In Fairness To Cindy

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I have had a lot of sympathy for Cindy, and on August 14th one month into this being in the public eye I know I was defending her and saying she was in denial and shock. Her behavior after that point, pretty much since Casey bonded out was when I slowly changed my opinion about the entire family. I still have to have compassion for the situation though.
I think Cindy has been a mean spirited, selfish, hateful woman her whole life. Bad things happen to bad people too. It does not matter to me what kind of person she. What does matter is the fact that she has lied to the public, she has lied to LE and she tamperd with a crime scene. For that and that alone, I have no sympathy for this woman, PERIOD!

And the apple didn't fall far from the tree; did it?
It is so easy for people to say "I would do this or I would do that" when in reality you have no Idea how you would really act in such a horrible situation. I think CA acted the way most of us would have in the beginning. Callling LE when she did.

The whole situation is beyond what most of us will never have to endure. It was easy for me to sit in my house and judge too. Then after volunteering for one of the big searches we went to their house. At the time the media and protesters were at full tilt. There were people throwing things at the house yelling, honking the horn, all kinds of craziness. CA came out of the house to check on what was being thrown. It was the first time it really hit me that she was a human being caught up in this nightmare. It really shocked me at my reaction to seeing her in real life. I cried for her. And felt ashamed at gawking. She lives in a neighborhood similar to mine and I could not imagine sitting in my home knowing there were dozens of people just out side my windows yelling and doing all kinds of things. These people lived their lives just like we all do pretty quietly.
Were mistakes made in raising KC for sure, can any of us really say we have made every right decision? NO. What is happening to their family is KC's fault this has already killed Caylee and it will do the same to CA and GA just more slowly. This should not be the punishment people think they desereve.

I am a pretty mellow person most of the time. When I saw some of the reactions that CA and GA had to the protesters I think I would have shoved some of them clear on their *advertiser censored**es just out of frustration. We can not even begin to understand the pressure they are under.

I am not saying that if there has been any cover ups along the way that they should be swept under the rug or anything like that. KC should be prosecuted to the full extent the law allows what she did is unimaginalble. I think the A's all of them should come clean with anything they know. Justice for Caylee should be the focus. KC made her choice back in June.
:confused: There are certainly a lot of hateful posts towards Cindy, some that even describe violent thoughts. These types of emotions directed at people who are strangers seem to be somewhat disturbing. When things get to this point, is it possible that the healthy thing to do would be to back off from the case?

I think when you see the pictures of little Caylee and then see how this family has protected her killer, the emotions run high. I for one still would not want to be in there shoes, but I have to say, I don't think I would have protected KC. You can love your kids, but please, what about Caylee???
Given this entire case from the beginning Cindy certainley hasn't been looked at in a positive light. We have been mortified and angered at her for her behavior during this entire nightmare.
Yes, she really missed it big time in the parenting of Casey. But after the Aug. 14th video was released, I am beginning to see some things different. I saw a desperate, heartbroken, woman. It was one thing to see the real Casey, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Cindy. I could, as a mother myself of a disturbed, wayward child, (not a lying murderer) somehow relate. I was hearbroken for her. I pray I never have to go through what she is now, and will, for the rest of her life.

One thing in particular that has been bugging me is the chili incedent. I've read several posts about how Caylee did not like chili, but Cindy fixed it anyway for Caylee's 3rd Birthday and we all thaught that that was odd.
Actually, Cindy fixed the chili for Caylee because she did like it to there suprise. Shirley P statement to the detectives said she fixed chili, but fixed her a peanut butter & jelly sandwich because they didn't think Caylee would like it. But, she did; she just didn't eat alot because she had eaten alot of popcorn at the nursing home. I know that thats not a huge thing, but it seems that Cindys motive for fixing Caylee chili was misinterpreted a little. I believe it was actually a loving gesture to Caylee.

I'm just wondering...does anyone else have any thoughts of where we have been perhaps a little to quick to take Cindy (and George) out of context?


yes I hear she makes a mean chili. I will give her that. :clap:
You know, Bern, that's a pretty cruel thing to say about someone you don't know. We know absolutely nothing about this family and the social dynamics, environment, hereditary factors that might have or have not contributed to this tragedy. No one should be making a psychological diagnoses about any of these people because there are too many factors and variables for anyone to know anything with any kind of certainty.
omg! There can't be two of them, could there????????

When my Mother would come to visit me when I was in elementary school, she would say bizarre and cruel things to me. I would go to school and do some reality checking with my first grade teacher. She wasn't allowed to visit me at school much after that. IDK if there are two, but sure sounded like it. I too have been told that I am just a stupid girl and there is no use for me. Pretty funny as I am the one who cares for her now.
I think when you see the pictures of little Caylee and then see how this family has protected her killer, the emotions run high. I for one still would not want to be in there shoes, but I have to say, I don't think I would have protected KC. You can love your kids, but please, what about Caylee???

Too true! There are some of us who become very emotional when faced with the inabilty of CA to get between Caylee and the danger facing her through her mother. ETA - If you know it is dangerous to run in front of a speeding semi and yet allow your grandchild to do that wrong?
:confused: There are certainly a lot of hateful posts towards Cindy, some that even describe violent thoughts. These types of emotions directed at people who are strangers seem to be somewhat disturbing. When things get to this point, is it possible that the healthy thing to do would be to back off from the case?

this is a way for people to release their anger, and that's a healthy thing too.
I believe that Cindy truly loved Caylee and was devastated by Casey’s actions. I also believe that in the beginning, she wanted Caylee to be alive so badly, that she bought Casey’s lies hook, line and sinker…Perhaps on the premise that Caylee was really alive somewhere.

