IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #82

DNA Solves
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Apropos evidence:
14th March, 2017

“I go back before DNA and cell phones,” said Ives who remembered prosecuting criminal cases in Carroll County with less evidence than in this case since 1987, “and I certainly would have said, if experienced investigators, as we have in this case, had the evidence that was available in this case, I would expect them to solve it within a month. That’s without DNA and cell phones which are a big part of what’s going on here.
Since we're all kind of going back to the beginning I'll chime in since I'm in Indiana (Indianapolis) and have been following this case since the first report of lost girls came out that fateful day. The following are my impressions and recollections only so JMO MOO IMO etc:

Last year on the same day on Feb 13 there was an Amber Alert issued in Indiana for a teenage girl from Gary (or some such place in Northern Indiana). Her mother had been murdered and she was missing. I feel it later turned out that she was involved in the murder and folks here even speculated that this was a gross mis-use of the Amber Alert code.

Anyway, the Amber Alert was out about the other girl then that afternoon the news started reporting that there were 2 girls missing from a trail in Delphi. Later it was on the news that they were stopping the search. This did not alarm me at all as the "feeling" that afternoon had been that the girls had wandered off or were lost but would be fine and they would find them cold and hungry in the morning but fine. Plus there was the Gary girl in "real danger" or so we thought.

As for the weather, I'd gone out in my "big coat" that day not realizing it was unseasonably warm out and it was probably warmer down here south of Delphi. Point being I don't think there is much to the idea that BG was "purposely" overdressed IMO. The weather changes quickly here and it can be freezing cold in the AM and be in the 60s in the afternoon. It's just how it is.

I did see someone a few pages back ask me my impression of BGs voice but I've been in the process of switching to a new laptop and am a bit scattered so my apologies for the delay. I do a lot of nationwide phone work and have for many, many years so I would say I have a fairly decent recognition of various areas across the country. I posted this back then also but if I had to guess I think it sounds the most like IL to me. Not Chicago-y, more rural IL. I'm from VA originally (IN for 20ish years) and I don't get the Southerny twang quality that others do but really who knows...SOMEONE does apparently.

Since I'm babbling on here it's also MOO that BG is not some well off dude in disguise. I think those are his own clothes and he regularly looks like that (like the majority of men in the Midwest, it's a "uniform" if you will, very common attire). This isn't an office type of guy IMO. My first thought on seeing him on the bridge when they released the photos was that he was not a trail hiker type but just some guy unable to drive (DUI/OWI or something) that was using it as a cut-through to walk to a store (or work or something). That doesn't seem possible with what we know now, however.

Lastly, and I don't have the link handy but during my comp issues and before the anniversary press conference, there was a statement by Carter I think along the lines of something happening in "that quiet place". Those words, to me, seem like they are specifically, directly intended towards someone. Someone may have even referred to it that way before. If anything, this reminds me of RL and his manner of speaking so I will attribute it to them being directed to an older person with a respect for the land and the appeal to do the right thing so it can be "pristine" again. And NO I do not think RL is involved in murder. He may or may not know something, maybe he doesn't even know he knows it because he'd surely have given it up after being popped in the pokey. But more like a father of BG or some older person that knows him and "that quiet place".

Again, all MOO, thanks for reading. I'm glad we're still working on this.
I think Carter chooses his words carefully. "At this time" would make a lot of difference if he weren't in jail at this time.
I think LE have someone in their sights and need the final piece of the puzzle to give them probable cause. They are appealing for that person who will help to complete the puzzle. We don't know which piece is missing.
You are more outside the box than I am! Which is good. But I certainly agree that something is up with his right sleeve and arm. Possibilities are, it's way too big and the sleeves are really bunched up, or he is carrying something that has been photoshopped by LE like an AR15, holding it in the crook of his arm. Other possibilities? Something does reflect differently at his right wrist. I have never thought it was a watch. I would say it is just his skin as it is similar to his right cheek but it's not quite the same, brighter.

I want to mention that his jacket maybe oversized a little bit to cover his tattoos on his arms IF he had some.
Did they say dressed in black or dressed all in black?

all :) AFAIK

Chasity was not on the trail with the girls Monday after noon, but other friends were. They talked about a man they saw.

"They said that they had said, 'Hi' and he, like, just brushed them off and kept going," Chasity said.

The teens said the man seemed out of place, though Chasity says that "could just be a rumor."

The children described the man wearing all black. Meanwhile, police continue their search for a man dressed differently.
Lovely message from Abigail’s Grandmother

“Please accept this humble attempt to express the enormous gratitude that our families have felt during this past year since the loss of our girls, Abigail Williams and Liberty German.

