IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #65

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The snowbirds~~~

Who was mowing the lawn/shoveling the snow/looking after the house? Was it a company or an individual? Who is employed by that company? If an individual, who did that individual talk to? Other clients, neighbors of other clients (IE: potential new clients)? Something along the lines of "Oh, I'm taking care of this house over by the Monon Bridge for these people who go to (insert place) for the winter and the bridge is really cool to see."

I would check out the caretakers other clients.

I could see this guy being with a lawn service/snow service. Would explain why he looks like he works outdoors.

What about past lawn/snow services? Did the snowbirds always use the same company or individual or did they change year to year?
Did the snowbirds have a boat moored near the Creek? Did the perp "borrow" it? The perp is confiident wandering around on private property so he would think nothing of using short cuts for his own benefit. AJMO.
Do you have a link for A calling her father? I was not aware of that, nor have I seen it in a timeline anywhere. TIA.

sounds like a "reporters" misinformation to me.
The police reports have said a "family member" was to pick her up.
A couple newspaper articles said "her sister dropped her off and was to pick her up"..
so this is a first as far as the father being involved that I have read.
Thanks, good question too!

Imo, the perp had her phone at that point. I believe he took it from Libby when he put her in the trunk.

I know the new information is that her phone was found at the crime scene. I'm not convinced though that it wasn't recovered from the water where the perp may have thrown it himself.

I keep remembering all the searchers walking side by side in the water. I thought at the time they were looking for Libby's phone.

I guess I just can't fathom that the perp would leave her cell phone in her possession. Doesn't make sense to me...

I would think that he would simply take the phone with him, destroy it and toss it away. To me, him leaving could have been a huge mistake or part of his narcissism MOO.
I also could think that part of BG's narcissism, is knowing how cold the water was and using it to further subdue the girls. By all accounts, this was bold and totally full of himself. MOO
the cops thought it was him.. squeezed him and made sure he was on ice in case something broke.
I don't think he has a clue. RL by the way
I think RL a vital witness who may even get the reward money... JMO
I believe the reason the drug story is still in play for some is the number of people at the bridge that were locals. In all fairness, GH took this excerpt from a long detailed explanation of what the poster worked hard to put together with a lot of detailed back up of screenshots that GH does not argue with. I believe there are still 2 good theories at play.

1) BG was a skilled attacker who lurked and waited for the right moment to overwhelm and take control of the girls. He probably had enough experience and training to accomplish this.

2) There was a local bad player perhaps near the bridge that another person is covering up for (alibi). This person may have been on drugs that cause anxiety and aggression.

I am leaning towards (1) .

In any case BG is a psychopath, or out of his mind on drugs, or both.

This is all IMHO
At this point, I'm more confused.
Yep,alot of things aren't making sense to me too.
Multiple news agencies and the FBI site had the description at 5'6"-5'8" and weight at 180-200.The official wanted poster is at 5'6"-5'10" and 180-220.
I've not seen a presser updating the actual changes.
Sheriff Tobe Lezeanby said he was hopeful because they have new information.
We've all seen new info.
ISP Superintendent Doug Carter says no new information.
Everyone excited to have a new witness that came forward to give a description.
Sketch NOT drawn to witness description.(The hat anyway)
They have "other things" they think would help,but won't release it.(per new interview)
This is of course not a complete list of things I'm having trouble with but just the more recent stuff.
Does GH answer it satisfactorily enough for LE? How did he explain it?
I don't know if they said it was correct or not,but it seemed implied to me.I just thought it was interesting but again GH stuff is just his opinion until verified by LE so any opinion I have on it would just be opinion laid upon opinion and opinions don't seem to be doing so well here the past couple days.Going into stealth mode for now and just going to read.
I snipped Spellbound's awesome transcript to this part about a train:

A: The last thing. Do you think that he was from Delphi?

H: You know, I really don't know. I think for obvious reasons I think he had to know the area. Was he from here, visiting, or been here.... I mean, I don't know. But you mentioned earlier the train and that area taht this incident occurred, for somebody just to go out there and be able to do what he did and leave, you would think he either got real lucky and walked the right way to get out with nobody seeing him, or drove or flew, who knows how he left the scene, or he knew the area.

My question, do we have a map to the train tracks that the perp could have gone to, to escape? What are the chances of LE having the mind to contact train officials to search all train cars that passed through the area that day? tia
I was in this vehicle abduction under the bridge camp for quite a while so :- Just a few questions - Why didn't the girls phone 911 from the trunk? They obviously still had their phones. Where were they taken and why and when were they brought back to the cemetery Creek side CS?

