IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #62

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Thank you Bently!

It's is obvious IMO that LE has no idea who BG is at this time. In other words there is nobody on their radar that they're hoping this sketch will confirm.

Re: the hat, I understand they don't want people to focus on the hat. But IMO the Oliver Twist hat is completely different from an Elmer Fudd as I referred to it in earlier threads. IMO they should have put the closest likeness of the hat, imo. Not dogging LE, they have their reasons unknown to us for doing what they do. I am grateful they have put something out. The expression of the sketch shows complacency to me, not sure if that's the best word.

I've got nothing else to add. Hugs and love to all of you out there following. I am soo frustrated beyond words, as we all are.

Just a thought on the "hat issue" in regards to the new sketch. Maybe because a hat thats appropriate for Feb weather like the one with ear flaps would no longer be appropriate for the warmer temps of summer months, so LE was just giving another example of a hat that wouldn't obstruct his facial features like a baseball cap or something with a low brim might. Where I live the winter months are VERY cold, the seasons bring on drastic temperature changes, winter compared to summer literally 100 degrees of difference. People change not only their wardrobe but their hair styles. For example men shave beards they've grown out, and wouldnt be dressed in layers which could make them appear to be heavier. If they are hoping someone might recognize him by this sketch and not from something such as a memory sparked from back in Feb, changing the type of clothes, hair, & beard to adjust for weather would be something to think about.
The "no blue eyes" undoubtedly refers to the results of a DNA screening process known as IrisPlex. It would confirm that DNA was retrieved from the crime scene, and that there is no DNA database match at this point, or an arrest would've been made.
I did DNA test and the prediction of my eye color. It was wrong just saying.
OMG!, IMO!! Just watching the press conference, and they photo of Libby....look at it, and the sketch! Those dimples!
Here's a quirky thought on my part. What jumped out at me is that today's date is 7-17-17, and it reads exactly the same backwards and forwards. LE chose THIS date to release the sketch. Made me wonder if LE is trying to send a 'coded' message to the perp.

During the discussion here in earlier months it was pointed out repeatedly that the Iowa cousins, Lizzie and Lyric were abducted on 7-13-12. Reading those same numbers backwards exactly is 2-13-17, the same date that Abby and Libby were abducted. Many people questioned whether that could be more than just a very eerie coincidence. They wondered if it was 'proof' that the killer was the same for both sets of girls.

Seeing this date today with the same backward and forward sequence of numbers has made me wonder if LE believes there IS a connection too.

Then again, I may be completely wrong about this. Really could mean nothing at all. Thought it was worth a mention anyway...
my first perhaps SK
Does this help?
wow awesome work.
Just something to keep in mind about how somebody could acurately describe a person they bumped into on the bridge. More than likely the sketch artist asked for certain details , made several variations of renderings and the person then was asked to identify the one that looked the most like the person they saw that day. Then the artist would more than likely make subtle changes until the witness said oh thats him. More often than not I would think that the witness would have to see complete sketches in order for it to click as to what they actually saw. IMO people arn't just trained to describe every minute details of ones face, but when they see the different similarities in the sketches it clicks and they say oh thats the image of the person I saw that day. I'm sure its a very pain staking process and probablly frustrating at times, Its not just a simple what did he look like and artist draws it out in detail type thing. JMO
Doesn't sound like DNA to me either. From Bently's transcript:

"Q. In the release you mentioned some things exactly such as the hair color, can you talk about this at this time.
A. Basically, the hair color is a reddish brown. She was, the person was not clear on the color of the eyes, but sh.., the person said it was definitely not blue. She was very obvious..., the person was very obviously not blue eyes, but they did mention that they were not clear on what color it was."

It was stated in the press conference that the sketch was a composite of information that came from various sources, not just eyewitnesses. It was not specifically stated in the press conference that the "she" (or "the person") who said "no blue eyes" was actually an eyewitness. "She" could well have been a forensic science lab technician who wrote the report on the DNA test results.
OMG!, IMO!! Just watching the press conference, and they photo of Libby....look at it, and the sketch! Those dimples!
What? I"m not following what you are implying...?
Initial thoughts. All MOO.

LE may have DNA without a match in the system.
They indicate at least one witness provided a description of the suspect.
LE may have a partial profile on the suspect from DNA. Those profiles take time and may have only recently been available.
When they got the profile back it may have turned out eerily similar to the witness description.
They may have called the witness in to do the sketch. Then refined based on DNA profile.
Witness account alone was important but not enough to release a sketch off of.
Once DNA lined up it may have made them confident it was close and would do more good than harm.

