GUILTY IN - Grandfather charged in cruise ship death of toddler Chloe Wiegand #9 *NO JAIL*

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Well, okay then. Guilt was judged to be present in his actions -- there's that.
Still outstanding is the litigation re RCCL. So we wait.

Anybody wanna weigh in on the chances of guilt/no guilt of RCCL? Financial settlement or none? I can't really see any fault or negligence, etc., in RCCL -- and showing guilt of Anello would seem to make RCCL's chances of not at fault/no negligence more likely, IMO. If no guilt found, would money to the family still be possible?
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Grandfather who dropped his toddler granddaughter to her death on cruise ship avoids jail | Daily Mail Online

SA is “angry and relieved” following his sentencing?! What an *advertiser censored*. He got off easy.

Remorseful, and grateful for leniency would be a lot better, seems to me. Saying nothing would be better too. IMO. I guess the horror of all of this is understandably too much for the family to do anything other than what they're doing. They've been through hell. From their POV it is very difficult because they have so many family members to take into consideration. I might do what the parents are doing in their shoes. The grandfather, that's different, because he was the cause.

I don't know what I would do if I were him, but I think I would blame myself, especially after having all this time to think about it. Self-righteousness of any kind from him, no. He definitely has been punished plenty, though (public opinion, and living with this). That makes the sentencing make sense.

What he's referring to is about his vision problems and recognizing what he was standing in front of; it's not about the ship IMO. I don't have the answers. I feel very sad for all of them, especially for the ones who were victims of someone else's mistake. Best wishes to the family, RIP little Chloe.
It is infuriating that SA shows absolutely zero remorse.

I will be appalled if this family benefits financially from Chloe’s death.
I do SO hope that the high resolution video which the general public has not seen completely vindicates RCCL.
Well, okay then. Guilt was judged to be present in his actions -- there's that.
Still outstanding is the litigation re RCCL. So we wait.

Anybody wanna weigh in on the chances of guilt/no guilt of RCCL? Financial settlement or none? I can't really see any fault or negligence, etc., in RCCL -- and showing guilt of Anello would seem to make RCCL's chances of not at fault/no negligence more likely, IMO. If no guilt found, would money to the family still be possible?
JMO but I believe there will be a settlement. I'm thinking that the cruise line's insurance company will ultimately decide whether to settle or fight in court so there are probably mediation talks in the works already.

Sadly, crappier cases have ended with some sort of settlement so I won't be surprised if this greedy family walks away with a decent check. And it's doubtful we'll ever hear the amount. IMO there's a slim chance RCCL will push to go to court, especially in light of the financial hits cruise lines have suffered due to COVID-19.

So there's always hope that the family won't profit from SA's horrid actions - or at least maybe get a truncated amount.

How the family can ever look him in the eye is beyond me. The man can't even own up to his part in little Chloe's death. Disgusting in my opinion.
Yep, you nailed it, @MsMarple.
I can't see RCCL going to court -- negative publicity even if Grandpa's fault is included in the news & magazine accounts -- and the death of a sweet little girl would make the news really scream with pity, sadness and all the rest. Further, their legal fees for the trial would cost a good chunk, adding to what RCCL may have already shelled out to the lawyers.

RCCL might decide to cut their losses and simply pay the family and hope the amount to the family would cost about the same or less than the trial fees would cost. And there's also the negative publicity bubbling back up into the news again. SMH.
Wow - I find this man’s behaviour after the incident appalling and I do believe it was an accident. I cannot imagine in his shoes behaving the same way. It’s very disturbing to think that this family may actually profit off of this!
He got probation so he'll be alright as long as he doesn't drop anymore babies out of cruise ship windows, right?

Well, O.J. didn't commit any more double homicides, so it's possible to not commit the same crime again, after getting away with it the 1st time. Of course, he didn't find the "real killers" on the golf courses either, and had that little armed robbery/kidnapping situation. Here at least, the family knows who really is to blame. RC, of course.

