IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #74

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For one thing, we don’t know why the murders happened there in the woods. Was this the killer’s plan all along? Or did he intend to take one or both alive in his vehicle to another location? Did he do to them what he intended? Or did they put up more resistance than he anticipated, so he quickly killed them and fled? Without knowing the particulars, it’s hard to get inside the mind of the killer. It’s also hard to know what kind of DNA was left behind (though LE has been clear about having obtained DNA from the crime scene).

Do we know for sure that the murders happened in the woods?
The way I took the statement that he was retiring was simply that this case (and the others) are going to be held up in court for the next few years, and they have time for a new prosecutor to come in and learn the case(s) without it jeopardizing anything, where if he were to wait for arrests, that could pose problems. Basically, I feel like he is tired, has seen too much, maybe these cases are just too much. He has seen the evidence and crime scene photos and suspects etc. It's the worst of the worst when it involves children. So sad, but in many cases with babies or teens, it is career ending for some of LE and even prosecutors.
I thought it said, or maybe someone else had said it here, that he didn't expect any arrests this year, but the reality is, that's a little better than what? 6 weeks and its 2018. Courts slow down over Christmas and the holidays. Even if they do make an arrest before the end of the year, it's going to move at a snails pace. Better to get out now, let someone else get in and have this "slow season" to become intimate with the cases. Fresh eyes may be exactly what this case needs. I commend this prosecutor for not being driven by the need to go out on a "high note".


Makes perfect sense.
KN said she followed Stroup, said she learned more from his youtube videos than from anywhere else-
Stoup said she friended him on Facebook, and that is how they connected.
So, at least after 2/25 she was looking into the case. I am hopeful something will shake on DNs whereabouts on the afternoon of 2/13 that will either include or exclude him.
DN did have a Delphi connection - though how extensive is not known, including whether he had ever been there.

Your last paragraph did not make sense. Did he or did he not have a Delphi connection.

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Totally agree with you. I've always thought the sketch cane from either video or photo, way too specific for it to be just an eye witness account.

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Absolutely!! Way way way back when~~when I first started following this case~~my first post, I noticed a guy in the background of a live stream Yolanda Cruz was doing at the time of the girls funeral services. The guy was in a red hoodie. I believe the sketch came from that video. I believe that is why the ears were also a guess. The guy was holding something~~not sure what it was~~bow for a bow and arrow~~or fishing pole. I believe that is the perp in this case.
Do we know for sure that the murders happened in the woods?

If there is audio of the abduction (and there is), it is highly likely that there is audio of the murders (unreleased). LE would, therefore, know how much time elapsed from abduction to murder. I’ve heard nothing from official sources that leads me to believe the girls were murdered elsewhere and then, post-mortem, returned to the woods. It would also make no sense. If someone wants to argue otherwise, fine. But the onus is on that person to provide solid evidence to support such a counterintuitive theory.
If there is audio of the abduction (and there is), it is highly likely that there is audio of the murders (unreleased). LE would, therefore, know how much time elapsed from abduction to murder. I’ve heard nothing from official sources that leads me to believe the girls were murdered elsewhere and then, post-mortem, returned to the woods. It would also make no sense. If someone wants to argue otherwise, fine. But the onus is on that person to provide solid evidence to support such a counterintuitive theory.
If anyone is interested, this was actually discussed ad nauseum in earlier threads.

Given the reasons sumzero posted above and also the relatively tight timeline, it seems incredibly unlikely that the murders occurred anywhere else.

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If anyone is interested, this was actually discussed ad nauseum in earlier threads.

Given the reasons sumzero posted above and also the relatively tight timeline, it seems incredibly unlikely that the murders occurred anywhere else.

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mmm.....I actually never came to a result in my thinking about how fast the murders occurred (timeline)nor if they occurred where the bodies were found. However, depending on how much LE has from the phone recording, it might be positively known. I just haven't seen or read that LE has given us this knowledge. If they have please post again.
Carroll County Prosecutor Rob Ives is stepping down. He's prepared to leave before charges are filed in two very high-profile cases.

Then there have been tough times, most notably this last year. Four sisters were killed in the Flora house fire last November and Abby Williams and Libby German were murdered in February.

He wants people to know several investigators continue to work on the two cases every day.

"No one has given up, no one has given up hope and there are always good developments, but I can say this--there are no charges imminent, nothing is going to happen in the near real future, unless something breaks," said Ives.

He said if charges had already been filed, he most likely would not resign and try to see them through. He said whoever replaces him should have that same opportunity. He is more than willing to offer any help .

Clearly, he doesn't think charges are coming before he leaves office. He also indicates he wouldn't be resigning if charges were imminent.
Absolutely!! Way way way back when~~when I first started following this case~~my first post, I noticed a guy in the background of a live stream Yolanda Cruz was doing at the time of the girls funeral services. The guy was in a red hoodie. I believe the sketch came from that video. I believe that is why the ears were also a guess. The guy was holding something~~not sure what it was~~bow for a bow and arrow~~or fishing pole. I believe that is the perp in this case.

