IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #39

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I think it would be very unfortunate if someone were to look at the animated gif, with right foot forward in both photos, and determine that the person they know is not a suspect because the real life gait is nothing like the gif.

I'm a licensed cosmetologist and IMO it almost looks like the BG could be wearing a toupee or some kind of hair piece ?? This is just IMO does anyone else think this could be possible ? I think it maybe why it looks so strangely like a hat bill ..??
Again, I think he's a hunter IMO. And fisherman. Jmo, moo.

Did anyone ever post on any hunting or fishing forums pictures of the suspect? I meant to and got totally sidetracked....note to self.
That's a great idea for people who want to help.
I've thought, if only they had exited the bridge, gone down the hill to the road below (the private drive) and ran the opposite direction of the house it lead to. Just makes me sick this man was so evil.
Where could the girls have run? They were cornered on a 70 foot high bridge. He had them trapped. JMO
I'm a licensed cosmetologist and IMO it almost looks like the BG could be wearing a toupee or some kind of hair piece ?? This is just IMO does anyone else think this could be possible ? I think it maybe why it looks so strangely like a hat bill ..??

Half of his face is in shadow and blurry, as though he is moving, so I can't make anything out of his appearance - no matter how I manipulate the photo with photoshop.
The white y'all are referring to is just the gray hoodie under the jacket with parts of it in direct sun light or possibly the strings from the hoodie. No tubes or plastic bags. MOO
I've thought, if only they had exited the bridge, gone down the hill to the road below (the private drive) and ran the opposite direction of the house it lead to. Just makes me sick this man was so evil.

If they had split up and run in different directions, they may have had a chance. What they didn't know is that they needed to hold their ground, because going with a stranger, even one who is threatening them with a gun, is so much worse.
The white y'all are referring to is just the gray hoodie under the jacket with parts of it in direct sun light or possibly the strings from the hoodie. No tubes or plastic bags. MOO
Or a brown hoodie with white strings. I do think there may be a bandana or scarf there too, possibly to cover his lower face.

I think that investigators are saying that two girls walking alone in a park is not safer that one girl walking alone in a park.
I'm a licensed cosmetologist and IMO it almost looks like the BG could be wearing a toupee or some kind of hair piece ?? This is just IMO does anyone else think this could be possible ? I think it maybe why it looks so strangely like a hat bill ..??

My family reviewed the photos the other night and there is a big debate over whether BG actually has a full head of blonde hair instead of a camouflaged hat. Some of us could see it both ways and others could not.
GH's video is very revealing. The area "down the hill" to the dirt road looks fairly open. IMO BG must have felt secure in taking them down there...he must have known there was typically nobody down there.
I'm a licensed cosmetologist and IMO it almost looks like the BG could be wearing a toupee or some kind of hair piece ?? This is just IMO does anyone else think this could be possible ? I think it maybe why it looks so strangely like a hat bill ..??

The police said a hoodie and jacket. I suspect he's wearing a hat with a bill under the hood. I think the sun, shadows, possible enlargement and cropping make it so blurry it's just too hard to tell. People are seeing hair but I don't.
Or that it's not safe to travel the trails in nothing but groups? Why? Are pairs what this SK wants because this is his MO? Because it would be a SK if LE knows he is after pairs only (makes me think of Lyric and Elizabeth again! )

This is kinda weird, isn't it??

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I can see why it sounds weird, but I don't think it's actually pointed. I think they just mean that it's safer in groups in general. It's usually safer in pairs but since two were killed together, they've just "upped" the number.
The police said a hoodie and jacket. I suspect he's wearing a hat with a bill under the hood. I think the sun, shadows, possible enlargement and cropping make it so blurry it's just too hard to tell. People are seeing hair but I don't.

The hood is not up. You can see it bunched at the base of his neck.
The hood is not up. You can see it bunched at the base of his neck.

What you said is exactly what our family debated the other night. Though we could not remember if LE confirmed one way or another that the hood is indeed up AND that he is wearing a hat in addition.
GH's video is very revealing. The area "down the hill" to the dirt road looks fairly open. IMO BG must have felt secure in taking them down there...he must have known there was typically nobody down there.

