IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #55

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margarita25.,...IMO I too suspect hunter type....several things I am stuck on:

1. Local person or persons that know the area.
2. Avid hunter.
3. Knew Abby & Libby would be in the area that day.
4. Wasn't random.
Just my opinion of course...........:moo::moo::moo:

O/T, there's a comment where a grandmother says she has taken her granddaughters hiking on these trails many times and always felt safe...

Jumping off that, and repeating thoughts already mentioned a million times lol, BG maybe played there as a kid or young person? Or maybe has kids or grandkids of his own who he has taken out there? Again, hunted there before, fished there before, that's why he maybe chose the location of that would that area be for a fishing spot....maybe used to live in one of those houses within walking distance?

I would think LE has reviewed/is reviewing every hunting and fishing license...I could be wrong but I totally would think and hope there would be something these licenses contain a photo? How long do they store these licenses? Before the Internet iT would have to be paper files?
This person has been involved with the law, not from the Delphi area from what I can gather. Other than that I don't know much more just what i've gathered from sleuthing his crime.

Right now just about every man in the Delphi area looks like BG. Before I would muddy the waters with one more tip in the more than 16,000 they already have, I would ask myself if there was anything besides their physical appearance that makes them suspicious. My opinion is that the pix of BG was released so that someone that knows him would recognize him. I feel it is far too general to recognized by the public.
I respectfully disagree. I think someone *has* recognized him, and maybe even alerted LE. But LE wants to make darn sure they have enough forensic data to get a conviction before they arrest; those tests take alot of time, and then the DA has to review. The other scenario (and one that happens frequently I think), is that a family member has recognized the Perp, but doesn't want to bring the spotlight of shame to their family. The exposure. Or of course, it could be fear. There is no guarantee of a conviction, and that could weigh heavily on the mind of the informer; it could be pure fear. All ponderings and speculation of course.

Oh, no. I totally agree with you. Everything you said. What I meant was that I didn't think someone like me could probably not recognize BG from that photo. I actually think LE has a soft idea of who it is. I was just saying that before I called in a tip I would make sure I had other things to base it on besides that picture (someone missed work, changed their appearance, etc).
Oh how I miss Foxfire's posts. What a great sleuther he was. He could peel through all the noise and see what some of us missed...right under our noses. And speaking of which, I think this Perp is right under everyone's nose. That's why people can't see them, they are right there helping hang posters, crying, consoling, and the sort. Might even be reading this thread for all we know.

The fact these girls were murdered right around Valentine's day certainly can't be overlooked. This is someone who felt that women had "done him wrong" and he viciously despises them. Maybe someone who is paying out alot of alimony and child support, and loudly complains about it. If he hasn't murdered before, I'd say he has a history of domestic violence, and probably molestation. He doesn't see women as human beings, so probably frequents prostitutes alot. He might have even murdered a prostitute. He probably had mommy issues growing up, and this is the manifestation of that hatred for his mother.
I think this Perp is someone very close to one of the families, and will be arrested as quickly as all the forensic work is complete, and the DA has their ducks in a row.

Wow, how's that for Sunday morning armchair amateur speculation? We'll see how close my amateur profile comes.

I also believe he's right out in the open. Members have speculated about the perp's personal life, saying that he must be a recluse, that sort of thing. The more I read about these types of killers, the more I understand that most of them live among us. Bike Path Rapist (Buffalo). Israel Keyes (had a succesful, solo construction business). Dennis Rader/BTK (Wichita, had a steady job and a family, like Bike Path). Arthur Shawcross/The Genesee River Killer (Rochester) had a girlfriend, a job (or jobs), and people I know who came across him in the late 80's had no idea he was on parole for the murders of two children in another NY city. Odd guy, maybe, but no one I know who came across Art thought he was capable of being a serial killer, before he was caught.
margarita25.,...IMO I too suspect hunter type....several things I am stuck on:

1. Local person or persons that know the area.
2. Avid hunter.
3. Knew Abby & Libby would be in the area that day.
4. Wasn't random.
Just my opinion of course...........:moo::moo::moo:

I definitely agree with 1 (added to include or possibly local at one time, maybe not so now) and 2. Still not sure about 3 and 4.

I think a good angle is sleuthing everything to do with hunting and fishing in Delphi. Specifically Monan.

This is weird because I just went through their entire timeline back to Feb 12th and that post is not there for me. I can click your link and see it but it is not there for me on their timeline.

This post is the one I see with 'Sad Update' at the beginning

RTV6 (WRTV - Indianapolis) was live.
February 14 ·
SAD UPDATE: Two bodies have been found as part of the search for the girls, but they have not yet been positively identified. Foul play is suspected.
Abby Williams and Liberty German were dropped off yesterday to go hiking, but never showed up where they were supposed to be picked up.

Fwiw the time on the linked article 1:09 PM, Feb 14, 2017

Edited history (times are UK so +5 hours)

This person has been involved with the law, not from the Delphi area from what I can gather. Other than that I don't know much more just what i've gathered from sleuthing his crime.

If you think he resembles the suspect, and has criminal record, etc, I'd send an email, jmo. LE said "no tip is too small". They have people to handle the inflow of tips, or at least they should still. Better safe than sorry, imo. It seems to me it will be tipster who calls it in.
Jmo if LE had a serious suspect they would not ask for more tips, when they have been overrun with "tips". Working through the kinds of tips and calls LE talked about is time-consuming and tedious. And most of them (the tips) are suggestions, ideas and recounts of dreams or visions.
Has anyone been following the four deaths recently in Polk County? They found the nine year old deceased just yesterday. Not sure of the story behind all this, but there was an uncle, mother, two year old this nine year old. Don't know how to start a story line or if it's on WS?
Yes, I don't have a link at hand but one was the fairly recent sound cloud interview. That's precisely what was stated.

