Found Deceased IN - Kyran Holland, 1, Kyannah Holland, 2, Kyle Moorman II, 5, & dad, Kyle Moorman, 27, Indianapolis, 6 Jul 2022

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If you haven’t slept all night and been up fishing and watching three small children - wouldn’t he be very tired and unable to work the next day. It was the middle of the week not on a weekend. Maybe he was used to working a second/third/night shift.

Upthread it was mentioned that the car didn’t have air conditioning.

Sleeping in car seat on a muggy hot humid night doesn’t sound comfortable. Maybe there was a good breeze that evening with the car windows down and no mosquitoes around the lake area. Guessing that’s not an issue around water in that region.
I’m told his work schedule was erratic. Not M-F 9-5. Maybe Thurs was his day off or he wasn’t working until until 2nd or 3rd shift.

Also there are a number of homes here that don’t have AC, and many w/just window units. I remember in my younger, poorer years we’d often go outside at night and sit in a car with the windows rolled down. The cross breeze was cooler than anything we could create in the house.

Now that I think of it, I have a friend who on hot nights regularly went out to his car to sleep. Said it was too darn hot in the house to fall asleep. Another would sleep in her car when the rest of us were getting on her nerves. A third friend currently has her mother staying w/them and goes out to her car (w/the AC or heat on) when she wants to have a conversation without her mother chiming in. His car may have been the only place he felt was completely “his”. His version of a man cave.

Just a few other possible explanations. Emphasis on “possible”. I’m not sure anyone knows what’s even probable at this point. I sure don’t.
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Thank you for thinking about me. I’m fine but even if I wasn’t, as long as they’re not violating WS TOS I wouldn’t want anyone to edit their content to spare my feelings. Or anyone elses either.

I don’t have any better idea than anyone else re how they wound up in that pond. Of course I hope it was a horrible accident and I’m choosing to believe that until/unless info strongly indicated otherwise. But I’m completely aware this may well have been an intentional act for a reason known only to Kyle. More than anything I hope one way or the other the family receives answers. Wondering is worse than not knowing.
Suicide is such a misunderstood action. I wish we knew if he had been experiencing depression or ever verbalized suicidal ideation in any form. If he had been living his life with a painful decision to end his life and going back and forth with a yes or no: I can’t take it anymore or I can make it one more day through the mental pain - a final decision would come as a peaceful relief. Indecision is agonizing. Calmly taking steps to complete his mission would likely seem surreal as if a protective cloud of peace and tranquillity surrounds him and his children. Though most details lead to the conclusion of a tragic accident, it seems suicide is a possibility…
I’m told his work schedule was erratic. Not M-F 9-5. Maybe Thurs was his day off or he wasn’t working until until 2nd or 3rd shift.

Also there are a number of homes here that don’t have AC, and many w/just window units. I remember in my younger, poorer years we’d often go outside at night and sit in a car with the windows rolled down. The cross breeze was cooler than anything we could create in the house.

Now that I think of it, I have a friend who on hot nights regularly went out to his car to sleep. Said it was too darn hot in the house to fall asleep. Another would sleep in her car when the rest of us were getting on her nerves. A third friend currently has her mother staying w/them and goes out to her car (w/the AC or heat on) when she wants to have a conversation without her mother chiming in. His car may have been the only place he felt was completely “his”. His version of a man den.

Just a few other possible explanations. Emphasis on “possible”. I’m not sure anyone knows what’s even probable at this point. I sure don’t.
Good points, but why drag the kids out of bed at 11 o'clock where I'm assuming it was cool and!
Suicide is such a misunderstood action. I wish we knew if he had been experiencing depression or ever verbalized suicidal ideation in any form. If he had been living his life with a painful decision to end his life and going back and forth with a yes or no: I can’t take it anymore or I can make it one more day through the mental pain - a final decision would come as a peaceful relief. Indecision is agonizing. Calmly taking steps to complete his mission would likely seem surreal as if a protective cloud of peace and tranquillity surrounds him and his children. Though most details lead to the conclusion of a tragic accident, it seems suicide is a possibility…
I have asked and been told he had no known history of depression or self-harm, as an adult or teenager. As others have pointed out that doesn’t necessarily indicate he didn’t choose suicide. But were he someone who’d engaged in cutting, had severe depressive episodes or discussed/attempted suicide I’d be less inclined to think it was an accident.
I have asked and been told he had no known history of depression or self-harm, as an adult or teenager. As others have pointed out that doesn’t necessarily indicate he didn’t choose suicide. But were he someone who’d engaged in cutting, had severe depressive episodes or discussed/attempted suicide I’d be less inclined to think it was an accident.
I appreciate your calm approach considering the many scenarios presented here. It’s a thin line to ride. Please remember self-care, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I’ve thought and thought about the accidental option - I think Dad could have been out of the car for whatever reason with little Kyle in the front seat playing around - perhaps play acting he was driving like his dad and tragically moved a control causing the car to drive into the water.
It could be that he finished his fishing. He gets in the car to back up and if the place he parked was steep (I don’t know if it was) he may have gunned the gas to get some momentum to reverse. Maybe he accidentally had it in drive instead of reverse and the car went quickly into the water, leaving little time to get the kids out. I think that if I went into the water with my babies, I would try to save them with my dying breath and maybe that’s why he was out of the car but died anyways. Does anyone know if was an automatic or manual?

