IN IN - Kristy Kelley, 27, Boonville, 15 Aug 2014 #2

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Anyone got a link to hunt up Warrick Co criminal records?

If you've got a name, is where you can find records, criminal and civil. Free membership gives you 6 searches per month, 20 if you're a new member.
Call me crazy and I dont have an explanation for it but something weird is going on. Not only is the HFKK FB page being closely monitored and posts deleted but it is happening elsewhere also. I posted to a local forum yesterday only the info from the flyer with the number of LE to call and today that thread has been deleted. Strange that didnt stay on there.

I agree. I don't know what LE knows, but they know something. Suprisingly, with all of the theories being thrown around, and I understand that because we literally have nothing to go on. . .I'm surprised that more suspicion hasn't been thrown on her ex. I have no reason to believe he is involved in her disappearance. . .but come on! This is WS, we all know the narrative. Has LE cleared him? Have they searched his home and property. . .phones . . .either voluntary or not?

These are the things I want to know. SOP. . .parent's home, last place she was seen and last people to see her alive, ex husband, current love interests, anything on her phone or technology?! :frustrated!:
I wonder why it took her 20 minutes to get from the parking lot of the VFW and then to be seen the first time on the TF video? Are you saying you think it was her car in the second video??
I agree. I don't know what LE knows, but they know something. Suprisingly, with all of the theories being thrown around, and I understand that because we literally have nothing to go on. . .I'm surprised that more suspicion hasn't been thrown on her ex. I have no reason to believe he is involved in her disappearance. . .but come on! This is WS, we all know the narrative. Has LE cleared him? Have they searched his home and property. . .phones . . .either voluntary or not?

These are the things I want to know. SOP. . .parent's home, last place she was seen and last people to see her alive, ex husband, current love interests, anything on her phone or technology?! :frustrated!:

I am still confused about whether he had the children already that night, or took them the next day. If he had them and was home, he may have been cleared early on, especially if someone else was with him. But I am interested in hearing her father say that Kristy was seeing a man, after we had heard she did not have a Bf. Who is he? Why no gossip?
I am still confused about whether he had the children already that night, or took them the next day. If he had them and was home, he may have been cleared early on, especially if someone else was with him. But I am interested in hearing her father say that Kristy was seeing a man, after we had heard she did not have a Bf. Who is he? Why no gossip?

It was my understanding according to an interview Kristy's father gave that the kids were with their father that night.
It was my understanding according to an interview Kristy's father gave that the kids were with their father that night.

I always thought they were with her parents until the next day but I may be way off! Surely they were with their father or someone had to get them off to school/daycare & we know KK did not do it. Makes sense they were with their dad.
I thought the children were with the grandparents and kristy had to work the next morning. She disappeared on a Thurs night. Oldest would have had school. Dad would have been scheduled to get them Friday evening? Maybe? It was said in the interview with her parents but I cant find the link... but will look again.
It was my understanding according to an interview Kristy's father gave that the kids were with their father that night.

I'm still not clear on where the kids were that night. However, I hope that if the ex did have the kids, that's not his alibi. We know Kristy didn't disappear until somewhere around 1:30am. Hypothetically, he could have slipped out while the kids were sleeping. Again, not saying that's what happened, but I would like to know he's been cleared. . .definitively.
Usually thats where they start. Plenty of rumors floating around but haven't heard one at all about him. It appears no one thinks he had anything to do with it.
I wonder if LE has asked anyone to take a LD test and/or for permission to search their property and been refused? Where is her vehicle??
I always thought they were with her parents until the next day but I may be way off! Surely they were with their father or someone had to get them off to school/daycare & we know KK did not do it. Makes sense they were with their dad.
I also understood that the kids were with the grandparents Thursday night (b/c KK lived with them), and their dad got his standard visitation beginning Friday after school. I assumed the normal "every other weekend" for the parties would be for the mom/grandparents to drop the kids off at school on Friday morning, and Dad would pick them up for his weekend visitation after school. The mom (kk) was maybe scheduled to work early (7am), and relied on her parents to help get the kids to school. The grandparents maybe gave a thought or two to kk not coming home, but were handled getting the kids getting to school. Maybe figured kk was already at work. THEN drove by cvs and didn't see her car.
I guess I was mistaken. I thought I remembered her father saying the kids were with Dad. Maybe what I'm remembering is that she lived with her parents. It's been a really long day after an insomniac night. Sorry.
I guess I was mistaken. I thought I remembered her father saying the kids were with Dad. Maybe what I'm remembering is that she lived with her parents. It's been a really long day after an insomniac night. Sorry.
I too for some reason thought her father said the kids were with their dad, but now can't find where I read that.
I too for some reason thought her father said the kids were with their dad, but now can't find where I read that.