I also believe that during the period that Casey was out on bail, the family found out that Caylee was not alive. I don’t know if they found it out from Casey or just arrived at the conclusion from LE’s mounting evidence. Even then, I think that Cindy could not accept the fact.

Now, do I condone her behavior, such as washing the evidential clothing, giving LE the wrong hairbrush, and all the lies pertaining to Casey, etc? Absolutely, not!

I guess what I am trying to say is that I feel compassion for her; in that she lost her granddaughter, whom I am sure she loved very much. Furthermore, I feel compassion for her for probably losing her daughter, who I am sure she loves very much. However, I have become very frustrated with her for not stepping up and trying to do the right thing now, which is to honor her granddaughter’s life and see that the child is given a memorial service with all the dignity and respect she so fully deserves.
:confused: There are certainly a lot of hateful posts towards Cindy, some that even describe violent thoughts. These types of emotions directed at people who are strangers seem to be somewhat disturbing. When things get to this point, is it possible that the healthy thing to do would be to back off from the case?

The question you think CA and GA were right in cleaning up the "death smell" from the pants and the car? Was it right to ignore the signs of a problem in Casey and not provide her psychiatric help when she was a minor? Was it right to continue to ignore that behavior after Caylee was born and leave her unsupervised and unprotected with Casey? Is there any place where a parent had the responsibility to act or act differently?
I think when you see the pictures of little Caylee and then see how this family has protected her killer, the emotions run high. I for one still would not want to be in there shoes, but I have to say, I don't think I would have protected KC. You can love your kids, but please, what about Caylee???

Are there any signs that Cindy doesn't care about Caylee? From my perspective, her actions indicate that she does. People's reactions to situations are not predictable, and trying to slot us all into specific behavioral patterns seems counterproductive, and in situations involving legal matters, dangerous. I thought we wanted to advance away from the lynch mob mentality, not hold onto it for dear life...

Bottom line, we don't know WHAT happened. So aren't all these negative feelings towards this little girl's grandmother nothing more than a distraction from finding the truth?
You know, Bern, that's a pretty cruel thing to say about someone you don't know. We know absolutely nothing about this family and the social dynamics, environment, hereditary factors that might have or have not contributed to this tragedy. No one should be making a psychological diagnoses about any of these people because there are too many factors and variables for anyone to know anything with any kind of certainty.

I was referring to KC. If the poster is correct that CA lied, covered up a crime, then KC learned to lie and cover up from CA. Wasn't meant to be cruel. More of a comment on how kids reflect the family dynamics or who raised them.
Are there any signs that Cindy doesn't care about Caylee? From my perspective, her actions indicate that she does. People's reactions to situations are not predictable, and trying to slot us all into specific behavioral patterns seems counterproductive, and in situations involving legal matters, dangerous. I thought we wanted to advance away from the lynch mob mentality, not hold onto it for dear life...

Bottom line, we don't know WHAT happened. So aren't all these negative feelings towards this little girl's grandmother nothing more than a distraction from finding the truth?

I'd like to find out the truth about why CA and GA cleaned up what could have been evidence leading to the conviction of the person who killed their grandchild.
:confused: There are certainly a lot of hateful posts towards Cindy, some that even describe violent thoughts. These types of emotions directed at people who are strangers seem to be somewhat disturbing. When things get to this point, is it possible that the healthy thing to do would be to back off from the case?

These "strangers" told us to get off of our A$$" and help find Caylee. They used the our concern in this case to sell photo's and videos of Caylee. I donated to TES. I watched their interviews. I've seen the jail house video's. I've read the private emails. I heard LE talk to Cindy about her lies. I've seen them get not one but two lawyers. I've heard them ask for imunity. Should i have been privy to all of this? Maybe not. These folks aren't strangers to me anymore. I think emotion toward these individuals is well placed.
Are there any signs that Cindy doesn't care about Caylee? From my perspective, her actions indicate that she does. People's reactions to situations are not predictable, and trying to slot us all into specific behavioral patterns seems counterproductive, and in situations involving legal matters, dangerous. I thought we wanted to advance away from the lynch mob mentality, not hold onto it for dear life...

Bottom line, we don't know WHAT happened. So aren't all these negative feelings towards this little girl's grandmother nothing more than a distraction from finding the truth?

I totally agree that CA loved and cared for Caylee, but I don't agree that she should have washed pants, cleaned cars, accused JG among other things. Stop selling T-shirts. My beef is how she is protecting KC, not whether or not she loved Caylee.
Cindy couldn't even remember the name of Caylee's father. Sounds like she thought he was pretty important to me. NOT!

Casey told alot of different stories what was Cindy suppose to do? DNA anyone who had sex with her daughter. Get real !
So aren't all these negative feelings towards this little girl's grandmother nothing more than a distraction from finding the truth?

*respectfully snipped

what 'truth' exactly do you mean?
The question you think CA and GA were right in cleaning up the "death smell" from the pants and the car? Was it right to ignore the signs of a problem in Casey and not provide her psychiatric help when she was a minor? Was it right to continue to ignore that behavior after Caylee was born and leave her unsupervised and unprotected with Casey? Is there any place where a parent had the responsibility to act or act differently?

If you want to scrutinize people for being in denial, I think that a good portion of the population of this country, perhaps the world, would be under condemnation. Denial is not a conscious reaction, as far as I know. Until further information becomes public, I will reserve judgement on C&G for the cleaning they did.

As far as judging them on their parental skills, I don't think that's pertinent to the case. We are all products of our upbringing, and that includes CA and GA--how far back do you want to go to assign "blame" for what you think KC has done? Maybe it's KC's great-great grandfather who is the center of the "problem"...
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