I'm not sure why there appears to be a mounting belief that LE is withholding information that would help solve the case because in my opinion that offers the suggestion they're incompetent.

The creeping distrust of LE, I also find concerning, when people don't believe what they say.

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When you have interviewed 500 or so individuals, executing more than a dozen search warrants, 70 subpoenas, and have 50-60 POIs - it doesn't suggest incompetence. What is does suggest is that not enough information has been released to cause a person out there to make a tip that leads to the perpetrator(s) of this crime.

It also suggests that LE does not have the slightest clue as to who the perpetrator(s) are. It also suggests that LE may have a specific interpretation of the flow of the crime that is biased or based on a misinterpretation of the evidence they have e.g. they have over valued one piece of evidence that causes them to define the crime a certain way and discounted other evidence which would define the crime differently.

At this point, I am inclined to believe that LE has been trying to fit square pegs into round holes. I believe that there is something unusual about this case and that LE does not understand just how it fits - I mean zero clue.

There are so many aspects of this case that have not been asked about by the media nor divulged by LE. It is not the case that each and every one of those aspects is so critical and required to be kept secret as to not compromise the case. Just offer up one of them and keep the rest secret. But LE refuses to do so in the mistaken belief that they are going to get some tip that ties information not divulged to the case. If that has not happened after 16,000 tips it isn't going to happen any time soon. So all of LE's secrets have NO VALUE whatsoever so far. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Worthless. Those secrets won't have any value until they find the perpetrator(s).

Somewhere out there is a person that can hand up the name, address, etc. of the perpetrator(s) in an instant but they are lacking enough information to convince themselves that they should make that tip. LE can alleviate that by releasing more information. Because short of having more information the person that would be able to provide the tip that leads to arrest and conviction will NEVER do so.

LE has a tendency to be arrogant, and when they are being recklessly arrogant it looks pretty much the same as incompetence - it is hard to tell the difference. This usually manifests itself when LE attempts to project confidence in the face of not having the slightest idea. It would be much more helpful if LE were to become a bit more humble and less of strutting around like roosters in the barnyard.

All of this is just my opinion.
I wonder that with number of tips - 15K-16K last I heard - if that in itself hasn't created a haystack hiding the proverbial needle. Somewhere in those tips might be the killer and he's hiding in plain sight.

I've wondered that as well. And the thought has crossed my mind that the $200k+ reward is definitely well deserved for the person/s who might offer a valuable lead. But is it also responsible for a lot of tips that are almost impossible to investigate, for example of total strangers somewhere, someplace who just happen to be wearing blue jeans, a blue coat with a hat and hoodie?

I don't know but I'd not want to think that some people might perceive giving a tip is like a ticket to the lottery. If I suspected someone was capable of such a deed and their behaviour was somewhat off, I'd offer the tip just because it's the right thing to do.

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(Speculation, thinking out loud, maybe visiting a sibling, or elderly parents in the area. Or a kid of whom he doesn't have custody? Kid's birthday? Or of course working in the area, to which we have posted numerous possibilites. So going back to that, not afraid of heights...

I think maybe a good angle would be for LE to address companies in another PC by saying if you have an employee who was sent out to this area on a job on this day... (maybe he is self employed, if so then, if you had any construction as a client, etc etc.)...sorry I'm all over the place....railroad, maybe played on the tracks a kid...
If it was an update from the previous 13th then why are there comments under the article dated the 13th and not the 14th?
When you bring it up click View Edit History and you will see what that post looked like at different times.



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Yes, I don't have a link at hand but one was the fairly recent sound cloud interview. That's precisely what was stated.

I'm not sure why there appears to be a mounting belief that LE is withholding information that would help solve the case because in my opinion that offers the suggestion they're incompetent.

The creeping distrust of LE, I also find concerning, when people don't believe what they say.

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Regarding the enhanced pics there is now a separate image discussion thread at the beginning of this one. (For newbies who don't know this specifically.)
I also believe he's right out in the open. Members have speculated about the perp's personal life, saying that he must be a recluse, that sort of thing. The more I read about these types of killers, the more I understand that most of them live among us. Bike Path Rapist (Buffalo). Israel Keyes (had a succesful, solo construction business). Dennis Rader/BTK (Wichita, had a steady job and a family, like Bike Path). Arthur Shawcross/The Genesee River Killer (Rochester) had a girlfriend, a job (or jobs), and people I know who came across him in the late 80's had no idea he was on parole for the murders of two children in another NY city. Odd guy, maybe, but no one I know who came across Art thought he was capable of being a serial killer, before he was caught.

Because of this forum I sleuth everyone new I meet........
This is weird because I just went through their entire timeline back to Feb 12th and that post is not there for me. I can click your link and see it but it is not there for me on their timeline.

This post is the one I see with 'Sad Update' at the beginning

RTV6 (WRTV - Indianapolis) was live.
February 14 ·
SAD UPDATE: Two bodies have been found as part of the search for the girls, but they have not yet been positively identified. Foul play is suspected.
Abby Williams and Liberty German were dropped off yesterday to go hiking, but never showed up where they were supposed to be picked up.

Fwiw the time on the linked article 1:09 PM, Feb 14, 2017

Edited history (times are UK so +5 hours)

View attachment 116050

Yeah, I think they just added the update to the beginning of that story. But the original story was posted on the 13th, so it shows as that. (Which would come out to the 14th, with the five-hour time difference.)

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