Guess you missed it when I gave my replies to these questions earlier. Easy to happen, as there was a lot said on these subjects during the night.

Rather than repeating myself, if you don't mind, I'll just refer you back to my posts # 273, and # 275, for my answers.

Thanks for your interest.

A special thanks too for your contributions here, trying to be a voice for justice for Abby & Libby. Really appreciate your posts and all you do...
I don't know if they said it was correct or not,but it seemed implied to me.I just thought it was interesting but again GH stuff is just his opinion until verified by LE so any opinion I have on it would just be opinion laid upon opinion and opinions don't seem to be doing so well here the past couple days.Going into stealth mode for now and just going to read.
I know what you mean . Thanks for the opinion replying to the opinion anyway.
Forgive me if this has been posted before, but this link provides so much information. There are a few things here that stick out HEAVILY to me. Particularly the part where officials say a certain persons job allowed them to roam about the Midwest freely.

Thank you! This is an excellent link with a summary of much information about the Iowa cousins, Lizzie and Lyric.

Much of interest in the article, especially what it states about an occupation in question. 'Training Automotive Damage Field Inspector.'

A person who could easily roam a wide geographic area while performing job duties. Very interesting indeed.

Thank you again for posting this!
Guess you missed it when I gave my replies to these questions earlier. Easy to happen, as there was a lot said on these subjects during the night.

Rather than repeating myself, if you don't mind, I'll just refer you back to my posts # 273, and # 275, for my answers.

Thanks for your interest.

A special thanks too for your contributions here, trying to be a voice for justice for Abby & Libby. Really appreciate your posts and all you do...
YVW. I have been playing catch up all day. Lots of info and opinion to take in. I will check out your posts as I very likely did miss some. Cheers.
Thank you! This is an excellent link with a summary of much information about the Iowa cousins, Lizzie and Lyric.

Much of interest in the article, especially what it states about an occupation in question. 'Training Automotive Damage Field Inspector.'

A person who could easily roam a wide geographic area while performing job duties. Very interesting indeed.

Thank you again for posting this!

This is my first comment on this thread. I've read 1-5 and then jumped ahead so I bet you all have discussed the "down the hill" audio many times and I would like to add my 2 cents in here. I know it's only 3 words spoken but I detect an accent and it's one I believe I'm familiar with. I spent time in north-western Illinois as a kid visiting with cousins, aunts and uncles... they lived very close to the Iowa border. If you had asked my uncle (a true sweetheart and long deceased now) to speak these 3 words and told him it was to instruct someone to go down a hill... he'd have sounded exactly like the recording... nasally voice and all. It's not just the pronunciation of those 3 words but the inflection of the word "hill" being spoken somewhat higher in tone.... (almost a question being asked but it's anything but a question... the higher tone makes it a polite demand instead.) That Illinois "politeness" being used when asking someone else to do something... no matter WHAT you are asking them to do or what you might have in mind. There is no friendliness in the voice at all so you know he's already completely in control of the situation and sees the importance of not being demanding or nasty about it. Anything to keep them as calm as possible until they're out of anyone's possible viewpoint.
This is my first comment on this thread. I've read 1-5 and then jumped ahead so I bet you all have discussed the "down the hill" audio many times and I would like to add my 2 cents in here. I know it's only 3 words spoken but I detect an accent and it's one I believe I'm familiar with. I spent time in north-western Illinois as a kid visiting with cousins, aunts and uncles... they lived very close to the Iowa border. If you had asked my uncle (a true sweetheart and long deceased now) to speak these 3 words and told him it was to instruct someone to go down a hill... he'd have sounded exactly like the recording... nasally voice and all. It's not just the pronunciation of those 3 words but the inflection of the word "hill" being spoken somewhat higher in tone.... (almost a question being asked but it's anything but a question... the higher tone makes it a polite demand instead.) That Illinois "politeness" being used when asking someone else to do something... no matter WHAT you are asking them to do or what you might have in mind. There is no friendliness in the voice at all so you know he's already completely in control of the situation and sees the importance of not being demanding or nasty about it. Anything to keep them as calm as possible until they're out of anyone's possible viewpoint.

Thank you so much for joining in and sharing that information! You've given some very helpful analysis of the dialect and accent.

