Found Deceased IN - Aleah Beckerle, 19, disabled, Evansville, 16 July 2016 #1

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That interview is not what I expected....I thought he would be laying blame on the ex and the homeless guy, not saying the family might have been tired of caring for Aleah....sounds like he's maybe turning on Robertson and Wollner to try to save his own butt and paint himself as hero?
What is the first part--where he says the guy he beat up 'wasn't forced to make up that story---the guy was already telling that story.'.. I don't understand.
What is the first part--where he says the guy he beat up 'wasn't forced to make up that story---the guy was already telling that story.'.. I don't understand.

IF his story is true, it sounds like he showed up after the victim was already there and Deb and Donna told Wilson that Martin knew something about Aleah (but wasn't going to the police about it) and he got mad and started beating him too to try and scare him into going to the police.

Maybe both things are true. Maybe Deb and Donna came up with the idea to make James Martin to falsely confess and James Wilson did not know that it was a false confession. It's certainly possible although I'm not convinced it's true.
I have been reading on Compartment Snydrome, many articles. Every article mentions it is very rare and it normally occurs in a leg or arm. Of course, it can happen where a muscle is enclosed.

This brings me to the question oWhat really happened to Cara, how did she get this injury? The story of it happening at work is another BS story, IMO! Another question, is the infection part of the Snydrome?

Why did the complexity of Cara's illness not come out in the beginning?
It would be likely Mom was on strong pain meds at the time Aleah disappeared, so she may not really know what happened.
It is odd there has been NO mention of who cared for Aleah during Mom's hospitalization and return home. Right?

There are so many pieces to this case, it is a matter of figuring out the missing piece so they all link together

This is a t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e thought. Was Alleah being kept in the abandoned house while Mom was in the hospital? Whoever was supposed to be keeping her, took her there unknown to mom. The person(s) didn't know how to care for her and high on drugs didn't help matters. Things didn't go correctly, Aleah passed. The house fire was set to cover up any evidence or smell that Aleah had ever been there?

Has Cara, the other daughters, and grandmother been questioned on the care of Aleah during the hospitalization? Have we been given the information from LE and not the family?

My opinions only.

The grandmother and Aleah's sisters took care of Aleah when Cara was in the hospital. Aleah didn't sit in her wheelchair all day. She obviously could not walk, but she would roll around on her bed, grab her feet, etc. She was able to express when she was distressed or uncomfortable. (I realize I've started referring to her in the past tense [emoji22]).

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IF his story is true, it sounds like he showed up after the victim was already there and Deb and Donna told Wilson that Martin knew something about Aleah (but wasn't going to the police about it) and he got mad and started beating him too to try and scare him into going to the police.

Maybe both things are true. Maybe Deb and Donna came up with the idea to make James Martin to falsely confess and James Wilson did not know that it was a false confession. It's certainly possible although I'm not convinced it's true.

RBBM. I am not convinced either. Of course, in this scenario, he would be absolved of any involvement in the actual disappearance of Aleah, which would result in a much more serious charge(s) than what he is currently being held for.

I feel that they went to Henderson after assaulting Martin not to look for Aleah, but for something else, even possibly to move her/body :(; you would have to cross the Ohio River to get there, right?

I don't think that Wilson is being entirely truthful, but that his "story" is based on some pieces of truth: For example, he shared his opinion that he did not believe Aleah's disappearance was due to someone getting tired of taking care of her, or not knowing how to handle an accidental death. Perhaps that's a clue he is giving that he knows neither of those things happened because he knows what really happened to her.

