IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #27

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Perhaps I'm crazy or perhaps I'm making myself see things. While its nearly impossible to make out legibly, the lettering on the side of the pickup in the first two pictures is consistent with that of the white pickup in LS case.

I don't see any lettering. Can you make a close up?
"Something terrible" meaning murder, rape, manslaughter, overdose, reckless homicide, death due to natural causes, or more than one of the above or something else entirely?

And did you hear this story from the POI directly or via a chain of communication?

And if the POI was in bed and had nothing to do with her disappearance, has he passed on his information to the police or is he covering for another POI?
Disappearance of Louisiana college student Michaela "Mickey" Shunick eerily similar to Lauren Spierer case

Read more:


When I saw this, I immediately thought they should add Holly's picture as well...
The recent cases of perp Gibson and now this one--and their possible relationship to Lauren--feel like a tortuous pendulum. Is anyone else besides me feeling extremely frustrated? It makes me want to stop following the case and stop participating here. If this is how I feel, god knows the Spierer's deserve every drop of sympathy and support available. I guess I'm just wrestling with how interested and involved I've become over the past year and to no avail. It's the nature of missing persons cases I'm sure.

And the never-ending questions, the substantive input by posters here, and the resulting circuitous thinking process... Gawd! The white truck is in then then it's out then it's in again. How stupid would a perp have to be to use the same white truck? Is it the same model? Maybe the guy who lives down the street from me and drives the same model is the perp! Why wouldn't the perp put Lauren in the cab instead of in the truck bed? Why, why, why...? How, how, how...? And so on and so forth. :banghead:

I know ... it's tough to want to help but keep going in circles. The new white truck stuff makes me a little crazy. I never put much energy into it because LE supposedly cleared it, though I know other posters have. But if LE is now interested in a LA case that involves a white truck and a missing girl who looks like LS ... I really don't know what to think or do.

I've been following another case in CA (Sierra Lamarr) in which a suspect was just arrested. SL disappeared in mid March. The key to breaking that case was a red VW Jetta, leading me to desperately want a vehicle to tie to this case. It's strange how LS could vanish w/o someone seeing a vehicle coming or going. I'm beginning to think she was stashed somewhere and moved later. Unless the white truck is actually involved ...

I'm sure we're so frustrated because we've come so invested. On Mother's Day, my daughter showed me her new Hello Kitty shorts and I actually got sad. It's hard to not think of what the Spierers are feeling. :(
The Bloomington Police Department said that, from their perspective, "there is nothing to discuss."

"Any speculation about a 'connection' has been manufactured by the media and not by us," Capt. Joe Qualters of the Bloomington Police Department told in an email.

Qualters said the Bloomington police simply made an "inquiry" about Shunick's case because it seemed the "appropriate thing to do."

If police have ruled out the white truck in Lauren's case, it seems misleading for all of these articles to be mentioning it. From the sound of things, white trucks aren't exactly an oddity in either town.

Though I agree, keylime, having a vehicle to link to the case would offer some hope for answers.
Again I repeat myself but this case really needs a solid reporter working on it and a thorough resetting and restating of the facts to this point. I'm sure there are things the police do not want to answer and that is fine. Just get the question on record and the police's response then do some investigative reporting and try and answer those questions other ways or with off the record confirmations. But besides that, the police are certainly already on record about certain issues and topics, except for whatever reason they weren't clear, or initial reporting was sloppy, so those things need cleared up. Also, those inaccuracies and reports have led to questions upon further review that apparently never got asked/answered.

Was the white truck the only vehicle on the street in that window of time? Otherwise, why did no other vehicles appear to be circling due to the timestamp discrepancy that caused them to initially believe the truck was circling? If there are other vehicles were they cleared without needing the public's help (apparently?)? Are they comfortable it is one truck only that they are seeing?

Was the mystery man report discredited (if it has been) because a camera should've shown what was reported by the bar employee, or was there simply no camera to confirm it? The police 'answered' this originally with one of the most garbled answers known to man that 'answered' nothing. This is something they should be willing to clear up since they are already on the record about it. If the answer is still garbled ask them to answer in a yes or no fashion for clarity. If they won't, report that as well. Get it on record that apparently they want that answer vague.

Are there any other witnesses that can be found that would throw a monkey wrench into the existing timeline?

