IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #5

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the circled part looks like track/rail hardware to me. screws and nails sticking out.
Deleted the posts that I could. Not sure about the rules. Can't post a link to a site I'm not suppose to bring here. Thought pics were OK.

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That photo is from Liberty's snapchat... Do we need to post a link to that? It's been posted constantly on every thread. I'm fine with doing that, just wondering.

A link is always good. The problem I can see with the posted image is that it is work done by someone on the FB page and not taken directly from Liberty's snapchat. Someone here could do the same thing with the picture, it just can't be a random person's work. Gee, I hope that made sense.
Yeah. Its from another site. Not sure what to think. I dont see it at all in first pic either.

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Zooming and distorting shapes in pictures can make you see all kinds of stuff that really isn't there ...Moo
Waiting for more releases from LE so the repeating and out there guesses can fade away!
RIP Sweet girls ...♥️
So I think I finally understand where the girls were on the bridge.


My comparison picture comes from a YouTube video - see for yourself here

The second photo looks like it was taken once LG gets to the platform with the blue circle from above:


The comparison video on YouTube (find it here ) was taken behind where AW is standing in LG's Snapchat photo on the right.


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Marking my spot... :(
"...... prosecutor tells public to stop playing amateur detective...."

With all due respect to Law Enforcement... I don't think anyone is impeding the investigation or trying to "play amateur detective". (not including some fine folk from WS --although we do pretty well investigating while staying withing TOS ;) )
Certainly they would appreciate tips from the public about their as yet unnamed suspect ; in the event someone may suddenly realize who he is ?

Sends a chill down my spine to think it's an ordinary guy who blends right into the background not only at work , but while out and about.
Please let there be an arrest and justice soon !

Makes me sick to think of the terror those girls must have endured... and surely one of them had to hear or watch the other one die ?

I think the prosecutor is saying that regarding the harassment of the people who live at the house that was searched I think they will continue to gladly take any relevant tips and information.
Can we not shout at each other, and not call names?

If a post is against TOS alert it
I never see anything and I see a face. Freaking me out actually [emoji31]

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Me too! I never see anything at all, but once I saw it, I can't unsee it to be anything else BUT a face. I hope my mind is just creating the image, because if not, that's the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.

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Dobeski looks a little too old to be the man in the bridge photos, IMO.

I agree, but given the timing and the terrible quality of the photo I read up on him and figured I'd share.

Honestly, I think everyone within a couple hundred miles of this freaks home base needs to be aware of him.
(I hiiiiighly recommend this article from Jessica's case, I post it all the time here:

Jessica Ridgeway: Killer’s ‘awareness space’ may lead to clues
By*Jefferson Dodge and Joel Dyer*-
October 18, 2012

"At this point, perhaps the best path to solving this particular murder rests with the ability of law enforcement’s geographic profilers to identify the killer’s awareness space, which is defined as that geographic area that individuals have become familiar with over their lifetime. It is composed of those places that have been incorporated into a person’s memory by repeated exposure.

A person’s, including a criminal’s, awareness space is centered around those locations that are most important to them, starting with their home and including other locations such as work, a friend’s house, the primary stores where they shop, favorite walking paths, etc. It is also composed of the transportation corridors used to connect those locations to one another.

Defining the perpetrator’s awareness space is critical to solving Jessica’s case, because in the vast majority of child abduction murders, as well as other crimes, researchers have found that the perpetrator lives within his awareness space, commits his crimes close to home and within that awareness space, and disposes of his victims and other evidence at the outer edges of the awareness space, generally along the space’s transportation corridors.

This is because when it comes to operating in our comfort zones, criminals, even sociopaths who murder children, have been found to be just like the rest of us. We tend to operate within the areas that we know best."

*Much more at link

Also from the heavy.Com article, in progress:

Riley said the suspicions arose because of “the way the bodies were found, that’s about all I can say at this time.”

The mystery man goes from being a POI to a Suspect yet he is still on the loose??? How does this happen? Would they not need something from him to connect him to the murders ?