From the presser, they either released a bit more information than planned or they want us to think they did. I'm referring to the comment about hair/eye color "she was, the person was....but sh.., the person said..."

Remember when the BG photo was released. They didn't say where exactly it was captured or by who. They weren't ready to tip their cards just yet and I feel like that's the case here. If they had a female witness who saw enough of the guy to know confidently his eyes weren't blue, and they state later in the presser witnesses were afraid, I highly doubt they would make the rookie mistake of saying "she" even once. That could put a witnesses life in serious jeopardy.

Another thought is they know exactly who this is and need the final nail in the coffin before making the arrest. I'm hoping for this to be the case but not overly optimistic.

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Just something to keep in mind about how somebody could acurately describe a person they bumped into on the bridge. More than likely the sketch artist asked for certain details , made several variations of renderings and the person then was asked to identify the one that looked the most like the person they saw that day. Then the artist would more than likely make subtle changes until the witness said oh thats him. More often than not I would think that the witness would have to see complete sketches in order for it to click as to what they actually saw. IMO people arn't just trained to describe every minute details of ones face, but when they see the different similarities in the sketches it clicks and they say oh thats the image of the person I saw that day. I'm sure its a very pain staking process and probablly frustrating at times, Its not just a simple what did he look like and artist draws it out in detail type thing. JMO

I had to give information that led to a rendering once. They used computer software. I first described the basic things, like the shape of the head, fullness of face, etc. From there, I would describe the eyes (wide-set, close together, beady, lazy eye,etc) and they would find the ones that looked the closest to what I'd described and have me choose from about 30 in a computer program. We went through each facial feature: eyes, mouth, nose, cheeks, forehead, chin, eyebrows, hairline, ears, lips, teeth, etc. For each one, there were dozens of choices to select from in the program. Once I'd chosen the closest "fit" for each feature, the computer put them all together. I was then able to look at the whole thing and say, "No, the nose was somewhat flatter" or "Bring the eyes closer together," etc. When we were finished, the artist sat down and actually drew it all out.

I was under the impression that, as I talked and described, the artist would be sketching and listening to me. It was a lot more scientific than that, and it took hours.

ETA: I would also like to add that, because I was unable to see the top of this guy's head and therefore unable to describe his hair, they put a hat on him to relieve confusion. The artist chose a cap that didn't cover or shadow his face and still allowed the side tufts of his hair to be visible.

One of the men described at the link physically resembles Bridge Guy.

You may discuss the article and the allegations therein. you may link and discuss any public record, including criminal, or MSM concerning the man, whose initials are BW.


Here is the article of interest:

Just bumping this for those who may not have seen it earlier today
It was stated in the press conference that the sketch was a composite of information that came from various sources, not just eyewitnesses. It was not specifically stated that the "she" (or "the person") who said "no blue eyes" was actually an eyewitness. "She" could well have been a forensic science lab technician who wrote the report on the DNA test results.

Hmm, I think it depends on the source you read. Here's another source that pretty expressly states the "not blue" was reported by a witness:

Police say the person depicted in the composite sketch is described as a white male between 5’6” to 5’10”, weighing 180 to 220 pounds, with reddish brown hair. The eye color is unknown, ​but according to one witness, his eyes are not blue. Additionally, this sketch depicts a hat that may not be accurate.

The sketch looks like the second image released when the criminal is looking straight at the girls or girl. When he looks downward, he looks differently and the sketch is a head-on image. I think he was looking straight at the witness, sizing them/her up. Perhaps there were other people nearby at that time or he was waiting for two girls, not one. The cap, I just cannot let go of. My kids only know baseball caps and skull caps. They do not know this type of cap, but I know my husband's dad wore one, my husband doesn't know what it is called, he goes, "I don't know, an Israeli cap?" Now, I think of them as golfers caps. I do believe he was wearing one, but stopped after crime, I mean it is distinctive. I thought he had this type of cap on and we see the fold in the first pic as if he folded it up and put it in his pocket sometimes. I just cannot stop thinking about the cap, BTW, I hate those caps, I don't know why?? Just like I hate socks with sandals. I hope someone recognizes him right away and comes forward. Knowing his eyes are not blue crosses out a big group of men. I think blue eyes are most dominant. Will look up. Reddish hair, perhaps green eyes, not common at all if I remember reading up on eye color science. Back to google.
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