Me too...I just went back to the Byrd interview with the Dad (will post that below this), and at the beginning, Byrd inquires about the kids. It leaves it a bit open to interpretation (but to me, does make it sound like they were not in the parent's residence at that time), but I think that piece -- and then I think it may have been a post on here with someone explaining visitation was Thursday-Sunday and then seems like there was also extra info indicating the kids were already at the Dad's -- but if I find that post or another piece after looking at a few other interviews, I'll post it here.


Extra info (from this govt. website:, FWIW, on Indiana regulations on parental visitation rights...

I have copied (from the govt website) the section on Indiana visitation hours and pasted it, below. Although point "a" lists weekend times as Fri-Sun, it allows for parents to work it out to "fit the parents' schedules." For me, Kristy's Dad did not make it sound like the kids were at their home when Kristy left that Thursday evening (just no mention of them when he said he and his wife were there/no mention of goodbyes from the kids to their Mom as she left, etc.)...and just the way he phrased it seemed to me they were not there, just my interpretation -- also would think if the kids were still there at their grandparent's house, they would have known earlier the next morning that their Mom had not come home, as the kids surely would have said something, getting ready for school and naturally normally seeing/wanting to see their Mom in the morning before school...and just as an FYI, in that Byrd interview, Kristy's Dad said the reason they noticed Kristy's car was not at work was because when they were heading out of town the next day, they drove past her workplace.


********* 1.** Regular Parenting Time

(a)*** On alternating weekends from Friday at 6:00 P.M. until Sunday at 6:00 P.M. (the times may change to fit the parents' schedules);

(b)*** One (1) evening per week, preferably in mid-week, for a period of up to four hours but the child shall be returned no later than 9:00 p.m; and,

(c)**** On all scheduled holidays.
Yes, and as an added PSA-there is nothing to keep someone from using another phone/camera to take a picture of the picture. So many kids are painfully finding out that there is no such thing as "privacy" when it comes to apps and the WWW. Don't put a picture on your phone if you would be horrified for world to see it.

There are apps now that will recover photos sent via Snapchat, which sent Snapchat users into an uproar several months ago. I'm sure LE is aware of them (I would hope).

Kelley's parents were concerned when she did not return home to them and her 3- and 6-year-old children. That concern turned to worry when she failed to show up to her job at a local pharmacy.

Snipped by me for space

According to Scales, Kelley's ex-husband is watching her children while friends, family and police conduct ground and air searches for her.

"We told him to keep [the kids at his house] because we don’t want them to know their mommy is missing," Scales said.


Not sure the link will work because I'm at work, but this sounds like the kids were with the grandparents but now Dad is "keeping the kids" because KK is missing and KK has custody an he would have had visitation beginning on that Friday. I cannot find anywhere that clearly states "the kids were with the grandparents the night KK disappeared".

On the subject of the ex, he works at the same company as my husband on first shift. It's about 30 minutes away from his house and work starts at 7:30am so if he did have the kids, he would have had to get a babysitter/daycare or bring them to a family member's house before going to work the next day and I don't know that school would be open that early for the oldest either. So he could have had them or maybe not. I don't think we've heard definitively either way.


Not sure the link will work because I'm at work, but this sounds like the kids were with the grandparents but now Dad is "keeping the kids" because KK is missing and KK has custody an he would have had visitation beginning on that Friday. I cannot find anywhere that clearly states "the kids were with the grandparents the night KK disappeared".


I have to laugh because it seems like so many times when we try to pin something down as fact, there's some twist or block to us knowing for sure. Ugh!

I do not disagree with you that we have no confirmation exactly where the kids were...I assumed they were already at their Dad's house when Kristy went out (for reasons mentioned in my previous post), but I certainly do not know!
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