IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #32

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the LoHud guy and the PIs never say the attackers came off the elevator, they say the attackers saw Lauren and CR near the elevators, and that the attack was in the alcove of the elevator. That might not be that big of a thing, but it does indicate the attackers were already on the floor. Your misquote sounds like these heroes just got off the elevator, saw CR abusing Lauren, and jumped in to save her. This just didn't happen...

It's not misquoted. I cut and pasted directly from the article.

The two walked to Smallwood. They were in her fifth-floor hallway when they were confronted by four male students who got off the elevator and saw that Spierer appeared unsteady.

The rumor about ZO being kicked came from a poster here who admitted he heard it from some random guy. This was not in the description from the PI's, who described the scene in detail.

And they are talking about the POI at the end of the video.
It's not misquoted. I cut and pasted directly from the article.

The rumor about ZO being kicked came from a poster here who admitted he heard it from some random guy. This was not in the description from the PI's, who described the scene in detail.

And they are talking about the POI at the end of the video.

but on the video they say the attackers saw Lauren and CR get off the elevator. So, were they following Lauren and CR? Obviously, the video contradicts the written article, thus making my point. ALL of the stories and videos about that night are cobbled together by reports from "witnesses" and "POIs", some of them one in the same, by the way. And most, if not all of them were under the influence of drugs and alcohol, but none will admit that besides DR and JR. If LE had any coherent, sober witnesses, this case might have been solved by now.
The PIs also say Lauren was very much alive, but admit she appeared drunk. They have her knocking on a door in an alley that doesn't have
apt. doors. I walked up and down that alley for 3 mos to get to my car.
She was not comatose in the alley according to PIs, but many here have assumed she died in the alley and was placed by a dumpster, when there is absolutely no evidence that this occurred.
So where is this speculation coming from if not random gossip and unsubstantiated rumor? From inebriated and drug addled "witnesses".
It is easy to see that CR was outgunned by Lauren's "friends" and that any of the reports of the altercation was not going to be in his favor.
Let's address HT.
Where was she during the altercation? Where was she after the altercation?
Did HT go over to 10th and College after the altercation? Why didn't Lauren call her for help? Was Lauren mad at her because of the altercation? Did HT tell Lauren that JW knew all about CR, and is that why Lauren left with CR
after the altercation? There was that last phone call to an unidentified man who had been with both HT and Lauren earlier in the evening, down the hall from HT and Lauren's apt, watching the game. DR and Lauren left that party "Unexpectedly"
according to LoHud and went up to JR's. My question is, was HT hooking up with this unidentified man, and was he JR's out-of-town guest? It's weird that HT disappears from the narrative at this apt watching the game. Weird that this guy remains unidentified. HT talks alot about JW, but never, ever says where she was when her roommate was getting into all this fracas. Is it because she started it and this time it went too far? If only, if only, Lauren could tell her side of the story.
not just the POIs but also the witnesses, and, PIs, don't say it, guy from LoHud says it. Like I said before, LoHud has many articles about Lauren. When you read them you pick up things. Even the title, staggered away after night of heavy drinking and drug use. This is what gets me about that statement. If anyone, just any of these friends (besides DR-did he admit it?)
would admit to doing drugs with Lauren, I might believe she did it too.
Sorry to be picky about that but she didn't do this alone. So Lohud is relying on liars and printing the stories as if everything these little liars say is true.
If you can say the 5N are liars, I can say that her roommate might have
been involved somehow in the altercation. And, finally, the LoHud guy and the PIs never say the attackers came off the elevator, they say the attackers saw Lauren and CR near the elevators, and that the attack was in the alcove of the elevator. That might not be that big of a thing, but it does indicate the attackers were already on the floor. Your misquote sounds like these heroes just got off the elevator, saw CR abusing Lauren, and jumped in to save her. This just didn't happen, again, whatever deal ZO made with police freed him of any charges of assault, and, iirc, several others kicked CR while he was on the ground. ZO wasn't helping Lauren. If anything, we should wonder why CR didn't press charges and developed amnesia about the situation.
And a question: is it so hard to believe that CR was taking Lauren home? PIs state that ZO said, "you better take her to her room" and then attacked CR when he told them to eff off. IMO, he was going to "take her to her room" and that's what started the altercation. Then, my thought process leads me to ask myself why these thugs, at least one of them (ZO) was banned from even being there, felt secure enough to
cause an altercation--and that lead me to think he had the "blessing" of HT to keep CR out of hers and Lauren's apt because of her great
love for JW, iirc, she gushed about how much JW adored Lauren and how he was just the best boyfriend ever. Does anyone else think
she emphasized how wonderful a boyfriend he was to underscore that Lauren was a cheating girlfriend? IMO, HT was up to her ears in the altercation. I repeat, IMO, MOO, JMO.

