IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #26

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Thank you for bringing this news to our attention, Alliecog. What a shame that two months were wasted because of arrogance. Let's pray that honest effort will be put forth now to find Lauren.
You're welcome Bessie. As a btown resident I am ashamed of the behavior of the people that have been ripping down posters and defaming LS, I am always looking for some new information. I hope this brings us closer to some answers.

An interesting quote:

Spierer's mother Charlene Spierer said Lauren has a life-threatening heart condition called Long QT Syndrome. Her mother has asked if anyone knows where Lauren is, to please take her to a hospital.

Perhaps they feel that there is some possibility that LS is alive, and in the company of some person who may feel concern about her health. An idealistic but misguided person may have somehow persuaded LS to leave IU for some other location.
That long qt disclaimer has been there since day 1. Of course they're clinging to any hope she is still alive, but that line has been at the end of almost every article since June.
I just hope that this means that the public will hear some information about the status of the investigation.
We didn't hear before and Dietl was on the case from nearly the beginning... I have mixed feelings about him being back in town... if CS/RS believe he can help, then I'm all for that!! But, I sincerely hope he's not quite so antagonistic as he has been in the past. Surely he wants the support of the people in town.... and while some may forgive and forget, I'm not quite sure that he's going to be welcomed with open arms! And this WILL turn some of the RS/CS supporters against them -- no doubt.

Me? I just hope he helps find Lauren!!

My suggestions to fully vet the JR involvement theory (I hope someone has all ready done some of this)

1. an undercover PI placed at the country club where JR's parents belong or at their synagogue, someplace they would be together. Their phone records from June 1 - June 10 would be helpful. Especially the cel phone of the Dad.

2. DR is key to this investigation. JR felt comfortable phoning DR at 4:15...why? Determine where DR was the whole night. If he left JR at the same time as CR and LS did he walk toward Sports with them and just make the right to Smallwood? Is there a way students know to leave Smallwood to escape surveillance. Does surveillance show him exiting and entering Smallwood when he says he did. If there was a guest DR can identify this person, did he. Does HT reference a guest and DR says he has no knowledge, red flag.

3. Scrutinize surveillance where the white truck appeared plus any and all traffic camera footage vetting each vehicle one by one.

If JR was involved...LS was either in the dumpster and they missed her in the landfill search or left by car. Who's car
1. DR car
2. guest car
3. JR's parents car
4. CR parents car
5. MB parent car
6. drug dealer car. List make and model. Any show up on traffic surveillance? Tedious, yes.

4. Phone records - There were posters early on who said that cel phone pings could be evaluate. Get the numbers of DR, JR, CR, MB and the parents of all 4 and find out where these people were June 2 - June 4 and what calls were made in this circle.

My point is I think clues lie in tedious work that no one is doing. Poring over thousands of pages of cell phone records and hundreds of hours of fuzzy traffic footage.
JR refused to discuss details of the conversation he had with LS before she left. Maybe they had an unpleasant argument. LS may have been upset in that case. After the Smallwood altercation, she did not want to go back to her own apartment. And, her phone was lost.

My guess is that her destination would be the home of a sympathetic girlfriend, maybe someone who keeps early hours (like a nurse), and therefore maybe someone who works full-time and takes IU courses occasionally at night.

At this point, walking to the friend's home, she may have been abducted by a stranger.

OR hearing the story about the drug dealers & altercation etc. the friend may have arranged for LS to run away to some safe place.

Did LS have any idealistic, well-intentioned but perhaps misguided girlfriends who might talk her into just splitting?
Maybe someone with very conservative social values; and therefore someone who could very easily rationalize hurting LS's parents, as "saving" LS from both the physical and moral dangers of IU life.
My guess is that her destination would be the home of a sympathetic girlfriend, maybe someone who keeps early hours (like a nurse), and therefore maybe someone who works full-time and takes IU courses occasionally at night.

IMO it would not be hard to find a girl on campus who 'keeps early hours' and IMO that wouldn't mean anyone who works full-time and takes night courses. Many MANY young girls are still up at 4 AM on campus, especially since it was the last week of classes.

At this point, walking to the friend's home, she may have been abducted by a stranger.

OR hearing the story about the drug dealers & altercation etc. the friend may have arranged for LS to run away to some safe place.

Did LS have any idealistic, well-intentioned but perhaps misguided girlfriends who might talk her into just splitting?
Maybe someone with very conservative social values; and therefore someone who could very easily rationalize hurting LS's parents, as "saving" LS from both the physical and moral dangers of IU life.

