IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #3

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Drugs are easily accessible, as well as rampant in all social classes, age group, socioeconomic areas, college campuses, in the workplace, the list truly goes on and on..

I think denial that "drug deals" do not take place in your area, on your street, or at the parties you attend is simply out naivety, not wanting to see, not noticing, etc.. None of which are wrong.. I am just saying that the drugs and the drug use are EVERYWHERE!!!

And to say that in Bloomington drug deals do not take place on the streets.. Is just not true.. Drug deals usually are not what u see on tv and movies. Where the shady character, looking paranoid is slinking up to the half rolled
Down car window.. This is not reality.. Reality is it looks
As if two friends have run into each by simply happenstance and they are briefly saying hi, how ya doing, good to see ya.. But truth be known that was drug deal that just went down..
Wham bam, thank you ma'am. *That quick and that innocent looking.. Drug deals go down on the streets of Bloomington everyday and to say they don't just is not the truth.. They go down there just as they everywhere. Whether or not one is paying attention or aware of that is what is happening is one thing.. But it is happening..

Just as well as it is happening at the locAl bar and restaurant scene as well.. Just as well as it is happening at college parties.. Whether or not one is paying attention or aware that is what is going on is one thing but it is happening..

Just as it is very likely that the last video of Lauren being seen engaged in an "activity" on a street in Bloomington is of a drug transaction.. Whether paid or fronted to them IMO most likely drugs were received right there at that moment..

It happens everyday.. Everywhere and to say it doesn't just isn't the truth..
Drugs have not been proven or even alluded by LE to be any part of this case.

If I had to take a guess right now, I'd be thinking jealousy getting out of control, or a stranger.

Does anyone know if Tim Miller's group is actually searching?

Tony Gatto reported this today.
Holly's friends will have to all return their regular lives soon, and sadly, at some point, so will her parents. Beth Holloway went to Aruba vowing never to leave until she could take her daughter back with her, but obviously she was unable to keep that much as she meant it.

I really hope the professional searchers get going and do their thing, if not doing it already. For Lauren not to be found at all will add to whatever tragedy has taken place one thousand-fold. No one will be charged, most likely, if she is not found, unless something very clear and compelling shows up on tape. Not to know, not to find her, will be unbearable for her friends and family, and they will become a part of that segment of the population who endures this horror forever.
I have direct knowledge that there is a cocaine ring active in Bloomington. At least i know for certain there was back in 2003...can't see why it isn't still active today. But I have dealt with personal consequences from it.

To the point where cops were actively engaging in undercover busts...
Activities of the evening being evidenced by the alley cam could very easily be LS vomiting while CR holds her hair, or him vomiting while she pats his back. They could have been stumbling around which would also be evidence of their activities that evening. I feel there were drugs personally, but obviously that is not being made clear.

Them stumbling, making out, puking, doing drugs...any of those things could also be the reason she lost her keys there. I imagine CR could also be seen, possibly being inappropriate with her, but denying having any recollection of the evening so as not to have to answer for his actions, be it to LE or other students...he does have to face them all again in the Fall after all.

I don't know why any focus would still be on CR or MB. They all say, and JR has admitted to at least 1 person that he was the last to see her before she rounded the corner. It's JR or the car...or both. MOO
Is there a video of today's actual press conference? I want to hear exactly what was said, and how it was said. This makes it sound like someone was literally driving around the block when she disappeared. I'm betting someone was, rather than someone parked, who left and came back. MOO

I don't know where to watch the press conference, but I watched it live at He said that there were either one or two cars. The car(s) were seen on two different streets on the same block. It could be the same car seen on both streets but they are still working on the enhancement before releasing the make/model/color to the public.
I don't believe that the accidental OD and cover-up story is very plausible. Even if bad decisions were made in one moment, there would be no reason for her friends to lie about it at this point.

