IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #3

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I cannot believe I am even discussing this... so we are just going to talk about "objects."
Our fridge/freezer recently broke... so I have been thinking about and looking at them a lot recently.

What kind of fridge/freezer did he have?

If the freezer was on the top/fridge on the bottom... he could not have fit something 4 feet tall and 41 pounds in it.

If the freezer/fridge were side by side... ice maker or not... you COULD fit something 4 feet tall and 41lbs inside.
After removing everything, including the shelves from it.

However, after emptying it, removing the shelves and putting the contents somewhere...
How would you keep that freezer door shut with that weight behind it?

If he had a deep freeze (highly unlikely in a mobile home) that would easily hold something 4 feet tall and 41lbs...
We've actually seen much larger objects put in those for long periods of time.

The only probable way he put something 4 feet tall in his freezer is if he had a side by side.
What kind of fridge/freezer he had would help us to know how big the item(s) were that he stored in his freezer. :twocents:

I live in a mobile home right now and we have a deep freezer that would fit a child,its not giant,but its pretty big and we have a lot of room still in our kitchen.just thought I share that.
One thing we haven't heard about is drugs. I'm not trying to start any rumors - its just with acts this heinous and the reputation of the mobile home park - well, its a question that begs to be asked.

I was shocked the other day to read about Elisa Baker's drug charges and how they found like 50,000+ pills. Someone doing that many pills tends to be "out of their mind" and that allows for such horrors to be acted upon.

I'm just wondering here........................ that's all.

No rumors, just speculation.............

My two cents. And IMHO and only JMHO.

About Mom's illness of reported flu and then the temp paralysis. I'm not bashing her, her appearance has nothing to do with any of this with the exception of what I am going to share below.

If IIRC she is 28 years old. When I saw a picture of her I was very surprised she was only that age. I'm not saying that because I'm harping on her, not at all---she looks and I say this without being judgemental just stating what I think---my age. I'm 50. She looks like a young woman with an illness of some sort. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she doesn't have some kind of illness. Speculation and JMHO.

ETA: by illness I'm not thinking a transient one like the flu, I'm thinking something long term.

When I first saw a photo of TS, I thought that she was one of the Grandmothers. This 28-year-old is definitely not a well woman. TS seems to have no (or very few) teeth that can be a sign of chronic illness, among other reasons that may come up later in the case. jmo
Then there should be tons of blood on the steps. I don't think there was, though. What 40 year old, single man wants to take care of three little girls for a week solid? A felon who is a fugitive? Who just happened to have a very cozy relationship with an RSO? Also, his statements about Aliahna crying for her mother in the middle of the night - well, it could be just a case of sudden rage, but I don't get that sense yet. Because such a guy would have likely snapped at some time prior, during the week. And it appears no one heard a thing? No yelling? No build up to the murder? My sense is that he killed her to silence her because he was abusing her and didn't want to get caught.

Wow. This is horrible. This baby was molested not once, but TWICE? And then her family decides it's a good idea to move to a pedo park, next door to pedo grampa? And then she's given to a fugitive for a week? No wonder this child is dead. Her history makes the decisions of her family all the more appalling.

I agree 100% decisions of her family all the more appalling !Hopefully her death will save her 2 sisters from any more appalling decisions.
When I first saw a photo of TS, I thought that she was one of the Grandmothers. This 28-year-old is definitely not a well woman. TS seems to have no (or very few) teeth that can be a sign of chronic illness, among other reasons that may come up later in the case. jmo

Drugs can also be a reason.
I've never heard of having to register for only 10 years. I found this:

"The duration of registration for a registered sex offender was extended by Chapter 1 of the Laws of 2006.
This law was effective on January 18, 2006. Currently, a Level 1 offender who has not been designated a sexual predator, a sexually violent offender or a predicate sex offender must register for 20 years. A Level 1 offender who has been so designated, as well as all Level 2 and Level 3 offenders regardless of whether they have been so designated, must register for life.

Level 1 (low risk of repeat offense), or
Level 2 (moderate risk of repeat offense), or
Level 3 (high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists)."

Each State has it's own definitions & penalties for those convicted of sex crimes . . . until we as a Country -- and for that matter, the World -- do something about it, they will always fall through the cracks more often than not!

Nat'l Registry is a good start but there is so much more that COULD be done (if there was $$$ in it, I'd help).

IMHO only
I'm late to this thread again. I can't seem to find any of the Facebook pages for any of them. Any links around?
Good afternoon, WS friends. I have been at work all day, I am trying to skim through the threads, but SO much posted since I was on last night. If anyone would be so kind, is there any new information? I was thinking about poor Aliahna all day at work, and I just think there is a whole background story we don't know about yet. I'm assuming that there has been no confirmation on the MP is a RSO that we heard from the radio station last night? TIA :)
FWIW, If someone is not an RSO it does not mean they are not an SO. Most SO's never get caught and even if they are, it does not mean they are required to be registered as one.

