IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #57

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I've thought about RL and what his involvement could possibly be that would allow him to be "involved" but actually innocent. Yesterday I mentioned that BG could have a intense interest in railroad bridges and that is what draws him into a hunting zone. BG could have approached RL and asked permission to walk around and take photos of the bridge from the vantage point of his property. If BG would be noticed lurking in the woods by passersby he could say he is simply bird watching. Walking around holding a pair of binoculars to scout the terrain could be explained this way. I am not saying this is what happened but simply suggesting that BG could have worked his way into the area in such a manner and had a plausible excuse if he was caught peeking around with binoculars or lurking in general in the woods. IMO
We should ask our experts in the image thread to have a go at this??!! What do you think?

I'm no expert but I would like a stab at it because I see no backpack in the BG pictures in that thread and I'm curious as to what others see as a backpack.
This also suggests false media stories may have been retracted. Media needs headlines and imo RL was an easy mark.

Indiana State Police @IndStatePolice
@dbursten says media reports connecting Ronald Logan to #DelphiMurders is FALSE. Probation Violation; no connection to murder investigation
6:39 PM · Mar 14, 2017

(I'm far behind as usual)

Yup...It's been said over and over again by LE, <modsnip>

I mean, the guy is no saint and he's in jail because of HIS crimes, but it has nothing to do with the murders of these 2 girls.

It's so obvious to me that RL is not the killer. I'll bet next year's salary that it's obvious to LE too. The only place he's being vilified is on SM and other websites, because they allow it to happen. Such is life in the Internet world.
I think he's right under their noses, too. A recent interview hit that home even more to me.

Originally, I didn't think he was clever. But as the weeks turn into months and not a lot of new info, I started wondering if he figured out ways to keep DNA minimal. DNA under fingernails is always the obvious one. Or he could have done something super gruesome such as cut off fingers so DNA couldn't be found. I do feel he was cautious about leaving as little DNA as possible.

These are good thoughts. I am trying to understand the tips that have come in (the ones the media has gotten hold of, anyway).

Help me understand.

There is evidenced being processed by the Indiana State crime lab and the FBI.

We do know there were searches at the Mears' property and on RL's property. I have learned so much for the Sleuthers here. The Mears' property is on the other side of the road for RL's property. Both properties have out buildings.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong, or if if there is something to be added about the SW to RL and why the media hasn't publicized one for the Mear's property?

With two properties involved, I do think it is likely the investigators were looking for trail evidence of the crime. By that, I mean evidence related, possibly directly, at both properties, but that is only MO.

We do know (from the media) evidence was taken from RL's property. Not so sure about the Mears' property.

Putting it all together, either the properties were searched because of the proximity to the crime scene, or evidence led the investigators there.

So, for the investigators to search a property, they need permission from the owners, or a SW wouldn't be needed.

They had to get a SW for RL's property, for sure.

What connects the properties? Why were both searched? Thanks, everyone. There are great minds here.
(I'm far behind as usual)

Yup...It's been said over and over again by LE, <modsnip>

I mean, the guy is no saint and he's in jail because of HIS crimes, but it has nothing to do with the murders of these 2 girls.

It's so obvious to me that RL is not the killer. I'll bet next year's salary that it's obvious to LE too. The only place he's being vilified is on SM and other websites, because they allow it to happen. Such is life in the Internet world.
i think you are forgetting that RL is the only one we are allowed to sleuth. that is for a reason.
Motive was sexual assault, imo. Only thing that makes sense to me, if it was not specifically personal to one of the girls, in which case I think someone else would know for sure who BG is.

I guess I was being a little sensitive. I just didn't know if I had done something wrong. I don't post often... and am always afraid I am breaking a rule. I also don't know how to sleuth so I share hoping you guys will do your magic... I will continue to share, but will be sure to note that there is no known connection, in the future.

Thanks BT, brighty, and whiskers.

Just do what I do and say, "Not sure if this is connected or's worth a look"

You're doing great. I wish you would post more often. :)
RL would be detoxing because he is going cold turkey.
Hoping the system helps inmates through it.
going cold turkey from what? when has it been reported that he was a serious enough drinker to have to go through detoxing from it if he did not have a drink. he sure did not seems to be anyone detoxing from anything in the days that followed the murders. he also had to see a probation officer. was he going through withdrawal every time he met with them? one of the biggest signs of someone who needs a drink is shaking. i have not seen this in any video of him.
Great minds...great ideas...just wish some didn't make me feel so to listen to the rest of March 18th files....

From the Confucius, "The Doctrine of the Mean,"
There is nothing more visible than what is secret, and nothing more manifest than what is minute. Therefore the superior man is watchful over himself, when he is alone.
I'm no expert but I would like a stab at it because I see no backpack in the BG pictures in that thread and I'm curious as to what others see as a backpack.

Please take a stab at it!! I would be grateful! Post your results in the image thread so we don't get in trouble. Thanks for taking on this task!!
Its a question. Not a statement. Some info in the scanner threads implied the possibility. I can't discuss that here though.
yes, i have listened to what you are referencing. it does not sway me enough to think there was a sexual assault...although i could see one being staged.
I think so too. Abby was interested in forensics, so I think the both girls were wise enough to provide a lot of clues, aside from Libby's video and the voice recording.

"Aria said she and Abby "both had the same dream of doing something within forensics and police work."

I think Libby did a great job. It may have been her forensics class that alerted her intuition. I do hope it pays off. &#10084;&#65039; Brave girls.
I've thought about RL and what his involvement could possibly be that would allow him to be "involved" but actually innocent. Yesterday I mentioned that BG could have a intense interest in railroad bridges and that is what draws him into a hunting zone. BG could have approached RL and asked permission to walk around and take photos of the bridge from the vantage point of his property. If BG would be noticed lurking in the woods by passersby he could say he is simply bird watching. Walking around holding a pair of binoculars to scout the terrain could be explained this way. I am not saying this is what happened but simply suggesting that BG could have worked his way into the area in such a manner and had a plausible excuse if he was caught peeking around with binoculars or lurking in general in the woods. IMO
i think if he"actually innocent" and that was the scenario that RL would still be cooperating with LE while he is still "involved" in the investigation.
Its a question. Not a statement. Some info in the scanner threads implied the possibility. I can't discuss that here though.

Yes... visit the scanner thread. It does help with understanding this case.
I could be wrong but I thought LE said no connection at this time. Another case of wait and see it seems.

Still behind :rolleyes:

LE always says things like this. They can't possibly know if this case is connected to ANY other case until they actually arrest the perp.

What they mean is, "There's no evidence to connect these 2 crimes at this point in time"
I think that's a great idea. Its disheartening when you read on here and its all RL. Its like a broken record. Talk about beating a dead horse. The RL issue is stagnant. I don't think he has a thing to do with the homicides. That's my last statement on RL. At this juncture I'd find a discussion on the pros and cons of watching paint dry more stimulating than RL conversation. Trying to reason his guilt or innocence out is a losing battle and has caused several good posters to be unable to post. Now..who likes watching paint dry? Anyone?
it may be stagnant for you, but is not for me. he is the only person we can sleuth here, and we can do that for a reason.
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