IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #34

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They also mention other SW's AND Polygraphs. I wonder who else they are questioning?

In the media thread I posted they have had a chair set up this whole time for polys at the hq.
So, there are many possible scenarios where RL is concerned. All these possibles are MOO and pure speculation.

1. He could be completely innocent and know nothing. The search may be due to his past legal issues with alcohol.

2. He could be completely innocent of any direct acts but know who was involved.

3. He could be involved along with someone else and have helped with the crime.

4. He could be guilty while he was under the influence of alcohol.

5. He could have been drinking, was seen driving home/ or out while under the influence and the girls knew he was not supposed to drive. One or both of the girls (being teens) could have said something to him about not being able to drive and threatening to call police and report him for drunk driving. He could have become irate (not wanting to be caught driving drunk again) and went after one of the girls with a little too much force. He then may have known he could not let the other girl go.

6. He could have seen something and is afraid to say anything lest he be targeted by the killer.

What we know is that two innocent sweet girls are gone and were killed by someone or someones. We know they were found on RL's property. We know that it is likely BG was the last to see them alive. We know RL has a criminal history involving alcohol. I know that alcohol can make the kindest person into a monster. My grandfather was an alcoholic. He was not ruddy complected. He did not have a huge belly. He went from quiet old 98 year old man to angry monster in a few shots of whiskey.

What we do not know is whether there is a firm suspect, whether there was any sexual component, whether he spoke an untruth because he did not want to tell the truth or if he actually believed what he said.LE knows more than we do. We do not know who BG is. We do not know if RL is involved.

I believe they are doing all they can to insure any arrest is solid and the killer or killers do not ever get off.

This is all speculation (MOO). I accuse no one of the killings. I hope for Godspeed in the LE solving this case so the families and community can have closure.
I still wonder if RL leases out some pasture to people with horses or lets them board horses on his place? This would mean other people would be on and off of his property. Or possibly letting others store their farm equipment in one of his barns. Would this be feasible at his property? Thanks

Good thought. Stable worker. Horse hand.
Open Alcoholic Beverage Container During Operation of a Motor Vehicle, 9-24-19-

Come on now people
..this is a person who definitely has a problem with alcohol. Maybe its only in recent years and thats why his skin looks great. He still has the broken capillaries, bags under eyes and yellowing common in people who drink a lot.

He no doubt has told lies in the past in relation to his alcohol issues. Does not make one a murderer.

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You are absolutely correct. That said, if there is one thing and one thing only that everyone should know about addicts is they are expert liars and master manipulators. That's AA/NA 101. Combine that with Abby and Libby's bodies being found on his property, along with his account and LEs aren't jiving and you have excellent reason to look much deeper into RL. And that is exactly what we do here. We were given permission to sleuth him and that's what we're doing.
Can you see the ruddy (red) color in his skin? Those are broken capillaries commonly associated with alcoholism. In addition, if you look at the whites of his eyes, they appear to be a light yellow - IMO caused from poor liver function as a result of alcoholism.


FWIW, my grandfather always had those "broken capillaries", ruddy cheeks, and he was a lifelong tee-totaling baptist minister, never had a drink of alcohol in his life. And this guys eyes may be slightly blood shot, as in maybe short on sleep, allergies, hard to say... I can't say I see any yellow there though. jmo
Questions I Have:
Has anyone entertained the thought that the perpetrator may not have been acting alone?
Could the backpack mentioned have belonged to Abby or Libby?
Does RL have a son or nephew in the area?
If so, do they have access to his home and vehicle?
Did either of the girls have Instagram, Facebook, Kik, Yik Yak accounts, etc.?

I've been thinking two perps for a while now, just because of the fact the girls are older, and Libby was definitely going to put up a fight.

RL does have at least one male relative in the area, but we aren't supposed to sleuth them here (or post about them). IMO, the pictures of BG and RL are very similar thought I don't think one in the same. I don't know if relatives have/had access to the property though.

Libby had fb, twitter, instagram, Snapchat and maybe Kik (can't remember on lol).