Would/could you link that for us?
I would really like to look at it.
mmm.....I actually never came to a result in my thinking about how fast the murders occurred not if they occurred where the bodies were found.
IIRC, on 2/13 they were dropped off around 1 and family was there to pick them up around 3:30. The bridge photo was at approx 2:30 p.m. When they could not locate them, they were reported missing at 5:30 and a search with LE followed. The official search with law enforcement was called off due to darkness and resumed the following morning but family continued searching throughout the night. The official search resumed in the morning and the girls were found just before noon on 2/14.

Theoretically, that would be 21 hours from the time they were on the bridge but presumably searchers (LE and/or family) were present for up to 20 of those hours. It seems very unlikely that BG abducted them, killed them, and brought them back so close to the bridge while people were searching. JMO.

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So sad. LE, it would appear, do not have the evidence it takes to identify who murdered the girls. Sadly, IMO this case will go unsolved. I really hate to say that, but unfortunately it is the opinion I have come to.

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Could the prosecutor be stepping down due to the way this case is being handled?
I had trouble finding it before~~so I saved it in my favorites. I have a folder just for sleuthing...LOL...and gosh I really need to clean that out....LOL

Here you go. He starts walking past at about the 1 minute mark.

Thanks for searching and sharing. I think you are right, this man carries the same posture as BG and appears to be very similarly built.

I expect with a case like this, that the person involved would be one who gets some sort of twisted pleasure in seeing the grieving and fear and pain, maybe even more than they did during the actual act, and would therefore go to where the media is and try and be a part of the community. Inserting themselves into the investigation to not only throw people off their trail, but to hopefully get any info about the case that may not be widely available.

My concern now for the last while has been if BG is really enjoying this attention, will it keep him satisfied until he can be caught, or will people stop talking and the media slow down to a point that he "has to" act again in order to get the fear and attention rolling again?

KN said she followed Stroup, said she learned more from his youtube videos than from anywhere else-
Stoup said she friended him on Facebook, and that is how they connected.
So, at least after 2/25 she was looking into the case. I am hopeful something will shake on DNs whereabouts on the afternoon of 2/13 that will either include or exclude him.
DN did have a Delphi connection - though how extensive is not known, including whether he had ever been there.

Your last paragraph did not make sense. Did he or did he not have a Delphi connection.
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KN said she followed Stroup, said she learned more from his youtube videos than from anywhere else-
Stoup said she friended him on Facebook, and that is how they connected.
So, at least after 2/25 she was looking into the case. I am hopeful something will shake on DNs whereabouts on the afternoon of 2/13 that will either include or exclude him.
DN did have a Delphi connection - though how extensive is not known, including whether he had ever been there.

Your last paragraph did not make sense.
Did he or did he not have a Delphi connection.

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Depends on what is your definition of a connection is.

Mine is he knows about it, that it is likely he went there during his employment, that its a place RSOs know there is employment for them, that it's on the way somewhere he might go etc. Or other connections that are off limits for WS.

LE placing him there 2/13 is the only thing that really matters though.

Does anyone recognize this place or boat?



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I had trouble finding it before~~so I saved it in my favorites. I have a folder just for sleuthing...LOL...and gosh I really need to clean that out....LOL

Here you go. He starts walking past at about the 1 minute mark.

Thanks for taking the time to find it for me. Wouldn't you my iPad is deciding to not open it. Patience. Thanks again.
ETA: The clip was too short for me to form an impression of the guy.
I had trouble finding it before~~so I saved it in my favorites. I have a folder just for sleuthing...LOL...and gosh I really need to clean that out....LOL

Here you go. He starts walking past at about the 1 minute mark.

Just so I have this straight, you think that the sketch that LE gave us in July and told us it was made from an eye witness that saw BG in the area on the day that the girls disappeared was really made from this video of the guy in the red hoodie on the 19th of Feb?
And you think he might be carrying either a bow for a bow and arrow or a fishing pole? My eyes must be bad because it looks like the shadow from his hand on his pants. But who knows, everyone sees things differently.
Just so I have this straight, you think that the sketch that LE gave us in July and told us it was made from an eye witness that saw BG in the area on the day that the girls disappeared was really made from this video of the guy in the red hoodie on the 19th of Feb?
And you think he might be carrying either a bow for a bow and arrow or a fishing pole? My eyes must be bad because it looks like the shadow from his hand on his pants. But who knows, everyone sees things differently.

Yes, just my opinion though. The reason I believe this to be true is because of the delay on the sketch being released. I believe it may not have come to their attention until later. JMHO though FWIW.
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