IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #54

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Ne1 else think RL in cust for his own protection bcuz he may know or may hav witnessed something?

Something like that. I continue to contemplate that they "went over every inch of his property" the 14th and 15th. Then came back on 3/10, well after anything might have been discarded and searched across the street around his pickup and the old barn there and arrested him for having access to his pickup and other violations which had occurred on 2/13 and 2/27. Then did not go back to search his home and outbuildings as well as the field and woods until 3/17, well after he was gone.
Wouldn't they have searched his outbuildings when they searched his land? He had been gone during the abduction and possibly the murders so good chance someone might have been in his buildings he didn't know about. In fact I think if he had refused to let them search they would have gotten a SW right then. It's unbelievable to me they would not have searched there on 2/14.
Where did he park the pickup prior to 3/10? Was that truck showing up a new thing?
Did they have to get a SW to search on the Mears farm on 3/10 and again on 3/17? Just curious.
When would they have reviewed the surveillance video from the transfer station and known who was there on 2/13? Did it take 3 weeks? With all those LEO working the case? I don't want to think they dropped any balls or were caught up in beaurocracy like taking 3 weeks to get a subpoena to view who discarded trash that day. In any case he was there before they were even dropped off so it was not even connected. Still, if it was a big deal, it happened over 3 weeks before they busted him. Doesn't make sense.
Wouldn't it be difficult to use anything they found on 3/17 against him in court since he had been removed from the property for a week prior? Someone had a week, knowing he was gone to come there and plant evidence.
LE did not have to remove him to the county jail just to search his place. They could have done that any time. But they came back over a month after the murders. With the media. Did they have surveillance planted there, waiting for someone to show up? Is that what the odd dates are about? Someone who had been driving his pickup? If I'm not supposed to have access to a vehicle and state police are combing my property I might ask a friend to come get my truck. Maybe they knew he had a pickup but were waiting for it to come back? Or maybe someone used it all the time and they knew that.
Could they have done this based on SM and people who thought RL also wears a hoodie and a cap? They have incredible voice recognition technology, approaching that of a fingerprint or DNA, using a mapping system that connects voice to anatomical features totally unique to every person. It does NOT require someone to say DTH to match.
Or were they grasping at straws by finally returning to RL?
One last thing, what's up with the thing his Atty filed on 3/3? Then removed it? Had they been planning this with RL? Or was he just being proactive since he knew they were aware of his violations?
My feeling is that it has more to do with the property than RL. Or with someone he knows. What was the quote, We do not consider him a suspect but he is still part of this investigation?
Again, depending on the reaction of the girls when approached determines possibilities. Did they yell, or scream? Believe it or not a person may be scared of being chicken, and will not scream, especially at first. It takes thought to be brave, to argue, to beg. I doubt they had the time except to maybe protest but fear would make it feeble. Being confronted by a killer is deadly even to trained LE. These girls did the best they could to seek an escape. He had to catch two. He possibly wants reason to strike, will wait till the provocation is enough. Even a strong word brings doom too soon to their mind...they were scared.

Good profile analysis, I'm still curious how BG would get out of there without being seen. Even being quick. I've heard lots of theories and information of hidden types of trails iirc. Then the question of car or no car. Imo always but this is one of my questions mainly because of footprint relates types.of possible evidence where they would lead. I speculated that they might go further on RLs property, then possibly down the creek further. I just can't decide an opinion on this. And I'm sure I'll never know. Anyways nice post.
Hey dareya, do you have an opinion on the question above that was posted earlier?
Birds of Paradise, one page back Shiresleuth has a list that helps. Personally I think RL was befuddled by it all, incomprehensible to his mind. He has easy access to his property and his detention could be strictly for preserving integrity to the crime scene area, because BG had to possibly duck and hide for cover upon his exit. I really do not see any guilt in him. He was an easy target. I could be wrong but his own incredulity about the crime was thoroughly convincing to me.
Did anyone see article about volunteer fireman arrested in Lafayette yesterday for SA? I tried to link it but I couldn't. He is 27 . If someone can link this I think we should look at article.imo it could be related.its in the Lafayette Journal and Courier from 4/25/2017
White hair and facial hair
Alibi checked out
Not middle aged
No apparent motive
Not recognized as BG
No apparent DNA match
Not a suspect
Bodies found on his property
Some people think it was him
Not cleared
PC SW on his property


