IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #1

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What??? Aliahna did not live in the MH park???

This is what I got from the comments that were posted under the WANE article yesterday by next door neighbor and Ali's gma (which are now gone but ndn post is here on pg. 3).

Neighbor said Ali and family live 2 trailers down and across the street from family friend. Gma said the family moved in the mhp to be near Ali's gpa who recently passed away, he had been ill and she was helping take care of him.
Gma said she was in FL and would be coming to Indiana.
When the friend returned, he went back to sleep thinking Aliahna was still in the home. At 10 a.m., Aliahna's mother and the friend spoke on the phone. After that call, the friend realized Aliahna was gone, and he assumed she was with her mother, Fries said.

This sounds off to me. JMO. I suppose she called to ask if the girls were okay and to say what time she was coming to get them, and you would think that if Aliyahna was home at the time, or if the mom assumed that all three girls were there it would have come up in the conversation.
well ....if the grandfather being deceased allows us to post info then here goes= MODS- if any of this is NOT allowed, please remove

The birthdates match, I do not think I am wrong.
Also he is not on the RSO registry- UNLESS he has been removed since passing
This info makes my hackles rise...considering the number of RSO's IN the trailer park.

If indeed the family had recently moved closer to the grandfather...then is there possibility that if Aliahna was sleepwalking, that she may have tried to return to the previous address?? If so, then I do believe this is it, based on public record search...which is why I wonder if the search parameter should be expanded.UNLESS LE is keeping it close to the trailer park.
1629 Woodmere Drive, New Haven, IN

hubby insist I go eat. BBL. dear dear child, i weep
well ....if the grandfather being deceased allows us to post info then here goes= MODS- if any of this is NOT allowed, please remove

The birthdates match, I do not think I am wrong.
Also he is not on the RSO registry- UNLESS he has been removed since passing
This info makes my hackles rise...considering the number of RSO's IN the trailer park.

If indeed the family had recently moved closer to the grandfather...then is there possibility that if Aliahna was sleepwalking, that she may have tried to return to the previous address?? If so, then I do believe this is it, based on public record search...which is why I wonder if the search parameter should be expanded.UNLESS LE is keeping it close to the trailer park.
1629 Woodmere Drive, New Haven, IN

hubby insist I go eat. BBL. dear dear child, i weep

Wow. That's interesting info you have found...
I'm ashamed to admit this, because my relatives seem to think it's okay, but I have 3 and 4 year old neices that have FB accounts, started by their parents, so that they can get one more person on Farmville or Frontierville. They figure the kid will grow into the account. And yes, they use their kids actual photos for these accounts.

you can have more than one acct in your own name, just make up versions of it, like farmer ann or whatever, and use anything like a dog photo. no sense in using your young child's name or photo imo.

when i find out someone who has friended me is a juvenile i delete them!

o/t sorry
well ....if the grandfather being deceased allows us to post info then here goes= MODS- if any of this is NOT allowed, please remove

The birthdates match, I do not think I am wrong.
Also he is not on the RSO registry- UNLESS he has been removed since passing
This info makes my hackles rise...considering the number of RSO's IN the trailer park.

If indeed the family had recently moved closer to the grandfather...then is there possibility that if Aliahna was sleepwalking, that she may have tried to return to the previous address?? If so, then I do believe this is it, based on public record search...which is why I wonder if the search parameter should be expanded.UNLESS LE is keeping it close to the trailer park.
1629 Woodmere Drive, New Haven, IN

hubby insist I go eat. BBL. dear dear child, i weep


Wow. Now I have even more questions about the relationship between Grandpa and the single 40 yr old male bachelor friend. Why was a 40 yr old man living with a 60 something year old man?

This information only confirms my previous fears. :(
Even with mom having a fever, I still don't get why the kids were at the friends. There is a stepfather living with mom too.

That family friend last saw Aliahna sleeping in a chair in his home at 6 a.m. Friday, before he went to the Marathon gas station at North Clinton Street and Mayhew Road to buy a cigar, the sheriff said.
When the friend returned, he went back to sleep thinking Aliahna was still in the home. At 10 a.m., Aliahna’s mother and the friend spoke on the phone. After that call, the friend realized Aliahna was gone, and he assumed she was with her mother, Fries said.
Because of a lack of communication, Aliahna’s mother and the family friend did not realize that neither had the girl until about 8:40 p.m. That’s when they reported her missing, Fries said.

