IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #58

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Alright, here we go. I've read every WS post, every rumor on SM and don't feel like I'm any farther ahead in what's going on then I did on day one. Boy are you guys passionate here. Holy Toledo.

The is my first post to WS and likely my last. Love the site and came here as a result of Libby and Abbie. You know how the FBI mentioned someone taking an unusual interest in this case, I'm definitely that guy.

This is all my opinion only.

Do you remember, about 3000 posts back, someone posted and said that they had information from someone connected to LE? Yeah yeah, I know, not a verified insider, but still. She made a great point. And I agree.

Often times, the simplest answer is the answer. This isn't a SK or anything crazy like that, this is a local issue. Initially, I'm not sure that LE knew and based on the horrific details of the murders, reacted quickly. We all know how much traffic is around the area with truckers etc. It would have almost been negligent not to take nation wide action, in my mind.

RL is and isn't involved. He's only involved by way of possibly knowing the guilty parties or somehow assisting, but unknowingly. Basically, he got caught up.

I really think that only one of the girls was the true target and it's a result of something local. I don't know what exactly that is. Whether retaliation etc. I think there are multiple people out there that know the truth but, again, small town, and will not come forward.

I don't believe the girls were taken anywhere. That night was an unorganized search for the most part. I spent many years in search and rescue and have been involved in similar situations. It's extremely tough to find someone in the dark. Especially if they're dead. I think they just weren't found.

I don't mean to sound cold when I say this, but I really don't think this will be as "exciting" as some would like to make it. Take a look at the trail and the bridge for instance. You have to have very detailed knowledge of the area to even be there. This isn't a random predator that saw an opportunity and took it, that happens at the mall, or the park etc. This was way off the road. The person that did this was specifically there for the girls. He had a plan in place and executed. I believe he likely parked in the cemetery. If he drove there at all. From everything that I've seen, that makes the most sense. To me anyways.

I respect each one of your posts. Like I said, you're a passionate bunch.

Finally. Think for a second, based on the victims, their ages and the suspected violent nature for which they were killed, I think we'd be hearing a lot more from LE if this case had gone cold. I'm fairly certain that they know the story for the most part and are just trying to connect the dots and DNA. This is going to be a hard case to eventually crack, but they will and I think we'll all be surprised that it truly was a local thing vs. some crazed lunatic driving around looking for victims. I wouldn't be surprised if no sexual assault took place.

It's obvious to me that they'll seek the death penalty and want an air tight case that will result in a conviction. That requires patience, both on their part and ours. And while I'd love to hear some LE leaks, I'm extremely impressed with how many leaks there have been. Virtually none and that's crazy considering how many people were involved.

All my opinion of course. Good day to you all.


Thank you for a fantastic post! You have my stamp of approval. However, I do believe there were SAs involved. The two girls were best of friends. They knew one another's secrets.

My POI is a cunning snake hiding in the grass. He enjoys anonymity so he can glide through life conducting his affairs with little notice. He needs anger management therapy for his misogynistic behavior. I also do feel that he did not work alone in these horrific murders.

RIP Libby and Abby :rose: :rose:
I am leaning less toward a local as LE makes it sound as though they still don't know who BG is, still going through the last of the tips, and optimism is not high. Also because I believe if BG was a local, known to one or both girls, his identity would have been known very quickly. If they knew him, others know him. He would not be so impossible to identify, even from the almost useless image. Someone who knows him would recognize him.

I also don't believe LE would sound so pessimistic if they knew lots about the motive and killer. They have a scared community on their hands and I believe they would say nothing, rather than say "opimism is low".

It is interesting they did a "swab" of a guy's cheek. They are looking for a match.

Was that guy local? It would be interesting to know if he is they haven't eliminated locals it would seem.

ETA - the guy was from Flora. What do some consider local?
I am leaning less toward a local as LE makes it sound as though they still don't know who BG is, still going through the last of the tips, and optimism is not high. Also because I believe if BG was a local, known to one or both girls, his identity would have been known very quickly. If they knew him, others know him. He would not be so impossible to identify, even from the almost useless image. Someone who knows him would recognize him.

I also don't believe LE would sound so pessimistic if they knew lots about the motive and killer. They have a scared community on their hands and I believe they would say nothing, rather than say "opimism is low".

I've theorized that the motive was "local" but BG probably isn't. I know that is vague, but it's the only way I can process LE not having him (them?) yet.

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I totally disagree with almost everything you said. We have been over and over the local angle numerous times and although most of us are not experts we have pretty good investigative skills. What is your expertise to speak so authoritatively? Some of us believe LE is on to a serial killer and have a lot of information to theorize that in the form of other cases that may be related. Time will tell which Sleuths were correct or close to being correct. You do have a right to your opinion although you allude to a lot of things which you don't back up imo.

