In Case You Missed It. . .2012 is a Great Year for the Truth in the JBR case

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I reckon Holly Smith had a very cogent sexual abuse theory, backed up with evidence gleaned from JonBenet's clothing, along with her chronic vaginal injuries, evident in the autopsy photographs which have been sealed away in some evidence cage.


Do we know exactly how much or what type of autopsy evidence has been completely sealed off? How many people were privy to that sealed confidential info? How exciting it would be to know ALL the details of what the coroner/pathologist found!!
Has the family been cleared. I thought board was always victim friendly. No?

In this case, the family has a long history of not being victim-friendly themselves.

Also, we have spent 15 years being exposed to evidence which does anything BUT clear the family.

Third, the DA who "cleared" the family did so based on the shakiest of evidence which she has never released documentation for. Former DA Lacy's "exoneration letter" was no more PROOF of innocence than it was legally binding in any way whatsoever: she's not a judge, she's not a jury, and she's not Queen. That little Team Ramsey PR move required her to ignore the mountain of evidence against the Ramseys.

As we all know, Lacy's history of being biased and incompetent were pretty much paraded front and center with her arrest of John Mark Karr. You can argue all you want why she should have done that, but her press conference patting herself and her team of investigators on the back was a leeeetle premature--and made her the laughing stock of LE in the U.S. That VICTORY! was short-lived; anyone who actually read the emails of Karr and Tracey and knew the case evidence could have told her IN FIVE MINUTES it wasn't Karr.

Lou Smit and Michael Tracey showed what scheming fools they were, as well, with the Karr debacle.

The Ramseys have been anything but victim-friendly, as the victim is JonBenet Ramsey. Her family abandoned her on the floor of their Boulder home, obstructed the investigation into her violent death, and lied to LE and the public for all of these 15 years. JOB Ramsey continued that with his new book of disinformation, and Burke was said by Lin Wood not to be interested in speaking with LE now, even to aid in a cold case investigation after all these years.

Clearly none of them are the least bit worried that old intruder might come back. That's been obvious from Day One, as well.

Finally, not one person on Team Ramsey, and especially not Lou Smit, Michael Tracey, Mary Lacy, and the Ramseys themselves, has ever fully addressed the autopsy results which are pretty damning evidence that the victim was being sexually assaulted before the night she was murdered. That's because it's extremely difficult to believe that old intruder was also molesting the child before that night, as well. There is also evidence that Patsy knew someone was molesting the child, but she balks when asked about it in her '98 interview, never even seriously reacting when asked about it.

If you think they're innocent, that's your opinion. I don't.
Has the family been cleared. I thought board was always victim friendly. No?

From a legal aspect- NO suspect can be cleared in an UNsolved murder. Regardless of the inane comments of an incompetent DA, she had no legal right to clear ANYONE because the perp has not been named. Only after the killer is named, tried and found guilty of the crime can it be considered solved/closed. and other suspects cleared.
The DA at the time had a personal agenda and vowed to "clear" the family before Patsy died. So...without ANY evidence to the contrary and without a legal right to do so, she simply said they were "cleared".
But the present DA has said that NO one is cleared, including the parents, at this point because the killer is still unknown.
Do we know exactly how much or what type of autopsy evidence has been completely sealed off? How many people were privy to that sealed confidential info? How exciting it would be to know ALL the details of what the coroner/pathologist found!!

We do not know what, if anything, is still being withheld. The original autopsy report was released years ago with some material blacked out. Later, the judge ordered that to be made public. As far as we know, the ENTIRE report is now public and can be viewed here in the JonBenet Archive section:

There are some things that were noted verbally by the coroner to the police who were preset at the autopsy (such as his opinion that JB showed evidence of digital penetration and other sexual contact) which she spoke aloud but did not put in writing in his report. I had read some time ago that the coroner said that he thought this case would go to trial and he assumed he would be put on the witness stand and would be then asked about this matter. In MY opinion I believe he didn't want to put these findings in writing in case he would be pressured to suppress this evidence and in so doing, be at risk of perjury if he denied on the witness stand what he originally said he found.
Thanks for helping me out on that Maikai. So you honestly believe transcients/druggies could have a clear enough mind to commit this act? Even though PR had her clothing fibers all over JBR's body?

Let's try to remember what exactly happened to this little girl, please!

Yes.....I think a drug addict explains the rambling note...the idea for the crime....the extortion techno movies...the stun gun....the kidnapping gone bad. Depends on the drug as far as clarity of the mind. I'd say coke or meth. I've heard there's a sense of omnipotence while on it and some people can write all night on it.

