IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

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Ya’ll. I’m feeling profoundly sad for N. Everything she’s been through. Being publicly dragged through the mud. Her body dissected publicly. Her mind dissected publicly.

Watching her YouTube videos she seems like a pretty normal teen despite it. Gets a long with her sister. No apparent mental issues.

But that was a year ago. Before all this. How does that sweetheart feel now?

I lost again two photos. One shows N at supposedly age 20. I see adult front teeth and side baby teeth per her birth certificate she’s about 7.

The second photo shows her in 2013 when the Mans got her. Supposedly age 23. At least 23 per the Barnett’s. Birth certificate would have her at age 10 or so here. She’s missing those same two baby teeth pictured in the first photo.

Where’d they go? Did her new, rich, grifting foster family get her new teeth? (Sarcasm alert).

Looking at dental development charts that’s a cuspid and first primary molar. Those are lost around ages 10-11. So she appears right on target for her dental development and the Barnett’s are insane. Anatomy and development of the mouth and teeth | Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

We know she had her age assessed in 2010 and was found to be 8. 2012 and found to be 11. Kristine points to another assessment she claims found N to be 14. Sounds like those psychos were desperately doctor shopping to try to get the answers they wanted.

I loathe the Barnett’s. They are despicable. Evil.
I felt sick about this from the first time I read the DM piece. I was 99% certain Kristine was lying as I was reading her preposterous story and I was expecting her to be called out in the comments but everyone believed her. I was astounded. The few skeptical comments were in the negative thousands! Then I found the girl's current pictures and her YT videos and knew for sure this was a victim of child abuse being maligned by her abuser. And being enabled to do so by the slobbering media. I made the "age progression" timeline on Imgur and posted it a bunch of places hoping that would help but ugh. I'm so angry.
I felt sick about this from the first time I read the DM piece. I was 99% certain Kristine was lying as I was reading her preposterous story and I was expecting her to be called out in the comments but everyone believed her. I was astounded. The few skeptical comments were in the negative thousands! Then I found the girl's current pictures and her YT videos and knew for sure this was a victim of child abuse being maligned by her abuser. And being enabled to do so by the slobbering media. I made the "age progression" timeline on Imgur and posted it a bunch of places hoping that would help but ugh. I'm so angry.
This is why I want to go to the trial, if there ultimately is a trial. To show support for Natalia and the Mans. It’s bad enough what they did to her, but then to incite this kind of animosity towards the victim, I despise these people. I would love to see a civil suit against them after this is over with.
Going to the press and saying that Natalia is a murderous psychopath is legitimately absurd behaviour. Conduct disorder/difficult behaviour seems to be the norm for children from traumatic backgrounds. You don’t see other adoptive parents running to the press about this. Only someone looking for attention and desperate to appear like a victim would do that. A healthy person would just explain the situation in court instead of kicking up drama in the press that will negatively affect their entire family. What is the point?? Sounds like Kristine Barnett felt humiliated she was investigated and is only concerned about her reputation as a ‘super mom’. I have a ‘super parent’ I am convinced is medically abusing my vulnerable adult sibling. Strangely I have another sibling with a growth disorder (not dwarfism but somewhat similar). When I tried to openly talk about the situation, my family was told that actually, my behaviour has always been violent and psychopathic. That is what happens when you make someone like this ‘look bad’. They get desperate to make you look bad. Toxic family. I hope the children can put up boundaries and live healthy lives.
This is why I want to go to the trial, if there ultimately is a trial. To show support for Natalia and the Mans. It’s bad enough what they did to her, but then to incite this kind of animosity towards the victim, I despise these people. I would love to see a civil suit against them after this is over with.
Same, are you local?
Find it a little funny/telling? that Michael grew his hair long after the divorce for a while. He's also shared stuff in support of late term abortion. Don't think Kristine would have allowed that when they were married, wouldn't go down well with many of their followers I imagine. I believe Michael has a weak personality and is suggestible so he just takes on the views of whoever he's currently in a relationship with.

Notably no pictures of Natalia on his timeline. They took the boys to a pumpkin patch in October 2011 but no Natalia. New York for the Glenn Beck show, no Natalia. London to be on the Beeb....Venice in May 2013...

