IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #1

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According to the next door neighbor, in the comments section, there actually was a birthday party scheduled for that day. So she was apparently planning to go to one. But she never made it. And that was what the delay in reporting was about. From what I gathered.

Sometimes the Reply's seem to get lost in the thread. These 2 reply's helped me better understand what the family and police are dealing with. Informative I feel.

Posted from Ali’s grandmother:
I am Ali's grandmother and it is not her parents fault. Ali sleepwalks and can unlock doors in her sleep. You cannot stay awake 24 hrs a day. Please get the facts straight on that as well. And I agree about the term sex offender. There is so much more to that name.

Posted from a Next Door Neighbor:
I am this family's next door neighbor. This is the story: Alie and her 2 younger sisters were spending the night with a family friend in the trailer park. Alie woke up about 2:00 am Friday from a bad dream. The family friend comforted her, and Alie went back to sleep. Around 10:00 am, the friend awoke and not seeing Alie, asked her sisters where Alie was. The sisters told him that she put on her coat, said she was going the birthday party, and walked out the door. The neighbor assumed that Alie had just walked home (a short walk between 2 trailers, and across a street in the park) and thought no more of it. It wasn't until hours later when the mom went to get the girls for the birthday party (of which Alie was very excited to be attending) of a friend of hers and the sisters, that they realized that Alie was actually missing. Alie is a sleepwalker and it is wondered if she was dreaming that she was attending the party and out the door she went. This is not an ex or parental abduction. Please do not speculate or assume. It is possible that she was sleepwalking and when she awoke she was lost and does not know how to get home. This is a loving family whose daughter/sister has gone missing. If you are a prayer warrior, please do so. If you're not one who prays, please at least keep this family in your thoughts that Alie is returned home safely and soon. Thank you so much

Is this grandmother the wife or former wife of the grandpa that just passed away? Or a grandma from the other side of the family? I guess we can safely say this grandma did not live in the mobile home with grandpa and grandpa's 40 yr old male roommate.

BBM in the comment from the neighbor. If two children told the person babysitting their older sister put their coat on and went left for the party, why would this person immediately dismiss the siblings account of what occured for something totally different which he didn't call mom to confirm?

Link to the current scanner thread:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
The neighbor's comment said the family friend got up at 2am and calmed her down from a nightmare.
This article says she was in the home at 6am but does not say who saw her at that time. It is being said she left the home between 6am and 10am.

I keep thinking if she left on her own and got lost she would have been found by now. I think dogs would have tracked her scent. :(

Here we go with the patterns again. 2am, 6am, 10 am. Why is it children always seem to go missing on the hour or half hour? And why is there always a consistent number of hours between the time reported events occur?

LE called off the search at 3:30pm.

This isn't going end well unfortunately. :(
Sorry, I haven't read every linked article yet. We were just visiting family in Fort Wayne last week, drove right by this trailer park, and drove through Clinton and Mayhew, which was close to my own granddaughter's Christmas program. Really really getting traumatized by all the family pathos and missing children lately.

Do we know where she went to school? Please please don't tell me she participated Monday or Tuesday in singing Christmas songs at the Townhouse Retirement community with a school group. I saw a little girl there that still haunts me. I knew something terrible was going on in her life and remarked to several people there that I was worried about her.
Is this grandmother the wife or former wife of the grandpa that just passed away? Or a grandma from the other side of the family? I guess we can safely say this grandma did not live in the mobile home with grandpa and grandpa's 40 yr old male roommate.

BBM in the comment from the neighbor. If two children told the person babysitting their older sister put their coat on and went left for the party, why would this person immediately dismiss the siblings account of what occured for something totally different which he didn't call mom to confirm?

Link to the current scanner thread:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I wondered about that too. If she said she was going toa birthday party, why assume that she was on her way to her home?

I wonder if mom has a phone at her trailer? Maybe not, and maybe that is why no one confirmed any of this stuff.
Do we know if Ali's father was involved in her life?
According to the next door neighbor, in the comments section, there actually was a birthday party scheduled for that day. So she was apparently planning to go to one. But she never made it. And that was what the delay in reporting was about. From what I gathered.

Sometimes the Reply's seem to get lost in the thread. These 2 reply's helped me better understand what the family and police are dealing with. Informative I feel.

Posted from Ali’s grandmother:
I am Ali's grandmother and it is not her parents fault. Ali sleepwalks and can unlock doors in her sleep. You cannot stay awake 24 hrs a day. Please get the facts straight on that as well. And I agree about the term sex offender. There is so much more to that name.

Posted from a Next Door Neighbor:
I am this family's next door neighbor. This is the story: Alie and her 2 younger sisters were spending the night with a family friend in the trailer park. Alie woke up about 2:00 am Friday from a bad dream. The family friend comforted her, and Alie went back to sleep. Around 10:00 am, the friend awoke and not seeing Alie, asked her sisters where Alie was. The sisters told him that she put on her coat, said she was going the birthday party, and walked out the door. The neighbor assumed that Alie had just walked home (a short walk between 2 trailers, and across a street in the park) and thought no more of it. It wasn't until hours later when the mom went to get the girls for the birthday party (of which Alie was very excited to be attending) of a friend of hers and the sisters, that they realized that Alie was actually missing. Alie is a sleepwalker and it is wondered if she was dreaming that she was attending the party and out the door she went. This is not an ex or parental abduction. Please do not speculate or assume. It is possible that she was sleepwalking and when she awoke she was lost and does not know how to get home. This is a loving family whose daughter/sister has gone missing. If you are a prayer warrior, please do so. If you're not one who prays, please at least keep this family in your thoughts that Alie is returned home safely and soon. Thank you so much

bbm = at 8:30 pm??? Not even a possibility in my mind that the other two girls didn't badger and bug about that party since their sister left to go so early, including more than likely calling their mom in my opinion.