I hesitate to post this, but I will say from my experience in a university town that drug use (among good students and good kids) is very common, and that if you are looking to "party" at 3 am-ish after the bar closes, that means drugs, and usually cocaine. While I haven't seen the quote that people are referring to, I will say that one would never use the word "party" in that context to describe going back to someone's place to drink or smoke pot. Also, (I don't know if drugs had anything to do with anything, so this may be totally irrelevant, but I'll throw it out there...) in my observations from attending after hours parties at frat houses, etc., drug dealers were never students, and they would not 'deliver' directly to student residences or parties, especially late at night. In the case of drop-offs, the 'buyer' would have to go outside to meet them at their car, often getting in and driving around the block while the deal was completed, or someone would go meet them at a different location for a pick-up. Of course, this is based on third hand observation, not to mention a different university and town. However, if drugs are involved in this story, I do wonder if one possibility is that she went off to meet someone outside the apartment building or nearby. Some early comments on the FB page from Lauren's friends seemed to be blaming whoever Lauren was with last for letting her leave alone (not necessarily implying that they had harmed her) and I wonder now if they could have meant allowing her to go off and meet someone else. That said, it's likely they simply meant allowing her to walk home on her own, which is what I assumed at the time.

I am leaning towards believing that whatever happened was related to buying drugs or a later confrontation with the boyfriend, based on the little bits and pieces of information out there. However I do feel a bit guilty contributing to either of these theories because it seems as though the rumors and conflicting reports have allowed many assumptions to be made which could be entirely wrong, and harmful to the reputations of those involved, if not the investigation. I wish some of the information that is already out there would be clarified so that there would be less speculation...
Of course, we don't know if Lauren really said she wanted to "party". One person, via his lawyer, had attributed that wish to party to her.
Who's that-HT (roomie)?

BL - from the looks of her facebook, it looks like the girl with the brown hair that was interviewed when they were interviewing her friends(friends from home)...lots of comments about Lauren on FB...Birthday wish to Lauren on Jan. 17th

Ephiany..sorry...should have said taken that from BL facebook..which a post said, Happy Birthday to the best friend in the entire world..posted on Jan 17th...the other posts suggest they have a really close friendship...
Just wanted to add that in my 20s I partied until 4 or 5am playing euchre without coke and only booze. It is possible... and I have to say I skipped class the next day in bed with a hangover and no one ever thought it was unusual. I went to one of the top 10 party schools in the US.
I know there is a lot of talk about drugs and I understand why, but I would think if drugs had something to do with it, it would have happened before she left apart. #2 and that she never did walk the last leg that we are hearing about. I doubt the drug thing happened if she was walking alone at 4:15. It seems weird that at that point she would have been "trying" to score drugs.

maybe drugs didn't even have anything to do with her "guess" is no
It's possible that the cause of death might have been alcohol poisoning, but ingestion of cocaine or some other drug previously that night might have caused panic among those with her.

I live near a New York college dorm and have seen students being taken to ERs for alcohol poisoning.
I think at this point, there is a 50% chance that drugs are involved. It's a 50/50.

On MY circle of friends, the more "preppy" girls and guys are usually not involved with drugs. The more "rocker" girls are... Again, this is only what happens in MY circle of friends.

And we it's such a big deal if we suspect one of our friends do cocaine... I mean honestly, it's NOT part of our reality even though I know A LOT of people do drugs.
An example of just how easily accessible and rampant that drugs truly are.. Just two weeks ago we had family in town and on one of the nights they were here we headed downtown to Autozone stadium to catch a Redbirds game then walked two blocks over onto Beale Street to Silky O'Sullivan's.. Best bar on Beale with an awesome indoor/outdoor atmosphere of the dueling pianos. And they sing it all.. And of course the standards like Billy Joel, Elton John.. The oldies but goodies. It's always packed on weekends from college age to people in their 60's and tourists from the world over..
While we were there that night there was another couple at the table next to ours that throughout the night we had kept a dialogue of conversation with them.. They were both in their late thirties.. He was in town on business and wife had wanted to come since business was taking him to Memphis.. Said they both enjoyed when business brought them to Memphis and that they too had come to enjoy Silky's while visiting.. This convo wasn't a deep convo And over the course of two and half hours was mostly just light banter back and forth between us four and the couple from outta town..
At one point when my hubby was gone to get us a round of drinks and I was heading back to the table from speaking to someone I knew the couple stopped me at their table and motioned for me to lean in.. I hadn't a clue what for but it was loud in there and just thought they were wanting to ask me something.. And they did..

