IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #70

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Hi GunGirl, thanks for your response, I thiiiiink I might have been wondering if DN might have known about that place via hunting, or was hunting, idk, same old questions we've been asking since day 1 lol...(3 days of straight articles, images, interpretations, questions, DNA outlines etc etc etc has me functioning at minimal cognizance). Maybe it was because of that (the .22), I have no idea! I'll think about it, thanks!

Or fishing. I saw a picture of him in a small fishing boat that apparently was from his Facebook.

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Isn't it possible that he didn't realize he was being recorded? In the bridge photos he's looking down. Maybe he never noticed the phone because it was dropped or tossed out of the way.
I dont think he knew he was being recorded. And two individuals took pictures of his car in Colorado when he was watching the search team looking for Tim. Assuming they are one in the same.
Have you guys ever listened to BRAIN SCRATCH by Lordon Arts, on youtube. He has an update on this case. Hes pretty good.
The sketch IMO is spot on pic of Nations.Looking at the eyes ,nose ,and shape of face.Yes that is him.
Maybe he worked farm at bicycle bridge road location, hence that early search there?
Also, wasn't there construction work going on at a Mears property?
Finally, as an RN, to all fellow sleuthers- Make sure your Vitamin D level is adequate! Mine was insufficient even while going to beach daily! I now take Vitamin D daily and feel lot better. Some need anti-depressant Rx also. Getting outside helps too! & Music!
For all of us because I think we need it tonight: Leonard Cohen's own Hallelujah.


Superb Carbuff.
Thanks. Tears rolling. Pure emotion.
We need this, at this time.
2 other things....
Possibly some, like me, have looked at that sketch so many, many times that now, upon seeing DN, I have this mistaken sense that I KNOW him and given his circumstances (mental illness) I feel sorrow for him, too. I'm sure reading his social media postings has impacted me also. A sad sad story all around. We need better mental health care in this country, and more police! This guy should have been intercepted much earlier!

Secondly, some here, like me, may be experiencing the welcome camaraderie of being a part of this close-knit sleuthing community where we share insights, respect differences, commiserate, share humor now and then, cheer each other and develop a caring inter-connectedness very much missing in our society today. In some ways the thought of resolution here might bring about a coinciding feeling of personal loss for those of us engaging in this conversation may miss the sense of community. Might sound corny but I care not only for not only Libbey & Abby but for all of you here as well, and (please don't hate me for saying this) DN, in some ways, too. (& I am not a bleeding heart liberal, in fact not liberal at all.)
Maybe he worked farm at bicycle bridge road location, hence that early search there?
Also, wasn't there construction work going on at a Mears property?
Finally, as an RN, to all fellow sleuthers- Make sure your Vitamin D level is adequate! Mine was insufficient even while going to beach daily! I now take Vitamin D daily and feel lot better. Some need anti-depressant Rx also. Getting outside helps too! & Music!

Exercise helps, even if it is just loads of walking.
Certainly helps the mind.
The sketch IMO is spot on pic of Nations.Looking at the eyes ,nose ,and shape of face.Yes that is him.

I do see the similarities, Face shape, chin, neck - yes.
But the nostrils are wrong... and the eyes aren't far enough apart;
although the eye shape, and undereyes detail is nearly identical.
And DN pretty much has no lips at all.
But the biggest thing that leaves me with any doubt, stopping me
from saying "that's him!" is BG sketch looks a little bit handsome...
and DN, on the otherhand, is... well... uh, ...
Have you guys ever listened to BRAIN SCRATCH by Lordon Arts, on youtube. He has an update on this case. Hes pretty good.
Hi! New to posting here just wanted to pop in and say I'm a fellow fan of Brainscratch by LordanArts on YouTube. He does a great job covering cases in a way that they are not used for the "creepy" factor, instead, covering cases as investigative pieces. That's the best way I can describe his channel. Love his work! Also love the work everyone does here on WS, great community!

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Found a SM post saying they were in Denver on May 16 :eek: And found a lead on a homeless shelter I think they went to on May 18.

And desperate for money/place to stay...(crimes)? I think the wife was trying to work...

So, it was not unrealistic for me to be looking out for BG then! Cuz he was in my neck of the woods!

Unbelieeevable. Freaking out frankly. I need to go back and see when I was I Denver recently now!
Following up on what kind of weapon that 22 in the trunk was. Found this, which is citing the arrest affidavit, which should be accurate. 22 semiautomatic rifle.