Only red fibers were found on JBR's body...funny the black ones wouldn't have transferred...but even if they were Patsy's, it could have been a simple transference.

Not much has been said about the wolfhound dog hairs found on her body.
Also, don't forget that the hippies, when deciding how to break in, smoked a bowl and then hovered across the lawn so that they would leave no prints in the snow.

I don't think a pothead committed the crime---they'd be too mellow. There was no snow in the back. The house could have been cased beforehand, and the broken window discovered. There was also a light out on that side of the house. Experienced burglars have the MO down.
I can't imagine who will be coming forward, and the impact on the case. Fleet White? It seems like anyone who had anything to say has already come forward.
I can't imagine who will be coming forward, and the impact on the case. Fleet White? It seems like anyone who had anything to say has already come forward.

even if he does come forward to make what he knows public (which I doubt)...he already told police everything he knows and nothing what's the point here...making stuff public ain't gonna change anything from a legal point of view...of course,doesn't mean I don't wanna KNOW what he knows and told LE...maybe he could add another piece to the puzzle and it would be very interesting,but it still won't make things move forward re a conviction
I don't think a pothead committed the crime---they'd be too mellow. There was no snow in the back. The house could have been cased beforehand, and the broken window discovered. There was also a light out on that side of the house. Experienced burglars have the MO down.

are these experienced burglar drug people as well, or what?

so experienced that they didn't steal anything?

so stealthy that they didn't complete the kidnapping either?

They are great at burglarizing without stealing, and bad at kidnapping though?
...Even though they are so great casing the house, they could obviously easily find an open door right off the kitchen, and get in and out undetected, but decide to leave her with all her stuff they added with her in the wine cellar scene, and not take her with them.. even though they still left the house themselves?
Yes.....I think a drug addict explains the rambling note...the idea for the crime....the extortion techno movies...the stun gun....the kidnapping gone bad. Depends on the drug as far as clarity of the mind. I'd say coke or meth. I've heard there's a sense of omnipotence while on it and some people can write all night on it.

Only red fibers were found on JBR's body...funny the black ones wouldn't have transferred...but even if they were Patsy's, it could have been a simple transference.

Not much has been said about the wolfhound dog hairs found on her body.

Actually BOTH red and black fibers were found. This can be seen in the evidence lists on here:
And the hairs were not proven to be wolfhound hairs. Some sources identify them as beaver. Patsy had boots trimmed with beaver and - more telling- some artist's brushes are made with beaver fur. Patsy also owned fur coats - fur type not revealed. Had the DA wanted to, they could have gotten a warrant to test the hairs against the fur of the wolf-dog hybrid (it was not a wolfhound, which is a specific pure breed). One of the early suspects owned such a hybrid wolf-dog. His DNA, handwriting did not match and there was NO evidence linking him to the crime, so he was dismissed as a suspect early on.
A ransom note that tells you to not tell anyone else or they'll kill your daughter, then they invite everyone over..and one that tells you they will call at a certain time yet you are not by the phone when that call is to occur? These are things I recall about the case that had my hinky meter going way off the charts. Also I thought they used a nickname of somesort that only members of the family would know???
another thing that doesn't make sense to me....they sat down to read the note from start to finish (they both admit to NOT reading the entire note before calling LE) and analyze it after the cops arrived.....wouldn't you read it carefully BEFORE making any decisions(stupid ones maybe ,that threaten your childs life?)?what if the note says "hey,there's a bomb going of if you pick up your phone"...this hasty decision to call LE without sitting down for a minute doesn't sound like JR,really.especially if after reading a few lines he got the impression that it was an inside job.
I would definately have read the note from start to finish just in case there were some special instructions that would keep my child alive, I would not want to take a chance that I missed an important detail of some sort.
I would definately have read the note from start to finish just in case there were some special instructions that would keep my child alive, I would not want to take a chance that I missed an important detail of some sort.

