Found Deceased IN - Aleah Beckerle, 19, disabled, Evansville, 16 July 2016 #1

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I won't call it understandable at all, and I can sympathize with almost anybody no matter what they've done under the right circumstances.

"Understandable" as in knowing the nature or character, not as you interpret the word to be synonymous with 'excusable". As I wrote "(I)t is horrible but understandable,especially since the home is likely a dysfunctional one . . . " Thus, given the nature of the circumstances in the home ( a history of violence including the discharge of weapons inside the home, violent altercations and substance abuse) and the character of the caregiver (mother reportedly prone to violent outbursts) it is understandable, almost predictable, that the most vulnerable person in the home would become victim of violence up to and including murder. IMO.

The problem isn't Aleah, nor is it any of the hundreds of disabled people murdered by those they put their trust into. Disabled people are not burdens, nor are crimes against them that violate the sacrosanct trust and love between carers and carees ever justified or understandable. The social acceptance of these murders simply contributes to terrible attitudes towards disabled people, the most vulnerable of all groups on this planet today.

I know the problem isn't the young lady or any of the disabled people murdered by caregivers. That is a given. The people are not burdens, I didn't say they were, but the situation is indeed burdensome. "Burden" is defined as 'a heavy load of work, care". It is without question that caring for a disabled person 24/7/365 is a heavy load of work and care. No one suggested that there is 'social acceptance' of these murders. No murder that I am aware of is socially accepted.

I understand caring for a severely disabled person is stressful, and I understand society isn't set up to accomodate the disabled (as someone with milder but very noticeable disabilities since birth, I'm all too aware of that). The answer to those problems is not murdering someone and justifying it because they were a 'burden'.

Sanger and Hitler are the only people I have heard of who thought that killing the disabled was society's answer. I surely didn't suggest such a thing. Understanding the circumstances that lead to the murder of a disabled person is not the same as justifying the murder and I did not imply it was. We, as a society, prosecute the murderers of the disabled as we do any other murderer.

(...also, how many of those 60% of caregivers were adults caring for their children? That statistic loses a lot of its punch once you consider that the majority of parents in the Western world will die before their children will.)

You may have a point about those who care for their disabled children but the statistics are what they are and include a vast majority of adult children caring for disabled parents, spouses caring for disabled spouses, siblings caring for siblings, as well as parents caring for adult children. The premature deaths are due to the factors I outlined in my post: depression; exhaustion; stress and neglect of their own health which affects all categories of caregivers. And while you may think that 'society' doesn't accommodate the disabled, the truly forgotten group are the caregivers.

In this present case, I think we have a caregiver who lost control of themselves and the situation one night, not a kidnapper who absconded with a severely disabled young women. I don't see this as an indictment of the disabled or caregivers in general and hope it did not come across that way.
I have to wonder how often Aleah was taken to the husband has a theory but I really hope he's wrong. :(
I have to wonder how often Aleah was taken to the husband has a theory but I really hope he's wrong. :(

I am still a newbie to WS but all theories are welcomed from my short experience here. This is a great and respectful outlet to voice theories, imo.
This is horrible. I cannot see how this can end well.

I am wondering about layout of the home? Where did she sleep? Where were the other family members?
I find it hard to believe someone got in the house, found her - they must have knew which room she was in to take her, how else could they know they weren't going into an adults room if this was random?
Get her out without making a noise or wakening the rest of the house. They also must have knew she was wheelchair bound as they knew they needed to carry her.

I'm really struggling to get my head around a situation that she could actually have been abducted?

Just reviewing, there are a few answers to some questions here - Apparently, (as per G'ma) mom was "sleeping right there on the couch which isn’t even 15 feet away.", fwiw:

Parents Put Wheelchair-Bound Teen to Bed. Then She Completely Vanished Overnight…
July 20, 2016

ETA: Why does it read 'Parents...' ???
I am still a newbie to WS but all theories are welcomed from my short experience here. This is a great and respectful outlet to voice theories, imo.

His theory is that this may be a Munchausen by proxy case gone awry.
Just reviewing, there are a few answers to some questions here - Apparently, mom was sleeping 15 feet away, fwiw:

Parents Put Wheelchair-Bound Teen to Bed. Then She Completely Vanished Overnight…
July 20, 2016

Well that just makes it harder to believe she was abducted. I pray so hard but I can't believe there's going to be a happy outcome here

Even IF - and that's a big if - she was abducted, without medication and proper care could she have survived this long?

And it says "parentS". Is the father in the picture? Is her father the man who was shooting in the house or whatever?


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He is ...:

"Aleah's dad, Demarco Roach, has been in the Vanderburgh County Jail for a little over a month. Jail staff had to deliver the news to him that his daughter vanished from her East Iowa Street home.

He says it is devastating that he cannot help look for her because he is in jail."



I haven't seen DWR referred to as Aleah's dad anywhere else...fwiw, only as her mother's 'estranged boyfriend', 'ex-boyfriend', etc...

