In Fairness To Cindy

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I have to say, I always thought the 9th was just a mistake too, not an intentional lie. If you think, like I do, because most of the time it is, that Father's Day is the 2nd Sunday in June, then that would have made it the 8th, but it's really the 2nd Sunday after the first Monday so since June 1st fell on a Sunday in 2008, Father's Day was really the 3rd Sunday in June. It is a bit confusing and not alot of people realize the "after the first Monday" part. So if you are just thinking Father's Day and not the actual date, I can see where someone could make this mistake. And didn't Cindy say she had taken Caylee to see her Dad for Father's Day right from the beginning? If she really wanted to lie, she would have left out the part about it being Father's Day no?

I have always thought this way too.
I have been totally engrossed in this case from the very beginning. It has been an emotional roller coaster to say the very least. I have experienced the full range of emotions including shock, disbelief, sorrow, anger and hopelessness. I became so involved in not only the facts, but also all the rumors and speculation, I knew it was time to step back and take a break from all of it.

After some time off and a chance to put things into perspective, I came to the realization that only two things in this case matter...

1. Caylee

Selfless, good-hearted folks searched tirelessly for Caylee. Unfortunately, she meet a very cruel demise and I thank RK from the bottom of my heart for locating her.

2. Justice for Caylee

Caylee's presumed killer is in jail awaiting trial. KC will be judged fairly by a group of her peers and justice will be served.

I do not personally know the A family. Who they are and how they conduct themselves is none of my concern. Who am I to pick apart their private lives and try to put MY spin on it? What may seem normal to me may be perceived as "madness" by other people. Let's face it, we all have our own set of "family values".

My concern, from this point forward, will be the facts related to this case...

FACT: Caylee is deceased.
FACT: KC is currently in jail charged with Caylee's murder.

In fairness to Cindy? You betcha!!! I have no concrete evidence that CA, LA, or GA held KC at gun point and forced her to murder little Caylee. I, for one, will put the blame where it lies.
I disagree. A traumatic event like this CAN cause someone to change over night.

So her rantings to KC's friends about KC being a thief and about how she is a sociopath and her denying to everyone KC's pregnancy when it was obvious she was. I THINK she is THAT kind of woman. We can agree to disagree.
Thanks for pointing that out SS.. I really hadnt thought of that angle.
Actually I have no idea if I am right :) Someone just pointed out to me the other day how many similar mannerisms and facial expressions my 7 siblings and I have. I thought maybe this is a funky little quirk they share. I know people that laugh when they are scared or bothered or nervous. It's really a funny thing (no pun intended)

Eyesforlies has some interesting things to say about expressions, gestures, and laughs. Not much on this case, except Meter Reader man. Exceptional on reading Drew Peterson, however. So many interviews, able to establish baseline.. A real expert on suspected person's hopefulness "missing" person will be ok (= merriment, mocking, irony).

You skeert me, JB. For ten seconds, I had no spit left in my mouth. *chuckle* / *wink*
But, George and Cindy did not know this was going on at the time. So, my question was in response to the allegations that GEORGE should have protected Caylee from the obvious neglect. What was the obvious neglect he knew about, to be able to protect her from?
He knew she was a liar, a cheat, and a thief. He told investigators as much in his interview. He said that when he smelled the odor in the car, one of his first thoughts was that Casey had ripped off the wrong person, and that person had taken revenge. So, while he didn't know that she was capable of murder, he did know that she was capable of engaging behavior that would endanger Caylee. Some of us believe that he and CA had a moral responsibility to protect her.
So her rantings to KC's friends about KC being a thief and about how she is a sociopath and her denying to everyone KC's pregnancy when it was obvious she was. I THINK she is THAT kind of woman. We can agree to disagree.
Eyesforlies has some interesting things to say about expressions, gestures, and laughs. Not much on this case, except Meter Reader man. Exceptional on reading Drew Peterson, however. So many interviews, able to establish baseline.. A real expert on suspected person's hopefulness "missing" person will be ok (= merriment, mocking, irony).

You skeert me, JB. For ten seconds, I had no spit left in my mouth. *chuckle* / *wink*

:floorlaugh: Now that was funny!
He knew she was a liar, a cheat, and a thief. He told investigators as much in his interview. He said that when he smelled the odor in the car, one of his first thoughts was that Casey had ripped off the wrong person, and that person had taken revenge. So, while he didn't know that she was capable of murder, he did know that she was capable of engaging behavior that would endanger Caylee. Some of us believe that he and CA had a moral responsibility to protect her.
And, there are plenty of people out there who are all of the above mentioned and they don't neglect nor KILL their children.
And, there are plenty of people out there who are all of the above mentioned and they don't neglect nor KILL their children.
True. But I wouldn't trust them with my child's welfare, no more than I would allow my child or grandchild to get in a car with a drunk driver even if I knew that drunk driver was someone who loved my child and would never intentionally harm him. Responsible adults bear the responsibility of protecting the innocents, the children.
Actually I have no idea if I am right :) Someone just pointed out to me the other day how many similar mannerisms and facial expressions my 7 siblings and I have. I thought maybe this is a funky little quirk they share. I know people that laugh when they are scared or bothered or nervous. It's really a funny thing (no pun intended)
My cousin and I have many similiar quirks,been pointed out to us by friends.We get the LOL. jags too at the worst times! Pure nerves.I know CA. is no Saint but I have never seen her look as ugly and scary as KC.did in that visit! Her parents are definately afraid of her.I too felt sorry for CA.,that treatment has to hurt.Her father? no wonder she's the way she is.I'm trying hard to overlook many of their faults ~ they are under tremendous pressure.KC? I'd like to slap her in her chops!!
"There are parents here who do not know what happened to their children, but would love to have answers no matter what heartbreak those answers bring to them. Not knowing what happened is far worse than learning the truth in most cases. I haven't seen many cases here where people say, "Don't look if you suspect my child is dead." or where they would ever tell LE, the FBI, TES, or others they did not want their help to search. To some, just getting LE or the FBI to keep searching would be all they are asking for in their cases. To others, having strangers give up their spare time to look under every leaf and rock would be a Godsend. "

Above Snipped from SS

So true! This is the one thing that I have not understood about the Anthony's attitude. It is also the main reason that they are getting negativity.