I'm very confused (yet again) at this whole situation. The children at the 'friends' house ~ the step-dad ~ moms illness ~ and where was grandma that she couldn't look after the kids? All might be perfectly legit, but without more info, all of it looks suspicious and hurts my heart :(

Again we are left confused by the information, or rather mis-information and yet again a sweet little child has disappeared. UGH! My thoughts and prayers are with Alie, hoping she is found safe and sound!

ETA: And when 'friend' spoke to mom, did mom not inquire as to how the girls were? Or want to speak to them? Would that not have brought up Alie and where she was??
Do we know if Ali's father was involved in her life?

Salt heavily because I don't have a link, but it was printed in an article, that her father lives out of the home and there were no custody disputes. I don't know if that means he wasn't involved, or that there was just no argument about where she lived and who she lived with.
bbm = at 8:30 pm??? Not even a possibility in my mind that the other two girls didn't badger and bug about that party since their sister left to go so early, including more than likely calling their mom in my opinion.

(snipped) Exactly what I thought of today! NO Way!! I have a 4 and 8 yr old, even the 8 yr old would be like 'why does she get to go'... then the 40yr old 'friend' would remark, 'but the party isn't until tonight.. hey, let's get her back here.' How did those two kids not care, unless that's the environment they are accustomed to.. each to their own and no closeness?

Do we know where she went to school? Please please don't tell me she participated Monday or Tuesday in singing Christmas songs at the Townhouse Retirement community with a school group. I saw a little girl there that still haunts me. I knew something terrible was going on in her life and remarked to several people there that I was worried about her.
(again snipped) I take it then at least one district in the area had school Mon/Tues. So 40yr old friend got 3 girls off to school for at least 2 days? Really. Wonder how we can find out what district Aliahna attends. And for the little girl in the choir.. I once called our elementary and spoke to the student liaison to report a concern. It could help your conscience.. and if they already feel something is off with the girl ....

Silence from all involved, not pleading for her return... police must be really working people over I hope? What a frustrating thing for them to work on during xmas.
If the step dad was abusing the kids and mom was ill, why would he allow the children to go with the single friend of grandpa's? Wouldn't mom being too ill to care for them be like a gold mine for him? If he was abusing his step children, why would he allow them to go to this other male and risk their telling this trusted family friend?

I still can't make it work for anyone else other than grandpa's friend. I wish I could, I really do, because that would mean the chances of Aliahna being found safe much greater.

IIRC, it was mentioned Aliahna is blind or legally blind in addition to some other disabilities. Is that correct? If so, it is possible those conditions left her more vulnerable to a predator. :sigh: :(

It may not be anything like abuse of the kids the mom was afraid of. Some men are just not responsible when it comes to taking care of kids... cooking meals, washing dishes, doing laundry, all the little things that have to be done in a daily routine. Maybe he was just one of those "manly" guys who panic when they are faced with household chores and seeing after kids.
And then, maybe he had a job to go to and couldn't be home with them all the time. It's a possibility.
It may not be anything like abuse of the kids the mom was afraid of. Some men are just not responsible when it comes to taking care of kids... cooking meals, washing dishes, doing laundry, all the little things that have to be done in a daily routine. Maybe he was just one of those "manly" guys who panic when they are faced with household chores and seeing after kids.
And then, maybe he had a job to go to and couldn't be home with them all the time. It's a possibility.

I'm glad you pointed this out. Some men feel no sense of responsibility toward their children and I see an example of that all the time in my own family. My own stepdaughter would never leave her 4 and 5 year olds with their father because she could come back to find them playing in the street in freezing weather without coats on (oh yeah, that really happened).

The only thing I would add to your excellent post is that many people don't consider this behavior to be "manly"; they consider it to be irresponsible, neglectful, self-absorbed, and even downright sleezy.

ETA: And when those character flaws are so serious that children are sent to eat, sleep, and be cared for by NEIGHBOR men rather than adult male parents in the home, take is that the family dynamics should be scrutinized. I would look for serious denial on the part of the mother, also.
Police continued searching on Sunday for a 9-year-old girl missing from a Fort Wayne mobile home park since Friday.

Emergency workers said Aliahna Lemmon has vision and hearing disabilities along with attention deficit disorder, which caused family members to fear for her safety.

Can somebody explain to me how a 9 yo child with hearing and sight disabilities, attention deficit disorder and emotional problems has her own Facebook account. This just adds another layer of fear for her safety to me.
Maybe the stapfather is a third shift worker? That would make it impossible to watch them at night and hard to watch them during the day, because he would need to sleep.
Can somebody explain to me how a 9 yo child with hearing and sight disabilities, attention deficit disorder and emotional problems has her own Facebook account. This just adds another layer of fear for her safety to me.

I'm ashamed to admit this, because my relatives seem to think it's okay, but I have 3 and 4 year old neices that have FB accounts, started by their parents, so that they can get one more person on Farmville or Frontierville. They figure the kid will grow into the account. And yes, they use their kids actual photos for these accounts.
Mods, are we allowed to sleuth the grandfather who passed away in Dec?

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