IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #31

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I have thought from Day 1 that the girls were not killed where they were found. And I still believe that. I have also believed from Day 1 that RL is not BG. My gut just tells me he was not involved in their murders. So my opinion is this: RL was really out in town the day the girls were murdered, like he said. I think someone he knows/is related to committed the murders and they were likely kept on his property in a barn or even inside his home at some point. I also think LE found dog hairs on the bodies or clothing that match the type of dog RL has, giving probable cause to search his property. He was home late night/evening on the 13th by the time the searchers came and asked to search on his property and this is where I'm not sure what happened. Did the BG move them from the home to a barn where he killed them? Was he in the home with them keeping them quiet until RL went to bed? I feel he could have used the truck to get them to the house in the first place and that's why they took the truck. I believe this was a sexually motivated murder and the murderer was not 77 years old. I think when confronted with this information, RL lawyered up, because though he didn't know when he gave the interviews, he realizes now who and what and when and he is now in protection/self-preservation mode. I know this is all over the place, but this is the scenario that I come up with. I am not sure if I am allowed to say this, but a local man whose mother lives right by Deer Creek told me the bodies were dragged to their location. Totally hearsay so I don't know if it is fact, but it would fit in this case. Thoughts?

This is what I have thought for awhile now. Not exactly but very close. I could never convince myself that BG took the girls through the creek though I know it is possible because it's not all that deep near the place where the girls were found. I think he drove them around to the other side from the south end or they exited on the north and walked the .5 miles through the woods.
He was buying tropical fish? So where is this fish shop? How long was he there for? Did LE talk to him that evening? Did LE search his property that evening? Something smells fishy about this story to me for sure.

In the Inside Edition video linked upthread, he says he was buying tropical fish in Lafayette and got home about 6:30 pm. I don't know if he indicated how long he was fish shopping.
Maybe RL hung out at a bar for a few hours in Lafayette. That would be a good reason to lie.

LE had probable cause 5 weeks ago to search more of his acreage, barns and outhouses. I realize today is about his home, but I get the feeling they will also be searching outside. If so, that should have happened 5 weeks ago.

I also hope LE has looked into someone following one of the girls' family or perhaps someone who would want to settle something. Since Libby's family was doing the dropping off and picking up, would their house and property be searched as well?
From searching previously i thought RLs camo hat was def BG hat and the way RL wore a hoodie and a jacket too. However the voice for me saying down the hill sounds younger and why would anyone leave someone they killed on their property to be found. Some things make no sense.

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Wellllllll why did James Dean Worley leave his helmet amd tons of other evidence at the scene of adbuction and murder of Sierah Joughin? Sometimes things happen amd dont go as planned especially if it was just an opportunistic poach for a killer...maybe the killer heard voices, people coming, searching, he had to leave them there and get out of sight and then it was too late to move them. Btw im on the fence still but definitely leaning towards having suspicions of RL. Also, who did that side by side pic collage earlier? <mod snip>
when i see him interviewed i see a man with zero emotion exhibiting zero empathy for such a horrific crime.

Thanks ! You put your finger on the reason I have felt uncomfortable with his demeanor. He is preoccupied with how people might have gotten the bodies there, or his loss of comfort, rather than sympathetic for the victims and their families.
I have thought from Day 1 that the girls were not killed where they were found. And I still believe that. I have also believed from Day 1 that RL is not BG. My gut just tells me he was not involved in their murders. So my opinion is this: RL was really out in town the day the girls were murdered, like he said. I think someone he knows/is related to committed the murders and they were likely kept on his property in a barn or even inside his home at some point. I also think LE found dog hairs on the bodies or clothing that match the type of dog RL has, giving probable cause to search his property. He was home late night/evening on the 13th by the time the searchers came and asked to search on his property and this is where I'm not sure what happened. Did the BG move them from the home to a barn where he killed them? Was he in the home with them keeping them quiet until RL went to bed? I feel he could have used the truck to get them to the house in the first place and that's why they took the truck. I believe this was a sexually motivated murder and the murderer was not 77 years old. I think when confronted with this information, RL lawyered up, because though he didn't know when he gave the interviews, he realizes now who and what and when and he is now in protection/self-preservation mode. I know this is all over the place, but this is the scenario that I come up with. I am not sure if I am allowed to say this, but a local man whose mother lives right by Deer Creek told me the bodies were dragged to their location. Totally hearsay so I don't know if it is fact, but it would fit in this case. Thoughts?

I actually agree with you pretty much. Although I am not sure RL knew about the girls, I think he came home when he says he did but he was three sheets to the wind, wasn't suppose to be, didn't know the girls were being held on his property by someone. (Who he now realizes who it is which is why he has lawyered up) gave permission to search. Once he went to bed this person proceeded with whatever happened, RL still not aware of what's happening, this person uses the property freely knowing RL isn't going to catch them. Does what needs to be done, then gets out scot free. (So they think) now that DNA and other testing is back RL is busted on parole violation and taken into custody his alibi is busted, starts confessing and realizes he should offer up the truth on his own part (again he doesn't realize he knows any part of the girls death *pure speculation on my part* but he begins to realize he may know who's responsible and he clams up) lawyers up and that's where they are now!

