IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #66

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I'm really baffled as to why this meth theory has such stamina when there is nothing to support it. And yes, I know where part of the theory originates from (I saw a post that got deleted). But this is one of those theories that intrigues me in, just how badly some people want to believe in it.

I truly have searched, more than I care to admit, and I can not find one thing to support it. Not a thing.
Gracie, with all due respect and I am treading into a topic I don't want to...Delphi PD has said they served search warrants related to the case and found meth labs in homes.

Some people feel it is a viable theory.

If you or others (or myself) don't, that's ok too. As the mods always remind us, it's not about being right.

It would be so helpful if you could supply a link.

It may not be about being right, but these are real girls who were murdered, so spreading false information might actually be harmful to the case.

Being "right" isn't the point, being as accurate as one can be, I think, is.
There is a website where you can look at all meth labs that have been found and cleaned up in Indiana. Delphi over the past decade had a total of about 8, and there is not one report for a lab even close to the address of that cemetery.

I think at some point, given all the baseless rumor on this case, if you can't find a solid source, you might need to consider the info. as unreliable. Unless Spellbound wants to clear up the confusion.

Here's the site where you can read the actual reports on meth labs not only discovered in Delphi, but in the state of Indiana:

There's no confusion. I have a theory. Please take it or leave it as you wish - I don't mind.
It would be so helpful if you could supply a link.

It was just mentioned a few pages back. Sorry but I'm all linked out. It's thread #66 now.
Search Delphi murders search warrant + meth labs and it will probably come up. But it's in the media thread as well.
Not trying to sound short, but I've played link finder for the last 65 threads. :facepalm:
I rarely post, (don't necessarily feel I have anything to "add") so please excuse my amateur post.

I was thinking that locals living in the area, would be very aware of what goes on in the woods surrounding the trail. I also have thought about the "snowbird" house and lawn and could someone possibly have been staying there.

RL is very much on my mind as well. I just keep being re-directed back to him. He may know this person - or could he "be" this person? Initially I felt that way, then have gone back and forth thinking different things. Today, I am back to thinking of him.
Tread carefully. Some folks around here get pretty bent out of shape if you suggest RL could be BG.

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I gave you those details that BOP mentioned already. What's the problem?

The problem is I can't find the link. Maybe I missed it. For the Websleuth forum impaired, please repost link. Thank you.
It was just mentioned a few pages back. Sorry but I'm all linked out. It's thread #66 now.
Search Delphi murders search warrant + meth labs and it will probably come up. But it's in the media thread as well.
Not trying to sound short, but I've played link finder for the last 65 threads. :facepalm:

The discussion a few posts back was that no one could find the link. Ok. Continue on with a theory you can provide no proof of. If no one can provide a simple link, then obviously there is no foundation to the theory.

I give up. I would just say to new folks, no one on any thread that I have read has provided any proof of there being an actual connection between these murders and a meth lab. And I truly have looked and can't find anything to support this. I looked hard.
The discussion a few posts back was that no one could find the link. Ok. Continue on with a theory you can provide no proof of. If no one can provide a simple link, then obviously there is no foundation to the theory.

I give up. I would just say to new folks, no one on any thread that I have read has provided any proof of there being an actual connection between these murders and a meth lab. And I truly have looked and can't find anything to support this. I looked hard.

I gave a link just the other day. Search warrants were served and meth labs found=arrests made.

No one has provided any proof of 90% of what has been discussed here, so I guess it's a wash. :D
The discussion a few posts back was that no one could find the link. Ok. Continue on with a theory you can provide no proof of. If no one can provide a simple link, then obviously there is no foundation to the theory.

I give up. I would just say to new folks, no one on any thread that I have read has provided any proof of there being an actual connection between these murders and a meth lab. And I truly have looked and can't find anything to support this. I looked hard.

Also, I agree, you have done everything to disprove the theory.

I have no opinion one way or the other so I am not disagreeing with you.

All I can say is all you have to do is Google ANYTHING on Delphi and trust me, it will come up!
If someone knows who he is. They are controlled by fear. 250k is a lot of money. We know what BG is capable of. Really scary position to be in. Especially if they don't know where BG is at.

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I'm really starting to think BG is someone well known in the community or a nearby community. Someone no one would expect, so therefore would never make it on LE's radar for an interview/swab. Unsuspecting enough that no one would even consider turning him in for $250k. I think if it were anyone else, SOMEONE would have ID'd them by now. Maybe not family, maybe not a best friend, but anyone else.

As to the sketch, I am skeptical because it was made weeks after the fact. Witnesses aren't always accurate, and who's to say this person's sketch was connected to the killer? Not a local with that hat, which would totally stand out in the Midwest where baseball type caps are the norm.

SABBM- I'm also not sure how much faith I have in that sketch and I'm scared that it's just far enough off from his actual face that someone might blow off calling in the tip.

I still don't think temps in the forties is too warm for a coat, especially up on that bridge where it is likely to be windy, jmo. His coat is not odd enough to be a flag for me, appropriate for February. Jmo

Agreed. It's also quite possible BG had been out since earlier in the morning or planning to stay late into the evening. I believe it was down in the mid-20's that night and following morning. Mid-40's feels warm after a cold winter, but if you're even remotely stationary for periods of time, the chill can set in quickly. And that mid-40s peak temp likely didn't hang around more than a few hours. The tree cover and nearby water may have made it feel even cooler.

In the article linked to below, Ron Logan gives a tour of his property to Fox and states that the terrain is rough, but also that nothing like this has ever happened on his 40 acres of land----

can’t imagine how something like this would happen here because we have had nothing, nothing has happened here," said Logan."

"I’m going to take you down here and show you everything on how they could have got here. You are going to be just as confused as I was as to how did these two little girls got here from the high bridge with all of this rough terrain without somebody making them come here," said Logan.