Especially enjoyed this one from Venice lol : Michael Barnett
Going to the press and saying that Natalia is a murderous psychopath is legitimately absurd behaviour. Conduct disorder/difficult behaviour seems to be the norm for children from traumatic backgrounds. You don’t see other adoptive parents running to the press about this. Only someone looking for attention and desperate to appear like a victim would do that. A healthy person would just explain the situation in court instead of kicking up drama in the press that will negatively affect their entire family. What is the point?? Sounds like Kristine Barnett felt humiliated she was investigated and is only concerned about her reputation as a ‘super mom’. I have a ‘super parent’ I am convinced is medically abusing my vulnerable adult sibling. Strangely I have another sibling with a growth disorder (not dwarfism but somewhat similar). When I tried to openly talk about the situation, my family was told that actually, my behaviour has always been violent and psychopathic. That is what happens when you make someone like this ‘look bad’. They get desperate to make you look bad. Toxic family. I hope the children can put up boundaries and live healthy lives.

Ugh. I’m so sorry you’ve gone through that. My MIL is a borderline and I’ve encountered too many personality disordered people in my practice to know exactly what you’re talking about. I just dealt with one yesterday. It started out badly. My client was terrified to testify and spoke super softly and didn’t say anything of the things he told me. He just couldn’t explain anything. He was frozen.

The other side, who appears to be a combative narcissist, was calm and polished. She’s a screaming drunk who shows up to work wasted and has maltreated their child but she’s manipulative and used to getting what she wants. So she came across very confident and like a sorrowful victim. It was going badly.

Luckily this liar is so used to lying she didn’t remember I had specific evidence showing she’s had months to review an agreement the parties entered into that she claims she signed without seeing because he forced her to.

Except I had sent it to her and asked her to confirm this was the agreement she wanted me to file. When the judge got to see that everything changed and we won big. It was lovely. It’s rare a judge sees through someone like that so quickly (this was our first hearing) because they’re great at what they do. Convincing. Persuasive. Well spoken. They know how to make people feel sorry for them. But I had irrefutable evidence to counter her doe-eyed victim act. The judge told her she’s a liar and the next time she came back to court the judge would remember that!

I was so happy.

But what happens when you don’t have such direct evidence?

How about the father in TX who lost all custody of his child because the judge said he refused to accept his child was dying? The dad said the child was healthy but mom has Munchausen. Convinced the court for years as she subjected the poor child to unnecessary medical treatment and procedures that almost killed him.

She’s finally serving time and many months after she was arrested and charged the poor kid finally got to leave foster care and return to his father. (Someone here just sent me a link to the case, recently).

YEARS she fooled the system, both medical and legal.

Luckily nothing happened to N here. But you’re so right. It’s scary as hell. Just look at how easily she was able to convince so many people of her absurd and illogical story, even despite the five year investigation and charges and the clear photographic evidence showing the child’s progression from child to teenager. It’s bizarre.

I have cases that take years to untangle and to prove. We work super hard to protect the kids but the lying narcissist is great at turning the tables and claiming that the victim is “crazy” or has an ulterior motive.

I have another case in which my client has been happily remarried for five years and the seriously drunken father of her child keeps saying she brings him to court because she’s “jealous” he moved on and is angry and retaliatory. He has a new woman every few months (because they leave when they figure out what a sociopath he is) and my client is the one who filed for divorce. But she’s “jealous”.

Luckily, after years of these woman calling my client to tell her of the neglect occurring with the child but refusing to testify, one agreed. And provided us photographic and video evidence of the neglect.

Now dad lost custody and is strictly monitored in his visitation. Which he often gives up. And my “crazy” client hasn’t even gone back in to increase support. Because all she cares about is the safety of her kid.

It took us six years to fully prove the truth.

I’m sorry to keep relating this back to family law cases but it’s my world so it’s what I see.

But all I know is how hard it can be to reveal the truth to a medical or legal system when it comes to these convincing liars. They seem so honest that people will ignore blaring red flags in order to believe them. Here we have photos showing a little girl and this monster woman has convinced people to see an adult when looking at the photos, via a completely illogical narrative.

