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You said that so well. That's always bothered me. KC, nor any of her family, ever acted like Caylee was in the hands of a kidnapper. Ever. GA and CA never even thought to mention that LE needed to be careful so the kidnapper wouldn't find out that police were involved. That would be your first thought. Caylee's life would depend on it! Not to mention the other "tells" that there was no kidnapper. No being worried sick that Caylee was scared, confused, cold, hungry, or even worse, abused. Or even, worse, about to be murdered or sold. While every minute that passed was another minute Caylee would be in tremendous danger, the Anthony's spent those precious minutes demonstrating a new bass boat with KFN, having petty complaints and power struggles with LE, CA livid that LE went to her father's retirement home to obtain information needed to find Caylee, having "meet and greets" at their home, handing over the wrong hairbrush... Kidnapped? Really?? They knew she wasn't kidnapped from Day 31 IMO.

I just can't get past this. impatientredhead your post has really made me think. I mean, has anyone ever acted as if there was a kidnapper with demands not to contact the police?

You would avoid the press at all costs and you would at the very least mention it several times in any statement to the police.
In my opinion, the most telling behavior is on the Blockbuster video.

If KC were innocent, don't you think she would have been either too distraught to go out in public OR at least a little spooked on the day her daughter had either been kidnapped or died in a tragic accident? Tony and his roommates said KC was her usual bubbly self. The video backs that up.
I cannot believe I never thought of this. IF you were instructed not to contact the police this would definitely be in your mind. Surely, she would have mentioned several times her fear that the kidnappers would find out that she contacted police.

Instead her attitude and actions w/ LE suddenly changed to 'trying to help' find Caylee. Not exactly consistent.
Let the world never Forget.....

Casey NEVER called the Police - - - - - - Cindy did


Actually, as far as I can tell she has never cried either. She has a neat little trick of poking herself in the eyes as she covers them and making fake sobbing sounds. Red eyes do not = crying. I was disappointed at the press accounts that she was crying. She wasn't.
I lost my child, I went to the bathroom and came out and she wasn't watching TV where I left her..all the doors were locked and dead bolted. She was 33 months. I screamed her name fantic running all over my house for what seemed like an hour, was probably 3 minutes. It turns out she was hiding in her bed under the covers with stuffed animals all over her. She was playing hide-n-seek without letting me know we were up for a game. I had the phone in my hand getting ready to dial 911 when she peeked her little head from behind the 100 stuffed animals covering her body. I was frantic, sweating and thought my heart was going to pop out from under my skin...sheer panic. KC killed her daughter and never looked back once. Nothing will convince me otherwise. A mother of one, two, three, four, get the point...a MOTHER does not do what she did and does NOT act how she acted.
As far as I'm concerned, the fact that she never reported her daughter is the most damning evidence against her. The smell, decomp in the trunk, coffin flies, grave wax, etc. is just icing on the cake. No mother, unless they were responsible for their child's death would fail to notify someone immediately. I agree with everyone who said that if their child was missing for a matter of minutes they would be nervous wrecks. Not to do so is cold, cruel, sociopathic behavior that only CA could justify. I believe 100% that in the end, the jury will seize upon the fact that she did not report her daughter missing and find her guilty of premeditated murder.
I should have added another thought that really, really troubles me....

not only did Casey not call 911 (Cindy did, and passed the phone to Casey who was reluctant and nonchalant at best) but after Cindy tracked Casey down Casey was still reluctant to go and telling Cindy that she would BUT she was going to come right back (to Tony).......... :furious::furious::furious:
I just can't get past this. impatientredhead your post has really made me think. I mean, has anyone ever acted as if there was a kidnapper with demands not to contact the police?

You would avoid the press at all costs and you would at the very least mention it several times in any statement to the police.

And one would think that after your child had been found in the woods, that you would want the person whom had you keeping your mouth shut for all these months to be found and prosecuted...this is something that bothers me to the core, sometimes even more so than the 31 days..
Because if her crappy story held any kind of truth, as soon as Caylee was found, she would be mad enough to out these people who took her. Her lack of doing so, again, will help convict her.
As far as I'm concerned, the fact that she never reported her daughter is the most damning evidence against her. The smell, decomp in the trunk, coffin flies, grave wax, etc. is just icing on the cake. No mother, unless they were responsible for their child's death would fail to notify someone immediately. I agree with everyone who said that if their child was missing for a matter of minutes they would be nervous wrecks. Not to do so is cold, cruel, sociopathic behavior that only CA could justify. I believe 100% that in the end, the jury will seize upon the fact that she did not report her daughter missing and find her guilty of premeditated murder.

I agree. Lord only knows how many Mother's in this world have had to call 911 because they turned their backs on their children for a second, and the child drowned..
I mean, seriously, as a mother, if this happened to me I am sure I would blame myself for turning my back,....but it is not very common for LE to go after a Mother for something like this...
Fear is no excuse unless you have something to fear...and that is prosecution!
And I guess one of the major points I'm trying to make is that when my child is sick or suffering in anyway I wish I could trade places with them and take the pain away.

