In Fairness To Cindy

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CA went to Universal on July 3, I believe. It's in one of the doc dumps.

And this is how long after her beloved Caylee went missing w/her daughter the thieving, lying, sociopath? (Cindy's descriptors, not mine.) One would think there might have been a more concerted effort to locate a young child in the care of someone thus described.
Well, KC has a FATHER too. I am surprised at how many believe CA is responsible for how her child turned out but GA gets a pass. Every time a kid "goes bad", the press and the public always analyze the mother of the perp, unfairly IMO.

Other than that, I do agree with your post.

Cindy has been the main breadwinner in that family since they moved to Florida and George admits to being unemployed for quite awhile. Too me that would mean that Casey was with her father and brother most of the time.
How about "In Fairness to Caylee"? Where was KC taking her for over two years? Why didn't her "loving" Grandmother have a clule who the babysitter was, what she looked like, how to reach her? So...Here's a scenario. KC is supposed to come home (from "work") at a certain hour and, low and behold, she doesn't show up! She's HOURS late (uh, maybe she gets into an accident or something like that)...Who does the "loving" Grandmother call?

I'm sorry. It's late. And these discussions are starting to pizz me off. How can these people get away with NOT HAVING A CLUE as to where, who their Grand-daugther was with day-in-day-out for TWO YEARS while they left her in the care of a daughter they deemed to be a lying, thieving sociopath?

Is there something wrong with me here?

Nope, nothing wrong with you at all, Pink. I completely agree with everything you said.
I would LOVE to start a thread in FAIRNESS to CAYLEE but....I truly believe that ALL posters to WS'ers are posting this way.......I personally think that if MY grandaughter and daughter LIVED in my home ....I WOULD KNOW ....who, what, when and where my granddaughter was being watched....Cindy KNEW but, it was EASIER to IGNORE it...SOrry to be so adament in this but SHE knew......she just didn't face it and that is why we are where we are at now......POOR CAYLEE
Exactly. Because you're normal and not trying to cover up for your daughter or for your own failings in life!

No but, they as far as has been discovered never made her accept the consequences for anything and it led to this path. My own cousin's path was started from his parents. They steered him to a path of being irresponsible and backed him up on it even into doing illegal things. He fears no consequences because he feels his parents will bail him out forever.

How we deal with things is scientifically proven to be at least partially upon nurture, that is how many of our feelings develop. If a bee stings you, you know what it like to be stung and you have sympathy on someone else that suffered the same. At some point yes, it is her responsibility to stand up and do what is right (not being a killer) but, it is much easier in life in most respects to have someone bail you out of trouble until the trouble becomes overwhelming.

What I see from KC is a woman that has the emotional reactions and actions, fantasies of a 10 year old girl. She never learned to be an adult because she was never pushed into that role. She has lived a life that has been separated from the consequences of her actions

Hi, that would be an interesting topic for discussion sometime... what is the *emotional* age of KC. I'm thinking maybe 8-9 years old. But it could be 10.
I do not deny CA and GA loved Caylee, and I also do not think they had anything to do with her death.
What I have a problem with is, them not confronting KC. I feel if they did, they would stop the enabling and more would have possibly been solved.
Hi, that would be an interesting topic for discussion sometime... what is the *emotional* age of KC. I'm thinking maybe 8-9 years old. But it could be 10.
10 IMO is stretching it! Her "parents" don't seem to have gone beyond "adolescent" in my view. Lots of f'd up stuff here, for sure.

Cindy told YM (which he did testify to on the stand) that she would no longer cooperate with LE if they pursued checking out the sign in sheet or involved her father in any way. This was a huge red flag for me and she has not stopped waving it since.


Oh wow! I saw that when I was re-watching the original bond hearing.
I could not believe my ears when Yuri said that.....I would never have enough nerve to actually threaten and try to bribe the Police!
I was here long before Caylee's case began and my "steady drumbeat" has been for the victims since the day I arrived on WS. I don't see that ending anytime soon. I did not get involved in this case to fight for anyone except Caylee which I do every day.

I want justice for Caylee. It is very simple. Those who have done wrong by this innocent child need to be called on it, imo. I refuse to defend people who have not put her first at every turn.

Bolded by me
Stated so perfectly.
ITA. Something just occured to me as I was reading your post. CA claimed in her 911 call that KC and Caylee had been missing for a month, she found her daughter, but can't find her granddaughter. If she was so desperate to locate KC and Caylee during those 31 days, would'nt the most likely place to find KC be at Universal? At that time, CA was under the impression that KC worked for why didn't she physically go to KC's office during working hours to find and confront her? If she did that early on, she would have found out the truth, KC has not worked there in a couple of years. That would have been enough of a red flag to go to police immediately and at least get them involved in finding Caylee much sooner IMO. How is it that the A family claims they were looking for them both, without so much as a phone call to Universal?

