IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #6

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Hi, I'm newly registered, but I've been following since the first thread.

One thought: Going back to a scenario that the bf, JW, was somehow involved. It makes me wonder why he took a key to her dorm room while the roommate would not be there since he would not really be searching for her. Could he have an ulterior motive for getting into her room such as adding or removing anything (i.e. her medications)?

When I read that JW got the keys from HT without going to Smallwood first, I found that odd and posted it a few days ago. The possibility of evidence tampering as the reason crossed my mind too. What I find interesting is this suggestion of "medication"....
JR could have said that Lauren just poked her head in and said "hi" and left...but he didn't, he made it sound like she was there, made a phone call at 4:15AM and he watched her leave sometime after that...

Why say all that if it did not happen? Makes no sense...

I am wondering about what was said a while ago: that there were other people at JR's that could corroborate that Lauren was there. Could this person be one of them? The bar manager said LE showed her 6 or 7 pics of POI. But it was mentioned that they had 10 POI.
In thinking about her parents, I wonder if they aren't frustrated by LE holding anything at all back, when any little thing might jog someone's memory or help in some way...
I can only imagine how painful this entire ordeal is for Lauren's parents. My heart really aches for them.
When I read that JW got the keys from HT without going to Smallwood first, I found that odd and posted it a few days ago. The possibility of evidence tampering as the reason crossed my mind too. What I find interesting is this suggestion of "medication"....

Respectfully bolded by moi. Funny that HT didn't know of her heart condition and she lives w/ her. She would not notice, therefore, if pills were missing from LS's medicine cabinet. If JW did something, I'd say he'd be there to tamper w/ evidence rather than fetch her medication. Why would he kidnap the girlfriend, who, by virtue of the title, would see him a lot anyway? He'd have to have a secret twisted past to want to kidnap her and keep her secure but alive: like mountains of gambling debts, to even have a shadow of a motive to catch her and keep her. Once released, he'd never be able to be w/ her anyway cause she'd be mad that he tried to abduct her.
hi everyone
I previously posted my opinion on the truck and I wanted to re-post in case someone had feedback or could get ideas.

I believe the truck is a 2006 Chevy Silverado based on the following characteristics:
* wheels
* wheel well trim

I know it's not before 2005 because of the grille shape/headlights
I know it's not a Ford because of the wheel well shape and the wheels are GM wheels (they can't go onto a Ford)

I don't think it's a Dodge because of the wheels.

I also have no idea what color this is- white or silver. I am guessing white

Oh, hi, I mean Mrs.G728. :)

You're talking to the wall here. Motor vehicles are not my bailiwick.
Oh, hi, I mean Mrs.G728. :)

You're talking to the wall here. Motor vehicles are not my bailiwick.

I also couldn't tell one truck from another.
LE got to have so many leads on this because there are so many of these kind of trucks around.
Yes, but we dont know who actually picked them up from the bar.

If anyone besides the PD picked them up, they could have been tampered with. Phone numbers, photos, texts, or voicemails could have been deleted before turning them over to police.

If the PD picked them up: Why would JW leave them there? He knew Lauren was missing, wouldn't he want her phone to see what she was doing or who she was calling before she left the bar?

I know it's a double edged sword, because we can find reasons to speculate if he did or did not pick up the phone.

If someone deleted messages or calls from her phone that could be cross checked with the phone company. Photos sure, that could have been wiped. However, if it were a smart phone, like a droid, it could be probably determined that photos were deleted by forensic analysis.
True, Coltsgal. And I do remember reading HT said that Kilroy's called JW to tell him that the phone was there after he had sent repeated texts. At least LE knows how they got the phone.

I've not seen this before, do you have a link?
1:46 a.m. - Lauren shows up at Kilroy's Sports Bar
2:27 a.m. - Lauren leaves Kilroy's
2:30 a.m. - Lauren arrives at the Smallwood Plaza apartment building
2:42 a.m. - Lauren leaves Smallwood Plaza
2:48 a.m. - Lauren seen on surveillance cameras walking down a north-south alley on 10th Street into an empty lot
2:51 a.m. - Witness says Lauren shows up at a friend's place on 11th Street

It takes LS 3 min without shoes and very drunk (according to some witnesses) to go from Kilroys to Smallwood
It takes LS 6 min without shoes and very drunk, and now possibly CR with a pending concussion to go from Smallwood to the alley
It takes LS and possibly CR 3 min (same conditions apply as above) to move from alley to CR's/JR's building

Just how drunk could LS have been? Just how bad was CR's pending concussion? Just how rough was that walk without shoes?

IMO, not very, not too bad, and not a problem. What happened inside CR/JR's building?

According to MB the happening over at JR's would have been "partying"
JR could have said that Lauren just poked her head in and said "hi" and left...but he didn't, he made it sound like she was there, made a phone call at 4:15AM and he watched her leave sometime after that...

Why say all that if it did not happen? Makes no sense...

I agree. So I think this is not credible info from a new witness, because the timing seems really off. Maybe she saw someone else. Or maybe she is confused about the timing. Also LE on their newly released timeline say LS was last seen at 4:30 am (approximately). So it would appear LE is going by what JR told them.
I read a comment that Laurens dorm/room mate gave a 10 page statement to LE about the night Lauren went missing. Is this fact, and if so, has it been posted online?

Not MSM reports a new witness saw LS "completely out of it" at 3:38 at the corner of 10th and College with a man that she says isn't one of the POIs.

This is curious....

1) Why don't police seem to be taking this very specific report seriously?
2) I'm just realizing that police have never confirmed that it was CR in the alley on the video at 2:48... which has been the common assumption since LS left Smallwood to take CR home and then later MB confirms that LS brought CR home. I find it strange that LE's statements do not confirm that it was CR and that they keep referring to "activity" instead of something more specific.
What came to my mind is that IF he was sure she wasn't there, and he believed she was missing and might be in danger, he might've gone to her apartment looking for clues to where she might've gone or who she might be with. He would've looked for notes with names and phone numbers, calendar notes, anything that would point to her whereabouts. Not because he wanted to spy on her, but because he was worried. That's pretty normal when a loved one disappears.

The only thing wrong with this theory is that he didn't seem to try to just stop by and buzz her or knock on the door first. He Contacted HT for the key straight away.
The only thing wrong with this theory is that he didn't seem to try to just stop by and buzz her or knock on the door first. He Contacted HT for the key straight away.
True, but he hadn't been able to reach her, which apparently was unusual. His friends had likely alerted him to the incidents of the previous night and her state of mind. And the roommate told him she had not come home. If this was uncommon behavior for Lauren, then naturally he'd be alarmed. The problem is, he doesn't seem to have a rock solid alibi, so LE hasn't completely ruled him out. If he did, we'd probably all be cheering his valiant actions.
The only thing wrong with this theory is that he didn't seem to try to just stop by and buzz her or knock on the door first. He Contacted HT for the key straight away.

Is this actually a fact? I'm just wondering because HT said JW contacted her for the key when he found out that her friends/roommates (can't remember which) hadn't heard from LS. But did HT say he hadn't gone by their place before he asked her about LS?
That really doesn't make much sense. The timing would be all wrong. And what did this witness do when this witness supposedly saw all this? Nothing?
She also claims she was shown a photo lineup of "6 or so photo's".I would think the police would have shown here more photo's than that.For one the police would not just show here pictures of POI they would mix in photos of people that had nothing to do with this case.
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