IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #74

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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A lot of people dismissed the idea because they thought that the killer would have been caught pretty quickly. However, the Brian Kil case began in Dec of 2015 and Buster Hernandex, aka Brian Kil, was finally caught three months ago. He was good at what he did and he's a disgusting human being. MOO
I agree. To read his quotes and"reasoning" for what he did- so disturbing!!

I'd think it would be even harder if the Cyber stalking was covert, thus not leaving much of a trace. Much of the girls' social media accounts were public. It is possible the stalking was done in silence and the girls may never have had contact with him.

There was also a lot of discussion about Kik and people suggesting it is not as anonymous as some may think and that LE would be able to obtain records. Even if they did obtain records, it may take a while to put it all together, and as in the case of Brian Kil, find the "needle in a haystack."

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1. Bridge Guy: serial killer or no?
2. Local (25 mi radius), semi local (50-75 mi) or non local?
3. what age range do you believe he is?
4. Homeless or not?
5. Planned attack or spontaneous?
6. Lone wolf or accomplice (s)? [/I][/QUOTE]

1. not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me if yes
2. semi local
3. 30-45
4. not usually, but living off the land is ok with him
5. spontaneous - crime of opportunity, but planned once opportunity arose
6. not sure
Even with the latest news about the prosecutor stepping down,I still believe DN is the murderer and we will be seeing charges.
1. Bridge Guy: serial killer or no?
2. Local (25 mi radius), semi local (50-75 mi) or non local?
3. what age range do you believe he is?
4. Homeless or not?
5. Planned attack or spontaneous?
6. Lone wolf or accomplice (s)? [/I]

1. Yes, Sk
2. Idk
3. 38-57
4. Idk
5. Idk
6. Lone
Even with the latest news about the prosecutor stepping down,I still believe DN is the murderer and we will be seeing charges.

Can I please ask why you think this?

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Can I please ask why you think this?

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So much fits. I just think LE doesn't have everything they need yet for a slam dunk, but they will get it. I think they know it is DN. Like they said, they only get one chance at trial. DN is locked up and they can take their time getting all their ducks in a row.
So much fits. I just think LE doesn't have everything they need yet for a slam dunk, but they will get it. I think they know it is DN. Like they said, they only get one chance at trial. DN is locked up and they can take their time getting all their ducks in a row.

I'm 50/ me BG looks older, and his voice seems older too. However for me, everything else makes me think maybe. Living under a bridge, the sketch, KN not remembering if he came or not to her scan.

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Like some of you I'm sure, I have been waffling back and forth as to if DN did it or not.

Early on I was 60% sure he did it. Now I am maybe 33% sure.

The 2 things that bug me the most are 1) how he would have gotten to Delphi that day and 2) he has the same facial features but looks 10-15 year younger than the sketch.

Otherwise, it seems like a good match.

As time drags on and on with DN not being named as a POI, it leads me to think he is being ruled out. But then again, they would still be gathering evidence to collect to be able to confront him to see if he lies and/or what else he admits to that they don't have evidence on.

It seems to me if they had any evidence that he was not involved, they would have already made that public.

Again, I'm only about one-third sure he is the one.
There was a sketch of a man wanted in NY. He looked to be fourtyish. An arrest was made. Hes twenty yrs old.
I'll hazard a guess with these Angry Eyes.

1. Bridge Guy: serial killer or no? Yes. Three or more killings qualifies to be labeled as a SK.

2. Local (25 mi radius), semi local (50-75 mi) or non local? Local; especially, to Carroll Co. and Delhi, in particular. A bit farther away currently.

3. what age range do you believe he is? Is this a trick question? More than one is involved, although BG is approaching 40 yo.

4. Homeless or not? Not currently. Lives with a Lady SO. Mooch. Leech. Parasite. Not currently employed. However, excavation experience.

5. Planned attack or spontaneous? BG is highly skilled in the art of entrapment. Not a drug abuser. Keeps mind focused. Would kill for a shiny new firearm. No money required.

