IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #44

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I meant logical as in, not some far fetched made for tv scenario, like some of the wild theories that have been thrown around on SM. But yes you are correct, sorry I wasn't trying to imply that there was ever a good reason to kill two innocent teenagers or anybody for that matter, but I think that goes without saying........JMO

I didn't mean to make it sound like I was accusing you of implying that it wasn't intentional! I was just trying to give some of my thoughts as to the only things that I could think of as motive to kill a child based on the different cases I've learned about. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you think I was attacking you!!

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Well it was a failed observation but i hope it fits another case or another poster you can sleuth. Best of luck.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

I simply do not grasp the rudeness!
Okay, well, then I remain confused as to why we are allowed to sleuth him. It's pretty obvious LE considers him a POI.

Agree. It's confusing. I think some of the conflicting info, or lack of info about this case is starting to possibly hurt it publically? IMO, there should be some LE verification or guidance.
And, out of fairness to RL, all the posts that insinuated his guilt will be expunged from this site?

IMO, hold off on that for now. A lot happened today and many are frustrated. I felt sorry for the man, myself. More information may come in the next days, or weeks, and this RL lead might not be so far fetched.
If LE say he isn't a suspect anymore and everything is unrelated he shouldn't be sleuthed anymore?! Right?!

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

Well, I don't see anything to be sleuthed anymore, actually. If something comes up, then he remains fair game, however, regardless of how desperately some may not want that, UNLESS, the mods change the rule.

The fact is, LE did not say he isn't a suspect "anymore". Let's be clear. LE never said he was a suspect at all. he has not been cleared and he has not been labelled a suspect. LE stated they are trying to either clear him or label him a suspect. neither has happened.

This post goes a bit far the other way though. You suggesting he isn't an angel doesn't matter now...

HE is not a suspect, not in prison for girls killing, all unrelated.

Who cares about his previous or the fact he isn't 20?! It doesn't matter now and i wish him the best. And hopr he gets recovery for any problems he has.

You can bash anyone for being a previous drink driver or having issues but they have a right to serve time and be forgiven or at least forgotten.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

I'm sorry it seems I am bashing someone with an addiction problem because I'm differentiating a repeat offender by stating that someone who is a mature adult and still gets multiple DUI's is not a angel and is different from someone who is young and makes one mistake. I'm not trying to make this personal.

A dear friend of mine, who actually, WAS an angel, and who I considered and consider my family, died in my home two years ago, kicking heroin. He was one of the best people I know. I trusted him with my life. He died fighting as he had for about 32 years.

Every single person from the 911 operator to the police to the coroner, I kept telling them, begging them, to understand that he was special and not some creep or loser. The coroner kindly told us, "I know. I can tell by how organized his room was. And he has a master's degree - he has more education than I do."

We keep his ashes in our home and keep his memory in our hearts. I tell you this very personal anecdote because I'm the last person who would "bash" someone for having a problem.

But I'm also realistic. And realistically, I don;t think comparing a grown man with not one but multiple offenses over a span of a couple years is the same as a college kid making one mistake. I also think there's a big difference between people who have a serious addiction problem and people who narcissistic-ally risk the lives of innocents instead of getting treatment for their issues or at the least, not driving while under the influence, over and over again.

Finally, and once again, it is unrelated but I'm responding, not bringing it up out of the blue.
If LE state RL has been released on bond and a very low $ amount paid for that bond then it's probably safe to say LE are not looking at RL as a POI any longer.
We could be waiting forever for that to be stated publicly so it might be smart for people to draw your own conclusions...

I don't see where it's safe at all to assume that just because a low bond was set for RL violating his probation that you can also assume that he has been cleared of any suspicion in involvement in the murders. Yes, I'm very aware that he is not a POI nor a suspect. LE hasn't really pointed at anyone as a POI or a suspect. He was arrested for violation his probation, period so the bond matches him admitting the same. If, and I repeat IF LE had evidence to hold him on anything relating to the murders, they would have. This doesn't mean that they don't have anything to tie him to the murders, it could simply mean that they don't have all the i's dotted and the t's crossed yet. This isn't unusual by any means. You simply can't ignore the probable cause warrant to search his property. That warrant had absolutely nothing to do with the violation of probation, it had to do with the investigation of the murders of two little girls. That's the facts. Period. I'll just be patient, as I have learned to be over the years (painful, I know) until the investigation goes on. Right now, no one has been named.
Okay, well, then I remain confused as to why we are allowed to sleuth him. It's pretty obvious LE considers him a POI.