Please feel free to add more of your thoughts. So glad you jumped in!
I don't know where either the meth lab story or the story about a car being used to take them away and then return them to the scene originated.

i haven't seen either mentioned in MSM or by LE yet they have repeatedly posted here so I would like to know.

It's been confirmed that neither the Meth theory or the the theory that a vehicle was involved in the abduction, is based in known fact. And there was someone who started a list of facts, that were substantiated, that appears to have been derailed. It was a great start to a list. It just lost in all this other stuff.

I was very interested in that list, and hope that person hasn't given up, because I found it very useful. It was a great beginning to establishing what LE has put on offer to the public.
I snipped Spellbound's awesome transcript to this part about a train:

My question, do we have a map to the train tracks that the perp could have gone to, to escape? What are the chances of LE having the mind to contact train officials to search all train cars that passed through the area that day? tia

I think "train" should be "terrain."
This is my first comment on this thread. I've read 1-5 and then jumped ahead so I bet you all have discussed the "down the hill" audio many times and I would like to add my 2 cents in here. I know it's only 3 words spoken but I detect an accent and it's one I believe I'm familiar with. I spent time in north-western Illinois as a kid visiting with cousins, aunts and uncles... they lived very close to the Iowa border. If you had asked my uncle (a true sweetheart and long deceased now) to speak these 3 words and told him it was to instruct someone to go down a hill... he'd have sounded exactly like the recording... nasally voice and all. It's not just the pronunciation of those 3 words but the inflection of the word "hill" being spoken somewhat higher in tone.... (almost a question being asked but it's anything but a question... the higher tone makes it a polite demand instead.) That Illinois "politeness" being used when asking someone else to do something... no matter WHAT you are asking them to do or what you might have in mind. There is no friendliness in the voice at all so you know he's already completely in control of the situation and sees the importance of not being demanding or nasty about it. Anything to keep them as calm as possible until they're out of anyone's possible viewpoint.

Interesting insight 🤔
Okay - getting here a bit late, but just wanted to make a few comments, as I finally caught up reading here.

Quotes from post #244.

So - just how he said this - they have NOT eliminated "everyone" - so they probably have a few POIs. I'm hoping it is so!

Personally, I think this Sheriff should go undercover at different bars around the area and "listen" to people speaking.... I'm sure if he heard "that" voice - he would know the killer!

This is in response to

Though the logistics of this might be difficult, this idea of going to local pubs and getting this guys voice and picture up, actually resounded for me. And this next is nothing that I can prove. It is solely anecdotal, but your comment made me realize who this guy (the suspect) reminded me of.

I haven't lived in the midwest, but I did spend a good bit of time in small towns in New England. And the suspect's style of attire (with or without the half-cap) reminds me of the guys who would drive the distribution trucks for various brands. Say Miller Lite, or certain cigarette distributors. They would travel the back roads in medium size trucks, delivering to all the local convenience store, and gas stations. And they were always dressed exactly like our perp in this case. Even in the dead of winter. The baggy jeans, the hoodie under the bomber type jacket. And a cap was not unusual-(please no one attack about the cap--I'm just sayin').

And they would often frequent these local pubs. You'd walk into certain pubs and the guys all had on identical working-man's attire. And they smoked a lot.

(That voice on the loop sounds like a heavy smoker to me. He looks young, but his voice has possibly aged from smoke--again, anecdotal...just from my own experience.)

But if this killer was a working guy, who distributes locally, that might explain his familiarity with an area he doesn't necessarily live in. And it also might explain how he is able to be off from work, on a weekday, in the afternoon. He may have completed his rounds in the morning. Or, he has a schedule where he works weekends and has some week days off.

But it was your comment about bars that made me think of it.

Nothing concrete here. And LE has not stated this guy was a smoker, or a driver for local distributor. But that's what he looks like to me.
[FONT=&quot]Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby addressed whether the local, county, state and federal officers working on the case are close to solving the slayings of Williams, 13, and German, 14, both of Delphi.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“It’s hard to gauge that,” he said. “It’s like digging into a haystack for a needle, and we’re pretty far into that haystack and that means getting closer to that needle.”
As for reports that there is new DNA in the case, Leazenby said that isn’t necessarily so.
“My position, it’s not exactly new DNA but rather additional DNA that has been collected from people who have been interviewed from the new tips and leads from the sketch,” he said.
“The focus has went a little more detailed now. We have investigators from federal down to the local level who go into the field every day and follow into the new tips and ask for voluntary DNA samples to submit to compare with evidence already collected.
Link to this newsbug article.[/FONT]
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