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I hope that the A's and the defense take a look at this thread--because this is how the jury will look at the whole 31 day "problem".

My best friend worked for 911 (dispatcher) during a horrific crime here in Portland OR. A man killed his two young sons THEN he went to the Ringside restaurant for a steak dinner (complete with onion rings!) After he had this nice dinner he drove home and killed the rest of his family-- (his wife, daughters and the family poodle!) All this had quite an affect on me because the business the guy owned (where he blasted away his young sons) was right down the street where I lived. I was crestfallen about the whole thing and I asked my 911 dispatching friend "how could someone do this???" and her answer was: "you are asking for a rational answer to an irrational act".

No matter how much KC and her actions are hashed over and over...we will NEVER understand her and why she did this...and why she could dance and smile. We will never get to the place where we go OH, so THAT'S it! You doesn't exist. KC =looneytunes. The only hope they have is to try to go for a looneytunes defense. (Helllo Baez and Lyons? Read this thread! No jury can identify with your client~! )
I think this "exercise" of all of us wondering what we would have done is a perfect example of what a normal parent would do in this type of situation. What it did for me is just prove what I have been feeling all along, after viewing the evidence that has been released, etc..... She is guilty (IMO):croc:
My goodness, my son is 12, and I still worry at every turn. He's at a sleep-over and I act like a maniac. Do you have guns, who's at home, where will he sleep, will you be going out, blah blah blah. My son just sits there rolling his eyes. I rarely sleep well, and am up at the crack of dawn when he's overnight at a friend's house.

How could you NOT call LE when your child is unaccounted for for a minute? Let alone 31 days.


I still wonder what JB whispered in her ear when Ashton was rebutting. But she sure went from angy to crying extremely fast.

I think it was "STFU"

edit: wrong quote :p
OK, I am a mom to 5 kiddos...hence the screenname. But anyway, I'm in situation to have perspective on this. My middle son passed away when he was 4 months old. I had 2 older children at the time they were 2 and 4 yrs old they are 8 and 9 1/2 now. I have since had 2 subsequent children, and they are 2 and 3. So the back story there is that I have been living in toddler town for 9 yrs consistently! I thought I had them outwitted until my now 3 yr old came around. about 6 months ago my now 3 yr old walked out the front door unnoticed. I live on a busy street, with no fenced front yard. He was in the front yard totally unattended, while I was in the backyard working with our dogs. One of my very loyal and faithful dogs ran out the front door and herded my baby back in to the yard barking hysterically for attention . This dog NEVER barks! It was his frantic barking that alerted me to the issue, and thank god I grabbed my son before he could get hurt. My little guy was in the front yard for LESS THAN A MINUTE BEFORE WE DISCOVERED HIS ESCAPE AND I WAS A TOTAL LUNATIC WHEN I FOUND HIM THERE! It was six months ago and I am still not okay about it. We have installed 3 locks on that door, and a motion detector to sense when the door is opened. I still do not sleep soundly, fearing he may try his escape plan again in the middle of the night. I cannot put myself in KC's position. I've tried and I can't. I've lost a child, and the fear of anything at all happening to any of my other children is enough to make me never want to let them out of my sight. I do, let them out of my sight, but only because I dont feel like I can let tragedy rule my childrens lives. I simply can't put myself in the place of a parent who doesnt report my child missing.
It will be interesting to see if SA would like to call the parents any of the 115 kids kidnapped each year to testify as to what is normal.

The U.S. Department of Justice reports

797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.
203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.
58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions.
115 children were the victims of "stereotypical" kidnapping. (These crimes involve someone the child does not know or someone of slight acquaintance, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.)
see this link
I just can't get past this. impatientredhead your post has really made me think. I mean, has anyone ever acted as if there was a kidnapper with demands not to contact the police?