I think because of the unique situation that the bodies were found on his property and a probable cause search warrant was served on his home.

I wonder what the probable cause was.

Someone pointed me to an article that showed three search warrants were served. I wonder if that was all on him or if it was on three different people. And if so, why and what was the PC? It would be interesting to know, but we won't be privvy unless there's an arrest.
I think because of the unique situation that the bodies were found on his property and a probable cause search warrant was served on his home.

I wonder what the probable cause was.

Someone pointed me to an article that showed three search warrants were served. I wonder if that was all on him or if it was on three different people. And if so, why and what was the PC? It would be interesting to know, but we won't be privvy unless there's an arrest.


All three in the same time frame? IIRC the SW on RL's property was the 13th served related to this case. Treat as rumor till I can find the source.
Well, I don't see anything to be sleuthed anymore, actually. If something comes up, then he remains fair game, however, regardless of how desperately some may not want that, UNLESS, the mods change the rule.

The fact is, LE did not say he isn't a suspect "anymore". Let's be clear. LE never said he was a suspect at all. he has not been cleared and he has not been labelled a suspect. LE stated they are trying to either clear him or label him a suspect. neither has happened.

I'm sorry it seems I am bashing a repeat offender by stating that someone who is a mature adult and still gets multiple DUI's is not a angel and is different from someone who is young and makes one mistake. I'm not trying to make this personal.

A dear friend of mine, who actually, WAS an angel, and who I considered and consider my family, died in my home two years ago, kicking heroin. He was one of the best people I know. I trusted him with my life. He died fighting as he had for about 32 years.

Every single person from the 911 operator to the police to the coroner, I kept telling them, begging them, to understand that he was special and not some creep or loser. The coroner kindly told us, "I know. I can tell by how organized his room was. And he has a master's degree - he has more education than I do."

We keep his ashes in our home and keep his memory in our hearts. I tell you this very personal anecdote because I'm the last person who would "bash" someone for having a problem.

But I'm also realistic. And realistically, I don;t think comparing a grown man with not one but multiple offenses over a span of a couple years is the same as a college kid making one mistake. I also think there's a big difference between people who have a serious addiction problem and people who narcissistic-ally risk the lives of innocents instead of getting treatment for their issues or at the least, not driving while under the influence, over and over again.

Finally, and once again, it is unrelated but I'm responding, not bringing it up out of the blue.
Thank you for sharing your story. My love to you. x I do think 20 and doing heroin or 80 years old and drinking too much is same. Both are adults with addiction issues and both deserve equal chances. Im pro forgiveness but not in a faux religious wanting something in return way.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
The fact that RL violated his probation – more than once- testifies to his character as a person who struggles to obey the law is maddening. But the fact that he did not cooperate to the fullest in the investigation is reprehensible! There is a brutal killer out there, and his not being forthcoming and honest in his alibi takes attention and resources away from finding the real killer! The whole RL thing has resulted in a circus. Though I can appreciate the sympathy and concern for RL, his family, dog, horses, tropical fish, etc, I think it’s starting to overshadow where the REAL sympathy and concern and focus should be, on the GIRLS, their families, and their community! Two girls dead, families totally devastated, and a community that is frightened. So to all who are so worried about him, maybe you should change focus and find the KILLER And let’s just hope this whole goose chase doesn’t result in another murder. (Sorry, off my soapbox but worth a time out!)
"Named" a POI, "labeled" a suspect. Regardless of how he is labeled or named, clearly they had enough probable cause to obtain a search warrant.

True, but it is possible that the murderer(s) may have had access to RL's outbuildings, home, and truck in addition to leaving/murdering those precious girls on RL's land. And, this may have been with or without RL's knowledge. In other words we don't know factually if RL did or didn't have a person or persons at his home that day, if a person or persons were staying with him or if a person or persons were doing work at his residence that day. We also don't know how long RL was away from his residence that day giving the murderer(s) access to RL's residence unbeknownst to RL.