I'm sure they have their reasons they know a lot more than we do with forensic analysis etc.
I agree, but given the timing and the terrible quality of the photo I read up on him and figured I'd share.

Honestly, I think everyone within a couple hundred miles of this freaks home base needs to be aware of him.

I agree, thank you for that. What an awful awful person. Hopefully they throw him back in jail for something other than harming another person.
I agree however how could they get a sample of his DNA if he is on the loose? (Just for an example) or has he been arrested and they have not formally charged him?
The hitchhiker/walking the road angle is interesting because it leads me to believe that this may have been more of a crime of opportunity than first assumed. I'm guilty of assuming that this may have been an arranged meeting because of the initial statement of LE about "knowing what is going on in your children's lives..." or something similar that I recall. Hence all of my focus on maps and the area. I have been pre-occupied with trying to figure out how he got in and out of there and chose the areas he did.

This made me think that if it were a pre-arranged meeting, then there was at least some level of planning. Chosen place to park, tools/kit brought to the scene, method of entry and exit, etc...

I can't imagine a sophisticated offender hitch-hiking or walking in the view of so many witnesses after committing such a crime. I also never felt that they were placed in a vehicle after getting to the trails because I would assume that an experienced offender would try to get them out of the area as quick as possible if he had managed to get them in a vehicle, away from anyone that may have begun to look for them.

I also felt if this were pre-planned, he would have needed a gun to control them and possibly some means of keeping them quiet. I can't imagine there was any significant chase considering the terrain. It would also suggest that they weren't bound and dragged or carried for any real distance again because of the terrain. I felt that if he took them to where they were found, he did it with a gun or some considerable method to control and lead them there.

The new development of someone walking is intriguing because it means that he could have entered and exited the trails and area via different routes. It could be a more opportunistic crime and raises the question as to was he already there with items he would need to commit such a crime? If he was able to commit a crime without anything more than what he had on him, it would lead me to believe he's at least somewhat experienced in this.

I've mostly felt that this was a prepared offender who met them somewhere near the bridge and directed them away with a gun. I also figured he'd need some method of restraining at least one of them once they were at or near the area where they were killed. It could also have been someone who saw them upstream on the banks from the bridge and snuck up on them, but he'd still need to subdue one or both to manage such a crime without a gun aside from a blitz attack of some sort. In a blitz situation, I'd assume that one of the girls would have been murdered quickly and the other subdued in very short order. I just can't get my head around how someone alone could commit this crime on the two of them without having some weapons or tools. Either way, in an opportunity situation- you had someone who either was just there with the items he'd need to commit such a crime, or someone who was depraved and confident enough to pounce on 2 teenage girls in broad daylight with no weapons or tools in an area where others could have witnessed it.

I've really been hoping it wasn't a drifter because I've been worried that if it is, he'd manage to leave the area without anyone having known he had been there and be harder to track down. Still a ton of info that we don't have and I know I'm jumping around to a lot of conclusions.

Did they mention any specific roadways when seeking witnesses?
Tapping fingers here- this is usually what happens when posters are tired of waiting for a break in a case.
I hate to ask this, but can our wonderful map and graphics makers please put a compass or some type of marking on their work so those of us who are directionally challenged know where NSEW is?
I was thanking perfectingpink for re-posting basic WS rules that need repeating far too often here. Images need a direct link, and a user had posted several horrific/fake photoshopped photos which was totally unnecessary. They were not photos that have ever been posted here or in MSM or from Libby's Snapchat.

That user could not even name the source--in which case: they're more than likely not allowed. Two girls have been murdered and I merely wanted a little integrity on that user's part, that's all.
I was thanking perfectingpink for re-posting basic WS rules that need repeating far too often here. Images need a direct link, and a user had posted several horrific/fake photoshopped photos which was totally unnecessary. They were not photos that have ever been posted here or in MSM or from Libby's Snapchat.

That user could not even name the source--in which case: they're more than likely not allowed. Two girls have been murdered and I merely wanted a little integrity on that user's part, that's all.

So different from the ones pointing out an area of interest under the bridge? I'm so confused.

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