In Case You Missed It. . .2012 is a Great Year for the Truth in the JBR case

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DNA Solves
Instead of stealing two bit items that they couldn't get much money for, I think they came up with the kidnapping plan thinking the Ramseys would get scared by the note--and not call police...get the money and hand it over. A druggie fits in with the subculture in Boulder. There were plenty of transcients and druggies hanging around the area. Prior to the murder, the Boulder Camera was reporting that drug use and crimes were escalating in Boulder. There were breakins with people home in bed...a bat attack when a woman came home....and burglaries.

Thanks for helping me out on that Maikai. So you honestly believe transcients/druggies could have a clear enough mind to commit this act? Even though PR had her clothing fibers all over JBR's body?

Let's try to remember what exactly happened to this little girl, please!
Face facts. There is no evidence a Ramsey was responsible for this type of brutal death of a beloved child. This was no accident and most likely the crime was what it appears to be. A kidnapping gone bad by amateurs--someone that may have known JR or may not have known him....and a police department that got embarrassed early in the media because they were ill-equipped to handle the first call. Not that complicated.

Amen!! Nice to see some common sense here for a change.
So a brilliant drug-addled incompetent kidnapper managed to copy Patsy's handwriting and linguistic style while fiddling around on Patsy's notepad with her pen, while awaiting the Ramsey return that night--using her grocery list?

The same drug addict planned to hide...somewhere...without fear of any of the many, many family and friends dropping by as per usual in the active Ramsey household during the Christmas holidays, many with keys, to hear Team Ramsey tell one of their many versions of a break-in...or not.

Then this raging addict...who apparently didn't need his drugs while in the home for hours, amazingly enough...hid for an hour or more...somewhere (not under JAR's bed, either, because Patsy HERSELF told LE there was NO ROOM under there to even store anything), not making a sound, until all was quiet as a dark church, at which point he sneaked into JB's room and stunned her...when her parents did not hear THE RESULTING SCREAMS OF BLOODY MURDER WHICH A STUN GUN INVARIABLY PRODUCES FROM THE TARGET...and took her downstairs kicking and feed her pineapple.

After which he then took her kicking and screaming into the basement and managed to leave Patsy's and John's clothing fibers on the ligature, body, and then the duct tape, which HE APPLIED FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON AFTER SHE WAS DEAD.

And amazingly enough, NONE of this kicking and screaming and fighting for her life produced even ONE mark of defensive bruising or marking. Not when she was on her stomach being strangled from behind, not when the ligature was being tied on her neck, not even when something was being painfully shoved up her vagina.

And just to make sure he was understood by the parents so he could collect that big old ransom, this brilliant drug addict proceeded to wipe and redress the body and leave it in the cellar room, though he easily could have taken it out a number of open, unlocked, swinging doors, according to Team Ramsey. Heck, he even had a suitcase he could cram it in--AND DID, according to Lou "packing peanut" Smit.

But being a genius of a drooling master criminal, this guy not only left the body, wrapped up papoose-like, but also left the pristine ransom note he'd hidden...somewhere...during all this time, because clearly he had no fear of the death penalty while waiting for a father who was a CEO for one of the largest defense contractors in the world to hand over $118K without so much as a chance he might end up being caught by the FBI in spite of his impaired capacity to pull off so much as a successful attempt at rehab.

Yet he was brilliant, it must be admitted, because THERE IS NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE HE LEFT BEHIND WHICH HAS LED TO SO MUCH AS A HINT AS TO WHO HE IS IN 15 YEARS! Not only that, but his forgery of Patsy's handwriting is so spot on, not to mention his PURE LUCK that the child had chronic vaginal injuries to prove someone CLOSE TO HER was already sexually abusing her BEFORE THAT NIGHT, has put the Ramseys in the category of FOREVER SUSPECTS IN THE ABUSE AND DEATH OF JONBENET RAMSEY.

Yeah, that's so logical, I'm sure it will become a movie one day. Under the category of bad fiction.
Tricia posted on FFJ that the news should come out before JonBenet's birthday, which is August 6. She also posted that she would be shocked if this isn't big news.
"Another voice will soon enter the arena" --- from the radio show

So SOMEONE is going to going to start talking. That makes it sound like it's someone who has not spoken before. I know some people have guessed Steve Thomas but...Wouldn't Steve Thomas already be in the arena? Tricia mentioned how he was the last person to challenge the R's. The way she said it makes me think it's someone else. Like now, someone else, someone new, is going to challenge the IDI theory.
"Another voice will soon enter the arena" --- from the radio show

So SOMEONE is going to going to start talking. That makes it sound like it's someone who has not spoken before. I know some people have guessed Steve Thomas but...Wouldn't Steve Thomas already be in the arena? Tricia mentioned how he was the last person to challenge the R's. The way she said it makes me think it's someone else. Like now, someone else, someone new, is going to challenge the IDI theory.