I want to point out that you can feel many things about one person. Just because I do not like some of the things that have happened in this case, does not mean I hate them. I dont. Nor would I take matters into my own hands and harm any of them (as in vigilante). Very strong words and rather offensive.

LLH, that was me who used the word you found offensive; but if you read it in context I don't understand why.

"Society even has a responsibility to keep us all in check. Either extreme, bleeding hearts or vigilantes, would not be good but both produce a good check and balance and I think that's what's being represented on this thread."

I must not have made myself clear enough. I was trying to say that what I think is in action here is a good check and balance. I didn't mean I thought everyone was either of the two extremes. I was trying to emphasize that it is very important to be able to express opinions; that's what frames the morals of our society. (And, by the way, ITA with yours.)
Same reaction here too.

Me three. It was Cindy's weird behavior that got me hooked on this case from the beginning. I hadn't even heard about this case here in Oregon and I caught a snippet of an interview she was giving. It was in the beginning when she would avoid answering questions by saying that she hadn't slept in days or had a meal and pundits wondering why a 2 yr old who lived in the home had gone unnoticed for 31 days. Her behavior was so strange that I had to research more and that's when I found WebSleuths!

IMO, there is no defense of Cindy. No sympathy from me. She has brought all the carp on herself.
Me three. It was Cindy's weird behavior that got me hooked on this case from the beginning. I hadn't even heard about this case here in Oregon and I caught a snippet of an interview she was giving. It was in the beginning when she would avoid answering questions by saying that she hadn't slept in days or had a meal and pundits wondering why a 2 yr old who lived in the home had gone unnoticed for 31 days. Her behavior was so strange that I had to research more and that's when I found WebSleuths!
Same here.
Me three. It was Cindy's weird behavior that got me hooked on this case from the beginning. I hadn't even heard about this case here in Oregon and I caught a snippet of an interview she was giving. It was in the beginning when she would avoid answering questions by saying that she hadn't slept in days or had a meal and pundits wondering why a 2 yr old who lived in the home had gone unnoticed for 31 days. Her behavior was so strange that I had to research more and that's when I found WebSleuths!

IMO, there is no defense of Cindy. No sympathy from me. She has brought all the carp on herself.

Me too! During the infamous Greta interview! I was like, "what the heck is she even talking about?"
I've read all the posts until now and have been struggling with exactly what it was that I was feeling for CA when I viewed the 8/14 tape. As some of you may know from my previous posts I've been pretty tough on CA but when I saw her sobbing and barely able to speak through her tears and KC smiled what I felt was horror, revulsion and pity. When her daughter was unable to show the appropriate human response of sorrow at her mother's anguish, I bet a lot of us felt the same way, IMO. This is foreign to us. Who smiles when their mother cries? I pity the A's.
if it was an issue she would have been arrested.........
IMO, everyone had to be suspect. LE had NO idea where the child was and/or who may have hurt her. Very normal for a red flag to go up when no one seemed to remember when this precious child was last seen...and yet, they could remember exactly what they were wearing (well, George anyway).
We will see what the days ahead bring for Cindy and the fam. We will also see if LE decides to send information to a GJ for further investigation or to bring charges against them. There is a good chance one of those two things will happen, imo.

They should have their answer on Immunity soon. I think if they do get it...people will be very surprised at what stories they will finally come forward with on the stand. If they don't...people will still be shocked at what the SA's office presents during trial, imo.
I've read all the posts until now and have been struggling with exactly what it was that I was feeling for CA when I viewed the 8/14 tape. As some of you may know from my previous posts I've been pretty tough on CA but when I saw her sobbing and barely able to speak through her tears and KC smiled what I felt was horror, revulsion and pity. When her daughter was unable to show the appropriate human response of sorrow at her mother's anguish, I bet a lot of us felt the same way, IMO. This is foreign to us. Who smiles when their mother cries? I pity the A's.
Ya know...the smiling wasn't what bothered me...I think CA exhibits histrionic behavior and Casey may very well be used to that (unfortunately). I think there is a whole lot of dysfunction in that family. I'm in no way justifying any of Casey's behavior, it just may be difficult for her to recognize what's real when it comes to her mother.
I was referring to KC. If the poster is correct that CA lied, covered up a crime, then KC learned to lie and cover up from CA. Wasn't meant to be cruel. More of a comment on how kids reflect the family dynamics or who raised them.

I respectfully disagree with your comment. My children were taught they were in more trouble if they lied than if they would tell the truth, even if they were guilty. Disapline was carried through, I , as mother ,did not and do not believe in lies which they all know to this day. I have one who lies just about each time she opens her mouth, so it proves to me it didnt reflect from family dynamics or who raised her. I believe it is a learned behavior, she is now in her fifty's and still a liar, sad to say. Adults are responsible for their actions and some make some bad choices.
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