I don't get taking two times the risk in unfamiliar surroundings in broad daylight in small town middle America. I'm not a murderer, but is taking risk part of the thrill,as the actual killing? Was he prepared to kill someone with that gun people see if anyone happened on them? I guess it's all possibilities but probabilities?
In the flow, it appears Libby was ahead of Abby, at least when taking the first photo. I have to wonder now, if she didn't simply exit the bridge first, turn around to take another pic or short video(maybe teasing Abby about being slow, as kids do), and the creep was suddenly almost on top of Abby? I still think that could quite possibly be Abby's sleeve in the one clip. I suspect, if this is right, that he grabbed Abby immediately following the clips, which would explain why LE will not release more video. I pray to God they find this sick SOB and he spends the rest of his days as a lab rat, being studied so that maybe we can prevent more like him from affecting society. I really hope they(LE) have their man in their sights, but I am not as optimistic as I was earlier on. I just think this may be one of those predators that is outside the sphere of what these folks are used to dealing with. I hope I'm wrong.
This video is intetesting. Hes great at these.

The idea the girls were off the bridge makes me think though...

- Was one already hurt at video recording start?
- Why is there no video of suspect getting closer and closer unless the girls accidently shot it?
- If the girls were scared youd assume they kept moving after video....
- At that distance why not run and ring police

Does anyone else think the capture of this his image is at first accidental they maybe later video audio is the one on purpose?

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The hood is not up. You can see it bunched at the base of his neck.

It looks up to me. I don't see the supposed white bag or knife either, so maybe I need glasses.
I have considered this as well.

As an adult in a group, I would likely make a break for it. I'd believe if one of us gets away we at least have a chance of getting help, but if we both get captured...than they have almost total control. BUT, that said, if my kids were involved, forget about it. No question I would rather go to my death trying to save and comfort them than separate from them.

God be with anyone who finds themselves in these situations. It's a tragic world when vulnerable people are faced with these types of choices.

For parents out there: My dad, like everyone's, always taught me to run before they get close to you. And to give up my possessions when asked, that nothing was worth my life.

And he always said if they did manage to grab you or turn a weapon on you, to scream and fight like you never have before, because that gives you at least a chance of drawing attention to them and them abandoning their mission. Once they get you in a vehicle, my dad always felt your chances diminish and it is too late to fight. I am sure there are different opinions on what to do, but this rings true to me still.

Heartbreaking what happened to these girls. I pray their killer is brought to justice today!!

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I grew up hearing all of these things as well. I watch all the crime shows, have read all the magazine articles on "what to do/what not to do." I even took self-defense classes in college. Unfortunately, being in the actual situation is much different than learning about the hypothetical situation that you feel so confident about. For one thing, shock sets in. It's not always easy to react quickly. Sometimes it takes several crucial seconds for the reality of the situation to sink in. I know that it was almost an entire minute before I could convince myself that it was real, and that it wasn't some weird, warped television show that I was watching. I can't imagine how a young teenager would react to something similar. We've both talked about it since and both agree that if we'd made it to the vehicle than we would have fought. You have an almost zero chance of making it out alive if you're taken to another location.

For the person who said he likely went on and did it again, you're right. Three weeks later, the same thing happened to a husband and wife. Same general area, same thing. They ran. They were both shot and killed. You take your chances either way. (He was caught. The trial was not pretty. It's my only experience of being in a court room.)

There are lots of scenarios that I look at and think, "Well, if it were ME then I would have..." But I've learned that it doesn't always work that way. When my son died in 2010, I threw all of that out the window. Now I plan as much as I can, but understand that, when the time comes, things might not work the way I wanted them to. Libby and Abby apparently felt threatened enough to go with him. Maybe they were lured, or maybe they were threatened. I think they did the best they could. At least Libby went down with a fight by recording him. To think of her terror at that moment, to maybe think she might not live, yet to still be able to turn on her phone. That was quick thinking and probably, considering the circumstances that we're not yet aware of, the best that she could do.
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