BBM. Where did you hear this? I've heard CR got punched, nothing about being kicked and it was never clear if there was a group of people and one hit CR or if there were a bunch of people and many of them hit him. IMO, if he'd been kicked or hit multiple times his lawyer would have said so. What has been stated was that he received a "blow to the head" ie got punched, and thats why he can't remember anything. It would be a stronger story to say he had been beaten by multiple people, but thats not what was said.

You've mentioned ZO making a deal with police multiple times, can you provide a link? I've read nothing about that and I'm not sure why you think he made a deal. You've said if he hadn't made a deal he would have faced assault charges, but I haven't seen anything from LE or MSM stating that. People get into fights and punches are thrown, not everyone who punches someone is charged with assault. AFAIK CR did not press charges against ZO, so a deal would not be necessary. I've seen fights broken up by Public Safety on my campus, and nobody has been charged with anything as a result. PS usually tells them to "knock it off" and then leaves once everyone has dissipated. They don't haul people to jail for a drunken fight unless someone presses charges or is seriously injured.
ALL of the stories and (talk of) videos about that night are cobbled together

This is an excellent point and one that shouldn't be lost as people circle their wagons and lock in on their theories. We can't get too locked in on any theories because we have little to no direct evidence and what we do have or think we know is mainly bits and pieces of 2nd and 3rd hand info that is cobbled together at best from indirect sources and then mixed in with our own memories which are in some cases distorted over time.

Reporting was off from the beginning as reporters failed to differentiate from CR and JR in the initial story.

And on that subject, Holly said the PI's said they saw video. I do not recall the PI's saying they saw any video. I thought we were left wondering if they'd seen any video or were relying on witnesses? It's extremely doubtful LE would share video and at best the PI's would be left to get info/description from dept leaks. They would either have to find video LE missed or find copies that were still in private hands (and that would assume LE didn't confiscate masters).
This is an excellent point and one that shouldn't be lost as people circle their wagons and lock in on their theories. We can't get too locked in on any theories because we have little to no direct evidence and what we do have or think we know is mainly bits and pieces of 2nd and 3rd hand info that is cobbled together at best from indirect sources and then mixed in with our own memories which are in some cases distorted over time.

Reporting was off from the beginning as reporters failed to differentiate from CR and JR in the initial story.

And on that subject, Holly said the PI's said they saw video. I do not recall the PI's saying they saw any video. I thought we were left wondering if they'd seen any video or were relying on witnesses? It's extremely doubtful LE would share video and at best the PI's would be left to get info/description from dept leaks. They would either have to find video LE missed or find copies that were still in private hands (and that would assume LE didn't confiscate masters).

"She later would drop her keys and student ID card before the two crossed a rocky lot to his apartment. “It was a combination of her staggering, him pulling and carrying her,” investigator Mike Ciravolo said."
Mike Ciravolo works for Bo Dietl

The PI was granted permission to investigate the case in Indiana, which may have gotten him more cooperation from LE than we would expect
"She later would drop her keys and student ID card before the two crossed a rocky lot to his apartment. “It was a combination of her staggering, him pulling and carrying her,” investigator Mike Ciravolo said."
Mike Ciravolo works for Bo Dietl

The PI was granted permission to investigate the case in Indiana, which may have gotten him more cooperation from LE than we would expect

If he was speaking about something he saw on a video that LE (surprisingly I will add) allowed him to view then it would've been the last cooperation he got from LE. IMHO.

It just doesn't work that way.
This is from your link and basically says it all:
Dietl came under fire in September when the private eye and media personality called Bloomington’s police Chief Mike Diekhoff a “Gomer Pyle” in a television interview with “Good Day New York.”

Bloomington police had received harassment complaints about at least one of Dietl’s investigators, Diekhoff told The Herald-Times in September.

Diekhoff said he refused to share case information with the retired New York police detective for a number of reasons and called a police partnership with a private agency unethical and contrary to standard police practice.
This is from your link and basically says it all:

I could have sworn that I read an article where the PIs flat out said that they had viewed the surveillance videos, but I could be wrong.
I think given what little progress the BPD (appears) to have made LE could have cooperated with their PIs more than they would on a standard active case, but I could be wrong.