I suppose if the illness is serious and contagious one might want the children out of the house for fear of them getting it too...

But the cigar...? Close but no cigar, imo. If you're so addicted to nicotine that you simply have to go buy a cigar at 6 am even though you'd be leaving little children home alone you're addicted enough to keep them readily available at home so you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to go get them. JMO.

Where did he really go at 6 am?
I suppose if the illness is serious and contagious one might want the children out of the house for fear of them getting it too...

But the cigar...? Close but no cigar, imo. If you're so addicted to nicotine that you simply have to go buy a cigar at 6 am even though you'd be leaving little children home alone you're addicted enough to keep them readily available at home so you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to go get them. JMO.

Where did he really go at 6 am?

I am not understanding the whole set-up, to begin with. They live in a mobile home park that has 30 homes and 15 RSOs. The grandfather apparently did time for child molesting, yet the family chose to live close to him. The male friend who had been living with said grandfather is given complete care of the three little girls while mother is sick. All of this is very peculiar to me.

Now add what you are pointing out--that the friend leaves the house, leaving the little girls alone, at SIX in the morning to buy a CIGAR. Then comes home and GOES BACK TO SLEEP (after smoking the cigar??).

And what's this about he sees a pile of clothes NEAR the chair where she was sleeping, so assumed she was still there? I don't know where to begin with the questions about that!
I am not understanding the whole set-up, to begin with. They live in a mobile home park that has 30 homes and 15 RSOs. The grandfather apparently did time for child molesting, yet the family chose to live close to him. The male friend who had been living with said grandfather is given complete care of the three little girls while mother is sick. All of this is very peculiar to me.

Now add what you are pointing out--that the friend leaves the house, leaving the little girls alone, at SIX in the morning to buy a CIGAR. Then comes home and GOES BACK TO SLEEP (after smoking the cigar??).

And what's this about he sees a pile of clothes NEAR the chair where she was sleeping, so assumed she was still there? I don't know where to begin with the questions about that!

BBM. Yes, this is VERY odd. He went to go buy a cigar at 6 am, then came home and went to sleep? No, I don't buy that, it makes no sense. Possible, but not probable. Did he specificaly go to just buy one cigar, or did he get something else also? Milk for the girls to have cereal in the morning? Donuts? Not that I think he should have left those children alone to go to the store. Something is very hinky.
I am not understanding the whole set-up, to begin with. They live in a mobile home park that has 30 homes and 15 RSOs. The grandfather apparently did time for child molesting, yet the family chose to live close to him. The male friend who had been living with said grandfather is given complete care of the three little girls while mother is sick. All of this is very peculiar to me.

Now add what you are pointing out--that the friend leaves the house, leaving the little girls alone, at SIX in the morning to buy a CIGAR. Then comes home and GOES BACK TO SLEEP (after smoking the cigar??).

And what's this about he sees a pile of clothes NEAR the chair where she was sleeping, so assumed she was still there? I don't know where to begin with the questions about that!


Using your post as a springboard Etilema.

the following is speculation only. Just because the 40 yr old single bachelor friend is not currently listed as an RSO does not mean he is not capable of harming, molesting and possibly killing a child.

RSO lists only those who have been caught and convicted, not those yet to be caught, charged and convicted.

what was it that led this particular 40 yr old guy to live with a convicted child molestor? Could it be that the attraction to grandpa was grandpa having access to children and a common interest?

My gut is telling me this friend of grandpa abused Aliahna the entire week she was there and when it was time for mom to come and get her he had to get rid of her to prevent her from telling her mom and step dad what happened.

I think the cigar was purchased after he was done disposing of Aliahna whereever he disposed her, a way to celebrate so to speak, kind of like a new father would pass out cigars.

The whole thing makes me sick, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn this friend of grandpa's is in the health care field which opened a door for him to gain access to another pedo who had access to children and a door for the childrens family to entrust him. :furious:


Cousins suspects a NINE YEAR OLD.. ran way..



