IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #32

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It took LE FIVE weeks to go back.

Seems probable cause should have been discovered a while back.
For what it's worth, here's my current thoughts (IMO):

I don't feel that RL is involved. I don't know the areas, family relationships, etc and I am not trying to sleuth them. I'm very curious but also very busy with work and two kids that need to be driven all over creation and, since it can't be discussed here, I won't go down that rabbit hole.

People always say my sister, my mom and I all sound alike - especially on the phone. Even though we may not look alike, lots of people will say they can tell we are related - we have a lot of the same mannerisms, etc.

So, though I don't feel RL is involved, IMO I would not be at all surprised if it was a relative of some sort. I believe this person has spent a lot of time on the property (and maybe still does). I believe they are still at least somewhat local. I believe they have never been convicted of anything and may even have a job in some aspect of Law Enforcement. Someone on an earlier thread mentioned that there's a prison nearby and I wondered at the time if this person may be a Corrections Officer (thinking of the cold, authoritative command of "down the hill".

I think the "he" referenced in LE's statement about either clearing him or that he may have been more of a suspect than they originally thought relates to this relative - NOT to RL.

I think it's quite possible this person may have been responsible for the Iowa murders - too much of a coincidence that the murders occurred exactly 5 years and 5 months apart. As someone else pointed out, notice the dates - chilling!
Iowa 7 1 3 1 2 (July 13, 2012)
Indiana. 2 1 3 1 7 (February 13, 2017)

What was going on this relatives life over the last five years that may have caused a "cooling off" period? Did they get married? Have children? Move? Start a new job?

Do they have any ties to Iowa? Relatives/wife's relatives (if married)? Hunting/fishing? Travel for work?

IMO this person is able to hide in plain sight because they are perceived as being "a good guy" - family, never been in trouble, possibly a Corrections Officer, etc.

I am sure LE is acutely aware of all of RL's family members, friends, associates, etc and I have faith that they know what they are doing.

Again, just throwing my opinion in the ring, but not sleuthing anyone since I know nothing about RL or who may even be related to him.
LE has never said that RL's alibi didn't match up. They said some alibis were not matching up. LE has never said that RL clammed up. He got a lawyer. LE has said over and over he is not a suspect at this time.
Exactly had someone moosing on here when i asked where the evidence was he stopped talking! They said was hundreds of quotes about it but ive not seen one. Im not sleuthing him anymore

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Apologies if this has already been posted but it is a MSM news report (from Alexis McAdams's FB) from March 10 where ISP Supt. Doug Carter talks about DNA. He states "it includes DNA" after she asks him if that includes DNA from the scene

Not entirely sure he is saying they have DNA from the scene or that their scientific investigation includes DNA but this clip makes me hopeful that the crime scene did include the killer's DNA
So...clearly some people think BG is RL and some people don't. Opinions are just that...opinions... we are all entitled to our own.

In my opinion, BG is definitely 100% RL. Yes, I could be wrong. But no one is going to change my opinion until I hear the facts from LE. The fact that LE is searching RL's property is very telling.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck...then it is probably a duck.

What if it looks kind of like it could be possibly be a duck, maybe sorta quacks like what our limited knowledge of what ducks sound like, and we don't know exactly how it swims at all?

My opinion is that there isn't enough information either way to develop a solid theory based on the facts we know at this point.

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Why is RL's name being dragged through the mud, but not other homeowners who have had their property and homes searched?

If the names of others who had there properties searched came to the public's attention they would have been dragged thru the mud. Maybe not on ws but on social media for sure.
I also think that the way the public information officer addressed the 1st 2 search warrants we were aware of was different from the way he addressed RL's search. Iirc after the warrant on bycicle bridge he tweeted right away that the people on that home had no involvement.
They had to have something strong to get a search warrant for all buildings and be able to take anything deemed relevent, imo...This could indicate someone with access to his property and not we should be careful what we say about him until we know more.
March 17, 2017, 11:11 pm

“At this time just because we’re serving a search warrant and he’s in jail, I don’t want people to make that connection that he’s under arrest for double homicide because he’s not at this time,” said Sgt. Tony Slocum, Indiana State Police.

"Not at this time", speaks volumes to me. That sentence could have easily been stooped at "he's not"! I don't believe those four words were added by accident! IMO, there is at the very least a slight suspicion among LE in regards to RL. It is my hunch, my opinion that RL has some knowledge of the circumstances surrounding these murders and more than the mere coincidence that these girls bodies were found on his property! The Search warrant inableing the entirety of his property to be searched, truck seized from property......again, speaks volumes!
That's not accurate. He said he had not seen a case like this in his 30 years. I posted a link yesterday to clarify this misquote.

Thank you. Based on that quote, I was going to change my thinking again. Now I don't have to!
Does anyone know if RL lives alone? Does he rent out rooms or have extended visitors? I wonder because as landlords when police wanted to search the apartment of a tenant they asked our permission. I concented right away but I was a bit curious or concerned with how anything found on or around property that was legally ours could come back on us. Although they rented an apartment we had storage in the basement.
"Not at this time", speaks volumes to me. That sentence could have easily been stooped at "he's not"! I don't believe those four words were added by accident! IMO, there is at the very least a slight suspicion among LE in regards to RL. It is my hunch, my opinion that RL has some knowledge of the circumstances surrounding these murders and more than the mere coincidence that these girls bodies were found on his property! The Search warrant inableing the entirety of his property to be searched, truck seized from property......again, speaks volumes!