For LS' alleged route home where were cameras that would've/should've seen her? Were all checked? Were all working? What if she would've decided to go another direction (boyfriend's, friends, downtown, alternate route, whatever) where would she have been in camera range and where would she have been out of the camera's eye? This is another area where the reporter will probably need to knock on several doors and not expect the police to fully cooperate. And truthfully, it should be confirmed what LE would be saying is true with the owners of the cameras (were they really checked in a timely fashion... and all checked?).

Were any area dumpsters emptied before they were checked (and which ones were they)? Were any not sent to the TH landfill?

What was the confrontation about at Smallwood and who was involved? (and depending on the answers to this it could lead to several other questions).

At what point did the boyfriend learn of any of the happenings of that night including LS's whereabouts at any point in the night and of course the altercation?

What led the boyfriend (and any others) to become concerned that she was in peril and not just staying at a friend's place? Revisit that timeframe and try and find out what and when things were learned to raise this from looking for her, to slight concern to calling police and family. (Note: I'd think learning she'd left her phone at the bar would actually be a relief because it would explain her not returning calls/texts...)

When did LE actually make this a priority as a missing person investigation and thus when were certain bases covered more thoroughly and what window of time existed for things like the dumpsters to be emptied before being checked, cars to leave and return, etc..

What was condition of LS in the videos that she appears? Who is with her in videos? Again, another place that LE will likely decline to answer at all but at least ask the questions and also try and find the answers through other sources. Try and get off the record confirmations or denials of info that has been reported in the past to strengthen or weaken those reports.

Who, if anyone, has actually refused to cooperate at all with LE (and/or parents) and what level of cooperation have they received (fully interviewed, prepared statements, LD test, DNA tests, etc.)?

While LE probably won't answer the question it should be asked at least if they've narrowed the list of PsOI or if it's still the same. If someone has been cleared to the point they feel comfortable stating it then it could change the public perception of the case. Let alone cause new info to flow in if knowing the police have cleared someone would then mean someone in the public could have new concerns about someone they are associated with (that they dismissed because they assumed one of the media associated PsOI was likely guilty and the new info would change that).

Try and separate fact from fiction in some of the speculation and misinformation that exists on the forums and in the community. Acknowledge it's existence and then assign the proper weight (or lack of weight) to it.

Homeless man claiming to hear scream... fact or fiction?

Who had cars, what cars were checked, and what is the status of the alleged houseguest?

Phone pinging in Martinsville- Fact or fiction? Is it technically possible the ping (if it exists) was because of weather related issues causing the signal to travel that far? What time was it? This is probably one of those areas that the only info that would be gleaned would be about technical possibilities and probabilities with little chance of getting even an off the record confirmation of the actual existence of the ping. But still, it would be nice to see the questions about it asked and responses noted.

IMHO if they really would like to increase the likelihood of viable tips then they (LE, Parents, PI's) really need to make sure there's an accurate and updated narrative in the public's view. You never know what piece of information from that would cause someone to look at a friend, classmate, co-worker differently if they were to discover something new and accurate about the case. It might trigger a suspicion or a rethought of something that person said or did.
Greetings, fellow sleuths! I've been following this board for months, and the case since the get go (I was living in Bloomington at the time), but have been too lazy to register until now.

Much has been said and speculated, but for me the most telling piece of information in this case (and one which I feel is often underplayed), is HOW SOON LAUREN'S FRIENDS REPORTED HER MISSING. It was the NEXT DAY - around 2 PM or so. From what I know, it is simply UNHEARD OF to report somebody missing that soon. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the police have a policy that they will not even begin investigations until it has been 24 hours). If I was a college student and couldn't track down my girlfriend/friend the day after partying as much as Lauren had been, I would be thinking she was a.) In bed with some guy. b.) Passed out or hungover on a friend/random person's couch c.) Pissed off for the day and decided to take a random car/shopping trip. d.) Any other dozen number of possibilities. The last thing I would do would be to file a police report AND call LS's parents back in NY telling them that she's "missing" - which is exactly what JW and the others did.

The fact that they decided to go to the police this soon really only leaves two possibilities, as I see it:

1.) They themselves were in fact responsible for whatever happened to Lauren, and were reporting her as a cover up. (Less likely, given that Lauren's dad has basically ruled out JW as a POI)

2.) They must have already had pretty good reason to believe that some EXTREMELY shady stuff had gone down the night before with LS and her company, and that LE should be immediately involved. (More likely)

Basically, I believe that those who reported her missing already had a pretty clear idea of whatever it was that happened - otherwise why go to the police so soon? This fact alone makes the possibility of a random abduction virtually Nil, in my opinion.

