IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #39

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I'd ask him, should we be taking a break from sleuthing for a week or two and let you work in peace because you've got this? Or if LE still needs our input, tips, and thoughts can they release some info for us to do so.

I'd ask, if it is okay to post his response here on WS..

I agree. I sort of imagine it was shortly after Libby started filming, but we have no way to know this do we?

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For every answer I have at least five more questions. Asking the right questions makes a huge difference, too. I feel like I know less now than yesterday.
i have to disagree. I think the fact that they have not reached out to the public for quite some time in regards to tips is telling. They deafening silence could be because they are dotting their i's and crossing their t's putting together a case with someone they already have in their sights.

I have to agree with you. The radio interview by Sgt. Slocum recently really left the impression that LE has a handle on it imo. The scaling down on number of investigators working on the case would be an indicator as well. jmho
I remember at one of the press conferences. don't have the link, LE was asked if they were going to release anymore of the video and/or audio and the response was along the lines of -- they hope they won't have to. I've already started thinking they've zeroed in on someone, so if they don't release anymore of it soon I'm really going to believe they do.


I agree and I'm guessing part of that decision is because of what's on the video, but that's just speculation.
Hello NIN! Love your work!

Regarding the gif you made yesterday of BG "walking" - can you do this with the 2 stills matching up? You know how in one pic BG is kind of slanted over - it doesn't match the tracks of the other pic. I did see somewhere in these many threads that someone straightened him up so I think it is possible. Hope this makes sense and is not too difficult or time consuming - if not feel free to ignore me ;)

One of the people the police "interviewed" from Kokomo stated that he gave the police a DNA sample. One would think that if they are collecting DNA from suspects in order to clear them that they must have something to compare it against.

Does LE ever use that request for DNA as a bluff? I think they surely must asking suspects to take polygraph even though inadmissible in court, correct?
I have to agree with you. The radio interview by Sgt. Slocum recently really left the impression that LE has a handle on it imo. The scaling down on number of investigators working on the case would be an indicator as well. jmho

Does anybody know when the last time LE specifically asked for tips identifying who BG is? I would ask LE if they are still trying to identify BG..
Yesterday I had a nightmare...The murder used a bomb... therefore no DNA left... I was so upset waking up from this nightmare. I guess all the news around the world I recently read contributed to the nightmare. Hope justice come soon!

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ETA reading comprehension

I misread what you wrote, apologies
I as well would like to know more about the audio, Abby's image at 2:07, suspect image at 2:30, no time given on when the audio (down the hill, w/ the sound of leaves being walked on) jmo was recorded. For all we know it could have been 15 minutes after the video of suspect. Jmo

That is sort of where I was thinking that he went past them to the end of the RR where he turned around. By then, the girls were walking back to the north side. He caught up with them there and he pulled a gun and forced them to the right and eventually they went "down the hill."

I just somehow guess that Libby had a chance to hit the record button on her phone without being detected and put it in her back pocket where it continued to record.

But I have been known to be wrong.
Again, I still think it would be very risky for him to either force them across the creek or to drag them there after their murders. Any stumble or loss of balance traversing (even a shallow) body of water would allow one of them to run. So, I still think they never crossed the creek.
"the stuff of nightmares" was a statement made by the media, not LE. I believe it was Inside Edition.

That is simply not true and I wish it would stop being repeated.

It was reported by media......true.......but they were quoting a "source close to the investigation".
"the stuff of nightmares" was a statement made by the media, not LE. I believe it was Inside Edition.

I notice "The stuff of nightmares" is mentioned quite often here. As if some might think it eludes to something more. Something that's not yet disclosed.

