IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #3

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that is one mean flu bug . . . antibiotics > 60 days ago & still sick? May be something else . . . but not to go off topic & please -- let's not go there

Sorry, just that is a LONG time to have any bug especially taking antibiotics.

Yes especially when antiobiotics dont cure a virus. Then again she may have had some infection as a result of the flu but 60 days? Never heard of such a massive dose. Ever. Doubt they were even working anymore by Day 30 :maddening: Mom maybe spent more time gaming than researching WebMD :banghead:
I think that mom is oblivious to reality. This happens all the time to children raised in a dysfunctional enviroment. I think TS is a victim of her own reality, meaning she never learned how to be a reliable parent. We all have issues with exposure to dysfunction, but some people can never get away from the dysfunction long enough to see that the dysfunction is dysfunction.

Dysfunction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Parents that expose their children to environments that are less then positive, love their children. It's not a matter of not loving enough, they simply have bad judgement. It brings me to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.'s_hierarchy_of_needs

When you add other factors like drugs & Alcohol, sexual abuse, and abandonment, it magnifies the inability to meet basic needs. It's all about survival!

My opinion isn't that TS doesn't love her children, she simply didn't know how to mother. She practices what she learned, as we all do. If she would have had "good" people around her they could have taught her right from wrong, she could have been helped. Unfortunately every person around her are mentally sick...She never got out of the cycle.

I would bet my moral compass, she was abused in many ways as a child, at the hand of the people that "love" her the most. It is evident that her relationship with her father was obsessive. She loved him, perhaps in the wrong ways! I say this because she was willing to put her own children in a harmful environment to be with her father. The feeling of love is powerful and we all crave it, even if it is unhealthy. Most of us can recognize unhealthy love, people like TS can't.

She has tried to "survive" her entire life. At times, she probably didn't even have her basic needs met. She has searched her entire life for love and approval. Unfortunately she was in a dump looking for a treasure!

Of coarse this is simply my opinion!!:twocents:

Not caught up, but I have to reply to this post. Respectfully, I have officially fallen off the fence of having any sympathy for this :cursing: .

There are PLENTY of people who suffer horrible abuses, many of whom have shared their experience here at WS, and become adults capable of escaping that cycle and ensuring their children escape that cycle.

Initially I thought Tarah and her family were victims of being groomed by this :cursing: MP. Which, I still believe they were.

However after learning Aliahna was the victim of abuse in Iowa which led to her PTSD, and the incubator didn't have a wake up call becoming super vigilant about protecting her children - that's all I needed to hear. Fool mom once, shame on the perp, fool the :cursing: twice, shame on the :cursing:.

Not only was Aliahna subject to ex con's, pedo's and convicted felons/absconders who were state hopping to avoid penalties, her incubator was hopping states to deliver her children to these dangerous abusive situations.

Aliahna and her siblings NEVER HAD A CHANCE. Every single family member they came in contact failed them and failed them miserably. And as others have posted, as horrific as the information we've learnt, I too think this is only the tip of the iceberg.

'Nuff said. If I add more, I'll be in a time out.

Back to reading and catching up on the thread.
--also, where were the girls supposed to sleep at "uncle mike's" ??

--grandma AmberS says it was the FLOOR.

--and this was a better idea than having them home in their own beds, shipped off to the neighbour , to sleep on the floor?
--video w/ grandmaS and nancy grace--

--grandma: "when mike came back from getting the cigar-------the 2 younger girls were sleeping on the floor, ali was sleeping in her grandfather's chair w/ a blanket /and a body pillow---and mike lay down on the couch b/c he'd been up w/ her all night b/c she has "night fears"...and he was comforting her all night, so he was tired"....
"he lay on the couch, the 2 younger ones were watching TV, ali was sleeping in the chair".
Here are some of the things my mind keeps coming back to.

When mom gave her little girls to her pedophile-father’s best friend, she did so knowing that they would be sleeping on the floor (or in his stained chair) rather than in their own beds at home. She knew that she was granting him power over her daughters. Authority. Not to be crass, but she knew that thirty feet away undressing her daughters and giving them their evening baths. Again, she KNEW that this guy, this potential pedophile, might be undressing the same daughter that was already suffering from post traumatic stress from abuse she had suffered the twice year before.

She knew, because any functioning and sane adult would, that it would be potentially horrifying to the girl.

And though they were only about thirty feet away, close enough that she might easily hear them crying or perhaps screaming through the thin walls of her trailer, she didn’t walk over and check on them. She'd given them to Mike.

They spent the night there on Tuesday, but she didn't check on them Wednesday morning or evening. She didn't stop by to ask if there were any problems, or to see what they had done, or to discover if they were properly taken care of, if they had taken a bath and been fed. None of that. Nor did she check on Thursday morning, when her daughter was murdered. Or Thursday evening, when her daughter's corpse was being dismembered. Only on Friday night, after three days of not seeing the babies she dropped off thirty feet away, did she bother to check.