You know their lawyers have to be paid, and they're certainly not going to get paid by this family. So I suppose it's likely that some sort of settlement is in the offing, before it goes to trial.
Not being a lawyer and therefore not at all familiar with the process in cases like this, I wonder if there is still a chance the civil case can now be dismissed by the judge in Florida.

I believe all interested parties were to have convened regarding the civil suit in mid December 2020. One has to assume all
“discovery” is now in the hands of lawyers and judge.

Any thoughts? Or does anyone have any actual updates about the civil suit?
".... the Anellos' attorney Michael Winkleman claimed in a statement obtained PEOPLE that "the genesis of the Puerto Rican authorities ultimately pressing criminal charges against Mr. Anello" was the ship's captain initially saying he saw Anello outside the window frame of the boat, before admitting under oath that Anello's body was never outside the window frame."

Winkleman added in his statement obtained by PEOPLE Monday that "the Wiegand family is seeking sanctions against Royal Caribbean for the destruction of critical CCTV footage" and has "also filed a Motion for summary judgment and asks the Court to find that Royal Caribbean is liable for this tragedy. As argued in said motion, the evidence is undisputed that Royal Caribbean was entirely aware of the precise risk that led to Chloe's preventable death and yet took no reasonable steps to prevent it."

... a former Royal Caribbean Chief Security Officer testified that this railing and these windows were a well-known hazard for years," Winkleman added. "And a former passenger testified about a near fall incident that almost took the life of a small child just two years prior to Chloe's death. "

Grandfather of Toddler Who Fell Out of Cruise Ship Window Sentenced to 3 Years Probation
PEOPLE magazine..... a bastion of reputable journalism......
Also.... Anello’s actions totally belie his assertions.
One could possibly believe he did not think the window was open had he not first aprroached the window and extended himself toward it for an appreciable amount of time, THEN lifted Chloe and held her on/ over the railing for 34 seconds..

The lack of accountability makes me see red.
Negligent Homicide Statute, in PR?
So in mid-Oct Sam A. pleaded guilty to negligent homicide, and he was sentenced yesterday. Fair?

Briefly, per PR statute* "Negligent Homicide" is causing the death of another thru negligence, and is classified as a misdemeanor; penalty is 6 mo. to 3 yrs imprisonment, w
parole eligibility after serving half of sentence.

Even w Neg Hom conviction, on a charge less severe than some expected, Sam's sentence of 3 yr probation to be served in his some state, is light, compared to sentence which could have been imposed. Just my2ct, agreeing w some others here.

* Posting info re statute (which I found in English), I invite anyone to dig in, to correct or clarify. Not so briefly ---
"§ 4737. Negligent homicide
Any person who causes the death of another through negligence shall incur a misdemeanor, but shall receive the penalty established for a fourth degree felony...."
"§ 4694. Applicable penalties

"(e) Fourth degree felony. — Entails a punishment of imprisonment for a fixed term in natural years which shall not be less than six (6) months and one (1) day, nor more than three (3) years. In such case, the person may be considered for parole by the Parole Board upon having served fifty percent (50%) of the term of imprisonment imposed."

from Laws of Puerto Rico Annotated, 33 L.P.R.A. § 4737
Laws of Puerto Rico Annotated, TITLE THIRTY-THREE Penal Code,Subtitle 5 Penal Code of 2004—Special Provisions, PART I. Crimes Against the Person, Chapter 297. Crimes Against Life, Subchapter I. Murder and Homicide
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From what I have read Sam Anello agreed to plead guilty for a lighter sentence and getting this whole ordeal done with but now the family wants to suit. Do they understand what the process is of "getting past this ordeal".

I notice families who get into some sort of trouble give a scripted apology and then run their mouth about how they are not at fault. The Hogans and Paternos are huge examples of how not to act when you get in hot water.
All the Wiegands would have to do is drop their suit, and this case would fade away in the public’s minds. The fact that they continue to dig their heels in is absolutely infuriating, and I hope they get their asses handed to them.