Good Point! I also wondered what the Anthonys think when they have police telling them that Casey " supposedly took them to her office at Universal then she told them she didn;t have an office there and also how they can question her reliability when she took everyone on wild goose chases where her stories were false!" It seems to me that the police were doing everything they could to help Casey yet she refused to co-operate by giving them consistant lies. Surely the Anthonys are aware of all her lies to police so they can't justify her actions but still believe her. Casey has made the police dept out to be the bad guy to everyone even her parents which seems to be one reason for all the secrecy among all the Anthonys.
When you were growing up didn't your parents teach you that the police were your friends and you could always go to them and they would help you?
The Anthonys must think they are above the law and are their own private detectives considering Casey was so hell bent on being out of jail to look for caylee on her own " yea right! I see Flight Risk don't you?" and then we have the brother detective who thinks he knows everything when he knows nothing and finally a father who was a loser at being law enforcement who may have put theories into the head of his family that the police were the bad guy and the Anthonys would try to seek justice and find Caylee themselves without the police.
And this is how long after her beloved Caylee went missing w/her daughter the thieving, lying, sociopath? (Cindy's descriptors, not mine.) One would think there might have been a more concerted effort to locate a young child in the care of someone thus described.

Maybe the grandparent with the law enforcement background could have been more proactive too.

But what would you have a parent do when an adult child chooses not to come to the parent's house? LE does not investigate adult children who are avoiding their parents.
I'm willing to give them the 31 days even though it's insane on the face of it -- for whatever reason they didn't quite perform up to standards we think are normal.

After the cadaver dog hits, the decomp in the trunk, release of pics of KC partying all over the net, LE and FBI saying categorically that the baby was deceased? That's all she wrote for me.

The A's are not stupid even though they think everyone else is. Horrible people.
10 IMO is stretching it! Her "parents" don't seem to have gone beyond "adolescent" in my view. Lots of f'd up stuff here, for sure.


Hehe, the parents are 10 and she's maybe 6.

ok ok JBean I'm leaving. :)
I do not deny CA and GA loved Caylee, and I also do not think they had anything to do with her death.
What I have a problem with is, them not confronting KC. I feel if they did, they would stop the enabling and more would have possibly been solved.

I'm curious and I have asked this before and have gotten no answer...What makes you thin that CA and GA loved Caylee? (I do think they did by the way but only because I'm normal and think that it's normal from GP's to love their Gchildren). What, to you exhibits their love for their Grand-daughter??? I'm not trying to be arguementative Just asking.

I've asked this many times over months of following this case and have yet to have someone answer.
I'm willing to give them the 31 days even though it's insane on the face of it -- for whatever reason they didn't quite perform up to standards we think are normal.

After the cadaver dog hits, the decomp in the trunk, release of pics of KC partying all over the net, LE and FBI saying categorically that the baby was deceased? That's all she wrote for me.

The A's are not stupid even though they think everyone else is. Horrible people.
These people turned over their own freekin' backyard (soil and all) before LE even got a clue to come in and search! (THAT'S a fact. By their own admission). And we are all here talking "fairness"??? WTH?
Wow, that's quite a story. I believe if someone gave them a chance for a new identity, and take them far away from that man who is their son, they wouldn't think twice. They are victims of this man, and don't know how to escape him, so they make excuses for him.
I think they are afraid of him. They should run away as far and as fast as they can from him and never look back, and they should do it today. jmo

Oh they talk about doing such a thing on and off. They are afraid of him but, I think they actually like the drama that comes from this strange relationship with their child. He is actually very polite when he is away from them for the most part because he knows he can't get by with his crap amongst other people. He is only 5' tall and about 120lbs lol.

They came from the school of thought that correcting children did psychological damage and therefore never corrected them. Their daughter although not as bad is still screwed up. She is verbally abusive to her parents and lives an easy life with her parents and husband paying for the house and cars etc. So yeah, she lives in fantasy too and like KC acts like she is 12 and throws temper tantrums.
Tomorrow shiv? If 5 months of this carp hasn't made you mad, you won't be mad tomorrow! Bless you. :)

No, I said I guess at the moment...Im speaking about all of the different emotions this case has caused for many people. (sometime I feel sorry for her, sometimes I cant stand her) I just have compassion for her despite what Casey has done. I dont condone the thousands of things she has said, and done.

I've been just as angry as the rest of you. I feel like I need to say Dang, I'm on your side.

Somewhere I must not have explained my thoughts very well, to have so many people jump on me.
No, I said I guess at the moment...Im speaking about all of the different emotions this case has caused for many people. (sometime I feel sorry for her, sometimes I cant stand her) I just have compassion for her despite what Casey has done. I dont condone the thousands of things she has said, and done.

I've been just as angry as the rest of you. I feel like I need to say Dang, I'm on your side.

Somewhere I must not have explained my thoughts very well, to have so many people jump on me.

Cheer up shivs. Good debate.

I'm curious and I have asked this before and have gotten no answer...What makes you thin that CA and GA loved Caylee? (I do think they did by the way but only because I'm normal and think that it's normal from GP's to love their Gchildren). What, to you exhibits their love for their Grand-daughter??? I'm not trying to be arguementative Just asking.

I've asked this many times over months of following this case and have yet to have someone answer.

I will LEAVE this thread before I am banned but I honestly believe they WILL SELL THIS STORY and throw the MONSTER they have created UNDER the bus....SO the REAL question is WHO are the MONSTERS?
But just thinking about developmental stages, at what age does a child know it's NOT ok to lie? Probably about 5 years?

I think the CA quote was "Lying isn't a crime" or something like that. OH MY>
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