just curious as to the alibi checked out in your out list.
We all know that his trip to the ts station had nothing to do with the murders.
We have no clue what time he went to Lafayette or what time he told LE he went there. We do know that some things weren't adding up, could this of been one of them?
Here are some of my thoughts... I think too much has been speculated about the comment the LE made along the lines of what they saw/heard being things 'nightmares are made of' - (not an exact quote, but I do remember the word 'nightmare' being used.) I am sure in their line of work they have seen their share of deaths, but listening to audio (how long it was we don't know) or seeing video of any part of an event connected to the murder of children IS nightmarish period, imo. Discovering the bodies of two young murdered children IS nightmarish. So I don't think it is helpful to speculate on the details of COD too much, but when doing so, it's best to express it as respectfully as possible. I think if all of us made an effort to always keep in mind that a family member could be reading our posts it would be helpful. Please note that I am not directing this at anyone in particular nor was this post provoked by any one post today or any other day!!! I know most people here care and have only the best of intentions. It's just something I have been thinking from the beginning.

Also, getting back to LE, they don't owe us anything. Their priority is finding this - not to satisfy anyone's curiosity. I understand why so many of us are frustrated at LE, but think about it - those officers were privy to things that would highly upset anyone. It happened on their turf. We are all very angry at the monster who did this, but imagine how you would feel if you heard and/or saw all the video and audio available, and then saw the actual victims? These officers, imo, are certainly enraged, obsessed, tortured, frantic, sickened, etc. etc. by this case ten times more than anyone here (with the exception of family/loved ones) so please - let's support them with prayers and encouragement, and trust them to do their jobs.
Me too. Jconline anyone. ?

Did anyone see article about volunteer fireman arrested in Lafayette yesterday for SA? I tried to link it but I couldn't. He is 27 . If someone can link this I think we should look at article.imo it could be related.its in the Lafayette Journal and Courier from 4/25/2017
Something like that. I continue to contemplate that they "went over every inch of his property" the 14th and 15th. Then came back on 3/10, well after anything might have been discarded and searched across the street around his pickup and the old barn there and arrested him for having access to his pickup and other violations which had occurred on 2/13 and 2/27. Then did not go back to search his home and outbuildings as well as the field and woods until 3/17, well after he was gone.
Wouldn't they have searched his outbuildings when they searched his land? He had been gone during the abduction and possibly the murders so good chance someone might have been in his buildings he didn't know about. In fact I think if he had refused to let them search they would have gotten a SW right then. It's unbelievable to me they would not have searched there on 2/14.
Where did he park the pickup prior to 3/10? Was that truck showing up a new thing?
Did they have to get a SW to search on the Mears farm on 3/10 and again on 3/17? Just curious.
When would they have reviewed the surveillance video from the transfer station and known who was there on 2/13? Did it take 3 weeks? With all those LEO working the case? I don't want to think they dropped any balls or were caught up in beaurocracy like taking 3 weeks to get a subpoena to view who discarded trash that day. In any case he was there before they were even dropped off so it was not even connected. Still, if it was a big deal, it happened over 3 weeks before they busted him. Doesn't make sense.
Wouldn't it be difficult to use anything they found on 3/17 against him in court since he had been removed from the property for a week prior? Someone had a week, knowing he was gone to come there and plant evidence.
LE did not have to remove him to the county jail just to search his place. They could have done that any time. But they came back over a month after the murders. With the media. Did they have surveillance planted there, waiting for someone to show up? Is that what the odd dates are about? Someone who had been driving his pickup? If I'm not supposed to have access to a vehicle and state police are combing my property I might ask a friend to come get my truck. Maybe they knew he had a pickup but were waiting for it to come back? Or maybe someone used it all the time and they knew that.
Could they have done this based on SM and people who thought RL also wears a hoodie and a cap? They have incredible voice recognition technology, approaching that of a fingerprint or DNA, using a mapping system that connects voice to anatomical features totally unique to every person. It does NOT require someone to say DTH to match.
Or were they grasping at straws by finally returning to RL?
One last thing, what's up with the thing his Atty filed on 3/3? Then removed it? Had they been planning this with RL? Or was he just being proactive since he knew they were aware of his violations?
My feeling is that it has more to do with the property than RL. Or with someone he knows. What was the quote, We do not consider him a suspect but he is still part of this investigation?
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ocgrad, really excellent questions you ask. No answer but, being an accused person especially by LE is intimidating. Makes one want to vent and accuse back at others, point the finger and spill all one knows. If he knew anything the pressure of LE would cause divulgence possibly. He would maybe turn belligerent, and condemn any and all. His closing statement at the trial was telling, about the circumstance he had been placed in. The Court was able to judge the man under adversity. I think he passed.
Ugh. STILL no arrest? So sad for these girls. [emoji53]
Something like that. I continue to contemplate that they "went over every inch of his property" the 14th and 15th. Then came back on 3/10, well after anything might have been discarded and searched across the street around his pickup and the old barn there and arrested him for having access to his pickup and other violations which had occurred on 2/13 and 2/27. Then did not go back to search his home and outbuildings as well as the field and woods until 3/17, well after he was gone.
Wouldn't they have searched his outbuildings when they searched his land? He had been gone during the abduction and possibly the murders so good chance someone might have been in his buildings he didn't know about. In fact I think if he had refused to let them search they would have gotten a SW right then. It's unbelievable to me they would not have searched there on 2/14.
Where did he park the pickup prior to 3/10? Was that truck showing up a new thing?
Did they have to get a SW to search on the Mears farm on 3/10 and again on 3/17? Just curious.
When would they have reviewed the surveillance video from the transfer station and known who was there on 2/13? Did it take 3 weeks? With all those LEO working the case? I don't want to think they dropped any balls or were caught up in beaurocracy like taking 3 weeks to get a subpoena to view who discarded trash that day. In any case he was there before they were even dropped off so it was not even connected. Still, if it was a big deal, it happened over 3 weeks before they busted him. Doesn't make sense.
Wouldn't it be difficult to use anything they found on 3/17 against him in court since he had been removed from the property for a week prior? Someone had a week, knowing he was gone to come there and plant evidence.
LE did not have to remove him to the county jail just to search his place. They could have done that any time. But they came back over a month after the murders. With the media. Did they have surveillance planted there, waiting for someone to show up? Is that what the odd dates are about? Someone who had been driving his pickup? If I'm not supposed to have access to a vehicle and state police are combing my property I might ask a friend to come get my truck. Maybe they knew he had a pickup but were waiting for it to come back? Or maybe someone used it all the time and they knew that.
Could they have done this based on SM and people who thought RL also wears a hoodie and a cap? They have incredible voice recognition technology, approaching that of a fingerprint or DNA, using a mapping system that connects voice to anatomical features totally unique to every person. It does NOT require someone to say DTH to match.
Or were they grasping at straws by finally returning to RL?
One last thing, what's up with the thing his Atty filed on 3/3? Then removed it? Had they been planning this with RL? Or was he just being proactive since he knew they were aware of his violations?
My feeling is that it has more to do with the property than RL. Or with someone he knows. What was the quote, We do not consider him a suspect but he is still part of this investigation?