LE is getting desperate! moo I saw this in the case in iowa! moo
His history of arrests were for drinking - not violent crimes, rape, assault, or even for burglary! So as of now, all we know is that he is not violent - no history of it. Being a liar and a drunk has nothing to do with being a violent murderer.
You can be a violent murderer and have no arrests at all, too. Neither your comment or mine prove anything which is my point exactly. RL may not act like a murderer but that doesn't mean he isn't.

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Does anyone know if RL lives alone? Does he rent out rooms or have extended visitors? I wonder because as landlords when police wanted to search the apartment of a tenant they asked our permission. I concented right away but I was a bit curious or concerned with how anything found on or around property that was legally ours could come back on us. Although they rented an apartment we had storage in the basement.

I looked up his house. built in 1900 2 bedrooms 1 bath. On the web! moo
I don't "want" to see anything. It was just an observation while looking at this particular version of the photo.

Very interesting .
Why is it every time we look at this photo we see something nee

People start seeing what they want to see! moo No one will recognize the BG guy the photo is terrible. moo. He looks like my husband who is 50!!! moo....[/QUOTE]

I have in laws around RL's age in Indiana in a town just like this. They have a lot of property with woods and land. I've thought about this from RL's perspective. If this happened on my in laws property and within hours the media started calling them they would know no better. They would allow anyone and everyone to come talk to them. They are church going middle america people. It would seem the right thing to do. They would never in a million years think it would look strange to do so many interviews. They don't understand that kind of thing. They think they should say yes to everyone. Sure, come out and look around. They are older, they are forgetting things, they often don't remember things Ive told them. So now they are being asked 50 million questions a day. If they say one thing and then say something different that can be alarming. But its not purposeful. Let's say my father in law had an infraction and drove on suspended license. So now he's in jail. Maybe LE suspects their property was used for the crime and they need to search. My in laws would quickly be overwhelmed and not know how to deal with all the commotion. It would confuse them. But it would be too late. Everything looks terrible and the public is only getting certain details. Just thinking about it if RL was my father in law. It just scares me. And yes, a DUI is a serious crime. But guess what people do make terrible mistakes and it does NOT make them a suspect. If I end up being totally wrong then I will be wrong. But for now JMO and I hope we can really just go off of the facts instead of conclusions.
I can appreciate your perspective and looking through someone like RL's eyes. I can't speak for everyone, but my intent is not to crucify an innocent person. As you said, we do not have all the facts. We do not know the grounds for the search warrant, why he was transferred to a different jail, what the discrepancies are in his alibi according to LE saying things did not add up, what his probation violation was that lead to the arrest last week. But, we do have some facts:

1. Bodies were found on his property
2. LE has alluded to his alibi not checking out and that they have obtained a search warrant for his home with probable cause as it relates to the homicides
3. LE is looking to clear him or make him a higher suspect than they originally thought.

I'm having just as much trouble with the people refusing to see that he may be connected in some way (does not mean he IS BG) as those 100% convinced he is BG. Both baffle me considering the goal should be to keep eyes open with the intent of finding the perp. Edited to add: JMO.

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I can appreciate your perspective and looking through someone like RL's eyes. I can't speak for everyone, but my intent is not to crucify an innocent person. As you said, we do not have all the facts. We do not know the grounds for the search warrant, why he was transferred to a different jail, what the discrepancies are in his alibi according to LE saying things did not add up, what his probation violation was that lead to the arrest last week. But, we do have some facts:

1. Bodies were found on his property
2. LE has alluded to his alibi not checking out and that they have obtained a search warrant for his home with probable cause as it relates to the homicides
3. LE is looking to clear him or make him a higher suspect than they originally thought.

I'm having just as much trouble with the people refusing to see that he may be connected in some way (does not mean he IS BG) as those 100% convinced he is BG. Both baffle me considering the goal should be to keep eyes open with the intent of finding the perp.

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I think one thing I'm confused about is #2--I didn't realize that LE had in fact mentioned RL in regard to alibi not checking out. Do you know where they might have mentioned this? I know people have discussed his alibi and linked it to LE's comments about alibis but I thought this was a just a conclusion drawn by WS. Also do you happen to know how people know what RL's alibi is re: tropical fish or sugery discussions?

Thanks for your perspective too. I agree with what you are saying as well.
I don't think that RL is capable of this crime.. he is too old. The LE have stated that the BG looks to be Middle Aged, not a 75 year old man. He gave an interview in the beginning because that's what I think any normal person would do. If he isn't cooperating as much as before, I am sure it's because his lawyer has advised him not to. Just look what people are doing and saying now! If you do a search on this case, his picture and name come up everywhere! I'd be devastated if this were my Grandpa!
I think there is a strong possibility somebody trespassed and maybe it was someone he knew, but doesn't know who it was. It could be a relative, or a close friend of his.. I don't think this was pre-planned. I think someone was on his property that day and it went from there. But there is no way I believe RL did this. JMO
For what it's worth, here's my current thoughts (IMO):

I think it's quite possible this person may have been responsible for the Iowa murders - too much of a coincidence that the murders occurred exactly 5 years and 5 months apart. As someone else pointed out, notice the dates - chilling!
Iowa 7 1 3 1 2 (July 13, 2012)
Indiana. 2 1 3 1 7 (February 13, 2017)


:doh: Call me slow but this is the first time I have seen those dates. Wow.
If a coincidence, it is a doozy.
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