While I agree the terrain isn't exactly a paved sidewalk in the flatlands, it's not exactly treacherous. IMO, anyone who's spent any time in the woods, around creeks, or hiking would easily be able to travel that property with relative ease.

But we also know that BG was insistent they go "down the hill", so it's highly likely BG did make them go there.

But, it's also MOO and seems to contradict everyone's opinion, luck played a role in BG getting away so far and that he likely didn't have to be overly familiar with the trails to get them to where they were. He just needed to get to the trail, whether he saw the sign, had been there before, knew it was there, etc. All BG would have had to do is lead them away from the people he knew were there at any point in the day (likely the bridge) and then stop where he felt confident they wouldn't be seen, heard, and/or noticed.

If BG came in on 300N from the east, he would have known approximately where the homes were located and how far back in the woods he could go. Traveling upstream, away from town, away from trail walkers and bridge viewers, and away from the homes on the southeast end of the bridge makes more sense to me. Walking downstream would keep them closer to the trail, and it appears as though the land west of the bridge is a bit flatter for a larger portion along the creek, I also think it would have been easy to see the homes from the very end of the bridge.
The problem is I can't find the link. Maybe I missed it. For the Websleuth forum impaired, please repost link. Thank you.
I didnt give a link cos i cant post links so we are at an impasse. Go to the beginning of this thread. Find the media and timeline thread in post number 1 (in every thread) and scroll through until you find the post you were talking about today (the 70 subpoenas and warrants) . It is around the same time as that. If you can't find it then just take my theory as opinion only, as I am not presenting it as fact anyway. Its JMO. If you still can't bear to read my theories then either scroll and roll or use ignore as recommended by the mods.


On Aug 14, FBI Indy tweeted two items re: BG same news we already know with sketch included.

@FBIIndianapolis SAC Abbott: Parents need to talk to kids on dangers of online interaction w/people they don't know.

"Soon there will be places and methods on the internet that we will not be able to penetrate and identify criminals on."

Radio Interview with SAC Abbott

very interesting. the more i read the less i think this was random

Chemical Smells

A telltale sign of a meth lab is a powerful chemical smell. The odor of an active meth lab may smell like:
Paint thinner or vanish smell
Ether or a "hospital smell"
Sour or vinegary smell
Ammonia-like smell (like the smell of window cleaner, fertilizers or even cat urine)


Meth labs are usually equipped with items such as:

Pyrex, glass or Corning containers, mason jars or other kitchen glassware (These may be fitted with hoses, clamps, or duct tape.)
Plastic soda bottles (This may be the only evidence of meth labs that use the one pot or shake and bake method.)
Rubber tubing
Dust or respiratory masks and filters
Rubber gloves
Large plastic storage containers or tubs
Containers of multi-layered liquids
Coffee filters or other items including bed sheets, used as strainers and stained red
White powdery residue
Sheets or other coverings on windows
Gas cylinders or tanks that may contain anhydrous ammonia (especially if the gas cylinder has a blue top. A chemical reaction causes the brass valve to to turn blue when used to store the gas.)

I had thought early on, that one of the nearby sheds or out buildings might have had a meth cooker going on. But I think LE would have stumbled upon the remnants of it, or smelled it, during the initial search.

Unless it was cleaned up and moved quickly. And the timeline seems short.
very interesting. the more i read the less i think this was random

That is exactly what I thought too when I read that comment to parents.

But as time passed, I am now doubting it was an online interaction that lured them or connected them. Because FBI cyber crimes unit would have all of the identities and contacts by now. I'd hope so anyway.

Now I am wondering if maybe they made that comment after looking at the girl's cells/social media. And they probably did have messages and interactions that looked scary and suspicious. But I don't think any of them panned out.

Chemical Smells

A telltale sign of a meth lab is a powerful chemical smell. The odor of an active meth lab may smell like:
Paint thinner or vanish smell
Ether or a "hospital smell"
Sour or vinegary smell
Ammonia-like smell (like the smell of window cleaner, fertilizers or even cat urine)


Meth labs are usually equipped with items such as:

Pyrex, glass or Corning containers, mason jars or other kitchen glassware (These may be fitted with hoses, clamps, or duct tape.)
Plastic soda bottles (This may be the only evidence of meth labs that use the one pot or shake and bake method.)
Rubber tubing
Dust or respiratory masks and filters
Rubber gloves
Large plastic storage containers or tubs
Containers of multi-layered liquids
Coffee filters or other items including bed sheets, used as strainers and stained red
White powdery residue
Sheets or other coverings on windows
Gas cylinders or tanks that may contain anhydrous ammonia (especially if the gas cylinder has a blue top. A chemical reaction causes the brass valve to to turn blue when used to store the gas.)

I had thought early on, that one of the nearby sheds or out buildings might have had a meth cooker going on. But I think LE would have stumbled upon the remnants of it, or smelled it, during the initial search.

Unless it was cleaned up and moved quickly. And the timeline seems short.

So there's making the crystals and then smoking the crystals (known as ice) . Is the "cooking" the making of the crystals rather than the heating and smoking/inhaling of the "ice" or are both procedures known as "cooking" ?
Special FBI Agent Gregory Massa has not presented the BG profile, to my knowledge. In fact, I don't think he is working the Delhi case any longer. He is certainly not the one I spoke with when tipping months ago.

Just now, I could not reach any FBI Offices that could inform me of who, in the FBI, is currently in charge of the Delphi murders but tomorrow is another day when I shall one last attempt, as suggested by the operator at the Lafayette Office.
Good work.I had read/watched somewhere that he had been reassigned but have not heard who his replacement was to be.I'm glad I went over the presser again as it was Massa that said they had an agent assisting in the search,which I think was up for debate by some.
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