Her saying that "she" bought the gun because their car was broken into doesn't make sense. How can a gun help protect you if it's in the trunk? If they were sleeping in the car or near the car how was it broke into?
Katelyn Nations also told the officers that she had broken the taillight when she hit a tree earlier Monday. Police ran her name and found she had warrants for failure to appear in court, but they were non-extraditable, so she was released.

Nations also had non-extraditable failure to appear warrants, but was arrested on a charge of being a previous offender in possession of a weapon, police said.
Ditto for LordanARTS!^ Hes very sensitive in reporting these cases which I appreciate!
Ive just come from another youtube discussion/analysis of the bridge photos and speculation surrounding the suspects alleged 'wrist watch'. On closer inspection of the images the circular shape near his right hip immediately appeared, to me, as some type of mallet or hammer, stainless steel/aluminium tube, tool or container. I originally thought it too highly polished or finished for a mallet/hammer but then I discovered 'Thor Aluminium Round Mallet' on google images. Is of similar delicate size, shape and composition and I wondered if a mallet had been suggested as a possible murder weapon? (Excuse me, I havent been following this case closely so Im unaware of any new developments regarding the murder weapon or cause of death but this information was initially not released). Im sure its already been mentioned and discussed extensively here but just thought Id post as people seem to have different ideas over on youtube.
Hi! New to posting here just wanted to pop in and say I'm a fellow fan of Brainscratch by LordanArts on YouTube. He does a great job covering cases in a way that they are not used for the "creepy" factor, instead, covering cases as investigative pieces. That's the best way I can describe his channel. Love his work! Also love the work everyone does here on WS, great community!

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Welcome Wvc.
Thanks to yourself and deedee,
will check out Brain Scratch
Well, I was thinking about some geopoints :biggrin: :heart:

I was just thinking about how this stuff stays with us, becomes part of us, how I wouldn't trade the last 5 years here with you guys, everything I've learned and feeling like I'm helping, or trying to help, but I realized that there's only so long one can talk and think about hatchets and slaughtered pigs and raped children without it taking its toll, and I very clearly humbly just realized it's taken its toll, that I would never want to be a cop, etc even though I've thought about it soooo many times, I don't know how those guys do it, not for me...then I was thinking I can't leave here because the NOCO shooter is still out there lol. Was also thinking about how just sad I feel, plain and simple, pit in my stomach, but that being with like minds here is comforting. Thanks for listening, and asking, I think I know myself pretty well and I think this one might have just done me in. Oh was also thinking about Jessica, smiling girl who loved animals, and how I still have major issues, particularly awful thoughts seeing garbage bags on he side of the road and how I need therapy. And hoe I might even just want/need to get the heck out of Colorado, somewhere warm, fall reminds me of those days, Just mentally emotionally physically exhausted I think with lots of issues, other stuff in my life, ot. I was also thinking how when this is over maybe we could have that cleansing experience in a new healing thread, with the mods' permission, you know ways to disassociate and heal the residual scars of all this by posting happy bridge pics and photos of cute blue hoodies.

Margarita, hugs to you. You have been a rock in this thread, working tirelessly for these girls and all of the others. I don't know if it is any comfort to you, but cops, firefighters, EMS folks, they all have the same feelings you do. Sometimes you are able to compartmentalize them, and sometimes they get the best of you. Talking helps. Especially talking amongst those (like us here) who have just gone through the experience with you. It is why critical incident stress debriefing is such an effective tool. After a particularly bad call, we would all sit in the kitchen of the fire house casually discussing it. It normalizes what just happened and reminds you that you are not alone. Talk to the people who can understand. Get your feelings out amongst those who are having similar feelings. It doesn't make those feelings go away, but it helps to put them in perspective.

This case is an emotional landmine field. It has changed my world too. I get up throughout the night to check that my windows and doors are locked, and to look in on my daughters. I bought a huge German Shepherd and don't let them play outside without out him. But it also meant that a few months ago, when I got a niggling feeling in my stomach from a guy when I was out hiking, I took several pictures of him and his car/license plate, despite how uncomfortable doing so made me. I stared him down with my camera raised. Bless you Libby for teaching me how to be so brave. Side note, later that day, the same man assaulted a woman in a state park one town away.

Take a break if you need to. There is no shame in that. Your health has to come first. But whatever you do, talk talk talk. Don't let these feelings fester. Much love.
1. Yes, Brain Scratch (Lordan Arts) is well done and worth supporting.

2. It has been several days of the Indiana State Police interviewing the guy arrested in Colorado. If he was going to be easily ruled out, they'd have said something by now. The fact nothing has been said gives me an indication the interviews are continuing and that he is a difficult suspect. Some personalities love frustrating authority. They think they're smarter than everyone else.
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