There are a lot of unanswered questions for sure, but I’m choosing to believe it was a terrible accident for now. The alternative, while possible, is just something that is too heartbreaking to imagine.
I appreciate your calm approach considering the many scenarios presented here. It’s a thin line to ride. Please remember self-care, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I’ve thought and thought about the accidental option - I think Dad could have been out of the car for whatever reason with little Kyle in the front seat playing around - perhaps play acting he was driving like his dad and tragically moved a control causing the car to drive into the water.

When my son was 2 or 3, we had the trailer hooked up to the back of our suburban with an ATV on the trailer. We were out on the trailer strapping down the ATV. My son somehow got the car in to reverse and luckily the trailer jack-knifed which stopped the car. Kids can do things in a blink of an eye!

So very sad that these 4 precious souls are gone.
I have been reading along and since the beginning I thought this would end up a tragic accident and now seeing the concrete slab and thinking maybe the car was parked facing forward. I wonder if the child were in the car and the father was standing in front of the car fishing and for whatever reason, child hit the gearshift, car malfunction the car rolled, hit the father as it was going in the water. MOO Such a sad, very heartbreaking ending.
I agree. This is similar to what I imagine happened too. So sad.
I look at pictures of all my grandchildren and think how devastated I would be if I lost my daughter/son and all my grandchildren in a blink of an eye, not knowing how the tragedy unfolded and their final moments.
His family must be devastated and trying to get through each day through this horrible time.
I can absolutely see a scenario where he was out of the car, the car rolled into the water and he went in after it to try to save kids... and couldn't. And drowning in the process. Or even if he went in after knowing he couldn't live with himself.
Reminded me of the death of the Glee star, Nyla. Went in water with child and couldn't make it out, but did get child out. You never know with water, and him being fully clothed. Sad not matter what happened. But i don't see this as intentional.
I look at pictures of all my grandchildren and think how devastated I would be if I lost my daughter/son and all my grandchildren in a blink of an eye, not knowing how the tragedy unfolded and their final moments.
His family must be devastated and trying to get through each day through this horrible time.
I keep thinking about this too. They're probably in absolute shock still at this point, but once that adrenaline wears off, I worry about the amount of grief and trauma they will have to process.
“The following is a list of Model Year 2009 vehicles that are equipped with Brake Transmission Shift Interlock (BTSI) technology as reported to NHTSA by the vehicle manufacturers. BTSI is a safety technology that is intended to prevent children from accidentally putting a vehicle into gear. The technology forces the driver to have their foot on the brake, in all key positions, when shifting out of park. Vehicle manufacturers may elect to make BTSI available on other models during the model year. Check with your manufacturer.”[the 2009 SAAB has it as standard]

This^^^ is what still niggles at me. None of those kids could have had a foot on the brake while shifting the gears into drive.

So how did it happen? Dad may have done it accidentally?
I haven’t heard of any camera or ring footage showing Kyle’s car leaving his home? No cameras around the lake, no houses that have a view of that concrete pad? I know some property owners that put up gates/locks/cameras when there are issues with trash, encampments, etc. Don’t know if it would be a liability issue with the property owner?
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I look at pictures of all my grandchildren and think how devastated I would be if I lost my daughter/son and all my grandchildren in a blink of an eye, not knowing how the tragedy unfolded and their final moments.
His family must be devastated and trying to get through each day through this horrible time.
Every-time i see someone say “the babies” in regards to this case i think of my 3 and 4 year old nephew because that’s what we call them.
“The following is a list of Model Year 2009 vehicles that are equipped with Brake Transmission Shift Interlock (BTSI) technology as reported to NHTSA by the vehicle manufacturers. BTSI is a safety technology that is intended to prevent children from accidentally putting a vehicle into gear. The technology forces the driver to have their foot on the brake, in all key positions, when shifting out of park. Vehicle manufacturers may elect to make BTSI available on other models during the model year. Check with your manufacturer.”[the 2009 SAAB has it as standard]

This^^^ is what still niggles at me. None of those kids could have had a foot on the brake while shifting the gears into drive.

So how did it happen? Dad may have done it accidentally?
Several possibilities I can think of:

The BTS could have failed.

The car was 13 years old after all. It could have had some type of mechanical issue.

Could the car have had a manual transmission? Many Saabs of that year did.

The parking brake failed.

Dad could have failed to put the car in park.

Kids playing around. The two year old on the floor near the brake, the five year old playing with the shifter.

Just a freak accident, the car rolled off into the pond while dad was getting in or out.

Hopefully the investigation will reveal more details. Until then it is all speculation.
I doubt that he forgot to put the car in park since he was sitting in it while texting.

I think it's pretty unlikely that one child was pressing the brakes while another moved the shifter, especially since he said they were sleeping.

Mechanical issues of some sort could be possible and I'm wondering if whoever sold him the car could be held responsible if that turns out to be the case. Does anyone know?
When my son was 2 or 3, we had the trailer hooked up to the back of our suburban with an ATV on the trailer. We were out on the trailer strapping down the ATV. My son somehow got the car in to reverse and luckily the trailer jack-knifed which stopped the car. Kids can do things in a blink of an eye!

So very sad that these 4 precious souls are gone.
I did that when I was a kid. My sister and I were pretending to drive my dads car. It was parked in driveway, no keys. It was a stick, and I managed to put it in reverse. Thankfully we were on a cul-de-sac, and I just went down the driveway into the neighbors yard. Thankfully no one was hurt, but it could’ve ended horribly.

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