Sepponen suspects she ran away.

I was just going to comment on that. Ran away? 9 years old? Did something happen to make her extremely upset at that time where she felt like running away? I do remember as a child getting mad at my mother for something, and "running away" to my grandma's house(2 blocks away), but I don't think I would have actually, really run away. Oh, that poor little girl. I was hoping maybe she went to a friends house, and they didn't realize she was reported missing, but I really don't think so.
Aliahna’s grandpa died earlier this month. Sepponen says the family hasn't been coping very well and her cousin, Tara, also Aliahna’s mother, has been very ill. Sepponene says Aliahna and her two younger sisters have been in the care of a neighbor for the past couple weeks while Tara recovers.

WTF, these children where in the care of grandpa's 40 yr old single bachelor friend for a couple weeks?!?! :thud:

If mom was so ill, where the hell was family to care for these kids. :furious:

Poor Aliahna. I am so sorry honey. If you're no longer with us, I hope you are having the best Christmas ever with Jesus where no one will ever hurt you again.

We're off to have Christmas at my sons Godmoms.... I need to step away from this for a bit before I'm crying again in front of my child on Christmas day. Yesterday was a weepy day for me and I can't do it again today.

See everyone later and praying Aliahna is found, preferably safe, soon.
Aliahna’s grandpa died earlier this month. Sepponen says the family hasn't been coping very well and her cousin, Tara, also Aliahna’s mother, has been very ill. Sepponene says Aliahna and her two younger sisters have been in the care of a neighbor for the past couple weeks while Tara recovers.

WTF, these children where in the care of grandpa's 40 yr old single bachelor friend for a couple weeks?!?! :thud:

If mom was so ill, where the hell was family to care for these kids. :furious:

Poor Aliahna. I am so sorry honey. If you're no longer with us, I hope you are having the best Christmas ever with Jesus where no one will ever hurt you again.

We're off to have Christmas at my sons Godmoms.... I need to step away from this for a bit before I'm crying again in front of my child on Christmas day. Yesterday was a weepy day for me and I can't do it again today.

See everyone later and praying Aliahna is found safe soon.

Jumping off your post......
Looks like there is plenty of family looking for her now... wonder why they weren't approached to watch her and her sisters while mom was sick......maybe... well i don't want a time out.....

just gonna say Hinky

"Sheriff Fries does not encourage people to help in the search because it could add confusion to officers who are searching. But, that hasn’t stopped Sepponen and her family.

“My sister and I are out handing out flyers, we have relatives that are out, people from our churches,” she said."
I might see a child of nine with her psychological diagnoses possibly running away if they get upset after a conflict or something but it could be scarier for a child with sight and hearing problems and I would have expected her to be found not too far.

Sepponen said when Tara called to check up on her daughters, the neighbor realized Aliahna was missing.

“The babysitter thought that she had gone home to Tara. So nobody realized, because of the miscommunication, that she had actually been missing for a few hours,” Sepponen said. “Tara’s pretty freaked out.”

OK so she did call to check up on the children.

I am not inclined to believe in this miscommunication. If a mother calls and says, hey, what's up, how are Aliahna, Sibling 1 and Sibling 2 doing, you don't assume that Aliahna has gone home to be with her since the mother is clearly assuming she's with you.

I suppose it might have been "how's the kids" "ok" and Aliyahna wasn't mentioned by name by either one of them but still, it's a bit weird. If I realized that one of the kids I was babysitting was missing after getting off the phone with her mom, who did NOT say she got home I would call again and check.
BBM. Yes, this is VERY odd. He went to go buy a cigar at 6 am, then came home and went to sleep? No, I don't buy that, it makes no sense. Possible, but not probable. Did he specificaly go to just buy one cigar, or did he get something else also? Milk for the girls to have cereal in the morning? Donuts? Not that I think he should have left those children alone to go to the store. Something is very hinky.

The question is how many blunts had he had from the previous 12+ hours. If you are into blunts it is a good way to not have paraphernalia in your house, pipe/papers. If he was burning at 6am then either he starts early or had been smoking and ran out of blunts. If that is the case then he is not doing periodic UTs for any court/LE.

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