You would avoid the press at all costs and you would at the very least mention it several times in any statement to the police.

and while going along with this fantasy game, lol...not only would I avoid the press and beg LE to please keep it quiet because I was SO TERRIFIED that the 'kidnappers' may realize that after 31 days :rolleyes: the abduction had been exposed, I certainly would not as my first course of action send out a mass text msg to everyone regarding that fact. (especially since these 'friends' were supposedly connected to each other. :waitasec:) Nor would I immediately make a MySpace page as well, to let the world know that Caylee (or my child) was missing...IF I believed that was what had happened and that my child (and the rest of my family as well) would be in danger should that become public knowledge... :snooty:...

I'm sorry but I could hardly type all that with a straight face. The only way that scenario would ever fly imho would be if Cindy and George were the only jurors. :sick: .. If KC had ever mentioned anything like this to Cindy, the mass text nor the MySpace page would have never existed I don't believe and we wouldn't be discussing it now..
It is my belief that Casey unintentionally killed her daughter. I’m I correct in saying that there is still no evidence that can tell us how Caylee died? Casey and Cindy had a turbulent relationship Casey was a young mom who although a good mother(listen to Jessie Grund and Amy’s interviews although they have other issues with her they don’t dispute this fact) did not support her child finically and did still enjoy going out. Cindy made Casey feel like a bad mother because of these things and Im sure Casey herself realized she needed to do more for Caylee. When Caylee died (she put her in the trunk therefore the smell of the dead body) couldn't go home because even though it was an accident Cindy already believes Casey to be a bad Mom what would she think now. So she came up with the best story she could Zanny the nanny...."Mom I left her with a babysitter that I trust that I know takes care of Caylee and she took her."

As for the searches on the computer as evidence. I hope nobody that has followed this case or other missing children's case has their children disappear. Otherwise missing children will come up on your compute and be left to the cops interpretation as pre- planning. The Anthony family knows Trent Ducketts family. Maybe they were looking up information on him.

As far as chloroform searches. Have you ever watched a crime show etc. and wondered what something was and then performed a search. There are songs movie quotes t that contain the word chloroform maybe Casey went to look one up not with bad intentions but simply see what it was. How many of your computers will now come up with the phrase....hope you are never put in this situation.

There many ways to look at this case, Casey did not report Caylee missing for thirty one days WE ALL KNOW THIS I myself being a 24 year old who lives at home know how much the approval of my mother means. Accident whatever Casey knows Cindy would not forgive her and that to her is worse then the death penalty.
I have to join in on this thread and agree regarding Casey's complete lack of feelings about Caylee. I have two grown daughters who live in the same city and have their own adult lives. I am so thankful they arrived safely from childhood to adulthood, and they still surprise me with their stories of some of the stunts they pulled as kids, but never told me about because I would have been sick with worry. When I listen to the news and even hear of a traffic accident on one of their routes to and from work, my heart beats faster and I just have to call to check - even if it means sounding all casual when they answer and not admitting why I actually call. I was a single mother, and I remember arriving home at 2AM in the morning one night when they were both in their late teens - to find them both sitting in the living room frantic with worry. Where have you been- we thought you had an accident or something, was what they said. I laughed and said Now you know why I was always so frantic when you missed your curfew - and they both "got" it. So now if they are on the freeway and there is a big accident - they both call to say - I'm fine Mom - don't worry - it wasn't me.
i have aften thought about what i would do in a similar situation.

i can guarantee you with 100% certainty that i will never cause any of my children harm. IF however, there were to be an accents (3y/o drowning in the tub while i'm in the next room dressing the baby after a bath) i would immediately call 911 without wasting a second.
i would not be out partying afterwards... if i didn't hang myself from guilt, i'd be a recluse for the rest of my life.

if one of my daughters went missing, i would be a mess. i would not sit down for a minute until they were found. the thought of my little chloe (3) or Brynni (6mos) out there, possibly with strangers or alone wandering around is enough to make me go off the deep end. even if i suspected they were with someone i knew and they knew... i would walk to the ends of the earth to find them.