I do hope this poor kid can regain her life and be happy. And shake the horror film label those narcissists have give her.
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Find it a little funny/telling? that Michael grew his hair long after the divorce for a while. He's also shared stuff in support of late term abortion. Don't think Kristine would have allowed that when they were married, wouldn't go down well with many of their followers I imagine. I believe Michael has a weak personality and is suggestible so he just takes on the views of whoever he's currently in a relationship with.

Notably no pictures of Natalia on his timeline. They took the boys to a pumpkin patch in October 2011 but no Natalia. New York for the Glenn Beck show, no Natalia. London to be on the Beeb....Venice in May 2013...

Especially enjoyed this one from Venice lol : Michael Barnett

They’d already dumped her by Venice.

Oh so sad. Poor kid. They made up their mind about her so quickly. She wasn’t even allowed to go to a damn pumpkin patch.
They’d already dumped her by Venice.

Oh so sad. Poor kid. They made up their mind about her so quickly. She wasn’t even allowed to go to a damn pumpkin patch.
July was when they emigrated... was she already put in the apartment in May?
I think the official eviction was the following May wasn't it so I guess that would make sense.
there’s a Discrepancy between what they said she was dx’d with and what’s written in their petition.
Remember they hedge a bit after psychopath to “things only adults are dx’d with”
They throw a lot of horrid descriptions on Natalia,then claim the media is demonizing her. She's a sociopath, psychopath, schizophrenic Can you say projection????????
Ugh. I’m so sorry you’ve gone through that. My MIL is a borderline and I’ve encountered too many personality disordered people in my practice to know exactly what you’re talking about. I just dealt with one yesterday. It started out badly. My client was terrified to testify and spoke super softly and didn’t say anything of the things he told me. He just couldn’t explain anything. He was frozen.

The other side, who appears to be a combative narcissist, was calm and polished. She’s a screaming drunk who shows up to work wasted and has maltreated their child but she’s manipulative and used to getting what she wants. So she came across very confident and like a sorrowful victim. It was going badly.

Luckily this liar is so used to lying she didn’t remember I had specific evidence showing she’s had months to review an agreement the parties entered into that she claims she signed without seeing because he forced her to.

Except I had sent it to her and asked her to confirm this was the agreement she wanted me to file. When the judge got to see that everything changed and we won big. It was lovely. It’s rare a judge sees through someone like that so quickly (this was our first hearing) because they’re great at what they do. Convincing. Persuasive. Well spoken. They know how to make people feel sorry for them. But I had irrefutable evidence to counter her doe-eyed victim act. The judge told her she’s a liar and the next time she came back to court the judge would remember that!

I was so happy.

But what happens when you don’t have such direct evidence?

How about the father in TX who lost all custody of his child because the judge said he refused to accept his child was dying? The dad said the child was healthy but mom has Munchausen. Convinced the court for years as she subjected the poor child to unnecessary medical treatment and procedures that almost killed him.

She’s finally serving time and many months after she was arrested and charged the poor kid finally got to leave foster care and return to his father. (Someone here just sent me a link to the case, recently).

YEARS she fooled the system, both medical and legal.

Luckily nothing happened to N here. But you’re so right. It’s scary as hell. Just look at how easily she was able to convince so many people of her absurd and illogical story, even despite the five year investigation and charges and the clear photographic evidence showing the child’s progression from child to teenager. It’s bizarre.

I have cases that take years to untangle and to prove. We work super hard to protect the kids but the lying narcissist is great at turning the tables and claiming that the victim is “crazy” or has an ulterior motive.

I have another case in which my client has been happily remarried for five years and the seriously drunken father of her child keeps saying she brings him to court because she’s “jealous” he moved on and is angry and retaliatory. He has a new woman every few months (because they leave when they figure out what a sociopath he is) and my client is the one who filed for divorce. But she’s “jealous”.

Luckily, after years of these woman calling my client to tell her of the neglect occurring with the child but refusing to testify, one agreed. And provided us photographic and video evidence of the neglect.

Now dad lost custody and is strictly monitored in his visitation. Which he often gives up. And my “crazy” client hasn’t even gone back in to increase support. Because all she cares about is the safety of her kid.

It took us six years to fully prove the truth.

