IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #2

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I am putting the whole statement here since it really is a public document. One we usually don't get this early.

Statement issued Tuesday by Dr. E. Jon Brandenberger, Allen County coroner:

On Monday, December 26, 2011, the Allen County Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement agencies developed significant leads into the investigation of a missing 9-year-old Fort Wayne girl, Aliahna Marie Maroney- Lemmon. With reason to believe that a deceased child was nearby, the Allen County Coroner’s office and other forensic investigators responded to two separate locations, one of which was the Northway mobile home park near North Clinton Street and Diebold Road, from where Alianha had disappeared, and another at a nearby convenience store/gas station. Human remains believed to be that of a female juvenile were found at both locations. Officials from the Allen County Coroner’s office and police crime scene technicians painstakingly documented the areas and recovered evidence. The remains were transported to the Northeast Indiana Forensic Center.

The major part of an autopsy was conducted today at the Northeast Indiana Forensic Center, but the forensic examination will not be completed until sometime tomorrow. Positive confirmation of the identity of the remains will be accomplished through DNA analysis, but investigators are confident that the decedent is Aliahna.

Investigators believe that the perpetrator of this horrific crime systematically dismembered Aliahna after her death, and then placed her body parts into several plastic bags, some of which were recovered at his residence, while others were recovered from a dumpster at the convenience store.

Results of the autopsy today are pending until the examination can be completed tomorrow. While the cause of death has not been ruled yet, the manner of death is homicide. Aliahna is the 24th homicide victim in Fort Wayne and Allen County (the second outside the city limits of Fort Wayne) in 2011.

The investigation is continuing by the Allen County Prosecutor’s office, the Allen County Sheriff’s Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Allen County Coroner’s office.
I am putting the whole statement here since it really is a public document. One we usually don't get this early.

Statement issued Tuesday by Dr. E. Jon Brandenberger, Allen County coroner:

On Monday, December 26, 2011, the Allen County Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement agencies developed significant leads into the investigation of a missing 9-year-old Fort Wayne girl, Aliahna Marie Maroney- Lemmon. With reason to believe that a deceased child was nearby, the Allen County Coroner’s office and other forensic investigators responded to two separate locations, one of which was the Northway mobile home park near North Clinton Street and Diebold Road, from where Alianha had disappeared, and another at a nearby convenience store/gas station. Human remains believed to be that of a female juvenile were found at both locations. Officials from the Allen County Coroner’s office and police crime scene technicians painstakingly documented the areas and recovered evidence. The remains were transported to the Northeast Indiana Forensic Center.

The major part of an autopsy was conducted today at the Northeast Indiana Forensic Center, but the forensic examination will not be completed until sometime tomorrow. Positive confirmation of the identity of the remains will be accomplished through DNA analysis, but investigators are confident that the decedent is Aliahna.

Investigators believe that the perpetrator of this horrific crime systematically dismembered Aliahna after her death, and then placed her body parts into several plastic bags, some of which were recovered at his residence, while others were recovered from a dumpster at the convenience store.

Results of the autopsy today are pending until the examination can be completed tomorrow. While the cause of death has not been ruled yet, the manner of death is homicide. Aliahna is the 24th homicide victim in Fort Wayne and Allen County (the second outside the city limits of Fort Wayne) in 2011.

The investigation is continuing by the Allen County Prosecutor’s office, the Allen County Sheriff’s Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Allen County Coroner’s office.

Interesting that there is still no word on whether or not she was sexually abused, or if sexual abuse is undetermined at this time.

I don't recall exactly how long it was before LE released information that there were no signs of sexual abuse/assault in Leiby's case.
What a tragedy:

I wonder how MP rose in her estimation from a suspected child molester to a trusted family friend.

OMG! MP is a convicted child molester and grandpa knew it...I really don't think Tarah needs to have anymore kids...period. This is not bashing them...these children were put into a generational family failure. Putting your children a risk, when your own flesh and blood is a child molester to move closer to him in a place where you knew had 15 others....And you let your kids be babysat by one? This is parenting common sense 101... And a colossal failure in parenting.
That injury on his head with a scar on it bothers me. Makes me wonder if he is going with brain damage or something.

And that would be the same story as with Levi Aron in Leiby's case. He claims to have brain trauma problems from a bicycle accident as a child.
If that dumpster they found parts in is the same store he bought cigars then the police really messed up by not searching it as soon as they knew he went there for the cigar.

They said very early on his story did not add up.
OMG! MP is a convicted child molester and grandpa knew it...I really don't think Tarah needs to have anymore kids...period. This is not bashing them...these children were put into a generational family failure. Putting your children a risk, when your own flesh and blood is a child molester to move closer to him in a place where you knew had 15 others....And you let your kids be babysat by one? This is parenting common sense 101... And a colossal failure in parenting.

MP is NOT a convicted child molestor. Grandpa was.
If that dumpster they found parts in is the same store he bought cigars in the police really messed up by not searching it as soon as they knew he went there for the cigar.

They said very early on his story did not add up.

OMG! MP is a convicted child molester and grandpa knew it...I really don't think Tarah needs to have anymore kids...period. This is not bashing them...these children were put into a generational family failure. Putting your children a risk, when your own flesh and blood is a child molester to move closer to him in a place where you knew had 15 others....And you let your kids be babysat by one? This is parenting common sense 101... And a colossal failure in parenting.

I thought it was the GP that was the SO,not MP!!
I was SHOCKED to see that she had a personal FB page & that she was friends with MP (9 yr olds should NOT be on social network sites IMHO)

bolded by me.