IMO, MP will prove to be an SO. I'd bet my money on it.

Me too. Come on. He was bosom buddies with an RSO. He was friendly with the lot of them in that park, it seems. Aliahna was a vulnerable, disabled child who had already been molested TWICE before. That's the kind of child who is vulnerable to even more abuse. And he murdered Aliahna. She's dead. After spending a week with him. Right before she was due to go back home.

It's not rocket science, IMO.
'My little princess': Chilling Facebook photos of missing nine-year-old girl... posted by 'killer who beat her with a brick and cut up her body with hand saw'Michael Plumador, 39, was watching Aliahna Lemmon and her sisters on Friday when she disappeared
'Killer' befriended family through grandfather - also a sex offender

Has a criminal record in Florida and North Carolina that includes convictions for trespassing and assault
Rundown mobile home park in Fort Wayne a known haven for sex offenders

Read more:

BBM things like this are not helping at ending the confusion about MP being a bad dude in general or an RSO in particular.

I think he is not an RSO for what its worth. I tend to think it is bad reporting.

Lemmon and Pulmadore pair knew each because they were both sex offenders and were in jail together.

Read more:

Daily Mail reporters misunderstood the article with Greg Shumaker saying he and Aliahna's grandpa knew each other from being in jail together.
JMO but I think the generational dysfunction and failure within the family was like a funnel leading poor Aliahna straight to Michael P. I am only going by what has been reported. Again, we don't have all of the facts and we still may never. The FBI is hurt so much for these children. They need protection and help. Prayers and love.
This is TS's FB status from October 20 at 8:11am via mobile, made me wonder if 6 kids live in the home...
Re-worded from original post!
well some darn bug hit our entire house, on way to drs with 5 out of 6 kids and zach sr. I hope we get this kicked in the *advertiser censored*, im already on antibiotics. :(

that is one mean flu bug . . . antibiotics > 60 days ago & still sick? May be something else . . . but not to go off topic & please -- let's not go there

Sorry, just that is a LONG time to have any bug especially taking antibiotics.
Drugs can also be a reason.

I refrained from posting anything that even remotely suggested this, but, yes, that is what I meant by "reasons that might come up later". Heavy smoking can also cause gum disease and tooth loss. I've never smoked and have all of my own teeth. Both of my (younger) sisters have smoked like chimneys since junior high and have bridges/partials and periodontal disease. My teeth aren't perfect, but they're mine :D
I am only speculating on the illness/temporary paralysis...only brother is a pathology assistant and he thinks that her symptoms sound like...

Lyme Disease

I know nothing. I have no facts. This is just what my brother mentioned to me. It is only speculation but it sounds very close to some of her symptoms.

Obvious she wasn't interested in taking care of her kids because the articles I've read states that the kids were with the murderer a LOT of the time.

Seems mom was too busy with Facebook and gaming to worry about the kids.

What a life for these children.
I wish I knew how to start a fund to help this DM get herself and her children (do we know if they are both boys or if she has a boy and a girl?) out of that trailer park NOW. I know there was an MSM article somewhere that quoted her as saying she was moving out of there as soon as she can get her tax return.......

We all say that these 'moms' SHOUDL'VE done things ---- and in her case it appears that she wants to get her children out of that environment but just doesn't have the money to do it expeditiously.

I wonder how much money she would need?

I believe it was a neighbor that said she was moving, not the mom.

ETA, yep from your link:

"As she watched national news reports about Aliahna&#8217;s death late Tuesday, M******* decided she&#8217;ll move her family out after she gets money from her tax return."
ITA! I do NOT buy that some "tragic and complicated" medical circumstance kept the mother of those children from laying eyes on them at least ONCE during the day or at night. She lived only a few yards (YARDS people....yards...not miles) away. There is no excuse.

A few yards away. :( No excuse. None. She had a phone. She was on FB all of the time. But when what should be the most important people in her life are staying with a "family friend" who "hangs" out a lot with child molesters...she can't walk or roll over there to check on her kids????????? I don't understand that at all. Step dad could have helped her during the day if she needed assistance. IT MAKES NO SENSE.


I can't get past this either and if she was "sick", why not send the current step-dad over? I hope the FBI are REALLY watching ALL these folks.:furious:
So not being snarky here but may I suggest for those in need of a refresher or add'l info (since this thread is rolling)

go to the [ame=""]MEDIA LINKS[/ame] thread, please . . . I want to help answer ?s, but mostly I want to get info out in the [ame=""]MEDIA LINKS[/ame] thread so we don't have 40 pages in 3 hrs (full of rumors/misinformation).

and feel free to add to (not duplicate or discuss) [ame=""]MEDIA LINKS[/ame] thread -- we are so resourceful!

Respectfully :blowkiss:
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