I wish we knew for sure what information was legit, at this point its getting really difficult to separate what is truth and what is being reported as truth, if that makes sense. I hope the PIs are still making progress but I have to say, everytime I see their private investigator in that arby's commercial it makes me less and less confident that they are....
I could have sworn that I read an article where the PIs flat out said that they had viewed the surveillance videos, but I could be wrong.
I think given what little progress the BPD (appears) to have made LE could have cooperated with their PIs more than they would on a standard active case, but I could be wrong.

I wish we knew for sure what information was legit, at this point its getting really difficult to separate what is truth and what is being reported as truth, if that makes sense. I hope the PIs are still making progress but I have to say, everytime I see their private investigator in that arby's commercial it makes me less and less confident that they are....

I'm having my doubts this case will ever be solved for all the reasons you list.

I think if it was as simple as it some think it would already be solved.

Maybe someday there will be a Dateline long-form type show that reviews the case, tries to separate some of the noise from the narrative, interviews the cast of characters (with or without lawyers) so we can actually hear some answers for ourselves, hear from LE, maybe learn of some leaks that would come from a serious investigative reporter on the story , etc.... maybe even learn some new info, especially what mitigating info exists that might change some of the finger pointing and existing theories. Learn what leads were followed and what ones were dropped or not possible (such as phones, dogs, etc).

Why were certain places searched early on?

Maybe this type of thorough reporting and cleansing of the facts, on television (high visibility), without necessarily a bias, would get someone's attention who knows something they assumed was common knowledge. Or knows something contradictory and didn't realize its importance or that it would be important info. For example maybe a POI, especially maybe one of the fringe PsOI that was involved in the altercation and so hasn't been so well discussed in the media was seen somewhere they shouldn't have been early that morning.

Dateline ran a show a while back that ended up with a woman coming forward who had been an ear witness to an event when she was 10 years old. She had no idea her info could be important until a decade or so later when she learned she was the only one that had heard anything and that info was crucial to the defense. She only learned of it from seeing the Dateline episode reviewing the case and the discrepancies that existed. If not for the Dateline episode she would've believed the info she had was already known or unimportant.
I could have sworn that I read an article where the PIs flat out said that they had viewed the surveillance videos, but I could be wrong.

I remember this too, Holly. I don't have time to look for a link right now, but I also remember them saying (maybe in one of the interviews on video?) that they had collected evidence themselves as well and would be turning it over to BPD.

I also got the impression that they had viewed the video from the way that they describe the way that Corey was carrying Lauren, though it's possible that this could be from a witness account.

If all we knew was a single account of a snippet of video, I would be a lot more skeptical. But the accounts of the video(s) are reinforced by the fact that there are several and unrelated witnesses that basically give the same descriptions of Lauren's condition and Corey's actions.
I've also always questioned the story that MB put CR to bed - just strange in many ways. A) is it not common knowledge that after getting punched in the face, sleeping is dangerous in case of concussion? B ) how common is it for guys to put each other to bed after partying, especially if they brought a guest home? A completely drunk girl who doesn't want to sleep on the couch, no less? C) after the drama and fight, any college kids I know would be up, pissed off, talking about it to anyone who would listen. Especially if they were doing cocaine, and had run out of liquor.

It just sounds like a lame cover story to me.

I agree - it sounded unbelievable even before MB changed the rest of his story.

The first account that MB's lawyer gave sounded like a perfect alibi for a person with no memory. MB was a sober witness who had been studying all night, could vouch for CR and Lauren getting home and since he personally put CR to bed before seeing Lauren off, that left no doubts that something sketchy could have happened between CR and Lauren - they weren't ever alone together.

But everything in the story so far (apart from CR being 'put to bed') has been contradicted by MB's later statements (according to the accounts we have from the PI's and lawsuit docs). If he had been out drinking, wasn't even home when Lauren and Corey got there, and didn't 'watch Lauren walk out the door' but took her over to JR's - it kind of throws the whole thing in question. I'll be really interested to see if CR's memory returns.
I'm having my doubts this case will ever be solved for all the reasons you list.

I think if it was as simple as it some think it would already be solved.

