IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #3

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Thanks! Geez, how many burglaries can one guy commit? I'd have no problem calling him a professional burglar.

I noticed 1. none of his charges have a height listed and 2. his weight has bounced around from 130-190. One possible cause of that is drug use, IMO.

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If this guy:

Witnesses spotted a man in the neighborhood that morning who was also caught by surveillance video standing on the Blackburns' front porch near the time of her murder.

Is the same as this guy:

There is also surveillance video from an ATM of someone using Amanda's bank card.

And that guy is the same as this DNA donor:

Several sources say police recovered DNA inside the Blackburn's home in The Woods of North Kessler

And I suspect they are in fact all one and the same person, then as soon as the DNA results are back in, we'll all know who it actually was. But even if all 3 are different people, I'd bet anything they're all 3 well known to each other. I suppose now it's just a waiting game on the DNA results. If someone is already in custody for something else, we'll see additional charges added the day the news breaks that the DNA results are in. (and that will also clear up any confusion about the SA, since that will be included in the charges, if that actually took place).
It's time they wake up every parole and probation officer and have them do home visits to all of their parolees on the same day and search for the big screen tvs and laptop from Amanda's neighbor's home that was stolen.

Also submit on the spot drug test via hair samples which will give you access to their dna.

Jmo. We are paying these parole officers to monitor the criminal element and we feel that they need to get off their behinds and do home checks today. Jmo

Btw. A parole officer doesn't need a warrant and is allowed to pop up on your home at any time to make sure that you are not violating parole.

So save the search warrants until later if needed.
If Jalen Watson did indeed use the bank card, isn't that in itself a crime they could hold him on ? If you find a bank card, trying to use it or being successful at using it would seem to be a crime, right ?Also, if successful in using it, then knowing the PIN is another aspect that could increase probability he was either at the murder or in contact with someone for the murder. IF the PIN was not a birthdate or 1234 or something he could have easily deciphered via drivers license he might have found with the bank card.... then clearly someone provided him with the PIN. I wouldn't buy that he found it and guessed a PIN. I still don't know that he had the bank card, but that's been mentioned as a possibility.I also see on his record he has a few charges that say he "received stolen property". So again I am not knowledgeable to this kind of thing, but is it possible that in a burglar ring all the loot comes back to central location, someone who wasn't at the burglary ? That way if they get caught with it, they say ... hey, i got this from someone else. And they can likely prove they were nowhere near the crime scene ?
I think it's a more accurate statement to say the police are investigating this as a home invasion/robbery turned deadly than to say they absolutely believe that's what happened. If the police absolutely believe something, that means they would essentially disregard all evidence that didn't fit their absolute belief, and no investigation should be done that way.
I kind of get the feeling they are positive. No doubt you don't just decide that, you use evidence. But it's kind of clear they've flipped that switch. imo
If Jalen Watson did indeed use the bank card, isn't that in itself a crime they could hold him on ? If you find a bank card, trying to use it or being successful at using it would seem to be a crime, right ?Also, if successful in using it, then knowing the PIN is another aspect that could increase probability he was either at the murder or in contact with someone for the murder. IF the PIN was not a birthdate or 1234 or something he could have easily deciphered via drivers license he might have found with the bank card.... then clearly someone provided him with the PIN. I wouldn't buy that he found it and guessed a PIN. I still don't know that he had the bank card, but that's been mentioned as a possibility.I also see on his record he has a few charges that say he "received stolen property". So again I am not knowledgeable to this kind of thing, but is it possible that in a burglar ring all the loot comes back to central location, someone who wasn't at the burglary ? That way if they get caught with it, they say ... hey, i got this from someone else. And they can likely prove they were nowhere near the crime scene ?

Well Darron Wint had his friends buy money orders with some of the 40k take from the DC mansion murders. So I wouldn't be surprised if the perps in this case may have tried to use Amandas card to purchase something online as well. Or to wire money western union or send money to someone they know via PayPal while using her card.

Btw. Were they putting gas in another stolen car? Or was the card just used to purchase something from inside the gas station?
It's time they wake up every parole and probation officer and have them do home visits to all of their parolees on the same day and search for the big screen tvs and laptop from Amanda's neighbor's home that was stolen.

Also submit on the spot drug test via hair samples which will give you access to their dna.

Jmo. We are paying these parole officers to monitor the criminal element and we feel that they need to get off their behinds and do home checks today. Jmo

Btw. A parole officer doesn't need a warrant and is allowed to pop up on your home at any time to make sure that you are not violating parole.