This is all MOO but it makes perfect sense!!
Does anyone know how long they can hold RL without bail? Seems really weird to me have known many drunk drivers my family unfortunately tons of parole violations and often they stay in jail very short amount of time.

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No way, Jose is RL the culprit. He does not physically resemble the photo at all, nor the voice. However, I do have a suspicion that he is guilty by association. His 'hired hands' etc. may be into dubiuos activities, drugs, etc. Perhaps RL knew of that and turned a blind eye. I don't feel that he knew about these killings, tbh.

I also feel one of two things: 1) Abby took photos and the perp saw and felt threatened by this as he was doing doing something illegal. 2) vendetta as in drug debt and......fill in the rest. IMHO!

Yet he does, in ways, resemble the picture. His legs look similar to me and the clothes. This is a very blurry picture. I, too, have thought the BG looked to be in his mid 30's to his late 40's, but I don't have anything to really base that on, other than a comparison to other men I have known in that age range. The face is so blurry. I will keep an open mind. After so many frustrating close calls in this case, I truly hope this latest development leads to justice, but totally get your point as well.
When I clicked on that link, there was only a video, not slideshow. This is the link I looked at.

But I eventually found another report that had the info. Thanks.

Thanks for the link. The video interview with LE is a must see, imo. (Eta: From his words and demeanor it sounds like they really must have something substantial to have secured this warrant.)

What is up here? What does RL know?
IF, the bodies were taken to the final resting place later, given the amount of tree coverage, the girls could have been walked up the hill pretty easily without detection.

click on photo below.



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I suppose it is possible they might be alarmed if RL had threatened them in the past, for trespassing possibly.

That or ... I'm not convinced she "secretly" recorded him by video or that it was even an intentional video of him. I get the impression that he came up on them quickly and caught them by surprise, as she was recording something else (scenery, etc.) and she turned towards him and caught him quickly in the video. I picture it all happening very quickly and her intentionally leaving the phone on record and putting it into her pocket where the audio was purposefully recorded.
A very good article from the local Delphi newspaper. A few new photos too.

Published 12:28 p.m. ET March 17, 2017 | Updated 19 minutes ago

"DELPHI, Ind. — Police swarmed a two-story white farmhouse Friday morning on Carroll County Road 300 North looking for clues in the killing of 14-year-old Liberty German and 13-year-old Abigail Williams.

The house, outbuildings, land and motor vehicles there belong to the man who owns the property on which German and Williams' bodies were found.

As police toiled in and around the house east of the cemetery on the curve in the road, the man's attorney, Andrew A. Achey of Logansport, worked on a press release he published late Friday afternoon.

"I have known (him) for several years and have represented him in unrelated legal matters," Achey wrote. "Stated simply, (he) had no involvement in this heinous crime. I would like to caution the public to avoid jumping to conclusions before law enforcement has completed the ongoing investigation."

About 15 officers — including Carroll County deputies, Indiana State Police detectives and FBI agents — arrived just after 11:30 a.m. Friday at the home, Indiana State Police Sgt. Kim Riley and Indiana State Police Sgt. Tony Slocum said."

"Asked what the search warrant was looking for, Riley declined to comment.

"The search warrant is for the whole property, so we can go anywhere we want and look for whatever we need to look for," Riley said."

Much more at link :)
I have thought from Day 1 that the girls were not killed where they were found. And I still believe that. I have also believed from Day 1 that RL is not BG. My gut just tells me he was not involved in their murders. So my opinion is this: RL was really out in town the day the girls were murdered, like he said. I think someone he knows/is related to committed the murders and they were likely kept on his property in a barn or even inside his home at some point. I also think LE found dog hairs on the bodies or clothing that match the type of dog RL has, giving probable cause to search his property. He was home late night/evening on the 13th by the time the searchers came and asked to search on his property and this is where I'm not sure what happened. Did the BG move them from the home to a barn where he killed them? Was he in the home with them keeping them quiet until RL went to bed? I feel he could have used the truck to get them to the house in the first place and that's why they took the truck. I believe this was a sexually motivated murder and the murderer was not 77 years old. I think when confronted with this information, RL lawyered up, because though he didn't know when he gave the interviews, he realizes now who and what and when and he is now in protection/self-preservation mode. I know this is all over the place, but this is the scenario that I come up with. I am not sure if I am allowed to say this, but a local man whose mother lives right by Deer Creek told me the bodies were dragged to their location. Totally hearsay so I don't know if it is fact, but it would fit in this case. Thoughts?
I have been wondering what probable cause could have gotten them a warrant to search all the buildings and the truck. I do not think lying about his alibi would be enough for that.
Dog hairs!!
Yes, dog hair sticks to everything.
Maybe some test results came back this hair.
This whole truck thing begs the question---Is he allowed to drive now or not?

I would think, having multiple DUIs, he would have suspended privileges. But apparently not?
I actually agree with you pretty much. Although I am not sure RL knew about the girls, I think he came home when he says he did but he was three sheets to the wind, wasn't suppose to be, didn't know the girls were being held on his property by someone. (Who he now realizes who it is which is why he has lawyered up)

Rsbm. Speaking of lawyering up, do we know exactly when that happened? Right after probation violation? Sometime later? That might indicate when he started feeling he was a suspect or, if he was involved, felt they were on to him.

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What bothers me is that they were not found that evening. It really really bugs me. JMO
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