That's not an innocent mistake or an oversight. Adding too much sugar to your spouse's coffee is a mistake. Spooning in a few scoops of rat poison is not. Mistakes: I forgot my keys, I ran a red light, I forgot to feed my cat. Not mistakes: robbing a store, giving your little girls away.

And let’s not forget the invisible man here. I am talking, of course, about dad. Did he not notice or care that his three angels were nowhere to be seen? Dad, who, if he asked where they were at all, apparently also did not care that the pedo's-buddy next door now owned his children. Who, during the hours every day between work and sleep, had no questions or concerns strong enough to drive him to walk thirty feet to check on these three little girls.

And we are to believe this? It is ridiculous.

Not because it is something that no responsible parent would do, that goes without saying, but because it is behavior with no rational explanation whatsoever. They have offered no plausible reason why this man was given their children. None. Their claim is that the girls -- and only the girls -- needed to sleep elsewhere so they wouldn’t disturb dad who worked at night. How’s that again? It doesn’t even make sense.

Except it does make sense once you abandon the notion that this was all some innocent mistake. I believe that the only mistake here was that their daughter ended up dead -- I believe THAT'S the part they didn't expect. I believe this is why they initially defended Mike and blamed their daughter. I believe that they thought she had run away or was hiding, and they were setting it up so people wouldn't believe whatever she might say when found.

Again, these are the things that we know or can reasonably deduce happened. The question is what conclusions we draw from it.

I believe it is entirely possible that we are looking at a bigger crime involving more people than we know about so far. I think it is entirely possible that the other girls were also victims, and that it is also possible that the parents knew it when they gave Mike their kids. As horrific and evil and impossible as this is to imagine, it is easier to believe than the story we are currently being asked to accept.

Just my opinion of course. If someone, like the parent's for example, has a better explanation I would very much like to hear it.
Let me say something about the flu, though. It can serious enough that person cannot get out of bed or function at all. I was in bed once for two weeks. My whole family got it and none of us could help each other or ourselves. It was a dangerous situation.

A friend of mine got it last year and tried to cope as normal, with two kids and a husband. She did not ask for help and ended up hospitalized as a result.

I really do believe a person could have the flu to the degree that they cannot care for their children - cannot cook for them, do their laundry, make sure they are bathed, safe, not running wild outside.


The option is not to allow some unrelated man to care for the kids for a week in his home. Everyone here has come up with other options. He could have come over to cook and do laundry for her, sit down and eat with the kids, if he wanted to help so badly. Step-dad could have helped as well. If he works nights, that means he could have gotten their breakfast, made sure they were up and dressed, teeth brushed for the day, and dinner, baths and pjs on before he left for work.

Also, when I was that sick, I wasn't on the internet. I couldn't read, couldn't even watch t.v. I lay there in a horrific fog, sleeping and suffering when awake. If you are well enough to play on the internet, you are well enough to at the least, have your kids spend the night in their own beds, IMO.

But yes, there are flu strains that are that bad. Up to 100 million people died during the huge flu epidemic of 1918. It turned their bodies black with unabsorbed blood. Most flu viruses are not as bad but up to 500,000 people die from it every year.
I am only speculating on the illness/temporary paralysis...only brother is a pathology assistant and he thinks that her symptoms sound like...

Lyme Disease

I know nothing. I have no facts. This is just what my brother mentioned to me. It is only speculation but it sounds very close to some of her symptoms.

My gut tells me there is absolutely nothing wrong with the woman.

The picture I saw of her she was puffing on a cigarette and most serious illness you'd stop smoking to further your healing.

Most likely, her "stories of illness" were just a way to get out of taking care of the kids.

How odd that she supposedly moved to that den of child molesters to take care of good ole daddy BUTTTTT daddy ended up with a live in to take care of him. Why did good ole mommy not move those kids out immediately on his death? I'm sure there was plenty of federal housing she could get.

I would venture to saw that Alianha was receiving SSI benefits and I'm sure mom would get something alloted to her by the government to "take care" of the child. I'd venture to say mommy was getting some kind of "disability" check as well.
Me too. Come on. He was bosom buddies with an RSO. He was friendly with the lot of them in that park, it seems. Aliahna was a vulnerable, disabled child who had already been molested TWICE before. That's the kind of child who is vulnerable to even more abuse. And he murdered Aliahna. She's dead. After spending a week with him. Right before she was due to go back home.

It's not rocket science, IMO.

