IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #32

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RL has never been my suspect and still it's hard for me to wrap my head around him being the killer. Some think he is just to elderly to do such a thing. He looks pretty fit to me, my father is 78 and still bench presses over 500lbs.
So you think he wanted them to be found and saved? And you don't think the girls would have then told the police that RL stripped them, gagged them and tied them up?? Trespassing or not, this would still be a horrific crime sure to land RL in prison for the rest of his life.
JMO. It is certainly a horrific crime, but in the eyes of the law I dont think that would get him anywhere near life in prison
It's now 11:25 am in Delphi correct? Is there anything to report from RL's property? Are police still there executing the search warrant? or have they finished? Has LE made a statement this am? Previously once LE finished they immediately cleared the individuals whose property was searched. JMO, but I too have changed my mind about how this all happened. I think the girls left with BG in a vehicle under threat of the gun I see in the picture of BG. I think they were hidden and murdered at a different location and then brought to where they were found sometime in the middle of the night. I agree with those who say LE is looking for the place where the murders took place. With reports from people who have been to the area, it does not seem to be as remote as I first thought, and killing two girls in broad daylight with only an hour to get them to the spot, kill them and get out without being seen or heard seems extremely unlikely. I also believe it was premeditated but I have absolutely no idea why. I think RL is not the killer, but I think he knows who it is, and may have some involvement. It is too coincidental that he happened to be gone exactly at the time the crime was committed only to return as the search was getting under way. Then he takes off again the next morning when the search starts up again it leads me to believe that he knew what would be found. I have a hard time believing that LE did not make sure his alibi was rock solid given that the girls bodies were found on his property. It would seem they would have made sure that he really was buying tropical fish. I would really like to know if the area by the creek was searched the night of the 13th before the search was called off. I do believe that eventually RL will be charged as an accessory to this crime.
If RL is innocent my heart hurts so bad for him. How traumatic this all would be for someone already dealing with inner daemons well into his life.

He may be staying silent because perhaps he does have other skeletons unrelated to this case in his closet and now that's all going to unravel simply because bodies were put on his land.

If he's not completely innocent my heart still hurts for him but in a different way. What a tortured soul an elderly person would have to be to kill (or be involved in killing or aftermath) 2 young teens.

I'm so torn on which way my heart wants to hurt for him more.

I agree. Besides, HE's NOT IT! (IMO; moo-ooo-ooo)! (Bad enough that his whole life will be now be an open book.)
BG's head is much larger in proportion to his body than RL's.

It is not the same person. And flipping the photos around so that arms are at the same angle, etc., tell us nothing except that anything is possible with manipulation of images.
RL has never been my suspect and still it's hard for me to wrap my head around him being the killer. Some think he is just to elderly to do such a thing. He looks pretty fit to me, my father is 78 and still bench presses over 500lbs.


That's a lot of weight. A HUGE 25y/o would be able to lift 400, maybe. Unless your father is a championship body builder, this is not true.

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I think this could work... the only trouble I have is that RL has talked about the joy his child and grandchildren have had playing on the property. Why would two nice young girls out hiking trigger him... now if they were doing drug or drinking on his property I could see him flying into a fit of rage but just walking through? He also said he knew the families so he would have been able to just call or talk to parents if he was really that angry... murder seems like a huge leap... JMO

True. But we don't know really what would trigger him. My own experience, alcohol can turn someone into someone else.
As well, I wondered why no close friend or family of RL seemed to be around
I just had my son test both video and still photo uploads to SC and as far as I can tell, it does not flip the image. He took a picture of our dog, so it was not what might be called a "selfie."
Pasted from Thread #31 (these threads are moving at lightning speed), originally posted by AFTM:

"My friend has COPD and she has an oxygen tether of 50 ft at home. We go to planet fitness and she can run on a tread mill and everything else. In fact she can do more squats than me."

Totally understood. But is your friend nearly 80 years old?
This is moving so fast, hard to keep up. Has anybody spliced together RL saying "down the hill" from this video with the BG?

Not the down the hill part exactly, but Ashley95 did a very cool voice comparison:


Yes I did a voice comparrison of BG and RL in that vid
IMO only someone in their seventh decade would be oblivious to the phone.