I’m sorry to keep relating this back to family law cases but it’s my world so it’s what I see.

But all I know is how hard it can be to reveal the truth to a medical or legal system when it comes to these convincing liars. They seem so honest that people will ignore blaring red flags in order to believe them. Here we have photos showing a little girl and this monster woman has convinced people to see an adult when looking at the photos, via a completely illogical narrative.

I do hope this poor kid can regain her life and be happy. And shake the horror film label those narcissists have give her.
I think she's doing pretty good with the Manns' family. Thank God she has a loving family now.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed due to screenshot>

That's a super dysfunctional family. I'm sure mama has twisted the boys against their dad now that he's out of the picture and I'm likewise pretty certain that he loves his dog vastly more than his sons. I mean I'm super glad he's devoted to his dog but he dumped a vulnerable child and now seems to have moved on from his kids without much angst.

In the meantime, the modest Mans family, who I feel have been unfairly labeled on here as grifters and child collectors, are quietly living a family life and caring for N, who seems comfortable, integrated and to enjoy her relationship with her similar-aged sister who she made youtube videos with. It cannot have been easy for N or the Mans. She's had a lot of damage.
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Find it a little funny/telling? that Michael grew his hair long after the divorce for a while. He's also shared stuff in support of late term abortion. Don't think Kristine would have allowed that when they were married, wouldn't go down well with many of their followers I imagine. I believe Michael has a weak personality and is suggestible so he just takes on the views of whoever he's currently in a relationship with.

Notably no pictures of Natalia on his timeline. They took the boys to a pumpkin patch in October 2011 but no Natalia. New York for the Glenn Beck show, no Natalia. London to be on the Beeb....Venice in May 2013...

Especially enjoyed this one from Venice lol : Michael Barnett

Their timelines IMO have been scrubbed -
No way Kristine wouldn’t have flooded her TL in the beginning
Couple Says Their Adopted Child, Natalia Grace Barnett, Is a Grown Woman

This article says that Michael claims they were originally due to adopt a little girl from Haiti, but were stymied by the earthquake in 2010. I don’t recall seeing any about that either...anyone?
Well, maybe he wants to rethink that story...

The Haiti Earthquake - TIME

Haiti's Orphaned Kids: How the Quake Is Speeding Adoptions
...”biological parents in Haiti, she is going to live with a family in the U.S. that has been trying to adopt her for the past two years, says Dixie Bickel, director of God's Littlest Angels, the agency outside of Pétionville that arranged the adoption. Exactly a week after the Jan. 12 7.0-magnitude quake, the paperwork was in order and Marie was set to fly out of Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince.

(See TIME's exclusive photos from Haiti.)

"The only good thing to come out of this [earthquake] is to see babies go home as babies," says Bickel, explaining that before the earthquake, it usually took at least two years for the adoption of Haitian children to go through. "Nine years ago, it only took three months," she says, adding that both Haitian and American bureaucracies are to blame. Where the Canadian embassy can process the necessary visas in th
ree days, it's not unusual for the U.S. embassy in Port-au-Prince to take upwards of six weeks, she says.”

Personal experience... our neighbors adopted a baby from Haiti at this time. They had been trying for over 2 years, and they had him here before he was three months old.

And another local family’s story, same situation:
Indiana family welcomes adopted son from Haiti
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Great Find!! I actually had bought in that the earthquake could have mucked things up rather than expedite things.
Thanks! I would’ve thought so too, but the crisis apparently did the opposite with the increase in orphans and loss of infrastructure.

And this is a nice site for info related to adoption rates:

With footnote:

From Table 1, Haiti: The number of adoptions reported in this table does not reflect the approximately 1,090 Haitian children admitted as part of the Special Humanitarian Parole announced by Secretary Napolitano, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, on January 18, 2010, following the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The table reports immigrant visas issued to children adopted abroad or granted custody in the country of origin to U.S. citizens for the purpose of travelling to the United States to be adopted. None of the children who participated in the Special Humanitarian Parole received an immigrant visa and their parole is not reported in Table 1.
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Can anyone think of another case of the accused practically doing a world tour of smearing their victim like this? How would a judge view that kind of behaviour? Can it be brought up and dissected in court?
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