From the earliest hours when neighbors and friends brought food and flowers to our doors, throughout the days, weeks and months that followed with cards, memorials and personal gifts of remembrances. We have been blessed by an unparalleled show of support from our schools and local business community, as well as the generosity from individuals and organizations all over our state and our country. We’ve been hugged and held by our dearest friends and embraced by empathetic strangers in the grocery store.

Every prayer that’s been said, every note that’s been written, every candle that’s been lit, every ribbon tied to a tree or lamp post, every orange light that burns touches us so deeply.

You have dedicated motorcycle rides, concerts, sporting events and numerous other occasions in honor of Libby and Abby. You’ve worn their names over your hearts and kept their memory within them.

While each new day brings the painful reminder of an empty chair at the dinner table, or a milestone that won’t be met, a missing face from a group photo, or a voice that will never again be heard on this earth, with each day we find love and comfort from our families and friends near and far, encouragement from our churches and pastors, strength and support from our community, and above all, hope and faith in God.

We are not alone in our suffering, as tragedy continues to touch the lives of many other families, even in the last 24 hours. Join us in praying for them as you have for us, knowing that it does make a difference. It cannot erase this awful void we now live with, but enables us grieve in unison.

To Abby and Libby’s classmates, siblings and young relatives, though the lights, ribbons and remembrances will always remind us of Abby and Libby, let them also remind you that this is how much you are loved by your family, school and community, and this is how much we care about you, and this is why your life is so important. Live with purpose.”

WOW! ^^^^^^^^ This is so eloquent, open-hearted, so loving, so true!
On the Dr. Phil show, it was stated that the image has been enhanced by the best software out there-from the FBI to Disney. I just feel that if there was something particular on BG, like a dog or a catheter bag or baby goat or an oxygen tank, etc (all actual items that people have brought up both here and away), they would've said. That's not information that I feel they would keep to themselves because it would definitely help identify the perp and it's visual to the common user (ie. us). There are many things they play close to the vest, like what's on the audio tape and the cause of death, but if there were things on BG's body that could be seen in the photo, I feel like they would help point these out. After all, it's not like they can hide them.
View attachment 130320

I can't take credit for this, since it was shared in a smaller discussion group, but this is a standard jacket given to inmates upon release. It's the closest thing that I've seen to BG's jacket.

Link for this jacket and similar:

Wow! Any idea if this is standard across the US or a specific prison? I thought it looked like an un decorated Varsity jacket at first but this makes more sense I think.
"Police said they have received 300 tips since Tuesday. Investigators have said they believe someone out there knows the suspect and they hope that person will have the strength to call police."

Maybe LE can more specifically talk about HOW they can & will protect a witness immediately after witness divulges info, that might help witness to speak up. I would be scared of this guy too! Especially if I lived with him!
Wow! Any idea if this is standard across the US or a specific prison? I thought it looked like an in decorated Varsity jacket at first but this makes more sense I think.

That's what I am trying to research right now. Be interesting if it could be narrowed down to a handful of places.
all :) AFAIK

Chasity was not on the trail with the girls Monday after noon, but other friends were. They talked about a man they saw.

"They said that they had said, 'Hi' and he, like, just brushed them off and kept going," Chasity said.

The teens said the man seemed out of place, though Chasity says that "could just be a rumor."

The children described the man wearing all black. Meanwhile, police continue their search for a man dressed differently.
Maybe they found the MIB. I think the reason BG became a suspect in the first place was because he failed to come forward.

Indiana State Police are tracking down new leads outside the state in connection with a November 2016 fire in Flora that killed four sisters.

Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter say that new tips have come from people in the community and they are now getting a better idea of what might have occurred before the fatal fire.

"Over time people are starting to talk to us about that place, about that home, about that area around that home," said Carter.

He says investigators are now aware of "some of the activities in and around that residence in the days, weeks and months leading up to the fire."

Indiana State Police are tracking down new leads outside the state in connection with a November 2016 fire in Flora that killed four sisters.

Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter say that new tips have come from people in the community and they are now getting a better idea of what might have occurred before the fatal fire.

"Over time people are starting to talk to us about that place, about that home, about that area around that home," said Carter.

He says investigators are now aware of "some of the activities in and around that residence in the days, weeks and months leading up to the fire."


Is there a thread for the girls? Seems there should be now that it has been classified as arson.