My husband is 47 and has a flip phone made by tracfone still. He doesn't want anything fancier - he says newer phones are like newer vehicles - just more stuff to break on 'em! He likes things more simple. He dresses like BG (and RL and most other men I see in pics and videos from that area, though we're in NY), he works outdoors with things like snowplows and firewood and lawncare and whatnot - my husband in everyway has become my mental template for the kind of guy BG probably lives his life as, generally speaking, because of those things. So I guess I just have always assumed that BG might just be a more hands-on, salt of the earth kind of fellow who might just not really give a hoot about newer technology (not necessarily due to age). JMO of course.

Or, playing devil's advocate, in theory at least we could imagine that BG was recently let out of jail and had to put back on the same old clothes he went to jail in, and now maybe they're ill fitting, and perhaps in teh time since he was incarcerated cell phones became a thing that everyone has, but it's just not even something he thinks about because it was a different time back when he was out last.

But that's me just tossing something out there, I don't even have that particular theory, personally.... although now that I think about it... I don't see why it isn't possible. bah, this case has me going batty! :scared:
Apples12 back in one of the closed threads, #226 was the post number- you indicated that you thought the suspect to be an "organized" killer. I am interested into the facts that you used to come to this conclusion, now I know you predicated with saying its a psychological and not a behavioral profile assessment. I have been contemplating from the behavioral side, but without facts and not taking into account anything about BG cannot place a distinction of organized, disorganized or mixed. Just curious on what you used for your opinion. Thanks
I just had my son test both video and still photo uploads to SC and as far as I can tell, it does not flip the image. He took a picture of our dog, so it was not what might be called a "selfie."

thank you very much, that leaves me scratching my head but helps rule out one possible line of explanation. I really appreciate you making your first post to help me with that. :) welcome!
JMO. It is certainly a horrific crime, but in the eyes of the law I dont think that would get him anywhere near life in prison

He is 77,so even a 15 year sentence would likely mean he would die in prison. Not sure of all the possible charges,but definitely kidnapping and sexual assault of a minor (the stripping alone is enough).That's plenty for a long prison term.
Did anybody think they were the same truck? I know I was mixed up on whether the work-type truck belonged to RL or LE, which has now been answered (LE).

OK. I'm still trying to get the hang of this, so bear with me...

I have asked whose trucks these are. I "know" that the larger newer Ford is the one pictured on the flat-bed tow.

I have always lived in "pickup" (truck) country. my experience is,

1. lots of folks have smaller trucks like the one that has been described here as the "LE utility." Including the toppers on the back. I myself have owned one, as a single female. They are incredibly useful for many things, and are common where I live, both on the road for personal use, and as "on private land" vehicles that never get on a public road or "go to town." and, they are less expensive than...

2. the larger newer Ford on the tow truck does not strike me as one likely to be owned by a retiree. Nothing absolute; I know nothing of RL's finances, obviously, and am trying to be careful not to make assumptions. But given that about 80% of the vehicles on the road around me on any given day are pickups, my observation is that "work trucks" (the larger of the two white trucks) as we call them- trucks driven by working-age men who use them in their business (think contractors, loggers, large-operation farmers, etc.) both need the capacity and power such a truck provides, and have both the finances and sometimes ego to max out their purchasing capacity when vehicle shopping. Retirees are more likely to drive something that is cheaper to purchase/insure, easier to park, and more fuel-efficient.

So, while the smaller truck may be LE (do we know for sure? evidence?), I can also see it being RL's. Even if his license is suspended, where I live we can drive motorized vehicles on our own property without a license. (I started driving when I was 9 yrs old.) And if a neighbor or friend is at RL's land to take care of animals or check on heaters/pumps etc. that would explain it moving around from time to time. (Who was it that was seen getting out of it to talk to LE?)

Which actually leads me to my question- whose truck was towed away? I can imagine any number of scenarios where a vehicle and the land it was parked on were owned by two different individuals.

Did I take waaay too many words to explain myself and ask my question?

Some of my latest thoughts about the case since the latest news.

I do think the perp made them cross the creek and since their clothes were wet that is why he may have made them take off their clothes because they were freezing and shivering from being wet.
One reporter indicated he may have seen clothes in the river.

It was the perps sick attempt at being a little kind to them while also forcing them to go with him to begin with.

If anyone has ever gotten their clothes wet when temperatures are very cold you get freezing instantly.

I think the date of deaths were accurate and one of them died the next day. I think the search people showing up made him panic.

If this was a local perp then he may have originally just wanted to teach them a lesson about trespassing and things got out of hand and he panicked and left them there. If rumors of a knife being used are true then he may have even tried to kill them before he left so they could never identify him.
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