I didn't mean to sound "authoritative." I was really just stating my opinion based on the information that I've read thus far.

I have no inside information. I didn't at all mean to act like I had solved this thing, far from it. Being new to WS, it would seem that people spend most of their time providing their opinions. This was my intent only.

I have over 20 years of investigative experience. I'm not at all saying that this allowed me to have more insight here than anyone else, it was my opinion, my theory we'll say. And quite honestly, I could be way off.

I didn't mean to sound "authoritative." I was really just stating my opinion based on the information that I've read thus far.

I have no inside information. I didn't at all mean to act like I had solved this thing, far from it. Being new to WS, it would seem that people spend most of their time providing their opinions. This was my intent only.

I have over 20 years of investigative experience. I'm not at all saying that this allowed me to have more insight here than anyone else, it was my opinion, my theory we'll say. And quite honestly, I could be way off.


FWIW, IMO your opion is a great one, thanks and stick around and by all means keep posting!
I've theorized that the motive was "local" but BG probably isn't. I know that is vague, but it's the only way I can process LE not having him (them?) yet.

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I had that thought, too. Like a hit man. But I do think BG lives in the state.
I didn't mean to sound "authoritative." I was really just stating my opinion based on the information that I've read thus far.

I have no inside information. I didn't at all mean to act like I had solved this thing, far from it. Being new to WS, it would seem that people spend most of their time providing their opinions. This was my intent only.

I have over 20 years of investigative experience. I'm not at all saying that this allowed me to have more insight here than anyone else, it was my opinion, my theory we'll say. And quite honestly, I could be way off.


It is always nice to read new posters opinions :)
Can you give some examples of local issues? Do you think it was something personal as pertaining to drugs or perhaps a romantic involvement. Thanks in advance and please stick around![emoji4]

Always my opinion only [emoji230]
Not speaking for the author but it's total meth land and there's family history w drug abuse and incarceration so...
just imo
I wonder if Libby injurys indicate that she put up a fight and I am convinced Libby could of escaped as I'm sure BG had Abby first IMO

"putting up a fight" that would make noise, screaming or yelling maybe. Oh I wish someone had been on the trail around that time to help these girls. JMO but people out hiking should arm themselves with spray to ward of any attacker. (forget what the spray is called)
Or doing something like this in broad daylight.

The answer is - opportunity. It was a Monday afternoon in February in the Midwest. Few, if any, would be on the Bridge. Most are at work. Rare no school day. And it gets dark early. Closest homes are "Snowbirds" and RL. And...he knew they would be there.

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I've probably just been spending too much time in the image thread, but something new came to mind today. I wonder if Libby took a lot of pictures with people in the background, or if she stuck to mainly photographing nature and people she knew. Is it possible that she may have taken a picture of him at some point in the past that might be clearer than the stills from the video? Whether he's a local or not, he almost has to have spent some time there in order to navigate well enough to get to the bridge, get the girls to where they were found, murder them and get out of there without being seen and/or leaving anything that obviously points to him.

Of course, even if she did take one or more picture of him, he may look nothing like those we have if he's in different clothes and/or a different location. I just thought if they found a photo of him on her camera or Cloud, someone else might remember when it was taken and be able to say who was there. Another long shot, but I'm trying not to just keep repeating the same ideas over and over.

We don't know if he took the phone. LE has never clarified if they have the phone or just the data.

Yes they did. They actually did confirm that they took the 'data' from Libby's phone. It's in the media thread and in every thread from the beginning. It wasn't from her account, her cloud, her memory card, etc. It was from her phone. They say so here;

"Additionally, investigators have released a voice recording, extracted from a video found on Liberty "Libby" German's cell phone, that may be connected to the homicides."

Here is the media thread for anyone who wants to refer to it;

Please, continue to post. Your first post to this thread was very interesting. Differing viewpoints are always welcome.

ETA: I see you stated you have 20+ years of investigative experience. That will be helpful to this case and others.
Yes they did. They actually did confirm that they took the 'data' from Libby's phone. It's in the media thread and in every thread from the beginning. It wasn't from her account, her cloud, her memory card, etc. It was from her phone. They say so here;[/u...lphi-Media-Maps-Timelines-NO-DISCUSSION/page3

They also did a special report showing the device/technology they used to transfer the data from her phone.
"putting up a fight" that would make noise, screaming or yelling maybe. Oh I wish someone had been on the trail around that time to help these girls. JMO but people out hiking should arm themselves with spray to ward of any attacker. (forget what the spray is called)

I wish more people had been on the trail that dreadful day too and this monster hadn't succeeded in his evil acts. Legal pepper spray (Mace) is a good idea and a personal alarm too. They won't save your life necessarily but could delay the perp enough to get a chance to run.
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