Anybody feel free to straighten me out but really, what could be a worse nightmare than what we already know? Two good pals, both gr 8 students being murdered while innocently going for just a short hike in broad daylight on a scenic trail considered totally safe, on a day that school happened to be out. It doesn't get much worse than that, in terms of nightmares, does it?
There are so many questions I could come up with that I would ask if this was a scenario where I knew I would be able to get an answer, lhowever considering that he won't be able to say "oh our suspect is Mr. Z and he is behind bars", I would lean towards a more broad question and gauge his response, such as: "how are you feeling about the possible resolution of this case", or "do you think an arrest will be imment" or something along those lines. This might allow for a longer of more detailed response during which a few questions might be answered simply in the course of his response to your question. It's a less specific question which might give you more answers....[\b]

The stuff I put in bold is my exact train of thought too Beth! I might ask "What happened to those poor girls after they went "down the hill"?"

Or just make general statements that are sort of vague so he may try to steer you in the right direction. Like "I hope there isn't some kind of serial killer running around out there" and he can respond with answers like "Well I wouldn't be too worried they've got a guy in mind" or "Yeah, I hope they get this guy soon".
My understanding is the video is just BG on the bridge and the audio comes as they are being led to where they were found (JMO) I do not think they have video of the crime just audio ( that is horrible IMO) I wonder if they won't release the video because BG speaks on it... what if his voice does not sound like "down the hill" and they don't want to let on that they know there is more than one perp? just a thought
Wasn't it verfied that the high that day was 43? That is not that warm and bridges tend to be windy/colder, imo.
That is simply not true and I wish it would stop being repeated.

It was reported by media......true.......but they were quoting a "source close to the investigation".
Not trying to be a B, but "A source close to the investigation" is a tabloid phrase if I've ever heard one.

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I didnt mean to be short, I apologise if I came off that way. GH videos are eye opening. It just makes me uncomfortable when we incorporate the measurements as more than conjecture, however good.

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I agree with you. It should be considered an opinion. Believe me, I was glad to see that GH continues to re-evaluate information to improve upon positioning. Someone above mentioned about how the angles won't matter in the end, and that is true. But until then it is things like GH's work (and others) that will allow us to better define the scope and flow of the crime. Unfortunately it takes time - likely hundreds of hours - just to get to a situation where we can discover something LE already knows that will help us to make progress in investigating this case. We have quite a bit to work with that hasn't been exhausted yet. Everything that happened from A to Z tells us something about the crime and the killer(s).

So, in this particular aspect - how far BG was from the girls - the key question for me is how does BG manage to freeze the girls or have command and control over them at distance with no evidence of any weapon at the time from the beginning of the recording to at least the point where the stills come from?
I have to agree with you. The radio interview by Sgt. Slocum recently really left the impression that LE has a handle on it imo. The scaling down on number of investigators working on the case would be an indicator as well. jmho

I agree. I thought it seemed like excellent progress when it was mentioned during that interview there were 13 people in jail right then due to arrests (not connected to the murders) while checking on tips. The connection between law violators and murderers through tips is a good starting point if nothing else. They only need to find a minimum of one who's the guilty one.
First time poster... My thoughts would be bg is a roofer. With the weather being warmer any snow that was on bildings would have melted and in the process an owner would have noticed it leaking. Needing repair before more damage is done. Roofers carry their tools on them so they won't have to go up and down ladders to get what they need. Many will also use ropes to tether themselves from falls. With no snow around it was a good day for a repair. Also, with the height of the bridge, he would have to be someone comfortable with heights. This is JMO I think he was working in the area. Prayers for the families

Welcome stellamickey :)

Agreed he is comfortable with heights. I too posted these same thoughts the possibility of a roofer, as well as other occupations that might involve heights (scaffolding/construction, cable/utility, etc.).
Wasn't it verfied that the high that day was 43? That is not that warm and bridges tend to be windy/colder, imo.

I don't have a link, but I am a numbers and fact minded person. I recall the high on February 13th was 43 in Delphi. When I go walking when the temperature in in the low 40's, I am quite comfy wearing light clothing and a thin hoodie. I would feel overheated if I were to wear what the suspect appeared to be wearing. I weigh 100lbs and don't have much natural insulation, either. At the beginning of my walks I feel a bit chilled but warm up within a few minutes.
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