There is a selflesness that exists in most human beings that is completely missing from KC.

That is what I never could understand of spouces/parents accussed of murder. To me, it was like how could you possibly be worried about yourself? My spouse/child is gone. Blame me...blame someone else....lock me up forever...kill me...nothing matters anymore if I can't bring them back.
My cat once got out of the window and I was crying hysterically looking for him outside. Luckily I found him across the street hiding in the bushes. If one of my children went missing, I would be calling the police, family, neighbors, running around, shouting for them, etc......her behavior is the behavior of someone that wanted her child to be "missing" so that she can go on with her so called "life":furious:

I have a cat, too. She is forever finding new hiding places that I don't even realize exist in my little house. I have spent so much time trying to find her afraid she's hurt and can't cry out. Of course, every time she's OK, but I still worry!!

My precious two year old baby daughter is missing?!?!? I'd also be calling the police, family, neighbors, crying, calling for her. But, there was no reason for Casey to look for Caylee, she knew EXACTLY where Caylee was - down the street in the woods, dead in a laundry bag placed in plastic trash bags.
When I suffered through PPD and PP Anxiety Disorder, it was one of the worst feelings in my life experience. The anxiety was awful. I paced, could not eat, could not sleep, was in a constant cold sweat, sobbed, etc. This was clinical, nothing bad had happened to me or mine. So, I take that and try and imagine what it would be like if my child were missing, and something bad HAD would be my PP disorder x 100. I can't imagine how anyone could shop, dance, drink, eat, sleep, shower, have sex, cook,.......any and all of the things that KC did and did with such wanton abandon. This more than anything convinces me that she killed her child.
I lost my child, I went to the bathroom and came out and she wasn't watching TV where I left her..all the doors were locked and dead bolted. She was 33 months. I screamed her name fantic running all over my house for what seemed like an hour, was probably 3 minutes. It turns out she was hiding in her bed under the covers with stuffed animals all over her. She was playing hide-n-seek without letting me know we were up for a game. I had the phone in my hand getting ready to dial 911 when she peeked her little head from behind the 100 stuffed animals covering her body. I was frantic, sweating and thought my heart was going to pop out from under my skin...sheer panic. KC killed her daughter and never looked back once. Nothing will convince me otherwise. A mother of one, two, three, four, get the point...a MOTHER does not do what she did and does NOT act how she acted.

Mine have done variations on that too. And children who can't be quiet when you are on the phone, can be as quiet as fleas on mice when they are hiding from you. It ages us a year, at least.
You said that so well. That's always bothered me. KC, nor any of her family, ever acted like Caylee was in the hands of a kidnapper. Ever. GA and CA never even thought to mention that LE needed to be careful so the kidnapper wouldn't find out that police were involved. That would be your first thought. Caylee's life would depend on it! Not to mention the other "tells" that there was no kidnapper. No being worried sick that Caylee was scared, confused, cold, hungry, or even worse, abused. Or even, worse, about to be murdered or sold. While every minute that passed was another minute Caylee would be in tremendous danger, the Anthony's spent those precious minutes demonstrating a new bass boat with KFN, having petty complaints and power struggles with LE, CA livid that LE went to her father's retirement home to obtain information needed to find Caylee, having "meet and greets" at their home, handing over the wrong hairbrush... Kidnapped? Really?? They knew she wasn't kidnapped from Day 31 IMO.

Let's not forget that GA and CA looked under the playhouse in the back yard even B4 LE searched the yard. What "Kidnapper" in their right mind puts a baby under the playhouse?
I'm not a mother yet, but hubby and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 6 months now. I'm taking prenatal vitamins, not drinking, eating healthier than ever, and I'm not even pregnantyet. My baby doesn't even EXIST and I love it more than Casey loved Caylee. Maybe that's why I hate KC so much. Here she had this beutiful, healthy child, and look what she did. It's incomprehensible to me how much she didn't care.

About 6 years ago, my big fat cat (see avatar photo) broke through the screen out of a bedroom window. He's an indoor, sucky cat and had never been outside. When I realized he was gone, I was wild and hysterical. Running around outside with no shoes in the rain. I was sobbing, and the only thing I could think of "Oh my God he must be so scared right now!" Thankfully he was just hiding under our front porch. But the point is, NOTHING WAS RIGHT when he was missing.

If for some crazy reason I were in a position where my child were missing and I was forced to go to parties and clubs and "party" as part of some weird script, I suppose I could do it, BUT.....afterwards when the police interviewed everyone that had encountered me during that time they all would have said that something was "off" about me. That I seemed distracted, not all 'there', not my usual self, etc. I guess what I'm trying to say is that technically I guess I COULD do all of the things she did during the 31 days, but no way would my emotions not show through. That's a big part of why I think casey's guilty. Even if I suspend disbelief and accept that she had to do those things, the evidence actually indicates that SHE WAS HAVING FUN THE WHOLE TIME.

