IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #62

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Sorry if this has already been done but is it OK to photoshop the beard out of the sketch? Could someone do this and post it here if it is allowed? TIA

Please do not alter the sketch that was released. Focus on what we have been given by LE.
thanks, what an article.. The park guy looks like a dead ringer to me.

The park guy also walks with his hands in his pockets. JMO but all 3 (park guy, jacket guy and sketch) look like the same person to me. IMO

ETA: I should have stressed "look" b/c they have similar features or habits but that does NOT mean they are the exact person. I wish we had facial recognition software like they have on TV that would clear this right up! ;)
Because he's got his hands in his pockets? He's in California isn't he so where is the Delphi connection? WADR I don't see it . JMO.

You are right, he probably isn't connected but if it was someone passing thru like a truck driver, he could be anywhere by now. And they did put up nationwide billboards shortly after the girls were found so that must have been a possibility.
This is not directed at any one post...but let's be kind..I don't want this thread to be closed...we just got it back snark intended...moo
I agree with several recent posts Including this one. I think as we have been starved of new info and being able to post our opinions we are all a bit stir crazy ATM. We all want this guy caught but the right one of course.
I agree, Bird. The hat style is popular in different parts of the country. My son owns about 5 of them, different fabrics for different seasons, as do many young men in my area of N.J. I've also seen them worn in New York and Pennsylvania, also on the 20 to 40 age group.

I was trying to catch up on the posts before I made any comment on the subject of the hat. I think you nailed it. I too am in New Jersey and these hats are pretty popular here. A lot of older Italian men wear these and I noticed they are also popular with younger latino men. I don't know if it's a cultural thing or it's just a regional area thing. The use of the hat of this type for the sketch was what was said in the presser, just to take away the distraction of the Elmer Fudd hat with the ear flaps....nothing more, nothing less.
I cant think of another reason to put billboards all over unless he could be a park stalker and sees opportunities, I'm still not convinced he's not the IA. killer of Lyric and Elizabeth. Maybe he visits to look for cameras etc. you never know we have seen weirder out of people!!!! seems more than possible to me ....actually seems likely ....once you get away with something that naturally becomes your method

We finally get a sketch...

It's being implied that the witness maybe mistaken as to blue eyes, or well this is what the DNA testing showed. Who, beside LE, has spoken to any witness? Who has seen ANY DNA results?
Why argue about it?

It's being argued that is not a 'normal' hat? Who says? Personally, I think the BG has on a cap but what do I know.
Why argue about a hat?

It is now going to be manipulated to oblivion because, well, that's not how the suspect looked or well he has a more bulbous nose or ...blah, blah, etc.
Why argue over it?

We finally got a sketch! We have a better idea of this face!

SM sleuths have already convicted JD, since it's posted in this article, we can bring him up? http://www.missingpersonsofamerica....rk-to-man-wanted-for-murder-of-indiana-teens/,

Oh no! wait! it's park guy!

I still think many are going to be shocked when an arrest comes.
Let's see if this post gets deleted like my others.


I can certainly see why they are deleted
I can't imagine a minor being the I doubt they would study a person of this age closely enough to provide detailed sketch including noting eye color (or lack of.) Unless the perp tried to accost supposd minor witness or approached for close-up conversation, I just can't see a teen noticng much about an adult. Jmo
Well guys bickering with each other and focusing on things that don't matter (like apparently the exact style of hat used in the composite) certainly worked well and kept the thread open the last time so I guess it's a clever idea to do it in this new thread as well.

There are lots of people like me who mainly lurk these threads and don't post because Websleuths is probably the best place to read discussion about these kind of things and it would be a shame if it was ruined yet again because people can't seem to understand why the last thread was closed and then not do those same things again.

This is backseat modding and will probably be deleted but it needs to be said. I want to be able to see the joy and celebration on here when BG is caught and charged for his crimes, that can't happen if certain users are intent on ruining it for everybody else
This is not directed at any one post...but let's be kind..I don't want this thread to be closed...we just got it back snark intended...moo

I respectfully second this motion. It's been hard to stay patient, waiting for information that we can rely on, isn't it? During absence of threads here at WS I explored alternatives that are so free-wheeling as to be meaningless, and are forums for insults. Let's be careful of what the guidelines here create: civility. This is not directed at any poster, it's saying look at the newly released image for what it is. In olden times the crowd descended with pitchforks and torches to bring an end to it, whether or not the target was the right one.
I know that wide eyed stupid when you catch a druggie friend stealing your stuff. Getting angry does give you strength so maybe it heightens perceptions too.