They sure put great effort into that search, and I just don't know if they expended that kind of effort, resources, and money for each warrant they executed. Maybe they did. Plus, RL has 40 acres, outbuildings, a truck, and there would be a lot of potential evidence which would take more time than a small home on a smaller lot. Why the truck then? I don't know. But, it was a probable cause search warrant. I lean away from suspecting RL. But, it could be a person(s) he knows, a stranger(s), a neighbor(s) or an evil hiker(s) that may have gained access to one or more of the areas of RL's property that day.

All three in the same time frame? IIRC the SW on RL's property was the 13th served related to this case. Treat as rumor till I can find the source.

I don't know!
This is a double capital murder case they are dealing with. I think LE and the district attorneys are being very careful how things are done. They will make sure all citizens are afforded their rights under law. If the judge ruled RL has the right to post bond on his probation violation, then let it be.

If there are other charges in his future, they can be dealt with at that time. There will no technicalities about his previous arrests.
He is not innocent of the charges brought against him. It's on him that his name has been in the media, nobody else.

That said if this is all he is guilty of I hope that they give him an ankle bracelet and force him to stay home due to his age.

Excuse me but 2 girls were found dead on HIS property and it looks like IF he didn't talk he would have been seen as hiding something or worse seen as being guilty of killing LG and AW. There's an adage "innocent till proven guilty" for a reason. So I think he's been damned if he spoke to the press or not. JMO
I don't post much but wanted to chime in and sorry if this has already been posted.
Just because RL is out on bond doesn't mean LE isn't still watching him. They may have wanted him to be released so they can track him. IMO (and I don't think he's BG or guilty of anything).
Thank you for sharing your story. My love to you. x I do think 20 and doing heroin or 80 years old and drinking too much is same. Both are adults with addiction issues and both deserve equal chances. Im pro forgiveness but not in a faux religious wanting something in return way.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

I agree. My friend was was 50. he never got arrested for putting others at risk though, while under the influence. We have laws for a reason. Repeat, multiple offenders are selfish. And have problems deeper than their addiction, IMO.

But I will move on as we are definitely :deadhorse:
I don't think the situation here with RL has changed from the outcome of today's hearing, with regards to sleuthing. The hearing was for his probation violation, unrelated to the homicide investigation. Therefore it's not related and doesn't change anything.

The SW executed on his property was related to the homicide investigation, LE have said they are still waiting the results of that search. Until they have received those results and we know more I don't think anything has changed. That's just MOO.
I don't post much but wanted to chime in and sorry if this has already been posted.
Just because RL is out on bond doesn't mean LE isn't still watching him. They may have wanted him to be released so they can track him. IMO (and I don't think he's BG or guilty of anything).

I don't know. I think if they had something on him there's no way they'd allow him released. They'd move in for an arrest. If he was the bad guy and did something while released, the outcry for the public would be insane!

I really think they don;t have anything.

If something new comes up can someone ring my bell?
The fact that RL violated his probation – more than once- testifies to his character as a person who struggles to obey the law is maddening. But the fact that he did not cooperate to the fullest in the investigation is reprehensible! There is a brutal killer out there, and his not being forthcoming and honest in his alibi takes attention and resources away from finding the real killer! The whole RL thing has resulted in a circus. Though I can appreciate the sympathy and concern for RL, his family, dog, horses, tropical fish, etc, I think it’s starting to overshadow where the REAL sympathy and concern and focus should be, on the GIRLS, their families, and their community! Two girls dead, families totally devastated, and a community that is frightened. So to all who are so worried about him, maybe you should change focus and find the KILLER And let’s just hope this whole goose chase doesn’t result in another murder. (Sorry, off my soapbox but worth a time out!)

Having family that are in LE, they generally don't have any use for people that are not being truthful with them in any situation......JMO And I have no idea if that was the case here or not but I would suspect that there were some less than truthful statements that were later uncovered.... FWIW
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