So what is going on here? While it is true that Mr. and Mrs. Spierer still seem sincerely duped as to what happened to her daughter, they still must know a LOT more than the public knows.

Some points for thought:

What WAS JW's and the others' reason for reporting Lauren's missing so soon? What led them to believe she was in such danger?

I remember reading a long time ago that CR, when asked what happened to Lauren, said "I have my suspicions"..what WERE they?

A few weeks ago Mr. Spierer was quoted as saying "I believe that if she never met CR, she would be alive today". This says a LOT.

I feel like they already know who did it, and are quite sure of it. They just have no proof..

You make an observation that is one of the more interesting things to be noticed in a while. Early on there was some discussion about CR and roommate asking around if people had Seen LS. It was definitely suspicious that he would be up so early after such an intense case of partying and punch-in-the-face Amnesia. After a night like that, most people have trouble getting out of bed, much less out of the house looking for someone.

LS's parents do not seem very duped to me. I just read an article dated last month and LS's dad seemed to have reached the same conclusions that many on this board reached a long time ago, and they have the benefit of PI's, and communicate with LE. He said "CR is a Liar and a Coward". He also said that JR was not telling the whole story. In that article LS's Dad also mentions that JR had showed up to Kilroy's while CR and LS where there for their roughly 1 hr brief interlude there where LS' phone and shoes got left behind. I had not heard that before and found it quite interesting. Why would JR show up there? Yet they all did not leave together.
And then later she supposedly is back at his place?

I never believed JR's line about her leaving at 4:30 and rounding the corner.

Still strongly intuit that what happened to her, happened very shortly after she passed through that alley and the last time she was seen on video, and lost her keys and small purse. LS's Dad doesn't buy the Amnesia story and neither do I. CR was right there with her the last time it can be proven that anyone else was with her. But he won't talk... He knows more.
He may know everything, or enough. JR covered with the 4:15 call and 4:30 story. CR and JR know what was going on and who was involved because of this cross connection.

Personally it's still my feeling that whatever happened to her (and I do think she is dead, but don't entirely rule out other possibilities, just think they are highly unlikely) involved drugs. There seems to be little question that she took drugs and was at the very least drunk. What we don't know was really what did she take that night, voluntarily, involuntarily or a combination. To me there is a strong possiblity that she OD'd or died accidently by a fall, siezure, cardiac arrest due to combination of stuff. Something more sinister could have happened, but if it did, I feel it happened in that 3:00 to 3:30 time span.

I think that by 4:30 am whatever happened had already been cleaned up.
At the very least CR and JR both know a lot more about what happened. So there is a conspiracy going. It's more about WHAT they are covering up and what they are afraid of.

Whether she took drugs voluntarily or involuntarily, whether she got them from CR, JR, her own cabinet or elsewhere, by the time of exiting Kilroy's was way out of it. Exiting her elevator on the way to CR's she's observed having trouble exiting the elevator[according to same article]. By the time she's coming out of the alley her keys and purse just slip right out of her hand without noticing?
That seems to me like she was pretty much unconscious, could easily have passed out right after that. I wonder just where is JR and DR at this point(3AM)? Who is there? Because within minutes someone comes by and picks up her keys/purse and puts it on a short wall. But he notices no people around! Is she in someone's car? In someone's place or is someone carrying her off at light speed? CR's room mate says she was there, helped him put CR to bed and left.. that sounded fishy every time I heard it too. They put CR to bed... when she was likely even more messed up than CR at this point! Not buying it.
Then she wants to go to JR's for more partying? I don't think so. She didn't know what she was doing any more and this seems like a story pointed at painting her into being a wild girl. Why paint that picture?
This story connects to a POI who claims to have been in bed and let's hope what he heard was false from the beginning. I know this is Websleuths, but I hate even thinking about this. I hope those guys Lauren saw that night are innocent of the crime. And, yes, some of the POIs believe something terrible happened and they think they need lawyers.

2 things:

1) If they think she died about 3:30 perhaps they had an idea of how she died? I mean, why would you think someone was dead if you didn't know how they would have died.