also, if it were one of my children, like, my 13 year old being responsible for the death of my 3 y/o or 6 month old (he's too young for his own children so i have to think of something else) by either an accident or intentional, it's hard to say what i would do.. i don't want to believe that my son could be capable of doing harm to another person, especially a loved on. i would probably be in denial to a certain degree.... but i don't think i would be able to live with myself if i were to cover for him. especially if he didn't show any remorse.

as a mother, i can understand what the A's are going thru... i have never had it happen to me personally, but i can imagine what it would be like... and there would be no question about it. i would not cover up for my son's irresponsibility. i would make him face it like a man and accept what he's done.
Okay, I thought I'd track this through in detail, with typical thoughts and actions. God knows, in the early days, I did this enough times. Here's what I came up with:

- I leave work and go to pick up my baby from the babysitter "like a normal day".
- I knock on the door or ring the bell. No answer. I figure the TV or washing machine is too loud for the babysitter to hear so I ring the bell AND knock on the door - hard. No answer. I'm frustrated. I need to get home. I knock - loud and long. No answer. (Note that KC never mentioned doing this normal thing.)
- It starts to enter my mind that I can't hear the TV or washing machine, so maybe she's actually not home. Okay. Something unexpected came up that she's not here at my normal time to pick up my baby. No big deal.
- I dial her number, and oddly, I get a 'number not in service' recording. I figure I've dialed wrong. I dial again. Same message. Strange. Okay. She didn't pay her bill or there's been an accident in the area knocking out her phone service.
- What next? Ah of course. Look to see if her car's there. Nope - no car. (Note that KC never mentioned doing this normal thing.)
- I'm frustrated because I need to get home or to my bf's house for movies or whatever. I'm annoyed she didn't call me to tell me what's going on. I'm wondering since I can't reach her by phone how I'm going to contact her. (Note that KC never mentioned feeling this normal frustration.)
- I figure if she didn't call, it means she's on her way home, so I plop myself down on the steps or in my car to wait. I call my bf and tell him I'm probably going to be late. (Note that KC never mentioned doing this normal thing.)
- Okay I'm waiting and waiting and not hearing from her. I can't think of any way to contact her. What am I going to do? I'm going to call my bf or a friend or my Mom to ask what they think I should do, if they have any ideas on how to get in touch. (Note that KC never mentioned doing this normal thing.)
- Now whereas my normal reaction would be to call somebody to do a sanity check and get some ideas, KC didn't, and that's very foreign to me, but let's say I didn't call anybody. At this point, I'm getting worried, because something serious must have happened to not only prevent my babysitter from being here, but to prevent her from doing the normal thing and calling me to let me know what's going on since she has my baby.
- Yep, I've got a knot in my stomach, because my trusted, long-term, reliable babysitter is not here and hasn't called me. What do I think happened? What does everybody think happened? An accident! Not a kidnapping for God's sake. That is not what anyone would think with a babysitter you've had for years. (Note that KC never mentions thinking her babysitter's been in an accident.)
- So... thinking there's been an accident, I call the police to tell them what the situation is, and ask if there's anyway they can track accidents in the area involving either my babysitter's car, or a woman with a baby fitting my baby's description.
- And from there what happens deviates remarkably from KC's obviously trumped up tale.
It is my belief that Casey unintentionally killed her daughter. I’m I correct in saying that there is still no evidence that can tell us how Caylee died? Casey and Cindy had a turbulent relationship Casey was a young mom who although a good mother(listen to Jessie Grund and Amy’s interviews although they have other issues with her they don’t dispute this fact) did not support her child finically and did still enjoy going out. Cindy made Casey feel like a bad mother because of these things and Im sure Casey herself realized she needed to do more for Caylee. When Caylee died (she put her in the trunk therefore the smell of the dead body) couldn't go home because even though it was an accident Cindy already believes Casey to be a bad Mom what would she think now. So she came up with the best story she could Zanny the nanny...."Mom I left her with a babysitter that I trust that I know takes care of Caylee and she took her."

As for the searches on the computer as evidence. I hope nobody that has followed this case or other missing children's case has their children disappear. Otherwise missing children will come up on your compute and be left to the cops interpretation as pre- planning. The Anthony family knows Trent Ducketts family. Maybe they were looking up information on him.

