IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #8

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In my opinion, he doesn't look like a worldly person of sorts. I think he probably stays within a certain radius of his home base of sorts. ....(snip).... but looks lazy with upkeep.
Door to door investigation maybe? There's probably an elderly population with eyes and ears but no Internet or cable, etc

JMO I disagree with this characterization - this guy looks/is dressed like just about every single man who lives near my tiny hometown - they aren't necessarily lazy with upkeep or keep to their home base. They are just rural men.
I wonder if they will get the DNA tests back soon?

Also, just thinking out loud, but you could be from say Lafayette, but still be very familiar with Delphi and hiking trails.
In my opinion, he doesn't look like a worldly person of sorts. I think he probably stays within a certain radius of his home base of sorts. He doesn't look in the pic to be athletic, (legs of pants baggie, but jacket doesn't button, so there's a gut), but looks lazy with upkeep.
Door to door investigation maybe? There's probably an elderly population with eyes and ears but no Internet or cable, etc

I agree with the door to door invest. I would guess he's within 100 miles. Lower middle class, probably married once, no kids-or at least doesn't live with the one or two he has. High school education. Probably owns land, but likely it was left to him. Familiar with the area and a repeat offender. Smoker, 46-55yo. Has done some kind of outdoor work. MOO. Has a profile been released at all? Been trying to keep up with the info. I've seen some posters muse it might be linked to the Lyric and Elizabeth case, but I don't see it. Somewhat similar circumstances, but murdering an 13/14/15 yo is completely different than an 8 and 10yo.
So I'm not the only one who had a difficult time getting to sleep last night on account of bridge boogeyman and his phantom steps coming up the stairs and down the hall towards my room. Ugh. So terrifying.
I watched NG last night. Honestly, I am pretty shocked that she had the nerve to even mention that there was a possibility that Libby could have called 911. Every situation is different and its sad and frustrating that she brought it up. NG needs to remember etiquette . I am sure she is reading this thread because she took maps that a WS member posted on another case and used it on her show. So NG if your reading this, show some respect for the families.
NG has a show again?
It was a famous case in Missouri in the 70s I believe? Guy lived in a small town in Missouri, was known to be a bully, rapist, wife beater, and threatened people with guns constantly. This went on for years. Finally one day everyone was sick of his s**t and he was killed by a mob. No one ever went to trial for it, since they aren't sure who exactly was responsible for his death. It's an odd story, I'd encourage you to look it up. I kind of butchered it by shortening it so much. Happened in Skidmore, Missouri.
I'll Google it.

I know this case has some serious vigilante tones.
JMO I disagree with this characterization - this guy looks/is dressed like just about every single man who lives near my tiny hometown - they aren't necessarily lazy with upkeep or keep to their home base. They are just rural men.

ITA. This is your typical white man small/rural area dress and attire. (Although I would skew his age a bit older such as late 40's or higher because of the baggy mom jeans from 20 years ago.) This is how your typical everyday guy dresses. You wouldn't bat an eye if you passed him in the grocery store.
I caught this from the transcript...

SLOCUM: Right. You`re exactly right. We`re trying to determine if we have one suspect or multiple suspects. At this time, we`re not linking

that photograph with that voice. So that voice could possibly be of another suspect, and at this time, we`re investigating that. So we are not

quite sure if we have one person and/or multiple people that we are looking for in the murder of Liberty German and Abigail Williams.

The fact that they do not have a precise number of suspects indicates, to me, that they do not have footprints. I was hoping that there would be clear sets of footprints in a muddy area near the river or creek. Supposing that one suspect would not be just a driver of a getaway car.

I’d like to dispel the notion that the shadow in the lower left of Liberty's photo of Abigail contains one or two vehicles, alternately seen as a truck, SUV, van, car, etc. And that there are 2 or even up to 6 people in the shadows of this photo. If you calculate the distance from Liberty to this shadowy area, knowing that the bridge is at most 70’ high, knowing that the creek is about 130’ wide, guessing that the shadow area is no more than 70 horizontal feet from Liberty (and I think that is generous) … simple triangulation gives you a distance to the shadow beneath the tree of around 100’. This morning I took this photo. From where I am standing , the blue vehicle near where the two people are standing is around 100’ (measured via google map distance tool). IMO the size of the blue vehicle and the size of the people show you that there is no way that the shadow area of Liberty’s photo contains vehicles and/or people.

In addition, please look at the size of the trees in Liberty's photo. If the one in the shadowy area were actually next to a vehicle, calculate just how big the diameter of that tree would have to be. Do you see any trees closer to Liberty that look that big?