Honestly (and I do mean this respectfully).....I think this is VERY farfetched. I don't believe that IU has many more physical nor moral dangers than most any other large campus. I also do not believe that someone who is presumably doing Xanex bars and/or other drugs would be convinced just a mere few hours later, to go into hiding. Not only that, but remember that she has a heart condition. If she went into "hiding", she needs her medication. No new Dr. is going to prescribe that based on her "request". This just doesn't make sense to me.
IMO it would not be hard to find a girl on campus who 'keeps early hours' and IMO that wouldn't mean anyone who works full-time and takes night courses. Many MANY young girls are still up at 4 AM on campus, especially since it was the last week of classes.

My post did not say that this friend would necessarily be a young girl, or on-campus. LS was not living on campus. LS may have been friendly with (for example) a woman about 22 or older worked as a nurse or some similar occupation (early hours) & participated in the same charity or related social events. For example, LS had participated in activities like Habitat for Humanity. She may have met other people not directly associated with IU or any other college. She may also have met people who only took part-time classes.

Addition: By "early hours," I meant someone who gets up early.

Honestly (and I do mean this respectfully).....

Somehow that expression always comes off as sarcastic but I am sure that you don't mean it that way.

I think this is VERY farfetched.

My post did not say that it was necessarily highly probable.

I don't believe that IU has many more physical nor moral dangers than most any other large campus.

That's not the point. A growing sector of the public is turning against college. They say it is pointless & obsolete. Some people believe that the college lifestyle (partying) is dangerous both physically & morally. They resent having to borrow $thousands.

I also do not believe that someone who is presumably doing Xanex bars and/or other drugs would be convinced just a mere few hours later, to go into hiding.

We don't know the facts. If LS were afraid of the drug dealers and afraid that her life was being destroyed by drugs, she might be open to that suggestion.

Not only that, but remember that she has a heart condition. If she went into "hiding", she needs her medication. No new Dr. is going to prescribe that based on her "request". This just doesn't make sense to me.

We don't know how bad the heart condition was. Maybe she could go for some months without meds. Or maybe meds can be bought illegally. Or maybe she persuaded a doctor to write a new prescription on some pretext.

People seem to get annoyed at the suggestion that LS is still alive. That seems strange to me. JMO: we should be open to any possibility.

No, I did not mean my comment sarcastically. I genuinely don't mean to disrespect anyone's opinions. I do respect the fact that you are grasping at theories that could point to her being alive. I am not at ALL annoyed by that suggestion. Of course, it's what we all would want. I just find it to be unlikely at this point, very sadly.

Your way of thinking is very different from mine, and that's OK. I believe you were the poster who felt the airport parking lots/ramps should be checked b/c she could be in the trunk of a car. Your ideas/theories are very random - and that's perfectly OK. She could be anywhere and every idea is a consideration, so I'm not at all disrespecting yours. I was merely trying to poke a few holes, which is how theories are eventually dispelled, or proven. Feel free to poke mine too! :)

Honestly, I believe that there are still far too many more obvious theories that have not been dispelled. Until those paths have been completely cleared, I just find that wandering down random roads of thought is a less useful, from an investigative measure. However, you could be entirely right. At this point, she could be somewhere where none of us had even imagined. Whatever happened could have been so completely random that we didn't even fathom the thought. I'm open to mind just doesn't go there yet, and probably won't go there until I feel in my own mind that the boys AND the white truck are completely innocent. I tend to stick with the obvious, then start wandering in my mind. I don't think "obvious" has been ruled out yet, that's all.

No, I did not mean my comment sarcastically. I genuinely don't mean to disrespect anyone's opinions. I do respect the fact that you are grasping at theories that could point to her being alive. I am not at ALL annoyed by that suggestion. Of course, it's what we all would want. I just find it to be unlikely at this point, very sadly.

Your way of thinking is very different from mine, and that's OK. I believe you were the poster who felt the airport parking lots/ramps should be checked b/c she could be in the trunk of a car. Your ideas/theories are very random - and that's perfectly OK.

That's not my idea, about the airport parking lots. But it may be a possibility.

She could be anywhere and every idea is a consideration, so I'm not at all disrespecting yours. I was merely trying to poke a few holes, which is how theories are eventually dispelled, or proven. Feel free to poke mine too! :)

Honestly, I believe that there are still far too many more obvious theories that have not been dispelled. Until those paths have been completely cleared, I just find that wandering down random roads of thought is a less useful, from an investigative measure. However, you could be entirely right. At this point, she could be somewhere where none of us had even imagined. Whatever happened could have been so completely random that we didn't even fathom the thought. I'm open to mind just doesn't go there yet, and probably won't go there until I feel in my own mind that the boys AND the white truck are completely innocent. I tend to stick with the obvious, then start wandering in my mind. I don't think "obvious" has been ruled out yet, that's all.