No way.
As long as we are playing this game, let's assume the babysitter/Zanny story is true.
If I had a nanny whom I trusted, and I went one day to pick up my daughter and she was not there, and the nanny's cell was "no longer in service" I would not assume my daughter had been kidnapped. I would start calling hospitals and the police to see if there had been an accident. I would think something had happened to both of them, not that my fabulous, nanny had stolen my baby.
...oh...but is this before or after you receive the "script"? (sorry...just had to add my 2cents to the screenplay)
If your child is missing, you call the police.

If you're afraid your kidnapped child will be harmed if you call the police, you hot foot it home to your dad, the former LE, and say "Please God help me, Dad. I'm terrified and I don't know what to do."

If your child has an accidental mishap, and dies, and you're scared to call the police, you call your mother, the registered nurse, and say "Please God help me, Mom. Something really horrible has happened, and I don't know what to do."

I can't get through 31 days of partying and skanking around. I just can't get through 31 days of anything at all except maybe lying in bed, crying incessantly, babbling incoherently, peeing myself, vomiting uncontrollably, and needing to be taken to the hospital. Or laying there unable to speak, or talk, or move, and needing to be taken to the hospital.

She didn't even cry. She partied.
I seriously wonder what CA would do if Casey had gone to her.
I seriously wonder what CA would do if Casey had gone to her.

There was no reason for Casey to go to Cindy for help. This was a deliberate, conscious, premeditated murder by Casey - not an accidental death. She killed Caylee in cold blood.

Casey wanted to be rid of Caylee, totally. She didn't want her mother to have her, Casey was jealous of the attention that Cindy gave to Caylee. In Casey's world it was ME ME ME ME. Caylee was growing up and was taking more of Cindy's attention and Casey was not going to have that.
It is an interesting exercise to place oneself in Casey's shoes, but I cannot find her actions believable as that of an innocent mother. I agree with MDmom, and all of the other websleuthers who posted that Casey's actions were not that of a concerned mother. When my oldest child was about 8 months my husband and I went to a movie with another neighborhood couple. We hired as a babysitter a worker from the corporate daycare because we knew her fairly well, and because we also knew that all of the employees are background screened. We gave the sitter the garage door opener, and showed her where the stroller was as it was summer, and would be light out for several hours after we left. We also gave the sitter a key to the house for security reasons, but asked her to bring the stroller with our daughter in it out through the garage rather than the front door.

Well, we got home from the movie and found the house empty, and no note. Since we did not have the garage door opener we could not get in through the garage, and in our anxiety we could not find our other key. Actually, it was in my purse but I was a wreck and could not find it. My husband broke the screen to the porch, and we could see no one was there. We ran to the house of the neighbors with whom we had gone to the movies and immediately called 911. A few minutes later we see the siiter with the stroller and our daughter in it coming down the street. She had locked the door via the button on the knob, but had left the key and the garage door opener in the house. I cannot put into words the emotional torture I felt in that short time. My whole body was shaking, and I could not calm down even after I knew everything was ok. In fact my neighbor mixded me a few strong Coke and Crowns and it still only took the edge off. The only thing that I could think of was that LE had to get there NOW and find my baby. I was running from house to house like the crazy woman I was when the sitter got back. A neighbor futher down the street had her come in as we lived in Orlando then and it was in the heat of summer. Thank God I only suffered through a brief false alarm But that experience tells me that Casey's actions are not those of any concerned loving mother - at all. As hard as I try to put myself in her shoes I cannot get past the 30 days that she continued to live her life of parties and all that we know she did. JMHO
When my oldest daughter was 6 or 7 I took her, my baby (1 or 2) and my step-daughter (11 or 12) shopping one day. The baby was with me in my arms and the older two wanted to go look at the toys. I told my step-daughter to keep an eye on my daughter and told both of them to stay in the toy section until I came back to get them. The toy section was only two short isles and I was away from them for less than 10 mins. When I got back to get them my daughter was gone. I asked my step-daughter where she was, she didn't know. I went up and down every isle and could not find her. I ran to the front of the store in tears and asked anyone that could help me to please help me. Fortunately she had just stepped behind one of the toy isles and came to the front of the store when they announced her name. I was so upset and shaking that I had to wait for a while before I could finally drive us home.

If my child was missing for more than that short period of time there is no way in the world that I could have behaved the way Casey did. It makes it even more insane to me to think that a woman who carried their child for 8 or 9 months, gave birth to their child, took care of their child could be so cold and cruel to their child. We may live in a civilized world but we have monsters among us.

Another thing that proves Casey had no regrets, sadness or concern about Caylee was when George and Cindy went to visit her in jail and Casey laughed when asking George why Cindy was crying already.
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