This is horrible. I cannot see how this can end well.

I am wondering about layout of the home? Where did she sleep? Where were the other family members?
I find it hard to believe someone got in the house, found her - they must have knew which room she was in to take her, how else could they know they weren't going into an adults room if this was random?
Get her out without making a noise or wakening the rest of the house. They also must have knew she was wheelchair bound as they knew they needed to carry her.

I'm really struggling to get my head around a situation that she could actually have been abducted?

Just reviewing, there are a few answers to some questions here - Apparently, (as per G'ma) mom "sleeping right there on the couch which isn’t even 15 feet away.", fwiw:

Parents Put Wheelchair-Bound Teen to Bed. Then She Completely Vanished Overnight…
July 20, 2016

ETA: Why does it read 'Parents...' ???

I hope it's okay to talk about this since it's not about people but the house itself. I did some research on the house. Based on public record, I found out that it's a 3 bedroom, 1 bath house with a total of 8 rooms (so kitchen, living room, etc would be counted as extra rooms). There is photo of Aleah that is on the news showing a bed in the background (example) and based on my research, I am 99% sure that in that photo, she is sitting in the living room and the bed in the background is in her room. I don't believe the room has a door, I think it was a dining room or den that was converted to a bedroom for her. The house seems to have really tall, skinny windows downstairs, I don't know if a person could easily get in or out of them, especially carrying another person.
I hope it's okay to talk about this since it's not about people but the house itself. I did some research on the house. Based on public record, I found out that it's a 3 bedroom, 1 bath house with a total of 8 rooms (so kitchen, living room, etc would be counted as extra rooms). There is photo of Aleah that is on the news showing a bed in the background (example) and based on my research, I am 99% sure that in that photo, she is sitting in the living room and the bed in the background is in her room. I don't believe the room has a door, I think it was a dining room or den that was converted to a bedroom for her. The house seems to have really tall, skinny windows downstairs, I don't know if a person could easily get in or out of them, especially carrying another person.
Thanks for the info. With he new revelation that mom was on the couch, I firmly believe no stranger came through the two front doors, took Aleah, and carried her out the two front doors without the knowledge of the mom. I think the fact that LE doesn't want Tim Miller's help yet says they have an idea, but need someone with 'courage' to break.
Just reviewing, there are a few answers to some questions here - Apparently, (as per G'ma) mom was "sleeping right there on the couch which isn’t even 15 feet away.", fwiw:

Parents Put Wheelchair-Bound Teen to Bed. Then She Completely Vanished Overnight…
July 20, 2016

ETA: Why does it read 'Parents...' ???

Hmmm, granny tell us all we need to know.

This was no kidnapping. This was murder. The truth will be revealed.
Snipped from coffeejunkie's 14news link quoted above...

..."I feed her a lot, I change her, I do a lot with her, it brings us closer, I can tell she knows who I am," said Aleah's sister Carly Roach.

I haven't seen DWR referred to as Aleah's dad anywhere else...fwiw, only as her mother's 'estranged boyfriend', 'ex-boyfriend', etc...

I'm almost thinking he might be the Dad to the younger sister, but not to AB, hence the different last names.
Did some more digging and I discovered that cops would have been in the neighborhood around 3am on Sunday. Attaching a map to show how close these locations are.

police sunday morning.jpg

Sunday, July 17th at 3:25 am

523 N Main Street (business) - stolen cell phone

Sunday, July 17th at 3:32 am

900 block N First Ave - apartment burglary - apartment was ransacked but nothing of note stolen apparently

I don't think these are in any way related to Aleah's disappearance but I thought it was worth mentioning that cops would have been in the area (likely patrolling after the second call as well) around 3am.
Snipped from coffeejunkie's 14news link quoted above...

..."I feed her a lot, I change her, I do a lot with her, it brings us closer, I can tell she knows who I am," said Aleah's sister Carly Roach.

Is this the 13-year-old sister?
This is probably about an hour away from me and when I first heard of Aleah going missing both my husband and I said it sounded hinky. I feel very sorry for the family but something just seems off.
First of all it was Aleah was last seen at 9pm, then the flyers changed to 1am now 2am. From the news clips I have seen it looks like search and rescue dogs were already working before the bloodhound unit from Kentucky came in. There is an Evansville search and rescue dog crew (Ohio valley search and rescue)
At the moment there are more questions than answers
Yes, it is.

I can see feeding her and doing things with her but changing her seems excessive for a 13 yo kid. That's a big job even for an adult sometimes.

Probably doesn't have anything to do with her going missing, but I do wonder what Aleah's situation was.
I can see feeding her and doing things with her but changing her seems excessive for a 13 yo kid. That's a big job even for an adult sometimes.

Probably doesn't have anything to do with her going missing, but I do wonder what Aleah's situation was.

I agree, especially with how tiny her sister looks in pictures. Maybe it was after baths or something that would be easier - maybe she would just put on a fresh diaper, not actually changing one.
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