6. Lone wolf or accomplice (s)? More than one is involved in the double homicide.
Do you feel BG or the other person involved is a SO or a RSO in Carroll County?
Wasn't it right after the artists rendition that LE went looking for DN? I think he was on their radar for the murders at this point. I'll bet LE showed a picture of him to the witness and she thought it was him.

That thought has crossed my mind more than once...good to see somebody has had the same thought.
Question regarding the ages everyone is putting in their poll.
What is making you think the ages you are? Appearance or something else?

i guess around late twenties to about 37, but my reasoning is based more on the crime itself and less on the image.

Someone who is younger than late twenties IMO generally lacks order and organization to pull off TWO victims at the same time. I feel that that would take a lot of trial and error with a single victim in the past (maybe DV and being extremely controlling abusive at home to gain confidence?) to prepare for something BIG.

Seems like you would have to have pretty good stamina to not only get two teens under your control and then do whatever was done, clean up enough that the case is still open, and then walk yourself out of that area and not look like you had just killed two people. I suppose we don't know how long he was down there or if he cleaned himself up and all of that, but I think it's fair to assume he didn't sustain any injuries in a fight between them that he was able to hike back out unnoticed.

I see this as being someone almost compulsively organized and prepared. I also see it being confident which I feel is lacking in the majority of younger people and the stamina not generally available to someone older (unless that older person was always quite physical).

That all said, it wouldn't surprise me if it was group of kids from school who "accidentally" committed a near perfect double murder, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is the 70 year old widower who appears to be frail and overweight. Which, IMO is likely why LE hasn't been able to really rule anyone out.

JMO on the age thing. Would love to know why you feel the age range you do!

Well, poop. That's a petty definitive statement, and to me confirms there next to no evidence in this case. How can that be? LE incompetence?

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I have been of the opinion that LE down there are pretty darn inept. I really think this case will go cold.
I've been looking for the Johnson County warrant but can't find it. Does any one have a link handy? I believe that's the document where it notes when LE started looking for DN. I want to say they started looking in May at the hotel, revisited a few times, couldn't locate him, and their July visit is when they learned DN had moved out back in May. (May 12 is what I want to say but I'm going from memory). On 7/17 the sketch was released and 7/18 Johnson Co put the warrant out.
I'm still pages behind here, playing catch up. Hopefully, someone has already provided you with a link.

If not, I can at least tell you where the Johnson Co. document was posted:

It was posted by georgiajean on Oct. 2nd Thread #70 - pg. 47 - Post #704
I'm 50/ me BG looks older, and his voice seems older too. However for me, everything else makes me think maybe. Living under a bridge, the sketch, KN not remembering if he came or not to her scan.

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Bouncing off your post.

I’ve posted before DN is a chameleon. Just look at his mugshots. They’re almost like snowflakes — no 2 look exactly alike! Some of them bear no resemblance at all to the sketch and some of them make me think ‘well, not all sketches look exactly like the person and this sketch is pretty close to these shots’. I also think it’s possible he manipulates his features so his pictures don’t all look alike.

It made me think today about a woman I read about on WS while browsing the missing threads. I can’t recall her name, but she was suspected of abducting a lot of infants and toddlers for the black market. IIRC, she was in the Chicago area and could pass for a large range of ages and also could pull off looking Caucasian, Hispanic or light-skinned African-American. It’s been a while since I read about her, so I may be misremembering some of the info.

I also hope kkjd is right and LE is just getting all their ducks in a row, whether BG is DN or someone else.
Bouncing off your post.

I’ve posted before DN is a chameleon. Just look at his mugshots. They’re almost like snowflakes — no 2 look exactly alike! Some of them bear no resemblance at all to the sketch and some of them make me think ‘well, not all sketches look exactly like the person and this sketch is pretty close to these shots’. I also think it’s possible he manipulates his features so his pictures don’t all look alike.

It made me think today about a woman I read about on WS while browsing the missing threads. I can’t recall her name, but she was suspected of abducting a lot of infants and toddlers for the black market. IIRC, she was in the Chicago area and could pass for a large range of ages and also could pull off looking Caucasian, Hispanic or light-skinned African-American. It’s been a while since I read about her, so I may be misremembering some of the info.

