IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #76

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It should of been top priority without a doubt, but as impossibly ridiculous as it may sound I believe embarrassment and feeling like a fool played a big factor in the time gap.
Personal example: When my property was vandalize I literally passed the two people on our rural gravel road and said to myself "they looked familiar, but haven't ever seen them this far out before". So I stupidly never put them into the equation until the Duh Bell went off. Well I was embarrassed and felt like a total fool, especially with my training.

Hope that made sense.

It does sound impossibly ridiculous. I don’t believe he had anything to do with the sketch.

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I respectfully disagree with the part I bolded. Just because we're not aware of other, more viable suspects doesn't mean LE doesn't have them. They've said they have 100's of POI's.

I bet ISP wishes we weren't aware of DN. El Paso County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kirby told ABC news, "They have asked us not to speak on their case. So I'm not at liberty to elaborate on anything that's related to what happened in Indiana."
I wish I could have been a mouse in the corner of the room when ISP made clear to Kirby that when it comes to Delphi MUM is the word.
MOO. Rest in peace sweet Abby and Libby.
You wanna know the first thought that went through MY head when I found my son?

"Great. Now the whole day is ruined-and it was supposed to be a NICE day!"

Here's the thing...when something horrific happens, you go into "survival mode." It's like your brain literally can't process what you're seeing or feeling so it causes some dissonance. It's the only way to get you through the moment.

Seconds after having that thought, I totally freaked out and panicked. Screaming, running around, pulling my hair, etc. But for at least 2-3 seconds, it was like I wasn't even totally aware of what I was looking at. Later that night, when friends came to the house to clean and cook us dinner, I was embarassed by the fact that we didn't have a potato peeler. I'd spent the whole day planning my child's funeral yet, there I was, stressing about kitchen appliances.

You have very little control over your thoughts at a time like that. Your brain is trying to protect you by ignoring what's going on. I can TOTALLY understand the gut reaction of "she is so grounded" upon seeing that picture. Better to think about her being home and grounded, and SAFE, than to entertain the idea of her being dead.

This may be OT on my part but first I want to just extend my condolences and love - you are so right that grief is not linear and time is the only thing that “helps” and I hurt for the families.

I know it’s not the same as losing a child but I lost my father suddenly and very traumatically at 12 years old, and he was my best friend. Unfortunately I was there to witness it take place and I absolutely agree, your brain just stops functioning normally. At first I heard screaming and couldn’t figure out who it was, it took me time to realize it was me...when I got to our phone, I couldn’t remember 911, I was on some strange sort of autopilot. Soon after I ran to get help. It was raining, a cold dreary thanksgiving morning and I was barefoot. And I remember thinking “good thing that we have been running in PE because I can run fast, and dad is going to be okay”. Never did my brain allow me to go to the space of what I had just witnessed or truly process it, because to accept what I had seen would have laid me out cold. Instead, I was able to function enough to go get help. Our brains attempt to protect us, and our thoughts are not often logical in those terrible terrorizing moments.

I naively hope that this “protection mode” was in place for the girls as well and that they never knew what was about to happen, although I don’t think that’s truly plausible....

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Its right at the end of the big interview that Holeman did. He says that both girls felt uncomfortable and that was why Libby started recording. I can only find that ATM. If they felt uncomfortable I don't think they would know him. If I find another source I'll post it. It was probably a MSM commenting about Holeman's "uncomforable" comments.

I believe the “strange man” or “creepy guy” came from a Q&A with Becky Patty after they listened to more of the audio.

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A couple of days ago I was reading an earlier news report that mentioned investigators having to interview the claimed source of the tip in order to verify the details. I don't remember the exact wording but it eluded to the fact that some tips were total fabrications. But I can't find the article now.

However yesterday at the end of the Dr Phil show he mentioned "internet trolls" and "pranks". Putting two and two together, I think I understand he's referring to the same thing. Pretty despicable if this is happening because it also impedes the investigation. It also may be one of the reasons why LE hasn't released more information.

"......The host, Phil McGraw, ended his show by pointing out that the "Dr. Phil Show" appears in every city in the U.S. Someone out there knows this guy.

"Look at this picture," he said. "We want to find this man."

McGraw encouraged people with information about the killer to call the tip line at 844-459-5786. They also may email leads to

He stressed the seriousness of his plead for genuine tips, not pranks.

"Don't be an internet troll," he said at the end of the show. "But if you know something, say something...."
I believe the “strange man” or “creepy guy” came from a Q&A with Becky Patty after they listened to more of the audio.

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If you have a reputable link please post it.
Ok Dr Phil show will repeat on Friday, 12/15 at 11:00am est on OWN channel.
I believe the “strange man” or “creepy guy” came from a Q&A with Becky Patty after they listened to more of the audio.

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I also remember that! That they said the girls were uncomfortable and that’s why she started filming. Off to search for links...

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I bet ISP wishes we weren't aware of DN. El Paso County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kirby told ABC news, "They have asked us not to speak on their case. So I'm not at liberty to elaborate on anything that's related to what happened in Indiana."
I wish I could have been a mouse in the corner of the room when ISP made clear to Kirby that when it comes to Delphi MUM is the word.
MOO. Rest in peace sweet Abby and Libby.

If ISP wishes we weren't aware of DN it may be because some people are convinced the case is solved, while LE suggest the contrary,

They are still asking for tips from the public on who is BG.