Maybe someday there will be a Dateline long-form type show that reviews the case, tries to separate some of the noise from the narrative, interviews the cast of characters (with or without lawyers) so we can actually hear some answers for ourselves, hear from LE, maybe learn of some leaks that would come from a serious investigative reporter on the story , etc.... maybe even learn some new info, especially what mitigating info exists that might change some of the finger pointing and existing theories. Learn what leads were followed and what ones were dropped or not possible (such as phones, dogs, etc).

Why were certain places searched early on?

Maybe this type of thorough reporting and cleansing of the facts, on television (high visibility), without necessarily a bias, would get someone's attention who knows something they assumed was common knowledge. Or knows something contradictory and didn't realize its importance or that it would be important info. For example maybe a POI, especially maybe one of the fringe PsOI that was involved in the altercation and so hasn't been so well discussed in the media was seen somewhere they shouldn't have been early that morning.

Dateline ran a show a while back that ended up with a woman coming forward who had been an ear witness to an event when she was 10 years old. She had no idea her info could be important until a decade or so later when she learned she was the only one that had heard anything and that info was crucial to the defense. She only learned of it from seeing the Dateline episode reviewing the case and the discrepancies that existed. If not for the Dateline episode she would've believed the info she had was already known or unimportant.

Agreed. I'm a little surprised there hasn't already been a dateline/ disappeared episode.
I could not agree more with your post. It just blows my mind that nobody on the fringe on these groups has come forward (as far as we know). I graduated from college in may, and even though it was a tiny school instead of a huge school like IU gossip always spread like wildfire. I can't imagine that there haven't been rumors that could be helpful (ie "I heard she OD'd and they brought her to xyz" or "so and so saw JW/CR/JR/rando walking home that night looking f'ed up" etc). Even if it is just gossip, if anyone has a specific place that they've heard Lauren might be I hope they somehow communicate that to LE. I'm hoping against hope that eventually it will sink in with everyone there what a huge deal this is, and they'll come forward instead of protecting others/covering for themselves.

IMO if MB comes forward it could be the big break. Even something simple (like CR came home alone that night and said he had been the one to bring Lauren to JR's, etc) could be a big deal.
I can't help but feel like if we could just unravel one thread the entire story might come out.
I remember this too, Holly. I don't have time to look for a link right now, but I also remember them saying (maybe in one of the interviews on video?) that they had collected evidence themselves as well and would be turning it over to BPD.

I also got the impression that they had viewed the video from the way that they describe the way that Corey was carrying Lauren, though it's possible that this could be from a witness account.

If all we knew was a single account of a snippet of video, I would be a lot more skeptical. But the accounts of the video(s) are reinforced by the fact that there are several and unrelated witnesses that basically give the same descriptions of Lauren's condition and Corey's actions.

good to know I'm not imagining things! :eek:
I also remember them saying they would hand independent evidence over to the BPD as well

I agree, I'm inclined to believe that the descriptions of what they have on tape are pretty accurate, all accounts and witnesses have been pretty similar.
I agree - it sounded unbelievable even before MB changed the rest of his story.

The first account that MB's lawyer gave sounded like a perfect alibi for a person with no memory. MB was a sober witness who had been studying all night, could vouch for CR and Lauren getting home and since he personally put CR to bed before seeing Lauren off, that left no doubts that something sketchy could have happened between CR and Lauren - they weren't ever alone together.

But everything in the story so far (apart from CR being 'put to bed') has been contradicted by MB's later statements (according to the accounts we have from the PI's and lawsuit docs). If he had been out drinking, wasn't even home when Lauren and Corey got there, and didn't 'watch Lauren walk out the door' but took her over to JR's - it kind of throws the whole thing in question. I'll be really interested to see if CR's memory returns.

I'd be shocked if CR ever willingly gives details about what happened that night, amnesia was a smart thing to go with from the beginning and I don't see him or his lawyer giving that up. Maybe with the spierer's lawsuit he'll trip up and say something that contradicts his amnesia.

I want MB to be the one who breaks. IMO I don't think he was singularly responsible for Lauren's disappearance, but I think he knows what happened/the true version of CR and JRs stories. I'm so frustrated with this case, it kills me to think about how Lauren's friends and family must be feeling.
My nagging questions:

Why were JW and LS apart that night?
Was it normal for LS to party by herself? (without JW and/or any of her close friends)
Had JW and LS been having major issues?
Had JW ever demonstrated any sort of possessive and/or anger issues before?
How was JW acting during the basketball game? Texting, agitated, totally normal, laughing, etc.?

