I really don't like thinking about the lake legend. But, this story seems to have originated around June 3. One POI tweeted what was interpreted as a disrespectful tweet. He said we needed a flashlight to find Lauren. Perhaps his tweet was actually a tip. Clearwater Pointe is the deepest water in Indiana. Once an old gravel pit, it was used to build Indiana's Interstate highways. It's so deep you will need a light to search 14 fathoms down.and it is connected to the POIs. Versions of the legend have Lauren thrown into a river, a lake, or gravel pit. This place meets the definition of all three. I think this may have been the most convenient place to carry out the lake legend. Could that 4:15 cellphone call really have been placed from Highway 37 at Martinsville on the way here?
Lake Clearwater in Indianapolis is connected to ZO, who has never been officially named as a POI. Clearwater Pointe is a neighborhood/street on a peninsula in Lake Clearwater. Lake Clearwater was originally a gravel pit. It is near the White River, but as far as I know, it is not connected to the river, except perhaps by a spillway or conduit.
What is your source for the depth of Lake Clearwater? Lake Maxinkuckee, at 88 feet, is more than 14 fathoms deep.