As far as chloroform searches. Have you ever watched a crime show etc. and wondered what something was and then performed a search. There are songs movie quotes t that contain the word chloroform maybe Casey went to look one up not with bad intentions but simply see what it was. How many of your computers will now come up with the phrase....hope you are never put in this situation.

There many ways to look at this case, Casey did not report Caylee missing for thirty one days WE ALL KNOW THIS I myself being a 24 year old who lives at home know how much the approval of my mother means. Accident whatever Casey knows Cindy would not forgive her and that to her is worse then the death penalty.


If that were true, then KC would never have stolen from Cindy or Cindy's parents, or deceived Cindy time and again e.g. pretending to have a job, in fear that Cindy would not forgive her.

That logic just doesn't work for me.

And yes, there is duct tape evidence that gives us clues to how Casey murdered Caylee.

How sad...............

We can see it in the jail conversations....

"Casey, don't cry....Don't show emotion."
I should have added another thought that really, really troubles me....

not only did Casey not call 911 (Cindy did, and passed the phone to Casey who was reluctant and nonchalant at best) but after Cindy tracked Casey down Casey was still reluctant to go and telling Cindy that she would BUT she was going to come right back (to Tony).......... :furious::furious::furious:

OT, but what also keeps creeping up in the back of my mind is that if Cindy had not been so mad (not because she knew anything had happened to Caylee at that time, but because KC was defying her (as was her usual habit apparently, but this time Cindy had no control over the situation) that when KC asked her for one more day..had she been given that day, I still stand behind my belief that LE would never have been called. IMO, a story about Caylee's whereabouts would have been made up (wouldn't have been difficult since it doesn't seem like they have a close group of core friends w/ G'ma Shirley being the only really close family it seems and they could have mad excuses for Caylee not coming to see her for a LONG time) we would never have heard the name Caylee Marie Anthony and Cindy would have issued what she believed the appropriate punishment for whatever story of KC's that she ended up pretending that she believed. You know.. whatever story that she could live with and still show that she and George could not have produced such a child...a daughter that is capable of such a horrendous murder.. :rolleyes: ..all JMHO and so OT :innocent:, I apologize for that peeps, didn't mean to go on and on...seems I just can't help it sometimes..I get SO frushtrated...sigh~

Wakey, wakey George, Cindy, JB et al...time to wake up and smell the coffee, cuz imo if you don't smell it now it's gonna hurt a whole lot worse when it spills in your lap ..real soon now....nobody is going to believe any of this carp....

...maybe G and C really DO know, but only care about saving KC at ALL costs and absolutely at their granddaughters expense. I can see that too...after watching all these videos of depos, NG, interviews, etc..I can so totally see Cindy, in particular self righteously justify doing her legend of a mind..all in the name of not only being a good mother, but one that ALWAYS knows best,..better than LE, better than GA of course :crazy: better than KC's friends, you get the point...

after rereading just wanted to say sorry again for being so long and o/t ...:)
It is my belief that Casey unintentionally killed her daughter. I’m I correct in saying that there is still no evidence that can tell us how Caylee died? Casey and Cindy had a turbulent relationship Casey was a young mom who although a good mother(listen to Jessie Grund and Amy’s interviews although they have other issues with her they don’t dispute this fact) did not support her child finically and did still enjoy going out. Cindy made Casey feel like a bad mother because of these things and Im sure Casey herself realized she needed to do more for Caylee. When Caylee died (she put her in the trunk therefore the smell of the dead body) couldn't go home because even though it was an accident Cindy already believes Casey to be a bad Mom what would she think now. So she came up with the best story she could Zanny the nanny...."Mom I left her with a babysitter that I trust that I know takes care of Caylee and she took her."

As for the searches on the computer as evidence. I hope nobody that has followed this case or other missing children's case has their children disappear. Otherwise missing children will come up on your compute and be left to the cops interpretation as pre- planning. The Anthony family knows Trent Ducketts family. Maybe they were looking up information on him.