The husband asked me if I wanted to do some "toot" with them? I started laughing and said TOOT?? what's toot?
And the wife motions to her nose and says, ya know "toot".. We have got Some reAlly good toot.. Do you wanna do some with us??

I honestly just laughed and waved them off saying Its been years since so much as even being around that type stuff and that I certainly had no business doing any that evening.. I said it laughingly as at the moment I guess I was attempting to not make the couple feel bad or look stupid..

Which upon discussing amongst my hubby and fam that was in town I realize what was most likeliest their entire motive was not necessarily to get me to join in the drug use but moreso to join in "swinging".. Which IMO is another entirely separate issue that is huge here in Memphis and it seems as tho the drug use may go hand in hand with the "swinging" as well..

I'm 33 and haven't been in the college party atmosphere for 10+ years.. Tho it is clearly still a very real thing that goes on around me when I am in places such as Beale St. Where there is a mixture of college aged kids present. The drug use is very much present and it is openly done is stalls of public bathrooms..

Tho I'm plenty past the college age just as I described I am still aware that there are plenty of adults my age and much older that still are indulging in drugs like cocaine.. And just as was in this case they've got all kinda names for it.. These ppl called it "toot"

You can take it FWIW..but it is obvious that the drugs are easily accessible and are widely used and abused..
Just wanted to add that in my 20s I partied until 4 or 5am playing euchre without coke and only booze. It is possible... and I have to say I skipped class the next day in bed with a hangover and no one ever thought it was unusual. I went to one of the top 10 party schools in the US.

Yeah, but I am sure you didnt refer to playing euchre as "partying". "Wanna party?" definitely has to do with drugs, and usually cocaine. I play poker with buddies and we drink 'til 3-4 am while playing. None of us say we are partying. When I used to do coke we often used that term.
I think at this point, there is a 50% chance that drugs are involved. It's a 50/50.

On MY circle of friends, the more "preppy" girls and guys are usually not involved with drugs. The more "rocker" girls are... Again, this is only what happens in MY circle of friends.

And we it's such a big deal if we suspect one of our friends do cocaine... I mean honestly, it's NOT part of our reality even though I know A LOT of people do drugs.

and also, just wondering...someone had mentioned last week that they were wondering if someone was getting paid to focus the media attention on certain individuals...could this be the same thing...a story like cocaine use to distract the attention from certain individuals to put more emphasis on Lauren

I sure hope that there is some truth to that story b/c if I was missing and I would hate it if people were trying to tie me into drug doings if I had nothing to do with me. To me, that would speak volumes about my character and would be very hurtful.
Agreed. I think it's unfair to state that Lauren and her friends do cocaine when we have NO idea if that's the case.

Like I said, rich, blonde, kid over here. I do NOT do drugs.
and also, just wondering...someone had mentioned last week that they were wondering if someone was getting paid to focus the media attention on certain individuals...could this be the same thing...a story like cocaine use to distract the attention from certain individuals to put more emphasis on Lauren

I sure hope that there is some truth to that story b/c if I was missing and I would hate it if people were trying to tie my into drug doings if I had nothing to do with me. To me, that would speak volumes about my character.

The cocaine issue came up when asked today at the briefing, by community radio (which works out of a garage). The rumors about cocaine use among this group is rampant. Weed is a total given. I don't think it's fair to name names, so I'll just leave it at that. The idea that payments are being made to drive the news coverage is much more ridiculous than the notion of cocaine use.
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