So save the search warrants until later if needed.

If they've been convicted of a felony since 2005, their DNA already is in the state database. Unfortunately, Indiana doesn't collect DNA samples from arrestees yet.
If they've been convicted of a felony since 2005, their DNA already is in the state database. Unfortunately, Indiana doesn't collect DNA samples from arrestees yet.

And this is why parole and probation officers need to start banging on doors and taking a look inside of these parolees homes. A big 52 inch flat screen is very noticeable and the parole officer is allowed to check and make sure that it isn't stolen goods via serial number.

But imo. Since there were several involved; Then they may have sold it to some college kid on campus near where the suv was found. Or it's sitting in someone's girlfriend's home.

The leader of the ring will probably decide what he wants first and then let the others have the rest. Idk.
If this guy:

Is the same as this guy:

And that guy is the same as this DNA donor:

And I suspect they are in fact all one and the same person, then as soon as the DNA results are back in, we'll all know who it actually was. But even if all 3 are different people, I'd bet anything they're all 3 well known to each other. I suppose now it's just a waiting game on the DNA results. If someone is already in custody for something else, we'll see additional charges added the day the news breaks that the DNA results are in. (and that will also clear up any confusion about the SA, since that will be included in the charges, if that actually took place).

Ok, I'm calling BS on jalen watson being the guy who used the bank card. - no way I am going to accept that "may be" reporting, haha

Also this is such a misleading sentence :

"Witnesses spotted a man in the neighborhood that morning who was also caught by surveillance video standing on the Blackburns' front porch near the time of her murder." - That sentence reads like the perp was caught on surveillance on the porch, which is not the case at all.

It would clearer/correct to say - "A man who was caught on surveillance video near the blackburn home, was also spotted by eyewitnesses on the blackburns porch"

but , yeah, I'm not convinced on him having that bank card. Seems awful stupid. not saying it's not possible, but you'd think being in possession of that bank card on camera would be enough to hold you IN RELATION to the blackburn murder as opposed to UNRELATED CHARGES.

I think some news outlets are just theorizing stories together and not ending it with imo :) --- imo
They should be looking on craigslist for the stolen items they might get lucky in finding them.I guess they don't have the three strike rule in Indiana, this Jalen Watson had three previous burglaries but only served a year for each robbery. If that was Michigan he would have gotten a long sentence by the third time.
And this is why parole and probation officers need to start banging on doors and taking a look inside of these parolees homes. A big 52 inch flat screen is very noticeable and the parole officer is allowed to check and make sure that it isn't stolen goods via serial number.

But imo. Since there were several involved; Then they may have sold it to some college kid on campus near where the suv was found. Or it's sitting in someone's girlfriend's home.

The leader of the ring will probably decide what he wants first and then let the others have the rest. Idk.

Now it makes more sense about the parole thing. I saw mentioned about them holding him on a parole violation. So that's likely why they showed up at his place , because they knew they could get search warrant just based on him being a parolee. makes sense.

So wonder if there was ANOTHER factor besides just being a parolee - such as some connection to the suv, resemblance to someone in another robbery on the morning of murder as someone else suggested.

Still wondering if they might be making these decisions about who to check out based on gang/ring affiliation with a given MO for burglary. I mean we see he obviously has been burglarizing. Opening some cases you likely see consistencies and start there, since you have the parolee situation.
So if security cameras caught this guy standing on the blackburn's porch that must mean they have security cameras. Yet, I dont recall Davey mentioning that fact in any interviews, why?
the young man that was arrested - Jalen Watson - is well known to police IMO. Per the Marion county inmate website - he had just been released from jail 9/25/15 for another burglary & has a lengthy prior history of drugs, criminal gang activity, burglary, theft/rec'g stolen property, operating a vehicle without a license, etc.

Yep, but there are plenty of career criminals with similar rap sheets in Indy. So why this guy? Was he really captured on video using the credit card? Was he captured on video inside the "two doors down" home? Were his fingerprints found in either home? Did an eyewitness pick him out of a photo line-up? What is his connection to the properties searched? And what was the probable cause to issue the search warrants? So many questions.

I hope LE is able to release more information soon. It's hard to remain patient when we're waiting for an arrest. But patient we must be. I know around this board, we're always grateful when an arrest is made right away. The truth is, however, that's the exception to the rule. Often, some think LE is failing. They're clueless. The case if going to go cold. Then one day, it happens. Arrest made! Personally, I'm confident that day is coming for Amanda.
I don't know that he was cleared, but I believe he was held on charges "not related to the blackburn case" - parole violation ? maybe using that to keep him there until dna/prints come back from suv and/or house(s) burglarized ? or from the search warrant.