Just keep one thing in mind...they really didn't need to read the note because they WROTE the note. The note is a fake, so anything that might apply to a REAL kidnapping (one where someone other than a parent actually TAKES the child away) does not apply here.
The "instructions" in the note about "if you call police, talk to anyone etc she DIES" were written by people who knew the victim was ALREADY dead. The note was worded that way, with threats of killing her, because it was an excellent way to provide a reason for her death- they DID call police ad DID tell people - so the "kidnappers" killed her. How else would they have explained a dead child (THEIR child) in their own basement with a rope around her neck and half her skull cracked open (though this injury was not visible).
Calling this a "kidnapping" was the only thing they could do at this point. Because of her vaginal injuries, they couldn't say it was an accident. When the vaginal injuries were discovered, it would point back to someone who was home with her that night, so they had to blame it on an intruder. It really is as simple as that.
One of the forensic specialists that studied this case said that if this child had been brought to an emergency room, the father would have been arrested after she had been examined and the vaginal trauma and eroded hymen was found.
AND- when they discovered that skull fracture during the autopsy, there might have been further arrests.
Just keep one thing in mind...they really didn't need to read the note because they WROTE the note. The note is a fake, so anything that might apply to a REAL kidnapping (one where someone other than a parent actually TAKES the child away) does not apply here.
The "instructions" in the note about "if you call police, talk to anyone etc she DIES" were written by people who knew the victim was ALREADY dead. The note was worded that way, with threats of killing her, because it was an excellent way to provide a reason for her death- they DID call police ad DID tell people - so the "kidnappers" killed her. How else would they have explained a dead child (THEIR child) in their own basement with a rope around her neck and half her skull cracked open (though this injury was not visible).
Calling this a "kidnapping" was the only thing they could do at this point. Because of her vaginal injuries, they couldn't say it was an accident. When the vaginal injuries were discovered, it would point back to someone who was home with her that night, so they had to blame it on an intruder. It really is as simple as that.
One of the forensic specialists that studied this case said that if this child had been brought to an emergency room, the father would have been arrested after she had been examined and the vaginal trauma and eroded hymen was found.
AND- when they discovered that skull fracture during the autopsy, there might have been further arrests.

I agree the Rs wrote the RN, but think how very strange this is. If the death threats provide a "reason" for her being killed, as you suggest, how would that play out had the police conducted a good search? Had the body been discovered by officer French for example, it would be obvious that she wasn't killed in response to the police or friends being called.

If the death threats were intended as "reasons" then the Rs had to assume the body wouldn't be found. Otherwise it makes no sense. (Not that much about the RN makes sense anyway)

How were they going to explain the reappearance of the body? Did they think the house would not be watched?
Can you just tell us a date or exactly who killed her or if its rdi or idi?
I agree the Rs wrote the RN, but think how very strange this is. If the death threats provide a "reason" for her being killed, as you suggest, how would that play out had the police conducted a good search? Had the body been discovered by officer French for example, it would be obvious that she wasn't killed in response to the police or friends being called.

If the death threats were intended as "reasons" then the Rs had to assume the body wouldn't be found. Otherwise it makes no sense. (Not that much about the RN makes sense anyway)

How were they going to explain the reappearance of the body? Did they think the house would not be watched?

We'll never know what would have happened if French had actually figured out how to open the wineceller door. If she was originally further back into the darker recesses of that L-shaped room, he may not have seen her, just as FW didn't see her when he looked around that same time. There has long been speculation that JR may have snuck back down and moved her body closer to the doorway after realizing that no one else was going to find her.
And I disagree that the Rs wouldn't have claimed she'd been killed in retaliation for calling police, even if French had found her. They could still have said it- it wouldn't be any less plausible than any other time.
Their plan for finding her or having her delivered to the house dead do not make sense when we try to be logical about it, but in the adrenalin -filled moment of that horrible night, who knows what they though would be believed? After all, they expected it to be believed that kidnappers came into the house with NO forced entry at a time when the parents were home and likely to still be up and about (midnight on Christmas Day is not an unusual time for busy parents to still be up). They expected to be believed that this intruder(s) took JB from her room with her brother right down the hall, fed her pineapple as they sat nearby, molested her, made her scream and didn't worry about whether the parents would hear it, bashed her on the head, took her to the basement, made the garrote, strangled her, changed her panties, coincidentally finding the blanket from her very own bed in the basement dryer to wrap her in (why?) and took the time to write a 3-page ransom note in Patsy's handwriting and linguistics, and that it was all done (in perfect American English) by some foreigners (affiliation unknown and unsaid) who then climbed UP a wall out a window, while not breaking a spider web on the heavy metal grate, which they then put back in place without being heard or seen. All the while while the parents were not only home, but very likely awake.
So....any story they would have tried to tell about how she was returned to them seems less unbelievable than what I have just said.
They might have said someone rang the bell and when they opened the door there she was. Again, we'll never know.
Actually, they have never said that they thought JB was killed by people who had a problem with JR's business. They have only said it was an "inside job". Actually, that part is the truth. It was.
The problem with the RN is that it tries to throw the blame in so many different directions that it fails to make ANY of it seem plausible.
As for whether they though the house would be watched by police (I assume)- they may NOT have thought about it. They would have thought that since she was kidnapped, police would be turning their investigations AWAY from the home.
It's very close my friends. Be patient just a bit longer. :)

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