IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #40

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I was wondering about RL's alibi. Was he shopping for fish during the hours he claimed?

Even though his property, the property where the bodies were found, was recently searched, police have said that he is not a suspect. I think we should accept what the police have said and leave the property owner alone until such time that police change their position.

I just watched the video by grayhuze. Great video. This is just an observation and a question. If Abby and Libby walked at the same pace as the video person it would take 6 min to get to the bridge. If they kept walking once on the bridge it would be 8 min 15 sec when picture was taken of Abby. If they were dropped off at 1pm and picture taken at 2:07pm what did they do in the hour it took to get there? Not making any accusations just curious if they encountered anyone along the walk that has not come forward saying they saw the girls. Just MOO and wanting thoughts.
Six weeks into their case, investigators say there's still plenty of hope of catching the killer of two Delphi girls.

Police yesterday said they've interviewed 300 suspects, but have yet to find the man who killed Libby German and Abby Williams.

Investigators say they are making progress in the case, but they're doing it quietly.

Another slightly different version of the photo of BG on this link.

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IMO RL is fully capable of committing the murders. The photos are questionable, but his age doesn't stop me from wondering about him. Our dear friend and his father were murdered by the grandfather who was 84 years old. The grandfather was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. His defense was initially that he was wheelchair bound. He somehow got upstairs and shot his grandson and son at point blank range.
I just watched the video by grayhuze. Great video. This is just an observation and a question. If Abby and Libby walked at the same pace as the video person it would take 6 min to get to the bridge. If they kept walking once on the bridge it would be 8 min 15 sec when picture was taken of Abby. If they were dropped off at 1pm and picture taken at 2:07pm what did they do in the hour it took to get there? Not making any accusations just curious if they encountered anyone along the walk that has not come forward saying they saw the girls. Just MOO and wanting thoughts.

I have been wondering whether the suspect is running in the video. There's something about his high knees that doesn't look like regular, casual walking.
I just watched the video by grayhuze. Great video. This is just an observation and a question. If Abby and Libby walked at the same pace as the video person it would take 6 min to get to the bridge. If they kept walking once on the bridge it would be 8 min 15 sec when picture was taken of Abby. If they were dropped off at 1pm and picture taken at 2:07pm what did they do in the hour it took to get there? Not making any accusations just curious if they encountered anyone along the walk that has not come forward saying they saw the girls. Just MOO and wanting thoughts.

Good question. I was wondering, too, if we are sure that was where the girls were dropped off to begin their hike. I have read, I believe, that they were dropped off at "one" of the "tributaries." How many are there?
following with keen interest. Will there be an arrest by April 15th?
Good question. I was wondering, too, if we are sure that was where the girls were dropped off to begin their hike. I have read, I believe, that they were dropped off at "one" of the "tributaries." How many are there?

IMO, since it is not much of a real hike and the distance is so short and they had 2-1/2 hours or so to be there, they could kind of wander around and just sort of hang out. No real need to even walk the whole time. They probably stopped several times and just talked and laughed or whatever.

So that was why I wondered if they tried to hike to the left of the north side of the bridge and saw something... and were seen... so that BG came back from the NE side of the creek and then onto the bridge to confront them.

Maybe they trespassed or maybe they saw him doing something he shouldn't have been (drinking, peeing, exposing himself, whatever...) and they laughed and ran back onto the bridge and then at that point worked their way across the bridge and thought no big deal.

Then when he started walking towards them, their radar went off and that's when she started recording.

Something had to trigger her want to record that of him.

Again, this is entirely speculation with no facts to back it up.
Waiting for answers and justice for these girls is starting to wear on me.. today is the day!

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This is a rural area so depending on your definition of weapon it may be that you would find more people on the trail with than without. I don't know any males in this town that would be caught without a knife. Women carry knifes, pepper spray, batons, guns, and who knows what else. Why do you think the sheriff recommended people carry if they had a permit after this happened? This isn't a big city where people that "carry" to commit crime. These folks carry to prevent it.

How bad would you feel if you came across this crime and couldn't help those girls?
when did LE recommend that people should "carry"?
I think it's like hunting. He doesn't know for sure there will be suitable "prey", but he goes prepared to a place where he thinks he'll encounter what he's looking for.

I would agree with this, but who goes to a place like that expecting to find young girls? That doesnt make sense. But like I said, without knowing COD which would give us a better idea of motive then I dont know if this is, which I expect it to be, sexually motivated then going to that area prepared makes no sense at all. Unless he knew they would be there.

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Is it just speculation BG had a weapon? ..... or has this been reported?
Sorry ..... these threads move way too quick.
Total speculation, a lot of us think he may have and thats how he controlled the girls. But he may have had nothing.

Yes, they do! Its hard to keep up.

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following with keen interest. Will there be an arrest by April 15th?
I stand by my vegas odds posted two weeks ago --arrest by one year anniversary :
Yes +400
No. -1000
Taking all yes bets.

Also why have t the LE at least confirmed the point of drop off for the victims? It could cinch up the timeline a bit and give a clue as to where BG may have lurked ?
Thank you
This is a rural area so depending on your definition of weapon it may be that you would find more people on the trail with than without. I don't know any males in this town that would be caught without a knife. Women carry knifes, pepper spray, batons, guns, and who knows what else. Why do you think the sheriff recommended people carry if they had a permit after this happened? This isn't a big city where people that "carry" to commit crime. These folks carry to prevent it.