Some good thoughts here!

BBM and marked in red by me:

Wouldn't it be difficult to use anything they found on 3/17 against him in court since he had been removed from the property for a week prior? Someone had a week, knowing he was gone to come there and plant evidence.

Not sure, if RL's property was under surveillance 24/7. If it was, there should not be any problem with any seized items IMO.I almost assume the property was being watched and RL and his attorney were aware of it IMO. Otherwise the attorney could have tried to question or fight the search in court, while his client was in jail. Uncertain about the legal grounds in Indiana though, just thinking out loud.


Thank you ! I have to learn how to link. This guy would have had a badge to trick the girls.

The thing is, I'm pretty sure we can't talk about him. There is nothing that says he is related to this case. I'm actually leaning towards him not being involved. Usually killers, once they escalate to killing, don't revert back to fondling a victim and touching himself like this guy is accused of doing.

I think 3/4's of Indiana's population looks like BG. never know.
Did anyone see article about volunteer fireman arrested in Lafayette yesterday for SA? I tried to link it but I couldn't. He is 27 . If someone can link this I think we should look at article.imo it could be related.its in the Lafayette Journal and Courier from 4/25/2017

And thank you for the initial heads up.

Good profile analysis, I'm still curious how BG would get out of there without being seen. Even being quick. I've heard lots of theories and information of hidden types of trails iirc. Then the question of car or no car. Imo always but this is one of my questions mainly because of footprint relates types.of possible evidence where they would lead. I speculated that they might go further on RLs property, then possibly down the creek further. I just can't decide an opinion on this. And I'm sure I'll never know. Anyways nice post.

Since he struck on a day when most people were still at work and only school kids were off, it is highly likely that he could have parked at the cemetery, killed the girls then walked up to the cemetery and drove away without anyone at all seeing him. These rural places are like that a lot.
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