We finally get a sketch...
It's being implied that the witness maybe mistaken as to blue eyes, or well this is what the DNA testing showed. Who, beside LE, has spoken to any witness? Who has seen ANY DNA results?
Why argue about it?
It's being argued that is not a 'normal' hat? Who says? Personally, I think the BG has on a cap but what do I know.
Why argue about a hat?
It is now going to be manipulated to oblivion because, well, that's not how the suspect looked or well he has a more bulbous nose or ...blah, blah, etc.
Why argue over it?
We finally got a sketch! We have a
better idea of this face!
SM sleuths have already convicted JD, since it's posted in this article, we can bring him up?
Oh no! wait! it's park guy!
I still think many are going to be shocked when an arrest comes.
Let's see if this post gets deleted like my others.