What was LS' relationship with HT like? How close were they? Could they depend on each other to put aside differences even if they were having issues?
Were LS and HT planning on living with each other again? If not, was it because of a falling out?
Why didn't LS or JR contact HT? Surely JR had her number programmed into his phone...
Why didn't LS contact any of her close girlfriends that night instead of the two men?
Why didn't LS contact JW? Even if JR didn't have it programmed into his phone, this is a number she was more likely to have memorized.

What was MB actually up to and how would he explain the discrepancies in the stories?
Who was at JR's? Have they all been confidently identified and interviewed?
Why has JR been more forthcoming than CR? Or perhaps better said, why has CR been so steadfast in refusing to talk to the Spierers period? If JR could do it, and he saw her after CR, CR should be able to do it more confidently, correct?
Why DID MB put CR to bed? Is this something MB normally did for CR?
Was that really CR's vomit?
Why did MB take her to JR's? Maybe JR knew her better than MB, but how would MB know that? According to the Spierers, JR wasn't even really that close to LS anyway...
Was the ID dropped on the way to 5N or did it make it to JR's?
Why is there so much focus on CR when JR was the last to see her? If 5N is responsible, why would JR intervene? Why would MB agree to cover because he seemingly has the most to lose (even the lawsuit dismissed him because he never supplied her with anything).

How hard did LS hit the ground? It sounds like she fell backward (onto the back of her head) and also fell face first at some point too.
Was LS speaking before getting to MB's and JR's? People pointedly asked about her and we've heard CR's responses. Did she respond too?
Did LS really want to leave Smallwood? Was she capable of making that decision?
Why didn't ZO continue demanding that CR take her home? Did ZO know either who LS was or that she lived at Smallwood?
Did ZO punch CR because of how LS was being treated or merely because CR was mouthing off to him?
What was the prior relationship like between ZO and CR? Do they have their own history?
Did ZO know JW? Did ZO feel close enough to JW to let him know CR was with LS and LS wasn't in great shape? If so, why wouldn't JW have been more concerned about LS BEFORE driving his roomie to class? Same for ZO's friends that were present.
Did anyone from LS' apartment/apartment floor either see or hear about the fight? Would they have realized it was LS (if only hearing about it)? If so, why didn't they try reaching out to her? Her phone was missing at that point, so would they then have tried JW?
Did LS seriously forget her phone? Why did CS make the point about LS not using her phone at all after a certain point? Even drunk, LS simply forgetting it bothers me because college girls love sending out infamous drunk texts, which may also be a reason it is so surprising to CS that LS just stopped using her phone. Did she take any pictures before she stopped using it? After she stopped texting/calling?
My nagging questions:

Why were JW and LS apart that night?
Was it normal for LS to party by herself? (without JW and/or any of her close friends)
Had JW and LS been having major issues?
Had JW ever demonstrated any sort of possessive and/or anger issues before?
How was JW acting during the basketball game? Texting, agitated, totally normal, laughing, etc.?

What was LS' relationship with HT like? How close were they? Could they depend on each other to put aside differences even if they were having issues?
Were LS and HT planning on living with each other again? If not, was it because of a falling out?
Why didn't LS or JR contact HT? Surely JR had her number programmed into his phone...
Why didn't LS contact any of her close girlfriends that night instead of the two men?
Why didn't LS contact JW? Even if JR didn't have it programmed into his phone, this is a number she was more likely to have memorized.

What was MB actually up to and how would he explain the discrepancies in the stories?
Who was at JR's? Have they all been confidently identified and interviewed?
Why has JR been more forthcoming than CR? Or perhaps better said, why has CR been so steadfast in refusing to talk to the Spierers period? If JR could do it, and he saw her after CR, CR should be able to do it more confidently, correct?
Why DID MB put CR to bed? Is this something MB normally did for CR?
Was that really CR's vomit?
Why did MB take her to JR's? Maybe JR knew her better than MB, but how would MB know that? According to the Spierers, JR wasn't even really that close to LS anyway...
Was the ID dropped on the way to 5N or did it make it to JR's?
Why is there so much focus on CR when JR was the last to see her? If 5N is responsible, why would JR intervene? Why would MB agree to cover because he seemingly has the most to lose (even the lawsuit dismissed him because he never supplied her with anything).