I have been on the fence between neglect and/or negligence on the part of a caretaker(s) (e.g., leaving her alone for too long, administering the wrong dosage of medication, etc.), things going from bad to worse after an accident or an emergency (e.g., a fall, seizure, etc.), someone harming Aleah intentionally "in the heat of moment" (e.g., "Stop making noises! I want to get some sleep!", "Stop moving around! I'm trying to change your diaper!"), and someone harming Aleah for an established motive, whether for financial gain, revenge, or other personal motivations, and I am starting to lean towards the latter two. I also think -at this time anyway ...- that Robertson and Wollner are the main culprits here, and, sadly, neither one of them seems ready to give herself or the other up any time soon ....
My sincere apologies if this offends anyone (and I hate that this thought even entered my mind ... :puke:): Is it possible that Robertson and/or Wollner had been molesting Aleah during the mother's hospitalization and/or recovery, and as the mother got well enough to start taking care of Aleah again, DR and DW did something to Aleah to hide evidence of abuse? There could have been marks left in certain places on Aleah's body, evidence of certain disease(s) and/or infection(s), or it might even be they were afraid that the mother would become suspicious because Aleah was starting to act differently around Robertson and/or Wollner (e.g., Aleah would start screaming if one of them was getting ready to change her diaper or if either one of them was simply to come near her). I am so sorry .... The thought alone is absolutely horrifying, so I will stop here, but if something like this did happen, the nature of this type of crime would probably make it even less likely for DR and DW to come clean.
From the brief video clip linked above: "It wasn't a forced confession, that's what I don't get. I don't understand why the people that are not even being charged with this aint came forward and said what that dude said. I don't get that". - Wilson

I'm not entirely sure I understand what he's saying here but I'll give it a shot. I believe what he's saying is, that he didn't believe it was a forced confession, but that the victim actually did have info about Aleah that he (the victim) did not share with police, and that the beating was to compel him to share that info.

Which of course could all be a bold faced lie, OR he (Wilson) was led to believe this was the truth and punched the guy a few times himself, to get him to go to the police.

One thing I completely agree with him on, is that whoever did this is someone VERY familiar with Aleah's family, routines, that house, etc.
I have a daughter with CP, she's 13. And I can tell you, as a parent with a kid with special needs, you are a very light sleeper, on a razors edge to hear crying or distress. You just learn to sleep at a higher state of alertness. So unless you are drugged or drunk, no way you could sleep through someone walking out the door with your kid.

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I have a daughter with CP, she's 13. And I can tell you, as a parent with a kid with special needs, you are a very light sleeper, on a razors edge to hear crying or distress. You just learn to sleep at a higher state of alertness. So unless you are drugged or drunk, no way you could sleep through someone walking out the door with your kid.

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Amen, amen, amen. I have a daughter who fought for her life for three years. I went with no sleep during it. I heard every movement, every cough, and each time she got out of bed. Even went through caretaker breakdown. I wouldn't even take a sleeping pill or meds that would make me drowsy during this time.

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Interesting that Marty Pressley and Morgan Fravel are both being held with no bond. So if someone talks, the rats are already in the cage.

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Interesting that Marty Pressley and Morgan Fravel are both being held with no bond. So if someone talks, the rats are already in the cage.

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Pardon the dumb question but, who are these people? Have they been mentioned in MSM associated with this case? I don't recall seeing the names before but I'm sure I could have missed something.
Pardon the dumb question but, who are these people? Have they been mentioned in MSM associated with this case? I don't recall seeing the names before but I'm sure I could have missed something.

Marty/Martin Pressley was arrested for meth possession and EPD has stated that he was questioned regarding Aleah's disappearance but was cleared (source). The other person was also arrested at the same time for meth possession.
Just had a thought...Demarco Roach (Aleah's dad) and Marty Pressley are both locked up on no-bond holds. Do you think they are spending any quality time together? If I was locked in a cage with someone who may have been involved in my daughter's kidnapping or murder, they would be having an exceptionally bad day. I wonder if one or both are in solitary....
Also, was reading Martin Harmon-Pressley's case on, he lists Cara Beckerle's house as his address..... o_O
Also, was reading Martin Harmon-Pressley's case on, he lists Cara Beckerle's house as his address..... o_O

Not too surprising, since this:

In regards to the Beckerle case, police say Pressley is the ex-boyfriend of Aleah's mother, Cara Beckerle.

Yet Roach was there in June firing a gun off in the house. Yep, seems like a perfectly safe, acceptable home for a disabled girl and her little sisters. :facepalm:
How many people lived in that messed up home? It's like the Waltons on meth.
Here's a crazy theory...

What if, someone at that house was in a big ole pile of debt, and thought "hey, I know, lets disappear Aleah & then start a fund me account for her magical, safe return!" Coincidentally, the fund me account was just a little over how much debt the person was in. Except something went sideways, and Aleah didn't come back. Nor did the donations to the crowd funded account start pouring in like it was hoped for. So now it's just a big pile of steaming fail and no one has the decency to tell the local police where Aleah actually is.

I know, it sounds pretty far-fetched, right?
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