It might be SD to offer a comprehensive RDI theory. I doubt very much if it will be ST, he and many others have had non-disclosure orders served on them, sealing some interesting evidence away. Holly Smith, former head of Boulder County Sexual Abuse Team, was removed from the case and banned from releasing any information relating to it. I reckon Holly Smith had a very cogent sexual abuse theory, backed up with evidence gleaned from JonBenet's clothing, along with her chronic vaginal injuries, evident in the autopsy photographs which have been sealed away in some evidence cage. These were indirectly referred to in ST's book under the heading of a tutorial on female anatomy. Whats the point in that unless you have some theory to promote?

So a brilliant drug-addled incompetent kidnapper managed to copy Patsy's handwriting and linguistic style while fiddling around on Patsy's notepad with her pen, while awaiting the Ramsey return that night--using her grocery list?

The same drug addict planned to hide...somewhere...without fear of any of the many, many family and friends dropping by as per usual in the active Ramsey household during the Christmas holidays, many with keys, to hear Team Ramsey tell one of their many versions of a break-in...or not.

Then this raging addict...who apparently didn't need his drugs while in the home for hours, amazingly enough...hid for an hour or more...somewhere (not under JAR's bed, either, because Patsy HERSELF told LE there was NO ROOM under there to even store anything), not making a sound, until all was quiet as a dark church, at which point he sneaked into JB's room and stunned her...when her parents did not hear THE RESULTING SCREAMS OF BLOODY MURDER WHICH A STUN GUN INVARIABLY PRODUCES FROM THE TARGET...and took her downstairs kicking and feed her pineapple.

After which he then took her kicking and screaming into the basement and managed to leave Patsy's and John's clothing fibers on the ligature, body, and then the duct tape, which HE APPLIED FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON AFTER SHE WAS DEAD.

And amazingly enough, NONE of this kicking and screaming and fighting for her life produced even ONE mark of defensive bruising or marking. Not when she was on her stomach being strangled from behind, not when the ligature was being tied on her neck, not even when something was being painfully shoved up her vagina.

And just to make sure he was understood by the parents so he could collect that big old ransom, this brilliant drug addict proceeded to wipe and redress the body and leave it in the cellar room, though he easily could have taken it out a number of open, unlocked, swinging doors, according to Team Ramsey. Heck, he even had a suitcase he could cram it in--AND DID, according to Lou "packing peanut" Smit.

But being a genius of a drooling master criminal, this guy not only left the body, wrapped up papoose-like, but also left the pristine ransom note he'd hidden...somewhere...during all this time, because clearly he had no fear of the death penalty while waiting for a father who was a CEO for one of the largest defense contractors in the world to hand over $118K without so much as a chance he might end up being caught by the FBI in spite of his impaired capacity to pull off so much as a successful attempt at rehab.

Yet he was brilliant, it must be admitted, because THERE IS NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE HE LEFT BEHIND WHICH HAS LED TO SO MUCH AS A HINT AS TO WHO HE IS IN 15 YEARS! Not only that, but his forgery of Patsy's handwriting is so spot on, not to mention his PURE LUCK that the child had chronic vaginal injuries to prove someone CLOSE TO HER was already sexually abusing her BEFORE THAT NIGHT, has put the Ramseys in the category of FOREVER SUSPECTS IN THE ABUSE AND DEATH OF JONBENET RAMSEY.

Yeah, that's so logical, I'm sure it will become a movie one day. Under the category of bad fiction.

Koldkase,, of course, forgot to mention that the random meth head knew exactly where to place the ransom note - on the back staircase that Patsy used every day to come downstairs....

....and he knew the specific inside joke phrases that the Ramseys' inner circle used....

...and he knew the same language that the Ramseys used...

....and since the meth head was more worried about the perfect ransom note (because there were several practice ones as well)... of course, he didn't have time or inclination to steal anything - not one thing, even though he was in the house a really, really long time, and was so tweaked out he needed to do a kidnapping for drug money... but not even a ring or a piece of Patsy's good silver? hmm... seems like that would be a lot easier to me, but what do I know?

....not to mention that the Ramseys said from the beginning that it was an 'inside job'....(before the story changed to everyone else in the universe, that is, of course)..... Wonder why even John Andrew Ramsey said the person had to have intimate knowledge of the Ramseys, the layout of that big house, oh, and yeah, to know which stairs Patsy took in the morning...because of course, that's where the note was 'found'.....
Also, don't forget that the hippies, when deciding how to break in, smoked a bowl and then hovered across the lawn so that they would leave no prints in the snow.
LOL@hovering hippies.

Let's not forget that the entire purpose for the nefarious scheme was to "kidnap".

Whyyyyyy was JBR left behind?

So a brilliant drug-addled incompetent kidnapper managed to copy Patsy's handwriting and linguistic style while fiddling around on Patsy's notepad with her pen, while awaiting the Ramsey return that night--using her grocery list?