Once charges are eventually laid and the killer is successfully prosecuted, does it really matter whether it's DN or not? If so, why?
Agree. Perhaps too much significance is placed on the words "person of interest" in regard to DN.

"......In contrast, some news reports have described Nations as a possible person of interest, but Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said Thursday that anyone police have interviewed in the past seven months could arguably fit that label.

"Everybody as we've gone along, I guess in my mind, is considered a person of interest," Leazenby said. "It's just the awareness of this guy [Nations] is heightened now. So to call him a suspect, I can't say that. But again, I'm going under the basic theory of everyone we talk to is a person of interest. We are interested in seeing what they were up to on Feb. 13."......

........“We’ve got well over 100 people that we’re still looking at, and he’s just one of those people,” ISP Sgt. Kim Riley said. “Nobody’s technically been ruled out because we have no one in jail yet. We can’t say he’s not a suspect, but we don’t want to say he is because it’s not fair to him or his family to have that hang over him.”

“This is not something that is just done this one time, it’s been done over and over,” said Sgt. Riley. “We’ve had some Kokomo incidents, we’ve had some Logansport incidents, Lafayette Police Department. We’ve had out of state departments contact us...."
But why has only one has been reported? No news report picked up on various incidents in Kokomo, Logansport, Lafayette, even though this is their biggest story?
I also remember that! That they said the girls were uncomfortable and that’s why she started filming. Off to search for links...

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IIRC this was on FB so I don't think you will find a link.
he was accused publicly when members of a family who took in KN and DN and tried to help them gave interviews and told reporters that DN kept a hatchet and threatened and chased them with it, he was known to carry a hatchet. He frightened and intimidated them, keyed their car, which they have video of , and that two of their pigs turned up slaughtered and they believed this was DN's doing and a message he was sending.

Now I know you think BG is more of a Dennis Rader type, methodical and cunning, you see someone who appears older at first glance, you have to study the photo more, then look at DN's physique in the truck keying incident, you can see that he can bulk up quite a bit. I know you think this was a rage type of thing and that rage doesn't equate with cunning.

but consider this,

DN ( even though he is endlessly arrested everywhere he goes) tries to be sneaky and controlled at times, he's a liar and can write fairly well, so what if he's both? Ted Bundy committed crimes of tremendous rage, but also planned his crimes travelled to commit them and could commit stunning murders in broad daylight, making his victims simply disappear almost slight of hand.

Parks can be creepy.. once I was in a national park and a man was watching my friend and i , we were two young women out shooting photographs,

he swung around us a couple of times, warning us to stay away from a croc area...something about him..I looked at my friend and screamed RUN!!!! like a maniac...we ran out of that park so fast...

something just hit me..

you have to have your radar up...even in the most beautiful places.

so if

DN didn't live under bridges
didnt look just like the sketch
was never known to have a hatchet
was never a SO who travelled distances to commit his crimes
was never seen keying a car
was never known to live in the woods and spend his time in the woods
was never known to be violent with women and around children
had never harmed a woman
hadnt the eye and hair color of the killer
hadn't been effectively missing the day of the crime with no proof of his whereabouts
hadn't actually run away when investigators came checking on him
hadnt actually run away when the sketch came out
hadnt written incriminating letters with boldfaced lies and omissions..


not all of your “if’s” are facts yet your posting them as they are
Personally, I feel LE screwed this up when they started using the tips for this case to make arrests for other crimes. Everyone clamed up that could have possibly turned in that needed clue to get the real unsub.
But why has only one has been reported? No news report picked up on various incidents in Kokomo, Logansport, Lafayette, even though this is their biggest story?

I'm guessing the media wouldn't be aware of those other potential connections because LE doesn't publicly reveal information pertaining to persons of interest while their investigation is still taking place. Even in the case of DN, as at this point in time no charges have been laid involving the murders, therefore any connection is purely speculative. If the media constantly bases their biggest stories on speculation, I think the public becomes very weary of that. That's not "news". JMO
Personally, I feel LE screwed this up when they started using the tips for this case to make arrests for other crimes. Everyone clamed up that could have possibly turned in that needed clue to get the real unsub.

That still ticks me off. IIRC, they loudly announced they "had to". Bunk.

Personally, I feel LE screwed this up when they started using the tips for this case to make arrests for other crimes. Everyone clamed up that could have possibly turned in that needed clue to get the real unsub.
That’s a really good point.
If the eye witness saw the murderer up close, close enough to say he didn't have blue eyes, and also said his hair was reddish brown, then I'm thinking at that point he didn't have the hoodie and hat on as seen in the bridge pic.
Does anyone get the idea to move along from DN...

Why would ISP be asking on a national tv show asking people to look at the sketch, look at the photo, and call it in, if it was DN?

ISP did not have to be on that show.
I think it was also in MSM, in a statement by LE (the Sheriff, I think).

moo & subject to possible inaccuracy

That they said they were being followed by "a strange man"?

It makes sense to me they were alarmed for some reason and that's why Libby began videoing and recording. But I don't recall LE or any of the family ever revealing if it is known what made them uncomfortable.

The discussion about "if they knew who he was, then why didn't they identify him" has been happening almost since thread #1.
Maybe they did but the recording was inaudible.
Maybe they recognized him from around town but didn't know his name.
Maybe they thought they knew who he was, but they were wrong.
Maybe he pretended to know them somehow but they didn't know him.
Maybe he didn't know them and they didn't know him.
We just don't know.
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