I think your 1 and/or 2 are plausible for sure.

I don't know for sure if he was the one on camera at an atm with the bank card. but boy oh boy if he was and he is tied to burglaries on blackburn st -- doesn't that point to either really dumb or inexperienced burglar ?? i mean, using a bankcard from a murder scene ?!?!? haha -- fits the narrative I was posing that we shouldn't expect that these guys were "smart"

Nov. 20

"Smart"? No. Experienced in committing crimes? Yes. JW, 21yo, is being held on unrelated charges. The news reporter, Steve Jefferson, showed where 13WTHR obtained copies of JWs juvenile records. It is more than 100 pages filled with charges, including theft, occurring since he was 15yo. JW is one of four people possibly involved in the Blackburn case. JWs sister, GW, shared a recent picture of herself with her brother where he is wearing a home detention bracelet or house arrest.

Different rules apply to different people who are on house arrest. Some are given permission to go to work. Almost all of the criminals wearing a home detention bracelet are confined to their home with limited access to the outside world. They may apply for time away from home, if requested in a timely fashion. Drinking alcohol or using drugs are not allowed. Certainly JW will have a hearing to explain to a judge why he was walking in Amanda's neighborhood. IMHO, there is no acceptable excuse to be out of the home on the morning of Nov. 10th between the hours of 5:30 - 8:30 or later that evening at an ATM machine.

So if security cameras caught this guy standing on the blackburn's porch that must mean they have security cameras. Yet, I dont recall Davey mentioning that fact in any interviews, why?

Nope, they haven't said that. It's most likely horrible reporting.

They HAVE released images from security cameras down the block , which show the guy in the hoodie seemingly on his phone. Reliable journalism is dead. that's all.
And this is why parole and probation officers need to start banging on doors and taking a look inside of these parolees homes. A big 52 inch flat screen is very noticeable and the parole officer is allowed to check and make sure that it isn't stolen goods via serial number.

But imo. Since there were several involved; Then they may have sold it to some college kid on campus near where the suv was found. Or it's sitting in someone's girlfriend's home.

The leader of the ring will probably decide what he wants first and then let the others have the rest. Idk.
Dexter, I'd be surprised if the "usual suspects" aren't being checked out. It's a matter of routine. Just because we're not hearing about it, doesn't mean it's not being done.
Nov. 20

Certainly JW will have a hearing to explain to a judge why he was trolling Amanda's neighborhood. IMHO, there is no acceptable excuse to be out of the home on the morning of Nov. 10th between the hours of 5:30 - 8:30 or later that evening at an ATM machine.

I don't see anything that says he was trolling in amanda's neighborhood.

However, the mention of a "detention bracelet" and "house arrest". How would we know if that was currently the case ?

As I was theorizing just a short while ago. Maybe it's common to move merchandise to a person not involved in the crime, and this guy, if under house arrest has a great alibi - "um, dude I have a detention bracelet. You'd know if I was gone." So, worst they can do is charge him with receiving stolen goods -- you look at his rap sheet and that's a common charge for him.
I also wonder if the solo perp went there for a gang initiation. And this is why he went by himself. To kill someone to get into the gang.

In both invasions; Multiple people were there since that is the best way to cover ground quicker. So the solo perp was definitely on his own mission.

Unless he wasn't the alpha and no one wanted to share so he decided to get his own while still in the neighborhood. He definitely seems like the youngest one out of the bunch who felt he needed to prove himself. Whoever he is. Idk.
If this guy:

Is the same as this guy:

And that guy is the same as this DNA donor:

And I suspect they are in fact all one and the same person, then as soon as the DNA results are back in, we'll all know who it actually was. But even if all 3 are different people, I'd bet anything they're all 3 well known to each other. I suppose now it's just a waiting game on the DNA results. If someone is already in custody for something else, we'll see additional charges added the day the news breaks that the DNA results are in. (and that will also clear up any confusion about the SA, since that will be included in the charges, if that actually took place).

Awesome use of the multi quote Ontario Mom &#128522;

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They should be looking on craigslist for the stolen items they might get lucky in finding them.I guess they don't have the three strike rule in Indiana, this Jalen Watson had three previous burglaries but only served a year for each robbery. If that was Michigan he would have gotten a long sentence by the third time.

Serious question.....are criminals that stupid to sell their wares on Craigslist?

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