbie or Danny DOWNER posts! I believe in LE! I KNOW that they feel our feelings magnified by thousands and they are also READY!! Liars are not good humans, sorry. If you lie in a certain situation to save your life or a loved ones life, ok... But liars who just find it easy to lie are gross people.

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