How bad would you feel if you came across this crime and couldn't help those girls?

Thanks for that....

Coming in relatively new to the case ...... the Land owner does seem a valid candidate.

Has it been mentioned or discovered that he used the trail to walk to town as a shortcut? .....

I just caught up on his DUI's .... is it possible that he would walk to town rather than drive..... I know his not young....

but I checked out the topography from his house and there appears to be areas he could access as short cuts through his property that lead to relatively flat land ....and an easy crossing over the river .....where the girls were found.

I saw one interview where he showed a reporter (pointed to) the spot the girls were found...... he appeared quite spritely with a quick step..... he had to walk there for the interview....shows he has the stamina to do so easily.... (just an observation).

It's definitely reaching at straws if LE were to investigate everyone who showered and did laundry on the day of a murder. Can you imagine how many wrongful convictions that sort of "guilt" assumption would lead to?

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i think they were talking about one meter in particular, not the whole town.
Little FYI: we do know from Libby's IG account another friend was invited to go along but was unable to go.That adds a another potential person who could have inadvertently shared their location. It also (IMO) greatly decreases the chance that there was a Catfish situation because if there was a plan to meet someone then the other invited friend would probably have been told.

I'm also back to thinking that this could have been someone they knew. Logically you would assume that if they knew him they would say his name. However I was recently watching When Murder Calls on ID and a young woman and her husband were murdered by her stepfather and the stepfather's nephew.. She managed to call 911 and was trying to give a description to the operator while literally begging for her life. She was unfamiliar with the area so she was trying to say anything she could think of to give the operator an idea of where they were. Despite being quick enough to try to let the operator know where they were at no point did she mention the names of the two killers.Jennifer could be heard literally begging her stepfather not to kill her but she never said his name.
This is very interesting, thank you, I was not aware another friend was going to go but couldnt. I hope they are checking all family members of everyone they possibly can. He must have known these girls or at tge very least he's local. Perhaps relatives or friends relatives who have recently left the area.

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Yes, it is just speculation. No one in LE/MSM has mentioned him having or using a weapon of any kind.

Even if they did, even with COD, not sure anyone would know more without a lot more of the details. Like whether it was premeditated or he was hunting for someone or opportunities.

PIO Riley said on the day the girls were found the FBI Indianapolis FO was involved already. Something unusual beyond two girls murdered? I don't know, but maybe possible. Maybe they show up to all unnatural death involving children.

IANAL, but I think I've heard that premeditation can be formed in a split second before. I wouldn't be surprised when he's charged that kidnapping is added, given the down the hill. We will have to wait and see when an announcement is made and what charges are filed in addition to two murders.
Could their reason for taking video be the object that has been blurred(imo)on the front of suspects left leg?

IMO, since it is not much of a real hike and the distance is so short and they had 2-1/2 hours or so to be there, they could kind of wander around and just sort of hang out. No real need to even walk the whole time. They probably stopped several times and just talked and laughed or whatever.

So that was why I wondered if they tried to hike to the left of the north side of the bridge and saw something... and were seen... so that BG came back from the NE side of the creek and then onto the bridge to confront them.

Maybe they trespassed or maybe they saw him doing something he shouldn't have been (drinking, peeing, exposing himself, whatever...) and they laughed and ran back onto the bridge and then at that point worked their way across the bridge and thought no big deal.

Then when he started walking towards them, their radar went off and that's when she started recording.

Something had to trigger her want to record that of him.

Again, this is entirely speculation with no facts to back it up.
I stand by my vegas odds posted two weeks ago --arrest by one year anniversary :
Yes +400
No. -1000
Taking all yes bets.

Also why have t the LE at least confirmed the point of drop off for the victims? It could cinch up the timeline a bit and give a clue as to where BG may have lurked ?
Thank you
I think they haven't given drop off point because they don't need to share that, imo. I think they only shared what is needed to help identify perp. Drop off place at this point doesn't pertain. Hope that makes sense. It's frustrating for us, but LE shares only when necessary.

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Even though his property, the property where the bodies were found, was recently searched, police have said that he is not a suspect. I think we should accept what the police have said and leave the property owner alone until such time that police change their position.
Have they said he isn't a suspect? I may have missed it. I know they have not said he IS a suspect, but I don't remember anything like the statements after the Bicycle Bridge Road search. They said they don't have the killer, according to the recent articles in this thread, but saying you haven't arrested the killer when you're waiting on forensics or otherwise investigating isn't the same as clearing someone. They wouldn't say they had the killer if they weren't ready to charge him.

I don't have feelings either way on RL's involvement. Maybe he is completely innocent. Maybe he did it himself. Maybe he helped someone do it. Maybe he helped someone cover it up. Maybe he unwittingly helped the killer leave the area. I just don't have any way of knowing with the evidence we have.

I admit, though, that I have missed sections in the middle of the last couple of threads. A more definitive statement from LE might have been posted there.
Anyone see in the news about the missing disabled girl being given found deceased in a house in Indiana? Not sure where it was...would have to find it.

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