And a question - if the civil case continues, would SA have to “admit these facts” that he is so reluctant to disclose?
I just saw this posted on the Winkleman lawfirm's twitter. I forgot I was following them.

LMAW Statement Regarding Anello Sentencing & Recent Filings in the Case

Lipcon, Margulies, Alsina & Winkleman, P.A - Maritime Lawyer
FEBRUARY 9, 2021

LMAW statement:

We are pleased that the criminal proceedings have finished and resulted in no jail time and no admission of facts for Chloe’s grandfather. The likely answer as to why criminal charges were filed in the first place became clear when the Captain of the Freedom of the Seas was recently deposed in the pending civil case against Royal Caribbean. Just after the incident, the Ship’s Captain wrote to the U.S. Coast Guard that Chloe’s grandfather, Mr. Anello, had to know the window was open because Mr. Anello’s “upper body was outside the window frame itself” before Chloe fell. This statement was shown to be a lie because the Captain admitted, under oath that despite his previous statement to the U.S. Coast Guard, Mr. Anello’s upper body was never outside of the window frame at any point while Mr. Anello was in the area. As such, it is quickly seen that this lie from the Ship’s Captain was the genesis of the Puerto Rican authorities ultimately pressing criminal charges against Mr. Anello.

The discovery phase in the family’s civil case against Royal Caribbean has just completed and it bears noting that there is not a single piece of evidence to support the argument that Salvatore Anello was aware the window was open. Instead, the evidence is clear that Mr. Anello made an honest mistake, but because of Royal Caribbean’s failure to take any steps to protect its youngest passengers, it turned into a fatal tragedy.

Importantly, today’s sentencing coincides with the filing of significant motions to be filed today by the Wiegand family.

First, the Wiegand family is seeking sanctions against Royal Caribbean for the destruction of critical CCTV footage. After this tragedy that took Chloe’s life, both the U.S. Coast Guard and the attorneys for the Wiegand family immediately requested (within 48 hours of the incident), the CCTV footage which showed who opened the subject window and when it was opened. Royal Caribbean admits it was aware of these requests, but nonetheless Royal Caribbean knowingly and intentionally destroyed this critical CCTV footage of the time leading up to the incident. As argued, Royal Caribbean’s clear intent to deprive the Wiegand family of this critical evidence warrants the imposition of harsh sanctions including entry of default judgment against Royal Caribbean.

Next, the Wiegand family also filed a Motion for summary judgment and asks the Court to find that Royal Caribbean is liable for this tragedy. As argued in said motion, the evidence is undisputed that Royal Caribbean was entirely aware of the precise risk that led to Chloe’s preventable death and yet took no reasonable steps to prevent it. As to notice, a former Royal Caribbean Chief Security Officer testified that this railing and these windows were a well-known hazard for years. And a former passenger testified about a near fall incident that almost took the life of a small child just two years prior to Chloe’s death. As to liability, the record evidence is similarly undisputed that Royal Caribbean failed to follow the universally followed industry standard of abiding by window fall prevention codes. Literally thousands of children under 5 years old are injured or killed each year from accidental window falls. Responsible corporations follow simple steps that save children’s lives, such as limiting a window opening to no more than 4 inches. Herein, Royal Caribbean did nothing to protect Chloe from this known danger. Accordingly, the family has asked the Court to enter Summary Judgment as to liability and the matter should proceed to trial by jury as to damages only.

Trial in this important case is set for April 26, 2021.
First.... it is immaterial who opened the window..... unless Winkleman decides to bring a lawsuit against that individual. The relevant videos are the ones which depict Anello’s actions surrounding the incident.

Second... it is not clear from the above legal statement if the passenger testimony regarding the “ near fatal “ fall of a child two years prior is legally documented. Nor does it describe the nature of the incident. Were windows involved, were parents properly supervising child?

Third.... I do not see how MW can allege that RCCL did nothing to ensure Chloe’s safety, as an incident such as this one has NEVER occurred previously ..... absolutely no precedent.

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