2) It's not that they got lawyers, it's that they immediately got lawyers.
This along with many other small details points to them knowing something.
I think LE is probably interested in the circumstances, i.e. time of day, young woman alone, there and then gone, more than the white truck. I mean, come on, white trucks are literally everywhere. JMO
The recent cases of perp Gibson and now this one--and their possible relationship to Lauren--feel like a tortuous pendulum. Is anyone else besides me feeling extremely frustrated? It makes me want to stop following the case and stop participating here. If this is how I feel, god knows the Spierer's deserve every drop of sympathy and support available. I guess I'm just wrestling with how interested and involved I've become over the past year and to no avail. It's the nature of missing persons cases I'm sure.

And the never-ending questions, the substantive input by posters here, and the resulting circuitous thinking process... Gawd! The white truck is in then then it's out then it's in again. How stupid would a perp have to be to use the same white truck? Is it the same model? Maybe the guy who lives down the street from me and drives the same model is the perp! Why wouldn't the perp put Lauren in the cab instead of in the truck bed? Why, why, why...? How, how, how...? And so on and so forth. :banghead:

Please don't! Always find your posts articulate and intelligent - you've been here since the beginning.
2 things:

1) If they think she died about 3:30 perhaps they had an idea of how she died? I mean, why would you think someone was dead if you didn't know how they would have died.

2) It's not that they got lawyers, it's that they immediately got lawyers.
This along with many other small details points to them knowing something.

The parents probably hired lawyers immediately because they want to protect their kids in a situation where they will likely be under suspicion for committing a serious crime, and they have the money to pay for it...I would have been more shocked if they hadn't all got lawyers right away.

On another note - the white trucks really creep me out. I really wonder if there is something to that but I don't have a theory off the top of my head to piece it together.
OldSteve, this has happened to me once before. More than anything, I was venting, but's the only case I follow so I'm more apt to freak out a little I guess. [Insert pic of smilie pulling her hair ] :)
Many of you (shout out to 'OldSteve' too) have been collaborating and posting here regularly for the past year. Thank you for sharing your time and energy, it's very admirable. I have been following developments in the Mickey Shunick disappearance over the past week, which caused me to revisit some questions regarding LS' case. I would really appreciate hearing your thoughts and/or insight to a few questions that I can't seem to resolve:

- CR has appeared to be called out repeatedly. Even if CR hasn't been truthful about his memory loss, JR admits to seeing LS leave his place after her visit to CR's apt. Wouldn't that let CR off the hook and put all the focus on JR?
- Wasn't CR's roommate, MB working on several assignments and seemingly sober that night? If so, wouldn't his statement that he put CR to bed and LS went to JR's be even more credible?
- I can accept that the young men with her lawyer'd up, but why wouldn't JR react the way Mickey's friend BW did (allowing LE to search his laptop, house, cell phone, car …)? In many situations, doesn't a lawyer allow or encourage a client to share information and details assuming they were completely innocent (of illegal activity)?

Thanks again for your thoughts.
I don't think the (new) white truck is of any significance, and is merely a coincidence. Police have been very hesitant to rule out anything or person in this case, but the white truck was the most blunt they have ever been in the total and complete ruling out of anything.
I don't think the (new) white truck is of any significance, and is merely a coincidence. Police have been very hesitant to rule out anything or person in this case, but the white truck was the most blunt they have ever been in the total and complete ruling out of anything.

Was wondering if police had checked for any students who had transferred from IN to Lafayette LA since Lauren Spierer was abducted? Any students with a white truck would be even more helpful. Serial killers move around to find their prey.
New article in Journal news.Gives some new info and a different perspective on what 3A.M. witness saw.

Nice. There seems to be several points mentioned here that are coming out for the first time. 2 phone calls placed at 415, more detail on the journey from Smallwood to 5 North via 10th and College, JR watching her leave specifically from his 2nd floor balcony, a lot more insight in to her state as she was walking and other possible injuries she may have suffered. Gonna need several listens of this to soak it all in.
New article in Journal news.Gives some new info and a different perspective on what 3A.M. witness saw.


I'm only partway through the first video, but I can't help posting:

* It made me so sad to hear the state that Lauren was in when she left Smallwood.

* Re. Corey Rossman: WTF. Who does that??! And he was the person who flung Lauren over his shoulder? I always envisioned exactly this when I thought about the keys in the parking lot.

* my ambivalence about whether the POI's were responsible is quickly fading. I'll watch the rest before I say anything more...
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