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IF RL killed these girls it will be one of the craziest ironies that I've ever seen jmo

I rule nothing out. I've seen it all. I have no doubt there's room for surprise though.
Good thought. Stable worker. Horse hand.

I wonder if he does have people who frequently do work on his property, although unless they were doing something illegal I assume he would have immediately told the cops about them.

Slightly off-topic, but I was just walking my dog and ran into one of my neighbors...I was just trying to make small talk so I asked if he was following the case at all...he told me, with absolute certainty, that aliens did it. He was serious. Aliens. He kind of resembles BG, too...good thing we're thousands of miles away.
I'm off...Hopefully LE will do a press release soon and make it official once and for all that RL is or is not involved...and then find who did this!
I believe it was stated that one set of tracks were found. Does that rule out more than one perpetrator? Or did only one perpetrator dispose of the precious 8th grade girls?

Where was it stated and by whom?
LE has said numerous times that RL is not a suspect; they're just following up leads.

See, for example, this news report:


At 2:41 it looks like an air compressor is being taken out and sat on the ground. I wonder if they are just moving it out of the way or is it evidence? If it is evidence, what would it have been used for?

Air compresser.PNG
For what its worth, RL's home is nearly 3 times farther than that of the home on the private drive that runs under the bridge.
As I replied previously he was charged but not convicted.

004. 35-44.1-2-3(d)(1)/MA: False Informing
• Dismissed

03. 35-44-2-2(d)(1)/MA: False Informing
• Dismissed

You can click the State of Indiana v. Ronald E Logan and it will open and show the pleadings, disposition, etc

on this one top has charges...long index of the various pleadings--court filings--memos etc--
Scroll way down
and you find
Judicial Officer: Fouts, Kurtis
01. 9-30-5-3(a)(1)/FD: Operating a Vehicle with a BAC of .08 or greater
• Plea by Agreement
02. 9-30-5-2(b)/MA: Operating A Vehicle While Intoxicated; Endangering A Person
• Dismissed
03. 9-30-5-1(a)(1)/MC: Operating a Vehicle with a BAC of .08 or More per Blood
• Dismissed
04. 35-44.1-2-3(d)(1)/MA: False Informing
• Dismissed
05. 9-24-19-2/MA: Driving While Suspended (Prior w/in 10 years)
• Dismissed
06. 9-21-8-31/IFC: Failure to Yield Right of Way at Entrance to Through Highway
• Dismissed


Thanks for that!

So he was charged but not convicted because he copped a plea to the more serious felony charges. ;)

Which is exactly what I posted
This has been a tough one on all of us. It's never easy but y'all know what I'm saying. I've never seen a case which reported so many nightmares and sleepless nights.

In my case, Elvis left the building even before the first PC and release of "Down the hill."
I know they haven't named him as a suspect but they're looking at him pretty stinkin' hard when they carry out arm loads of items taken into custody and they impound his truck.

Are they looking at RL or are they looking at someone else who might have visited to house and left fingerprints or DNA?

Bottom line: as owner of the property on which the bodies were found RL has probably had more discussions with LE (and the press) than many other locals. My guess -- and it's only a guess -- is that more than one interested local has visited RL to try to find out what they can.

This is not the first search warrant issued in this matter. Reports are (see earlier in the thread) that at least 12 search warrants were issued before this one. Those search warrants have included family members.

Is this search warrant gathering special interest because RL is the subject of a search warrant or because he's the someone who has actually been named in the thread?
I still wonder if RL leases out some pasture to people with horses or lets them board horses on his place? This would mean other people would be on and off of his property. Or possibly letting others store their farm equipment in one of his barns. Would this be feasible at his property? Thanks

Good point. I've been wondering all along if he runs that place alone or has help.
And this guys eyes may be slightly blood shot, as in maybe short on sleep, allergies, hard to say...
That's true. His eyes could be blood shot from crying over the innocent girls that were murdered, or over the predicament he's found himself in.
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