I might be off a bit in my calculations and guesstimates, but I don't think enough to change the conclusion that there cannot possibly be vehicles in that photo.

I know we all want this sick SOB to be found, and found quickly. I urge caution in analyzing photos - always keep size and perspective in mind.

This is what i was saying as well. The vehicles would be much larger than the shadow cars.
I can't find any bathroom facilities on the maps. Do any exist? Are they, perhaps, sitting perched on top of a hill or slope?

It would provide a prime opportunity for the abduction of two people. The one outside is alone, the second one comes out to find their friend being threatened and is ordered to comply, then they are marched behind the facilities into the woods. Complete surprise. Just a thought.

I'm amazed at Libby's wherewithal to access her phone in the face of such immanent danger. She's a brave soul. I am perplexed by how she managed it, though. My phone is set to lock after a minute or two and i have to enter a password, then I have to swipe to get to my camera, then swipe again to set to video. I have no idea what type of phone she had, but I keep reading where people assume she" pressed a button to record" - does anyone have a phone that you could literally just look at and press a button for recording? I think this is important to dissect. In my opinion, the most likely way she could have utilized her phone would have been in a leading or lure type of setting. A situation in which things were starting off normal, but she grew suspicious without tipping off the perp, and manipulated her phone to record. Again, just a thought.

I think the girls were approaching that man as he was heading towards them on the bridge. I think she realized they were in a dangerous predicament and would have to cross paths with him so she made sure to have her video phone pointing right at him as they crossed paths.

I think he confronted them right there and pulled a gun and forced them to walk off the bridge and down to the spot where they ended up.

The bridge is a normal photo opportunity so it would not be uncommon to have your phone out taking pictures from the bridge. I think she used that as a guise to make him think they were just taking scenic photos and really she made sure to capture him too.

When they were forced to walk off the bridge I think she ended up putting the phone in her pocket which could explain why just voices were heard from him and no video.
JMO I disagree with this characterization - this guy looks/is dressed like just about every single man who lives near my tiny hometown - they aren't necessarily lazy with upkeep or keep to their home base. They are just rural men.

ITA. This is your typical white man small/rural area dress and attire. (Although I would skew his age a bit older such as late 40's or higher because of the baggy mom jeans from 20 years ago.) This is how your typical everyday guy dresses. You wouldn't bat an eye if you passed him in the grocery store.

Second and third-ing these sentiments. He dresses like my Dad and my Dad is certainly not slovenly. He dresses comfortably.
Has anyone here checked to see if either of the girl's names might be found on dating sites? I know there are some sleuthers here who are good at navigating those sites.
If two children being murdered in the woods doesn't "fast track" DNA from the start.. what does?
Just wanted to make a quick tech related post for those who aren't quite sure about phone stuff that I thought may be helpful when speculating:

Finding evidence via iCloud: iCloud usually needs a wifi connection to work - it isn't always backing everything up constantly because that's just not how the technology works unfortunately. You also cannot just 'access iCloud' because again, not how the tech works. (Yep, even LE can't, they would need her phone connected to her computer in this instance) It isn't like dropbox or iPhoto or anything like that. It's a memory system and I think people frequently misunderstand it. (I mean Apple don't really explain it haha!) The idea of Libby uploading directly to iCloud also assumes she had an iPhone and that it was set up to sync to iCloud. We don't really know for sure. (This leads me to believe that the LE found the phone on the body and were able to find these videos/photos etc after charging them.)

How did Libby access camera without unlocking her phone/opening it: If she DOES have an iPhone, she most likely just swiped upwards while it was locked which takes you directly to the camera app. After that, one swipe to the right and you're on video, press the button, boom: recording. A kid who uses their phone all the time for snapchat, instagram, taking photos etc could easily do this while barely looking if at all. If she unlocked her phone to access camera she may not have had a password set & the camera app could've already been open. Or perhaps she had a minute when he had his back turned.
It's not easy information to come by.
Regardless, what an amazing, smart and quick-minded woman Libby is for thinking to do that.
I watched NG last night. Honestly, I am pretty shocked that she had the nerve to even mention that there was a possibility that Libby could have called 911. Every situation is different and its sad and frustrating that she brought it up. NG needs to remember etiquette . I am sure she is reading this thread because she took maps that a WS member posted on another case and used it on her show. So NG if your reading this, show some respect for the families.
She's just trying to keep herself relevant. I can't stand her. She claims to be a victim advocate, when all I see is a media *advertiser censored*. Jmo. 😇

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