View attachment 130320

I can't take credit for this, since it was shared in a smaller discussion group, but this is a standard jacket given to inmates upon release. It's the closest thing that I've seen to BG's jacket.

Link for this jacket and similar:

Yeppers. I found this really interesting too and was trying to look into that the other day to see which exact facilities use those. I got sidetracked and never got around to following up on this . I do know there is also more info that could possibly go along with this interesting jacket but probably can't mention it here and definitely not before confirming which regional facilities may use this exact jacket .
Since we're all kind of going back to the beginning I'll chime in since I'm in Indiana (Indianapolis) and have been following this case since the first report of lost girls came out that fateful day. The following are my impressions and recollections only so JMO MOO IMO etc:

Last year on the same day on Feb 13 there was an Amber Alert issued in Indiana for a teenage girl from Gary (or some such place in Northern Indiana). Her mother had been murdered and she was missing. I feel it later turned out that she was involved in the murder and folks here even speculated that this was a gross mis-use of the Amber Alert code.

Anyway, the Amber Alert was out about the other girl then that afternoon the news started reporting that there were 2 girls missing from a trail in Delphi. Later it was on the news that they were stopping the search. This did not alarm me at all as the "feeling" that afternoon had been that the girls had wandered off or were lost but would be fine and they would find them cold and hungry in the morning but fine. Plus there was the Gary girl in "real danger" or so we thought.

As for the weather, I'd gone out in my "big coat" that day not realizing it was unseasonably warm out and it was probably warmer down here south of Delphi. Point being I don't think there is much to the idea that BG was "purposely" overdressed IMO. The weather changes quickly here and it can be freezing cold in the AM and be in the 60s in the afternoon. It's just how it is.

I did see someone a few pages back ask me my impression of BGs voice but I've been in the process of switching to a new laptop and am a bit scattered so my apologies for the delay. I do a lot of nationwide phone work and have for many, many years so I would say I have a fairly decent recognition of various areas across the country. I posted this back then also but if I had to guess I think it sounds the most like IL to me. Not Chicago-y, more rural IL. I'm from VA originally (IN for 20ish years) and I don't get the Southerny twang quality that others do but really who knows...SOMEONE does apparently.

Since I'm babbling on here it's also MOO that BG is not some well off dude in disguise. I think those are his own clothes and he regularly looks like that (like the majority of men in the Midwest, it's a "uniform" if you will, very common attire). This isn't an office type of guy IMO. My first thought on seeing him on the bridge when they released the photos was that he was not a trail hiker type but just some guy unable to drive (DUI/OWI or something) that was using it as a cut-through to walk to a store (or work or something). That doesn't seem possible with what we know now, however.

Lastly, and I don't have the link handy but during my comp issues and before the anniversary press conference, there was a statement by Carter I think along the lines of something happening in "that quiet place". Those words, to me, seem like they are specifically, directly intended towards someone. Someone may have even referred to it that way before. If anything, this reminds me of RL and his manner of speaking so I will attribute it to them being directed to an older person with a respect for the land and the appeal to do the right thing so it can be "pristine" again. And NO I do not think RL is involved in murder. He may or may not know something, maybe he doesn't even know he knows it because he'd surely have given it up after being popped in the pokey. But more like a father of BG or some older person that knows him and "that quiet place".

Again, all MOO, thanks for reading. I'm glad we're still working on this.

I would like to thank you for this well articulated reasoned and rational post. I also work in an area albeit the UK where accents and twangs are picked up so I appreciate you're comments.

I also think of my own family in their own location which is rural but doesn't include such a dangerous bridge as in Delphi, however, is equally as remote for its beauty spots with its dangerous spots for those not familiar. The Men in my family dress very similar to BG with warm jackets and layers underneath as well as hats We are about the same population size as Delphi but spread out..

Like you I think this guy is comfortable in his surroundings and knows where he is going.

I draw similarities to the confidence and the comfort of BG and the way he dresses. I can't explain it other than comfortable and confident in the environment. He started his day in warm clothes so started his day early hours, we know from Abbies attire it wasn't that cold at 14:07 hrs

Thank You
Yeppers. I found this really interesting too and was trying to look into that the other day to see which exact facilities use those. I got sidetracked and never got around to following up on this . I do know there is also more info that could possibly go along with this interesting jacket but probably can't mention it here and definitely not before confirming which regional facilities may use this exact jacket .

Yeah, you're the one who should really take credit for the jacket. :) At first I thought that the likelihood of someone being released and then immediately committing this crime wasn't good, but stranger things have happened. I am not discounting it.
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