I also hope kkjd is right and LE is just getting all their ducks in a row, whether BG is DN or someone else.

Laura Taylor? I think the first name was Laura. On Paul/Jack thread?
Laura Taylor? I think the first name was Laura. On Paul/Jack thread?

Still not sure of her name, but I think she was a POI for whomever kidnapped the “real” Paul. I’d need to reread the thread.
So much fits. I just think LE doesn't have everything they need yet for a slam dunk, but they will get it. I think they know it is DN. Like they said, they only get one chance at trial. DN is locked up and they can take their time getting all their ducks in a row.

I agree. And, FAIK, LE may think they have enough evidence on DN (or somebody else) to make an arrest, but PA said they need more evidence to convict. idk
I have a hard time that not enough forensic evidence was found on or near the bodies to help with this case. Im beginning to wonder if the lack of charges and apparent lack of good evidence is maybe a clue to the perp.

Lets think about this for a minute.

Two girls were killed and their bodies were recovered within one day. So LE should have been able to recover some fresh and pretty substantial pieces of forensic evidence if it was there. So maybe the clue is that very little forensic evidence from the perp was left there.

The way I look at this case is either the perp had left his own DNA on or in at least one of the girls or he did not leave any DNA. Assuming the perp must have had a sexual motive on his mind at least originally. I think the perp has serious mental issues and controlling the girls was a big part of his crime. He got satisfaction of being able to control their movements with "down the hill" and forcing them to do whatever he told them. I am guessing that once he realized they were obeying his commands and he got them to his final spot that his motive changed to only murder to keep from getting caught. This could explain some things.

The reporting of this case has been very vague about the DNA. Which is making me lean towards no DNA found inside the girls. If anything they may have found very little touch type DNA on some clothing articles or somewhere near the crime scene. Or no DNA was recovered at all which would be very disappointing and hard to believe. So I do think they found some DNA but I am guessing it was only touch type DNA found on some articles of clothing and maybe very little of it.

In other cases that I have seen on TV the investigators had to guess where DNA would be. So they tested different objects that were likely to have been touched by the perp. Because they did not know where the DNA would be. I think that could be what happened in this case. That once they could not find DNA inside the girls they had to resort to testing different articles of clothing and different areas of the bodies to see if the perp had touched them anywhere. This could explain the confusing reports about DNA. There may be very little of it found from someone that is not known to the girls.

For how they were killed. I believe one of five ways could have been used by the perp. Some of the ways would have left much more evidence than others. But if the perp's motive changed to only murder and he used a certain method then there may have not been much evidence that would have helped. The five ways that I believe could have been used are.

1-shot with some type of gun


3-stabbed or other sharp weapon that would penetrate the skin. Like an axe, screwdriver, knife, or some other sharp tool or something sharp used as a weapon that breaks the skin to penetrate a vital organ or cut a vein that leads to bleeding to death

4-blunt force trauma- like a hard piece of wood being used as a club or just using boots or bare hands to beat and pound a person to death


So for Number 1 , any shooting should have left some bullets to be recovered either in the bodies or in the ground or trees somewhere. Assuming this because two girls being shot would have had multiple bullets fired so assuming at least one bullet or more recovered.
Also its possible casings maybe found too if semi auto used. Matching something gun related back to a found gun weapon could really help in this case.
The key to this method would be LE finding the gun. If they have not found it yet then it could explain why the case has not moved along.

Same for Number 3 method. LE would likely need to find the weapon used if it was not at the crime scene. Without the weapon then its hard to match to a perp.

Number 2 Number 4 and Number 5 likely would have left touch DNA from the perp on articles of clothing or the bodies. These three methods should give LE some touch type DNA evidence I would think.

So maybe this is the clue to what happened. Maybe only touch type DNA evidence found and maybe this hints towards the type of perp LE is dealing with. Someone with deep phsycological issues. Would have a past with known mental issues and wanting to control women.
Still not sure of her name, but I think she was a POI for whomever kidnapped the “real” Paul. I’d need to reread the thread.

Laura Taylor. The "welfare queen" was what they called her.
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