The same drug addict planned to hide...somewhere...without fear of any of the many, many family and friends dropping by as per usual in the active Ramsey household during the Christmas holidays, many with keys, to hear Team Ramsey tell one of their many versions of a break-in...or not.

Then this raging addict...who apparently didn't need his drugs while in the home for hours, amazingly enough...hid for an hour or more...somewhere (not under JAR's bed, either, because Patsy HERSELF told LE there was NO ROOM under there to even store anything), not making a sound, until all was quiet as a dark church, at which point he sneaked into JB's room and stunned her...when her parents did not hear THE RESULTING SCREAMS OF BLOODY MURDER WHICH A STUN GUN INVARIABLY PRODUCES FROM THE TARGET...and took her downstairs kicking and feed her pineapple.

After which he then took her kicking and screaming into the basement and managed to leave Patsy's and John's clothing fibers on the ligature, body, and then the duct tape, which HE APPLIED FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON AFTER SHE WAS DEAD.

And amazingly enough, NONE of this kicking and screaming and fighting for her life produced even ONE mark of defensive bruising or marking. Not when she was on her stomach being strangled from behind, not when the ligature was being tied on her neck, not even when something was being painfully shoved up her vagina.

And just to make sure he was understood by the parents so he could collect that big old ransom, this brilliant drug addict proceeded to wipe and redress the body and leave it in the cellar room, though he easily could have taken it out a number of open, unlocked, swinging doors, according to Team Ramsey. Heck, he even had a suitcase he could cram it in--AND DID, according to Lou "packing peanut" Smit.

But being a genius of a drooling master criminal, this guy not only left the body, wrapped up papoose-like, but also left the pristine ransom note he'd hidden...somewhere...during all this time, because clearly he had no fear of the death penalty while waiting for a father who was a CEO for one of the largest defense contractors in the world to hand over $118K without so much as a chance he might end up being caught by the FBI in spite of his impaired capacity to pull off so much as a successful attempt at rehab.

Yet he was brilliant, it must be admitted, because THERE IS NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE HE LEFT BEHIND WHICH HAS LED TO SO MUCH AS A HINT AS TO WHO HE IS IN 15 YEARS! Not only that, but his forgery of Patsy's handwriting is so spot on, not to mention his PURE LUCK that the child had chronic vaginal injuries to prove someone CLOSE TO HER was already sexually abusing her BEFORE THAT NIGHT, has put the Ramseys in the category of FOREVER SUSPECTS IN THE ABUSE AND DEATH OF JONBENET RAMSEY.

Yeah, that's so logical, I'm sure it will become a movie one day. Under the category of bad fiction.

Txs!!! :floorlaugh:
Whem did Granpa Paugh last visit the Ramsey residence? tia
Whem did Granpa Paugh last visit the Ramsey residence? tia

He was allegedly there in the days before Christmas and allegedly flew home (standby) Christmas Eve.
Anyone have different info?
It does my heart good to see that most Americans have not bought a word of the IDI theories.

I sincerely hope this reflects on JR's book sales, and he stops publicity seeking and profiteering from his daughter's death, and goes away forever...preferably by being arrested and put where he belongs, which would be gen pop of the nearest prison IMO.
He was allegedly there in the days before Christmas and allegedly flew home (standby) Christmas Eve.
Anyone have different info?

On standby. Right.

If you have to travel on Christmas Eve, here's a tip for the traveling impaired: MAKE RESERVATIONS SIX MONTHS IN ADVANCE.

If you have forgotten that Christmas comes EVERY SINGLE YEAR ON DEC. 25TH, maybe you shouldn't be traveling without a nurse.

It does my heart good to see that most Americans have not bought a word of the IDI theories.

I sincerely hope this reflects on JR's book sales, and he stops publicity seeking and profiteering from his daughter's death, and goes away forever...preferably by being arrested and put where he belongs, which would be gen pop of the nearest prison IMO.

most Americans or most Americans posting on this thread?
It would be interesting to see what the book sales are for JR's latest book.
most Americans or most Americans posting on this thread?

If you read the comments on the various blogs/articles about the book, you can do the math yourself: most Americans.

Contrary to popular Team Ramsey delusions. we're not all as easy to snooker as the average Ramsey supporter.
most Americans or most Americans posting on this thread?

I would say most Americans who have an informed opinion on the case, and who read, and who have access to a computer, and are bright enough to turn it on. Any more qualifiers or is that enough?

If you check ANY website with a forum of any sort you will see there is approximately 65/35 split, in favour of RDI.

This is despite the Ramsey publicity machine, the Mary Lacey arse covering, and the vehement IDI crowd.

This would be about the right split of the general population who will still think it's raining when someone's p*ssing on their head. These people are just not very bright and find life a lot easier to cope with if they just believe what they've been told. :banghead:


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