As far as chloroform searches. Have you ever watched a crime show etc. and wondered what something was and then performed a search. There are songs movie quotes t that contain the word chloroform maybe Casey went to look one up not with bad intentions but simply see what it was. How many of your computers will now come up with the phrase....hope you are never put in this situation.

There many ways to look at this case, Casey did not report Caylee missing for thirty one days WE ALL KNOW THIS I myself being a 24 year old who lives at home know how much the approval of my mother means. Accident whatever Casey knows Cindy would not forgive her and that to her is worse then the death penalty.

Thank you for this....Now Jose and Andrea cannot say the jury pool is tainted.
Thank you for this....Now Jose and Andrea cannot say the jury pool is tainted.

Yes, there are many of us that were young and un-insightful parents, and there are many that currently are. Jurors will be chosen accordingly.
Unfortunately, even if it was an accident, a normal mother wouldn't party, tattoo, have sex and shop with other people's checks. An accident doesn't wipe out your response to a trauma,even if she was scared of Cindy, she would have shown some grief by now even if it was accidental grief. Body language experts have even seen the lack of true emotions. The fact that there are some that believe KC to be innocent of murder, still have to ask themselves...would you go for the needle just to save face from an accident?
A disturbed mother would have taken off long ago, if she didn't want her child. You don't have to duct tape a child's face repeatedly.
There is something wrong with that family!

Cindy: Her power & control
George: His submissiveness
Lee: His lack of emotion
Casey: All of the above
I realize everyone reacts differently to tragedy and loss. I've always been one to try and put myself in someone else's shoes and try and figure out how I would react in their position.

Obviously, there has been many discussions as to how KC reacted and the how this would differ from any "normal" mother. Much of her guilt is present simply through her actions and reactions.

I thought it would be interesting to see how others feel they would react in her position - with the assumption she is innnocent (I know that is hard!).

I have four kids, so I would in some cases react differently than a parent with one child (because my other children would still need me). But assuming I had one child and I lost her, here is my best guess as to how I would respond to various situations:

** For some reason, I have waited 30 days to report my daughter missing, I'm finally on the phone with the police getting help - I would cry, fall to my knees, no one would probably understand a word I said. My daughter is gone

** LE and everyone is pointing the finger at me. Maybe I'm Schizophrenic, maybe im a psycopath with amnesia. I would question my own innocence and sanity. My daughter is gone

** Do I get an attorney? No, those that have the most chance of finding my daughter are right in front of me. My daughter is gone

** Will I take a lie detector test? I would test cyanide if I thought it would help. My daughter is gone

** I'm in jail, I have some money on my books. Would I buy snackes? I would donate it to any charity or cause that could help in the search. My daughter is gone

** My brother is visiting me. Do I speak in code? Why would I? My daughter is gone

** My parents are here. Do I complain about my situation? NO. My daughter is gone

** Someone tells a joke. Something good happens to me. I would not smile nor laugh again. My daughter is gone

** The state persues the death penalty. Kill me now. My daughter is gone

My kids are all grown and gone and I never did lose any of them when they were little. But I did recently lose a dog. The neighbor's big dog dug a hole under the cyclone fence which allowed my little Chihuahua to escape through it. I immediately began calling people for help. I asked friends to call all the local shelters and pounds, both near and far. I couldn't do it myself because every time I tried to talk about it I began to bawl my eyes out, choking up so that I could no longer speak. We posted flyers all around the neighborhood, vet clinics, shelters, etc. I was awake all night, physically sick, and couldn't eat at all. And I couldn't sleep or eat at all the next morning, and couldn't stop crying, until someone who had seen one of the flyers brought my dog home.

So I can only say that, had I lost any of my kids when they were little, I probably would have reacted at least the same --or worse.
If I murdered my child...and then pretended to all involved that I couldn't find her...that she was " missing" I would probably act the same way as KC did...lie, lie and then could her mama possibly believe this...imo...CA is the answer to the truth KC is not telling....
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