How hard did LS hit the ground? It sounds like she fell backward (onto the back of her head) and also fell face first at some point too.
Was LS speaking before getting to MB's and JR's? People pointedly asked about her and we've heard CR's responses. Did she respond too?
Did LS really want to leave Smallwood? Was she capable of making that decision?
Why didn't ZO continue demanding that CR take her home? Did ZO know either who LS was or that she lived at Smallwood?
Did ZO punch CR because of how LS was being treated or merely because CR was mouthing off to him?
What was the prior relationship like between ZO and CR? Do they have their own history?
Did ZO know JW? Did ZO feel close enough to JW to let him know CR was with LS and LS wasn't in great shape? If so, why wouldn't JW have been more concerned about LS BEFORE driving his roomie to class? Same for ZO's friends that were present.
Did anyone from LS' apartment/apartment floor either see or hear about the fight? Would they have realized it was LS (if only hearing about it)? If so, why didn't they try reaching out to her? Her phone was missing at that point, so would they then have tried JW?
Did LS seriously forget her phone? Why did CS make the point about LS not using her phone at all after a certain point? Even drunk, LS simply forgetting it bothers me because college girls love sending out infamous drunk texts, which may also be a reason it is so surprising to CS that LS just stopped using her phone. Did she take any pictures before she stopped using it? After she stopped texting/calling?

This is an amazing post. I agree with every single question, it highlights how much we don't know. Thank you for this! If we could figure out the answer to any of these it could open a new direction to sleuth.
Excellent questions. When you back away and open your mind you realize just how much we don't know that could change the perceptions of the case.
You've all covered a lot of my nagging questions! But here are a half dozen things I wonder about:

1) Did DB in fact send that tweet from The Runcible Spoon and does it mean something other than he likes the corned beef? For some reason, the tweet has always bothered me.

2) What happened to the jacket LS was carrying when leaving SW the first time? IDK why we've never heard of it being accounted for. I'm not sure why it matters, but that also bothers me.

3) Did or did not dogs, cadaver or otherwise, get a hit on the dumpster near 5N or not? I actually had some hope in the landfill search way back when ...

4) What happened at the Indy 500 that might have influenced what happened at SW with CR/ZO and LS' disappearance? I just want to know more about it.

5) Did LS like or dislike ZO and why. Again, I just wonder if there was any type of relationship there.

6) Who supplied the alleged Klonopin and/or coke?

More may come to mind later ...
You've all covered a lot of my nagging questions! But here are a half dozen things I wonder about:

1) Did DB in fact send that tweet from The Runcible Spoon and does it mean something other than he likes the corned beef? For some reason, the tweet has always bothered me.

2) What happened to the jacket LS was carrying when leaving SW the first time? IDK why we've never heard of it being accounted for. I'm not sure why it matters, but that also bothers me.

3) Did or did not dogs, cadaver or otherwise, get a hit on the dumpster near 5N or not? I actually had some hope in the landfill search way back when ...

4) What happened at the Indy 500 that might have influenced what happened at SW with CR/ZO and LS' disappearance? I just want to know more about it.

5) Did LS like or dislike ZO and why. Again, I just wonder if there was any type of relationship there.

6) Who supplied the alleged Klonopin and/or coke?

More may come to mind later ...

1) this has always bothered me as well. IMO its either as simple as he likes the runcible spoon and tweets inane things, or its incredibly important. No middle ground, IMO

3) I remember hearing about the landfill search and being so conflicted. I still thought she might be alive, but on the otherhand I wanted closure for her family. I wish it hadn't taken so long for them to search it.

4) My image of what happened at the 500 is that CR and Lauren became friends, either platonic on her end or she thought she was intriguing and might have been attracted to him, IMO he wanted to hook up with her but I have no idea how she felt about him... I have a fair amount of guy friends who are good guys (which I don't necessarily believe CR is) and I don't think any of them would take a girl out to a bar/ act the way CR (says he did) did unless the girl was either a longterm good friend, or potential hook up. I would love to know more about that weekend though, it seems like the start of everything

6) totally my own bias, but when I was in college (graduated in may) most of the people I knew/knew of who supplied drugs were guys. I knew plenty of girls who dabbled in drugs, but none who sold. I also went to school in new england, so it could be totally different at a larger school in the midwest. FWIW, I think if DR had been a dealer he wouldn't have been as forthcoming with LE and the spierers have said he was. In a school as big as IU IDK how possible it is to determine who the dealer was in individual social circles. I went to a tiny school, so everyone knew who had drugs/sold. I'd imagine at IU it would be a different story, but please let me know if I'm wrong.
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