We don't really have the full info. Did LS's social life include people outside the regular student body? We really don't know. In my opinion, the drug dealers & the fight would have been terrifying, and may have motivated her to flee.

The possibilities that present themselves aren't really "random," but even if they are improbable, and we can rule them out, we would have a clearer idea of what happened that night.
We don't really have the full info. Did LS's social life include people outside the regular student body? We really don't know. In my opinion, the drug dealers & the fight would have been terrifying, and may have motivated her to flee.

The possibilities that present themselves aren't really "random," but even if they are improbable, and we can rule them out, we would have a clearer idea of what happened that night.

Sorry, I confused you with a different poster. I totally agree that we don't have the full info, and I do understand where you're coming from too. The way I see it, is if LE spends time trying to rule out the improbable theories, it takes away from time allotted to the most probable ones. Maybe I focus on the Law of Probability too much LOL. The good news is that they need to have critical thinkers, who can dissect this case and look from all angles, not just one or the other. Hopefully they are.
Sorry, I confused you with a different poster. I totally agree that we don't have the full info, and I do understand where you're coming from too. The way I see it, is if LE spends time trying to rule out the improbable theories, it takes away from time allotted to the most probable ones.

We aren't LE, though. If we "waste" our time discussing an improbable theory, no harm is done.

Maybe I focus on the Law of Probability too much LOL. The good news is that they need to have critical thinkers, who can dissect this case and look from all angles, not just one or the other. Hopefully they are.

I agree.
Bill Warner of FL has a theory that LS as well as Holly Bobo and three other girls could have been abducted by a person familiar with the Louisville, KY area. Louisville seems to be a centralized location to where all 5 victims were last seen. While I never dismiss conspiracy theories, this idea seems extremely plausible.

I just hope and pray that some answers are made clear in all the investigations soon, so the families have closure and something to be thankful for.

Happy Holidays all...
I would just like to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. I hope everyolne is having a blessed day surrounded by the ones they love.
My tthoughts & prayers r with the Spierers as always
Doesn't matter how much blood evidence there would be if nobody is looking for it.

Well i dont know how searches are conducted but when they first started searching i would imagine that they covered every inch of that whole neighborhood. I know i would be keeping my eyes open for any blood on the ground.
Of course-beinng hit by a car doesnt always mean there will be bleeding right away. I was just throwing that out there.
Last week i heard on the news that columbus indiana had put out a predator alert& decided to google maps it since i didnt know where that was. As it turns out-there is a road that winds its way straight from bloomington thru tons of forest into columbus. So many places to get rid of a body i would imagine. Just makes me wonder
I will appolagize now if this has allready been stated before . I have a very hard time reading all the posts about this case because of all the players involved and the using of initals to name them theres just to many , In one thread your just about using the whole alphabet so its just to confusing for me anyway. My question though is about the private Detecteve Dietl ..Is his name Bo Dietl and what has he done to turn the people of IU agains't him . One other thing If this is the guy Im thinking of why does his name sound so familliar was he also working on the hailey cummings case . and is he the guy that got on the airplane to serve Joran vander sloot when that case was going on . If i remember correctlly he served him with something when they landed on US soil live on like heraldo or something...Sorry for all the Questions Mostly Im curious as to what he did to turn people in the IU against him....
I will appolagize now if this has allready been stated before . I have a very hard time reading all the posts about this case because of all the players involved and the using of initals to name them theres just to many , In one thread your just about using the whole alphabet so its just to confusing for me anyway. My question though is about the private Detecteve Dietl ..Is his name Bo Dietl and what has he done to turn the people of IU agains't him . One other thing If this is the guy Im thinking of why does his name sound so familliar was he also working on the hailey cummings case . and is he the guy that got on the airplane to serve Joran vander sloot when that case was going on . If i remember correctlly he served him with something when they landed on US soil live on like heraldo or something...Sorry for all the Questions Mostly Im curious as to what he did to turn people in the IU against him....

I know he used to be on the Don Imus radio/TV show often...and apparently he or his associate made a "Mayberry RFD" type remark about the local LE in Lauren's case, which did not endear him to the people in the least I think that is what happened.
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