We have heard Ali was abused, but so far haven't heard the word molested yet. I guess we are assuming she was molested, but do we really know that as fact.
I can't get past this either and if she was "sick", why not send the current step-dad over? I hope the FBI are REALLY watching ALL these folks.:furious:

...and she could be online but couldn't phone to speak to her girls for 1 minute each every day? Really? :furious:
JMO but I think the generational dysfunction and failure within the family was like a funnel leading poor Aliahna straight to Michael P. I am only going by what has been reported. Again, we don't have all of the facts and we still may never. The FBI is hurt so much for these children. They need protection and help. Prayers and love.

TS is definitely older looking than her years. She's got what 5 kids at age 28??? Typical here for welfare generations who only know welfare and have kid after kid to keep a check and such. I'm sure that TS was collecting welfare, wic, food stamps, housing, heating assitance, medical, free cell phone ... I could go on.

Obvious she wasn't interested in taking care of her kids because the articles I've read states that the kids were with the murderer a LOT of the time.

Seems mom was too busy with Facebook and gaming to worry about the kids.

What a life for these children.

I agree also I would bet my last $ CPS was involved with this family.
The NEIGHBOR is moving.

Well, I hope that BM (the neighbor with the son who played with aliahna at the bus stop) and ANY OTHER FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN (especially young girls) are offered SOME KIND OF HELP to get out of there!

I also hope that child services, the police, anyone and everyone do something to help protect the remaining children living in that park!
that is one mean flu bug . . . antibiotics > 60 days ago & still sick? May be something else . . . but not to go off topic & please -- let's not go there

Sorry, just that is a LONG time to have any bug especially taking antibiotics.

Well, that bad flu I told you about that I had which laid me up for two weeks? I continued to have symptoms for six months. Off and on. It destroyed me. And sometimes it can turn into pneumonia, which is what happened to my friend who ended up in the hospital, poor thing.
um, tacky to "sleuth" the victims . . . just sayin'

I'm keeping track, too, of what is going on over in FB world but just not posting it

Remember - the Internet is forever

again, just sayin'
I totally understand that flu can be horrific. Having had the worst case i ever had a few years back. I was down a solid week. It was all i could do to get to the bathroom. I certainly know other than bathroom and hubby forcing fluids down me I could not have sat in a computer chair for more than 10 seconds. I totally understood after that flu why it can kill the elderly. Just sayin.....
that is one mean flu bug . . . antibiotics > 60 days ago & still sick? May be something else . . . but not to go off topic & please -- let's not go there

Sorry, just that is a LONG time to have any bug especially taking antibiotics.

(I tried to fix that quote, but it might be broken anyway when I post, so, if it is, my apologies.)
Anyway, I just thought I would jump off yours. I live a situation where this is possible. I noticed in the video of Tarah and her mother that her mouth looked sunken in. That is the only video I saw her in, so it was the only reference I had to go with. That leads me to believe that she possibly has dental problems, missing teeth, or she is supposed to have dentures that she didn't have in. If she is only missing some teeth, or still has them but they are in bad shape, that could lead to being on antibiotics quite often. I am, and it's all dental related. Like at least 10 days out of every month on Amoxil or penicillin.. I just need to have them pulled, but I digress.
We go through a lot of antibiotic prescriptions, and contributing to that is that we have 4 kids. They bring stuff in from school, or from a playdate at the mall, and I catch it, and then give it to at least one of the other kids, they catch it from me, and pass it on one of the guys, and unless I sterilize Everything in the house, the cycle will repeat, and the first one to bring it home will catch it again. To me, it is the one HUGE drawback to having a large family.
At least we know she took them to the doctor on a regular or as needed basis. I feel slightly better.

She would not have been prescribed antibiotics for the flu, anyway. The flu is a virus, and antibiotics cannot help a virus. No infection, no antibiotics.
We have heard Ali was abused, but so far haven't heard the word molested yet. I guess we are assuming she was molested, but do we really know that as fact.

Yes, but I think it's okay to read between the lines here. Kid was abused by two different men that she didn't want to "tell" on. Highly unlikely that two different men were physically abusing this child. I can see one, if it was dad or her step-father, but neither of them appear to be incarcerated for anything. They are active online.
While I may agree with your sentiments cubby I have refrained from posting as I had a post removed from the last thread in which I outlined my confusion at the decision making by the adults around this child. I did not name call or bash but did express shock at the circumstances which put these children in that trailer with MP.

I think that within a week, there will be more info available in the MSM that may allow for more leaway than is being given at this point by mods. :cow:
Guys - I had a BIL who used to live in this MHP.

It is called 2 things locally - "Pedo Park" and "Pill Park"....

BIL was involved in pills and I will just say he didn't have to go far for a fix.....
I don't like to discuss or speculate about peoples' health issues that should remain private, imo, but it's possible that TS has Lupus. I have known young women (late 20s/early 30s) who are afflicted with this sometimes disabling illness, especially when there is a family history of same. jmo
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