I try not to think about what happened that day and it didn't even pop into my head until I was reading these posts where some are questioning why it took so long. I too think it was my anger that heightened my ability to memorize that guy's face rather than the person who was following me. I spent more time looking at the guy following me too but my fear grabbed me by the throat.

It made me wonder what the witness remembered and why she felt the way she did. How long it took her doesn't matter because the incident that happened to me happened back in February of this year too. I can't remember much about the one following me but can still clearly remember that stupid guy.. like you said looking like a druggie caught red handed...
We have a photo.

We have a voice.

We have a detailed rendering (i.e. sketch).

We have a reward upwards of a quarter of a million dollars.

If this monster is not identified and arrested in the coming days or weeks then I will sadly lose all confidence that he will ever be. I'm aware of the unfortunate fact that cases go cold all the time but I'm not sure that one with this many compelling clues ever has. It seems unprecedented and I can't for the life of me understand why he has not already been named. Even if BG is a recluse and transient at this stage in his life, I'm fairly certain that he has or once had family members (immediate or extended), co-workers, friends, sexual partners, high school acquaintances, etc. at some point.

I mean, we all have past ties. Why would he be any different? Why is a (presumed) eyewitness the only person to come forward when the suspect, simply by virtue of being a human being in the Western world during the 21st century, has had contact with other people, even if limited. (Unless he was raised by wolves, which at this point is the only explanation I can come up with that out of 320 million people in the USA, not one has yet to say, "I know this guy.")

(One more thing - whoever he is, I seriously doubt he's on FB. And if he is, he probably doesn't use a profile pic of himself or have any selfies posted. Why do we keep thinking we can find him in this manner?)
Sort of surprised to see speculation of any connection between the pictures of the man in the jacket/the sketch and the photo taken of a man in a park in California. Like... what exactly is the similarity? White men with jeans? How can we make such speculations based on such a grainy photo. IMO, the man in the grainy photo is wearing a brown hoodie underneath a dark raincoat-kind of jacket. He's got his right hand pushing up the dark coat so it can rest in the front pocket of the hoodie. With the direction of the light and the lack of detail in the photo, it makes it look like he has some sort of bag or device on his right hip like the guy in the park photo does. The park photo situation is definitely sketchy, but I'm just really confused how that and the murders in Indiana could possibly be connected. MOO
Well guys bickering with each other and focusing on things that don't matter (like apparently the exact style of hat used in the composite) certainly worked well and kept the thread open the last time so I guess it's a clever idea to do it in this new thread as well.

There are lots of people like me who mainly lurk these threads and don't post because Websleuths is probably the best place to read discussion about these kind of things and it would be a shame if it was ruined yet again because people can't seem to understand why the last thread was closed and then not do those same things again.

This is backseat modding and will probably be deleted but it needs to be said. I want to be able to see the joy and celebration on here when BG is caught and charged for his crimes, that can't happen if certain users are intent on ruining it for everybody else

Welcome to Ws Healthyheath, thanks for the much appreciated post!
The park guy also walks with his hands in his pockets. JMO but all 3 (park guy, jacket guy and sketch) look like the same person to me. IMO

ETA: I should have stressed "look" b/c they have similar features or habits but that does NOT mean they are the exact person. I wish we had facial recognition software like they have on TV that would clear this right up! ;)
I took a good look at the elbow bend, I do see similarities and either way it's creepy, the arms on BG seem longer by the elbows bending to me imo, if that makes any sense. But ya never know.

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I think this is a excellent sketch, especially when compared to say, Ted Bundy's first initial sketch back in the 70/80's. What I zoomed in on is his nose, is a natural sized nose or is it a alcoholic formed nose from years of heavy drinking? I even posted that this guys nose reminds me of the actor Karl Malden's who had that large bulbous nose.

It's a very distinct nose either way IMO. But what would make it stand out even more is if it were a alcoholic nose. That would be very red and ruddy, with a lot of clear vein's running through it. I don't see that kind of nose on anyone very often so that would definitely stand out to me if I ran into this guy.

I'm very happy the witness/es have found the courage to come forward, regardless of when they found the strength to do it. I have a strong feeling that this sketch is going to break the case wide open and the monster will finally get the justice he so deserves. Maybe it's simply wishful thinking, but I'm so glad that this sketch was released. Thank you to the witness, you may prevent someone else being robbed of their life....
Haven't checked in for quite a while..... I still think of the girls and their families every day. The sketch gives me chills, weirdly enough he looks exactly like what I thought he'd look like. I hope it's not long now.
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