It's really inappropriate and dangerous for a nine year old to have a Facebook page--I didn't even know they could have one. This tells me that she wasn't being properly supervised at home--sorry, I don't mean to bash her parents. Facebook needs to set up some rules.
Despite the confession, the little girl's grandmother, Amber Story, stood by Plumadore, a close family friend.

'I don't care what anybody says. Mike did nothing to her. He loves those girls,' she told the News-Sentinel. :banghead:

I'm thinking that the UK article just doesn't quite have the information correct. The grandmother stated this on Nancy's show last night (Mon, 12/26) of which, I believe was recorded on 12/23/11, or perhaps on 12/24/11.

IMO, I highly doubt that the grandmother would be standing by MP after he confessed that he killed Aliahna.
Cases like this just make me so sad. We have friends who many years ago lost their daughter to a monster like this one. Tina was 6 IIRC - and had gotten permission from her mom to walk a few doors down to play with her friend. She never came home. What happened was when she got to the friends house - the little girl wasn't there but her much older cousin was. He invited her in to wait for her friend to get there and then proceeded to stab her many, many, many times then placed her body in a trash bag and threw it out behind a building. No rhyme. No reason. Just a monster.

Sometimes it's just because they are evil.

Not saying that he (the guy arrested for this murder) didn't do more and hasn't done horrible things in the past as well (that just aren't known) - but at the end of the day he is a monster. And evil.

I know that this family still struggles to this day with what happened and it's been close to 30 years ago now I guess. Shame is they lived to see him complete the 20 year sentence he got for her death and had to live with the fact that he became a free man. MONSTERS should never ever be let out of jail. (and that's my firm opinion!!!)
I still don't understand moving your children into a dangerous place where you knew almost every other trailer housed a RSO and you ask yours own RSO pop if he thinks your kids will be safe....???? It just sounds like more than a communication failure....makes me wonder what other people who aren't dear friends nor ROS's themselves think of Michael...if other people found him to be off or weird.

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) — To assist her dying father, Tarah Souders made a choice: She moved her three young girls to a run-down trailer park in rural Indiana to help take care of him as his lungs rotted from emphysema.

She knew it could be dangerous. The park of about two dozen homes was teeming with convicted sex offenders, with one living at nearly every address. She worried about neighbors with sex offense records who had been helping her father get by, according to trailer park residents. And before she arrived, she even asked her father if her children could be at risk for abuse from two specific men — including a suspect now accused in her daughter's death.

"He said, 'No. They will not touch your children. They're doing everything they're supposed to do,'" said Greg Shumaker, one of 15 convicted sex offenders who live at the park and the other man that Souders had inquired about.
I'd like to know how 16 registered sex offenders were living within very close proximity to at least 5 children in the same trailer park? Where was the enforcement on the stipulations of their registration?! And, some were convicted child molesters, child rapists, etc. Not all were adult infractions or urinating in public (I'm actually not sure if any of them were non-child-related). Why have the stipulations if they aren't enforced? It makes me so mad....

I suspect that the reason they were concentrated there was because they were attempting to comply with the restrictions of their parole. Often these restrictions are so severe that they all but prohibit SO's from living anywhere but these out of the way places -- if they can find somewhere to live at all.

I am not really in favor of these kinds of restrictions. I absolutely think we need to take another look at the system and situation -- particularly when we consider that laws like this are of questionable value in terms of preventing crime. A registered sex offender didn't kill the Anthony girl, or likely little Lisa, or little Sky, or little Jorely, or Jon Bennet,

or Alianha.

A registered SO didn't kill her, and these laws damn sure did nothing to protect her. And how could they? We know, as a statistical fact, that a child is in FAR more danger from her own family and close family friends then she is from any stranger -- registered SO or not. We know statistically that mothers are more likely to murder their child than any other person, more likely than the neighbor, or dad, or even the dreaded step dad. And further, despite the media telling us the exact opposite, we know statistically that SO's actually have very low recitivism rates -- far below the average for other felons (5% to 9% for RSO's versus 42% for all felons, the lowest recidivism rate for any crime other than murder).

And finally, actually consider this ironic fact. Aliahna lived literally suppounded by registered sex offenders. Damn near every other person she saw was an RSO. She was served up like feeding time at the zoo -- and totally unsupervised. And so far as we know not ONE of them did anything to her. The statistics played out. It was, as usual, her own dear family 'friend', her guardian, that she needed to fear (and perhaps her grandpa).

Something to think about.

(Note: I am well aware that this is more the time for pitchforks and torches than numbers and reason, and that posting the later is probably not going to win me any popularity contests. None the less, there it is. :) )
I still don't understand moving your children into a dangerous place where you knew almost every other trailer housed a RSO and you ask yours own RSO pop if he thinks your kids will be safe....???? It just sounds like more than a communication failure....makes me wonder what other people who aren't dear friends nor ROS's themselves think of Michael...if other people found him to be off or weird.

Tarah Souders made a choice: She moved her three young girls to a run-down trailer park in rural Indiana to help take care of him as his lungs rotted from emphysema.

We know that she was living in Iowa in April 2010 . . .
From article quoted in Littlebitty's post..

Shumaker said he introduced Plumadore to Lemmon shortly after Plumadore moved into the trailer park, and Plumadore moved in with Lemmon a few days later. Shumaker said he knew Lemmon because they were both sex offenders and were in jail together.

Shumaker and Lemmon were the SO's and in jail together not Plumadore.
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